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  1. #1
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Arrested Saturday Afternoon!

    This is a crazy story, but true-
    I was arrested Saturday afternoon, around 5. Saturday I went for a mountain bike ride ( I am an avid mtn. biker), as I was leaving the trail which comes out in a park that is usually full of people on the weekends. People walking their dogs. taking pictures, enjoying the coastline, etc etc. So after a 4 hour ride I am dead tired, as I exit this lady's dog gets loose and begins to chase me. This normally would not be a problem, but I could not give anything more. So this large poodle-dog gets near and I try to unclip and give it a kick. So I rotate my foot inwards, to unhook my shoe from the pedal then BAM- the dog bites on the leg and I hit the ground- bike-still attached!

    The dog has me on the leg. He bites and releases twice then lunges again. During this time, the fat bitch is yelling and watching, making zero effort to come get her dog! So after the lunge I hit the dog in the head- with all the power I could muster! The dog drops-like a dead weight! Now ol' fat bitch (that looks like Lou-lou from He-Haw) starts screaming with blood curdling screams- awwhhhhhhhhhh you killed my dog, you #%$^&@*, so I take off my shoes, because my cleats had loosened in the fry and I couldnt clip off- I get the bike up- I am dazed, shocked, hurt and still amazed at what had happen- get up give the dog a kick in the head for good measure. I want to make sure that bastard will no get up again!

    By now onlookers are coming voer to check on me and see what had happend! This woman begins yelling, throws her purse at me, hits me in the head, which lands me on the ground again! I get up and tell her that she is a stupid **** and needs to control her mutt- she couldnt and I did! By now her husband comes over and tells me that I am wrong for hitting and kcikign the dog- and most of all for calling his dear wife a ****. He says that he should hit me and kick me like I did "lil' Debbie", the recently deceased. I tell him that he "failed to control both of his bitches and to not make threats". I suppose it was at this time, someone called the police. She is crying and cussing, he is talking crap and I am trying to gather my senses. Now anger sets in! As he is talking- and consoling the big-bitch, she is getting angry and kicking dirtt on me, throwing clumps of grass and mud that she pulls up and kicking my bike! At first it was funny but I had enough!

    As ol girl continues I finally had to tell her- bitch be cool and shut up! This seems to drag on for what seemed like 30 minutes but was more like 10- the husband finally tells me that he is going to call ASPCA and have me arrested. I tell his that he is a piece of **** and to get away! At this time, i picked my bike up and was going to put in the bed of my truck and this bastard grabs my bike and throws it down ( this is an 800 dollar Specialized!), and tells me that I am not going anywhere! I aksed if he could stop me- he said "you are forcing me to do this!:, at which time he took a swing at my chest! So, I laid him out! People are laughing, gasping and pullingn in closer- then the man comes- puts me in the car, my bike in the bed of the truck AND has my truck towed! I go to jail- no questions about what happend-just straight to the hoosegow!
    Once there- they get the story. I guess some onlookers called in and explained what happens, and the folks stading by watching were questioned. After that bitch said " he killed my dog and hit my husband"- that was all that it took! So I spend Sat. and early Sun. with a motley bunch of drunks, crack heads and mostly dead-beat dads tht the city picked up. What a great time!
    The Navy sent someone to come and get me- I am wating for the call to expain this!

  2. #2
    hung-solo's Avatar
    hung-solo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animal Cracker
    This is a crazy story, but true-
    I was arrested Saturday afternoon, around 5. Saturday I went for a mountain bike ride ( I am an avid mtn. biker), as I was leaving the trail which comes out in a park that is usually full of people on the weekends. People walking their dogs. taking pictures, enjoying the coastline, etc etc. So after a 4 hour ride I am dead tired, as I exit this lady's dog gets loose and begins to chase me. This normally would not be a problem, but I could not give anything more. So this large poodle-dog gets near and I try to unclip and give it a kick. So I rotate my foot inwards, to unhook my shoe from the pedal then BAM- the dog bites on the leg and I hit the ground- bike-still attached!

