Should muderers live?
Should muderers live?
i think solitary confinement for the rest of their life is better because if you kill them it is the easy way out. they should be in a room with no tv nothing
defooriginaly posted by nickrizz
i think solitary confinement for the rest of their life is better because if you kill them it is the easy way out. they should be in a room with no tv nothing
wuts crime of passion btw? and i still think they should die
We're not god. We are not to say who lives and dies.. What gives us that authority? You said you'd kill someone who hurt your family.. That person that you kill has a family too.. what if they take it out on your family? its a rough circle!
What about a 'I THINK THE SYSTEM ISNT DOING VERY WELL' button on the poll ? The 1 i would go for
I think the question is far too general to be answered accurately.
they have no rite to kill im just settin a score wut lets say my wife was shot u think i should call the cops um hey this guy killed my wife and hell get 10years or smth no f***** way he dies and if i go to prison for that f*** it id try to hide it cuz i know ill get some years "Law and justice are 2 completely different things"
a pm i sent to crystal. exactly needsmorestrength........Originally Posted by AVAGO
i feel a bit bad hijakin a thread like that to discuss, but what you are sayin is kill all murderers? but to do that you would have to kill him (making you a murderer)so for that shouldnt you be killed? mayby he has a mother who would just come and kill you for taking her sons life away ? were does this stop i ask ?? therefore an eye for an eye and the world WILL be blind (or dead in translation...)
A very complex question without a simple answer. Technically.........judgment is for God least concerning something like this. That said it would be very hard for me to forgive someone who raped and murdered my wife/daughter, I would want revenge (wrath) which is a sin. I would need a lot of help getting over it.
I think they should live... but not the current life of luxury they got... Lifers live in better conditions than poor people in the projects or homeless people... thats unacceptable.
In my book it's pretty simple...
You murder, you rape, you commit a violent crime against another person or attempt any of those, you go to an arctic Gulag for hard labour for the rest of your life until death. Period.
No TV, no gym, no phone, no luxury... hard labour 14 hours a day 7 days a week. You work you eat, you don't you die. You want to kill yourself? Go right ahead, but the state won't do it for you.
Thats one thing the Russians did right during the communist era (minus the political prisonners of course...) None of this bullsh!t "prisonners rights" cräp. None of this rehab and reintegration bullsh!t.
Would be a lot more cost efficient than the current prison system for lifers, and a LOT more efficient for folks who deserve the death penalty.
judgement is not for god alone god is not doing nething this world is f***** up and u rely on god to fix it ?Originally Posted by 1victor
What if your wife was shot by accident? What if the person that shot your wife had been slipped some drugs and was tripping out? What if the person that shot your was accidently let out of a mental institute? Your taking into account absolutly nothing except seeking revenge. Your not taking into account law or justice!!Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
Yea man to put a person to death costs millions and millions of dollars! I agree they should have no luxuriesOriginally Posted by Red Ketchup
btw im not married just usin an example second there will be tuff calls they have to be considered analyzed then judged but what im talkin bout is murder cold blooded murder like the one that happened in the other thread
putting a person to death costs millions ??????????????????????how hard is it to twist some1s neckOriginally Posted by needmorestrength
Maybe you need to clarify what type of murder Crystal.
Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
Of course yes, i can just imagine a giant que leading upto a a big strong guy who stands there and breaks peoples necks for a living whilst his apprentice collects the dropping bodies and uses them for soup.
this kinda murder is one of them messy
Depends the type of murder of course.... proven cold-blooded murder usually has the death penalthy. But, i actually like the solitary confinement for the rest of life. (its more of a torture)
Well prison is justice. As far as the death penalty I say yes. I would not be put in that position to make that call. The Bible says servants obey your masters. This includes Judges and the system. If the Judge says it, technically there should be no argument.
Ok, maybe you should of stated that when you started the thread.Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
s*** u made me laugh but yes thats how it should be done or an easy way so people wouldnt says it costs too much when they inject them well they die and some1 picks em and hey at least they can use their bodies for something useful like kidney implants etc...Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
If I am not mistaken none of us here are perfect.....right? Do any of us have perfect jusgement?? What abouf the people that are proven innocent after being in jail for a few years? It is obvious that mistakes can be made. People can be set up. I don;t believe that we as inmperfect humans have the right to make a such an irreversable decision such as oputting another to death. This is just my .02!
You honestly believe what you are saying dont you? Do you actually think something like that would EVER happen?Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
just bcuz that judge is in his position doesnt mean we should obey him blindly wut if he was bribed or is related to the person and dont say that stuff doesnt happen cuz a person i know got away with murder cuz his dad is some big shot i would obey them if i knew for sure that they would not let feelings interfere and r doing theyre jobs 100% rite but its not that wayOriginally Posted by 1victor
See you forgetting that everyone is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!! Putting someone to death requires trials upon trials and appeals upon appeals! And even if the loved one is killed in COLD blood.. you killing them is the exact same so you deserve to be killed to right?Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
I dont know the exact term, but a crime of passion is something like that above thread, a guys girl dumps him and he gets so distraught he kills her, or if two people are in a heated argument and it turns into a fight and someone dies, something like that.Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
when im kidding ill tell ya but im not would it ever happen ? i cant see in the future but maybe it will u dont know wut murder is do u messy its when u really see or experience something then u change ur prespectiveOriginally Posted by MESSY_UK
I can assure you that it will never happen. I dont think theres a single person on this board that would disagree with me.Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
yes there should be some research and see the motives and the circumstances but not like it is now and no i dont deserve to be killed cuz i have a reason and its death and if i ever kill ne1 in cold blood id kill my self or turn myself in i wouldnt think bout it twiceOriginally Posted by needmorestrength
well the majority says they die
Yes, but do you think that the correct way in which they should die is for some just to twist their necks? I'd hate to live in your worldOriginally Posted by CrystalMethodX
and thats how it should be
thats regarding murder people messy u dont have a clue wut it would be like and ur seeing wut u wanna see look at the big f***** picture look wut this would achieveOriginally Posted by MESSY_UK
im sorry how would like they die lethal injection gas chamber u think its more mericiful or something huh?its cuz u dont have contact with them u dont see them then its ok its not its the same death is deathOriginally Posted by MESSY_UK
What would it achieve? Do you believe that society would be more peaceful? Do you believe that people would accept that style of punishment?Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
Its not a matter of mercy. Maybe you just dont understand the question you've asked in the first place.Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
Are you like mercenary or kamakazi? so you'd give your life up to get vengence? and killing someone out of vengence in the same as cold blood, so in some peoples eyes, you to would deserve to dieOriginally Posted by CrystalMethodX
prison does not remove murderers it just removes them from society then releases them again wut did they accomplish???????????? its stupid imagine if they were removed for good yeah i think it would be alot more peaceful and with the quality of life theyre getting i think they would accpe that style of punishmentOriginally Posted by MESSY_UK
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