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  1. #1
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Thumbs up Operation - 280 lbs!

    K, here's the deal.

    I was dieting, getting lean, yada yada yada, as I am going to be working in conjunction w/the Vitamin Shoppe here locally in a "talk to the trainer" type of set-up. My pics on the windows, website in their flyers, etc. So, I though it would be neat to be ripped. Then I thought about it, and I'll never be in there w/my shirt off, pro-tanned and all, so who cares? The lady manager said, "you look fine as you are to me, you don't look like you have to lose anything, but it's your body". So, I'm sitting here at 263, feeling good, getting all my leg size back from the patellar ruptures, still can see my abs (although they are not "CUT" by any means but I am far from fat) and life is good.

    Then I watch "Be cool" last night, and see those HUGE F*CKERS (Quincy Taylor) and others in those basketball jerseys with those arms hanging out looking SWOLE TO ALL H*LL. My wife was like, "DANG, those guys are huge!!!!!!!!" I then decided, okay, that's it...........enough of this cutting and daily cardio crap, I've never PURPOSELY cleanly bulked before trying to be a monster, so now is my chance. I could promote my biz at the Vitamin Shoppe (starting this in July) while dressing in basketball jerseys as those HUGE GUYS did in that movie, and have my arms hanging out, and make my impression that way. My totally shredded stage/competition/photo-shoot pics will be on the windows and all over the desk/store, so I need not prove anything in that regard.

    So, I am at 263 right now, and my goal is to get to a relatively lean/hard 280 lbs. I've been 292 before, but that was on a "SEE FOOD" diet, and I was holding more water than Lake Tahoe.

    So, SwoleCat is gonna try to hang w/the big guys! I'll be training with powerlifters too, focusing on squats/legs in general/deads/etc. We'll see, I'll have pics in a month or two, and we'll see if I can measure up to these other freaks. I was truly motivated last night when I saw this movie, so my goals are set, I'm doing my leg re-hab to get my IT bands and gluteus medius back to pre-surgery status, and we hope that the sky is the limit!

    Wish me luck!


  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    dam i didnt think u were that heavy. good luck with that. i wanna see that movie now, by the way how tall are u?

  3. #3
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    Anabrolic says goodluck

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    dam i didnt think u were that heavy. good luck with that. i wanna see that movie now, by the way how tall are u?
    I am 6'1".


  5. #5
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    get SWOLE!

  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Thanks bro.

    I started this journey tonight by going to a new "Chili's" that just opened here by the beach.

    You don't even wanna know what I ate.

    That won't be the norm, but you know, it felt good to let go!

    That and there's a waitress there who looked like Christina Milian!

    I was hittin' the underside of my table with my.................well..............u don't wanna know what I ate like I said.


  7. #7
    YVR's Avatar
    YVR is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    Good luck man...

    i'm confident you'll have no issues getting to that goal..

    definitely want to see the pics when your done

  8. #8
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    maybe tonight you will have a wet jk..

    is chilis the place where you can customize your own burger?

  9. #9
    colossus1's Avatar
    colossus1 is offline Member
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    This is gonna be interesting..........

  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    maybe tonight you will have a wet jk..

    is chilis the place where you can customize your own burger?
    After seeing her, I might! She was off the chain fine.

    I didn't see the option to customize the burger, no.


  11. #11
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    You have more knowledge of diet/lifting than any of us. You know what it will take to get there...and you will. I know that for sure.

  12. #12
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    make sure u get some pics, ur gonna be a monster at 280, i feel the same way, being a solid 220, thats definitely accomplishment and all but once u put on a sweatshirt, coat, ect, the vascularity doesnt really do much, getting up in the weight of 270/280+ is just a new level of size....good luck

  13. #13
    WildCh1ld's Avatar
    WildCh1ld is offline Banned
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    Good luck bro....Get SWOLIN!!

  14. #14
    63190's Avatar
    63190 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Swole Cat, did you ever know you're my hero?

    Any way, good luck bro! Take pics in your basket ball jersey once every week. Relaxed pose. This will be fun to watch. If Messy UK or any one else has any morphing skills, that would be killer to put together.

  15. #15
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    We all look up to you bro! Good luck in reaching the 280+lbs
    I would love to see your diet now!!

  16. #16
    furiousburn's Avatar
    furiousburn is offline Junior Member
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    Always taking it to another level - good for you! Here's to becoming massive...

  17. #17
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    I thought you were a huge mutha already. At 280 ppl are going to see you coming down the sidewalk and cross the street..Good luck...

  18. #18
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Good luck bro Just keep at it and you'll be there in no time!

  19. #19
    bad_man's Avatar
    bad_man is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    I also am on "Operation 280", but my numbers are going in the other direction.

    Good luck, dude.

  20. #20
    co2boi's Avatar
    co2boi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Christ man, I had no idea you were at 263. I was thinking more like 225 - 235...when you are ripped anyway. You are already "one of the big boys bro". 17 pounds will definitely make you bigger, but dam bro...think about all the little 140 pound kids that will be coming into Vit World....they're gonna shit their pants

  21. #21
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Thanks to you all. Seriously, seeing all of you "behind" this so to speak, really makes me want to do this more and more!

    Thanks for your support, I need that as well, it's very important.