    The dog has me on the leg. He bites and releases twice then lunges again. During this time, the fat bitch is yelling and watching, making zero effort to come get her dog! So after the lunge I hit the dog in the head- with all the power I could muster! The dog drops-like a dead weight! Now ol' fat bitch (that looks like Lou-lou from He-Haw) starts screaming with blood curdling screams- awwhhhhhhhhhh you killed my dog, you #%$^&@*, so I take off my shoes, because my cleats had loosened in the fry and I couldnt clip off- I get the bike up- I am dazed, shocked, hurt and still amazed at what had happen- get up give the dog a kick in the head for good measure. I want to make sure that bastard will no get up again!

    By now onlookers are coming voer to check on me and see what had happend! This woman begins yelling, throws her purse at me, hits me in the head, which lands me on the ground again! I get up and tell her that she is a stupid **** and needs to control her mutt- she couldnt and I did! By now her husband comes over and tells me that I am wrong for hitting and kcikign the dog- and most of all for calling his dear wife a ****. He says that he should hit me and kick me like I did "lil' Debbie", the recently deceased. I tell him that he "failed to control both of his bitches and to not make threats". I suppose it was at this time, someone called the police. She is crying and cussing, he is talking crap and I am trying to gather my senses. Now anger sets in! As he is talking- and consoling the big-bitch, she is getting angry and kicking dirtt on me, throwing clumps of grass and mud that she pulls up and kicking my bike! At first it was funny but I had enough!

    As ol girl continues I finally had to tell her- bitch be cool and shut up! This seems to drag on for what seemed like 30 minutes but was more like 10- the husband finally tells me that he is going to call ASPCA and have me arrested. I tell his that he is a piece of **** and to get away! At this time, i picked my bike up and was going to put in the bed of my truck and this bastard grabs my bike and throws it down ( this is an 800 dollar Specialized!), and tells me that I am not going anywhere! I aksed if he could stop me- he said "you are forcing me to do this!:, at which time he took a swing at my chest! So, I laid him out! People are laughing, gasping and pullingn in closer- then the man comes- puts me in the car, my bike in the bed of the truck AND has my truck towed! I go to jail- no questions about what happend-just straight to the hoosegow!
    Once there- they get the story. I guess some onlookers called in and explained what happens, and the folks stading by watching were questioned. After that bitch said " he killed my dog and hit my husband"- that was all that it took! So I spend Sat. and early Sun. with a motley bunch of drunks, crack heads and mostly dead-beat dads tht the city picked up. What a great time!
    The Navy sent someone to come and get me- I am wating for the call to expain this!
    holy shiit.. thats my luck right there. i would raise hell and threaten to sue(sp) these people and the police. for one i see 2 counts of self defense. personally i would have folded the bitche's teeth back too.

  3. #3
    workdude's Avatar
    workdude is offline Senior Member
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    I agree if you were going to spend the weekend in jail...I would have smashed the fat bitch too...

  4. #4
    Prime's Avatar
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    Ha ha, im surprised you diddnt pick up a rock and bash its skull in! How old was the guy you laid out? Did the dog actually peirce your skin?

  5. #5
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    id sue everyone

  6. #6
    Anhydro78's Avatar
    Anhydro78 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Im a spitefull person. You have all the statements and witnesses you need to sue them for everything they have. Im being serious here you have a open and shut case.

  7. #7
    Bigen12's Avatar
    Bigen12 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Call a lawyer,

    Go see a Dr. about your wounds; I bet your back, chest and leg are hurting like hell.

    Get names of witnesses from the police, in order to back up your side of the event.

  8. #8
    Peanut Butter's Avatar
    Peanut Butter is offline Associate Member
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    You don't need to sue, and if you did you wouldn't get jack. You got to kill a dog, and beat up a guy that's married to a fat girl and think's hes tough. What more could you ask? I would call that a great weekend.

  9. #9
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanut Butter
    You don't need to sue, and if you did you wouldn't get jack. You got to kill a dog, and beat up a guy that's married to a fat girl and think's hes tough. What more could you ask? I would call that a great weekend.

