K, here's the deal.

I was dieting, getting lean, yada yada yada, as I am going to be working in conjunction w/the Vitamin Shoppe here locally in a "talk to the trainer" type of set-up. My pics on the windows, website in their flyers, etc. So, I though it would be neat to be ripped. Then I thought about it, and I'll never be in there w/my shirt off, pro-tanned and all, so who cares? The lady manager said, "you look fine as you are to me, you don't look like you have to lose anything, but it's your body". So, I'm sitting here at 263, feeling good, getting all my leg size back from the patellar ruptures, still can see my abs (although they are not "CUT" by any means but I am far from fat) and life is good.

Then I watch "Be cool" last night, and see those HUGE F*CKERS (Quincy Taylor) and others in those basketball jerseys with those arms hanging out looking SWOLE TO ALL H*LL. My wife was like, "DANG, those guys are huge!!!!!!!!" I then decided, okay, that's it...........enough of this cutting and daily cardio crap, I've never PURPOSELY cleanly bulked before trying to be a monster, so now is my chance. I could promote my biz at the Vitamin Shoppe (starting this in July) while dressing in basketball jerseys as those HUGE GUYS did in that movie, and have my arms hanging out, and make my impression that way. My totally shredded stage/competition/photo-shoot pics will be on the windows and all over the desk/store, so I need not prove anything in that regard.

So, I am at 263 right now, and my goal is to get to a relatively lean/hard 280 lbs. I've been 292 before, but that was on a "SEE FOOD" diet, and I was holding more water than Lake Tahoe.

So, SwoleCat is gonna try to hang w/the big guys! I'll be training with powerlifters too, focusing on squats/legs in general/deads/etc. We'll see, I'll have pics in a month or two, and we'll see if I can measure up to these other freaks. I was truly motivated last night when I saw this movie, so my goals are set, I'm doing my leg re-hab to get my IT bands and gluteus medius back to pre-surgery status, and we hope that the sky is the limit!

Wish me luck!