    Great board and great people.


  22. #22
    co2boi's Avatar
    co2boi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Rock on bro. Can't wait to see the pics of your swoleness...

  23. #23
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I put a pic of me w/Flex in my sig so you can get an idea of where I am now.
    I am that size now (arm wise), but my chest/back/shoulders have grown, and it's all about SQUATS/DEADS for leg size.


  24. #24
    co2boi's Avatar
    co2boi is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not one to kiss ass or anything bro, but I have to admit you are fuking large. If I was that size, I think I would have a hard time not threatning to kick everyones ass that looked at me funny.

    Out of curiosity, what's the smallest / lightest you have ever been and how long has it taken you to get to your current size?

  25. #25
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    The smallest I've been is 157 lbs. when I was 22 years old and I was that way from the age of 17 (anorexia). I then "leveled out" to about 180 still trying to find a way in which to not dislike what I saw, but to remain healthy. Then I got away from basketball and turned to weightlifting and BOOM, the rest is 100lbs. or so of history.

    (I am 33 now, just turned 33 in April)

    Thanks for asking.


  26. #26
    Dave321 is offline AR's Salad Tossing Connoisseur
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    Best of luck to ya Swole... Make sure to turn sideways before walking through any doors!

  27. #27
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Bro... You're f*cking huge!

    Good luck on the 280

  28. #28
    co2boi's Avatar
    co2boi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    The smallest I've been is 157 lbs. when I was 22 years old and I was that way from the age of 17 (anorexia). I then "leveled out" to about 180 still trying to find a way in which to not dislike what I saw, but to remain healthy. Then I got away from basketball and turned to weightlifting and BOOM, the rest is 100lbs. or so of history.

    (I am 33 now, just turned 33 in April)

    Thanks for asking.

    Right on man. That's a huge accomplishment. I'm struggling to hit 190. I'm 2-3 inches shorter than you, but still...

    Anywho bro, best of luck.

  29. #29
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Well, eat big and lift big bro. You'll be a part of the 200 club in no time!


  30. #30
    Duck of Death's Avatar
    Duck of Death is offline Associate Member
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    ........Kick butt, Swole........ you are going to be freaking monster when you get done with this..... I wanna see pictures!!

    Good Luck!! (bet you had some major gas after Chilis.......hee hee)

  31. #31
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Swolecat, i thought you were huge, but you look fuc**** massive, house like, but of muscle
    When your 280 people will be running from you!
    Do you get alot of jealous people round you? I mean, people saying "oh, he's only that big because of steroids " How do you usually deal with this bro?
    Can we have an insight into your up coming "bulk" diet?

  32. #32
    IronFreakX's Avatar
    IronFreakX is offline Banned
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    SC Dude!!! wtf is wrong with ur Arms !!!!

    wow i never knew u were "that" big damn man looking gr8

    Well i just shit my pants too

  33. #33
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I have shit talkers around, yes, but I pay them no mind. One guy is coming back to Gold's after being at another gym for about a year, and he's coming back because he won the 50 and over class at the Contra Costa a few months ago, and he now thinks he's the sh*t. He hates me because his girl (who is 28, he is 50), always asks me to spot her and is always talking about my arms. , oh well, control YOUR lady then.

    My diet will be pretty clean for the most part. However, when driving home from the gym if I feel like hitting Taco Bell for a few bean burritos or Quizno's for a healthy PWO2 sandwich (I hate Subway, ugggghhhhhhhhh), then I'll do that if I want. Cardio will be done on off days for 30-40 mins just to keep the blood humpin' and the heart doing well, that is key, and will keep excess fat at bay. My workouts are basically one big bodypart per day, or two smaller ones per day, focusing on TRASHING the crap out of them. As you get bigger, each muscle needs more time to rest, but also needs to be hit harder w/more attention to make it develop more. I can no longer do chest/sh/triceps in one workout, because by the time I get to triceps, they are already toast. Same w/back/biceps, I can't curl jack shit after doing heavy d-bell rows, pulldowns, v-bar rows, deads.

    Should be fun!


  34. #34
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck swole, you'll get there. Lookin great!

  35. #35
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your my fcking hero Swole!! hahahaha

    Real quick... how big are your arms?

  36. #36
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    20.5 now, they were 21.5 pushing 22 w/a mild pump, but with not being able to work legs for a year (double patellar tendon ruptures) I lost some size. This is how I personally KNOW how crucial heavy leg work is. Not just heavy, I should say "intense", as heavy is a relative term. Squats/deads for big arms.

    I'll get them to 22's, and I'll post 'em up!!!!!!


  37. #37
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'll be watching this thread daily for updates!! I am so into SC hitting 280!!

  38. #38
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    Fat and Happy eh !!! Brotha I say go for it! Its obvious that you can cut down, so if you don't like it at 280 no biggie! I can't wait to see the pics.. Figure by next week or so right

  39. #39
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, I know how to cut, so I don't really care if I lay down extra fat while getting bigger. I'll try to keep it clean as much as I can, but I love food.


  40. #40
    ttuprincess's Avatar
    ttuprincess is offline Anabolic Member
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    to hear swole talk about Taco bell and shit just makes me laugh..

    good luck SC ... your massive as is already but 280 will be monsterous!

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