    Normally I would agree with you, however, in this case, I would get some payback for spending the night in jail.

    Contact a lawyer, he will tell you if it is worth while or not.

  10. #10
    Sta11ion's Avatar
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    Brother, I have similar luck. The sad thing its not even the dogs fault its the owners. When you don't have responsible people owning animals this is what you get. In my opinion you did 100% the right thing its a shame you didn't give the women a beating too. What a stupid bitch.

  11. #11
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    I have had that happen while i was on a motorcycle, what a pain that was. Couldn't exactly let it fall over on me.

  12. #12
    Jdawg50's Avatar
    Jdawg50 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Wow what a great story bro! Sorry you had to go to jail, but I would have done the same thing. Did the cops even ask for your side of the story? Why the hell would you just go up kick an dog, and punch some random guy?????

  13. #13
    Peanut Butter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jdawg50
    Why the hell would you just go up kick an dog, and punch some random guy?????
    roid rage .

  14. #14
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    Im a spitefull person. You have all the statements and witnesses you need to sue them for everything they have. Im being serious here you have a open and shut case.

    you americans...
    always with the suing

  15. #15
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
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    sorry if i missed this earlier.... but do you know what kind of dog it was?? b/c if it was a little chiwawa (sp) or something, it totally changes the story.... hahaha

    but that really sucks man, I have a great story just like that, my dog fought a pit... but I wont Hijack!!

  16. #16
    GetinBig's Avatar
    GetinBig is offline Anabolic Member
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    That is a kick in the sack. LOL glad you laid that fooker out......

  17. #17
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Your story is hilarious! You killed muffy and the fat chick thriller all in one day.

  18. #18
    JdFlex's Avatar
    JdFlex is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    you americans...
    always with the suing

    How would a Brit handle this?

  19. #19
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    Yeah did the cop not ask you your side of the story either? thats a crazy story bro, I woulda done the same in your situation. Good luck with the aftermath etc.

  20. #20
    OSTIE's Avatar
    OSTIE is offline Senior Member
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    Did the dogs teeth puncture the skin? If not, make puncture marks quick

  21. #21
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    wtf, the cops didnt even tell you what you got arrested for?

  22. #22
    gya321's Avatar
    gya321 is offline Member
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    Thats a crazy one bro. So did the dog die?

  23. #23
    EastCoaster's Avatar
    EastCoaster is offline Banned
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    Yeah... what happened to the dog? I dunno about where you live, but in the United States you wouldnt stand a chance of being tried with anything.

  24. #24
    skiing is offline Associate Member
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    give us a follow up let us know. I wouldnt sue unless you incurred any bills and such ie. medical such. wont be worth it to you what a hassle although sometimes it is called for. to many q's to give solid answers. ski a great winter

  25. #25
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OSTIE
    Did the dogs teeth puncture the skin? If not, make puncture marks quick
    toss on a collar

    O and add mental anguish from being incarcerated with crack heads

    You've got a suit my brutha

  26. #26
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    LMAO @ this thread! I would have done the same in your situation. If an animal bites me = DEATH!

    We need an update here.

  27. #27
    YoungGuns20's Avatar
    YoungGuns20 is offline Junior Member
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    My dad is a lawyer, you could get a vicious lawsuit out of this. All you would have to do is "Explain how you mentally cant ride no more with out the scare of an attacking dog" hey, this fat hog molly didn't have enough nerve to protect you, so give her the shaft. Kill the dog, punch out the old fart, and cuss his wife THEN ON TOP SUE THEM..... BRILLANT

  28. #28
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    kicking the poodle in the head when it's unconcious wasn't cool - but i can understand where you comming from

  29. #29
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    An uncontrolled dog in a city, that attacked you..

    it must be tested for rabies, and put down as a danger to the general public...

    What if it had been a 5 year old on a bike, and the dog attacked, and bit it..

    people go to jail for thier dogs attacking people..

    press charges.. and a civil suit.. but put that dog down..
    The answer to your every question


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  30. #30
    l6873 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    but put that dog down..
    I think he already did.

  31. #31
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
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    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

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