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  1. #1
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Calling all BOUNCERS!!

    I got an interview to work security at a college town bar/club and was wondering if anyone working in the industry could give me a few pointers going into the interview. Obviously the job is going to involve breaking up fights, kicking out overly intoxicated patrons, blah blah blah, but probably checking IDs at the door as well. I've worked in restaurants where I've had to check IDs and I can spot a fake (i used to make them) so I've got that advantage... I was also always the one to break up my friends from fighting, and even strangers at school as well, I just try to keep the peace, so I thought I would mention that. Any other ideas you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Also, I dont drink so I don't get sucked into the whole atmosphere, as long as I'm at work it will be just that, work. Can anyone give me some kind of idea of what its like bouncing at a club? Like I said, its right around the corner from ASU so 95% of the patrons will be college students, so I'm not expecting knife fights to breakout or anything lol If you want to share some of your unique experiences so I can get an idea of what to expect, that would be awesome.

  3. #3
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Tell them you dont like fighting, you look at the position as being more of a 'host' than a bouncer. Your very polite & patient. You understand there is a little risk to the job, but are very confident at your skills of de-escalation

    just as a tip, learn how to utilized the carotid chokehold

  4. #4
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Thanks GQ, ill look into the carotid chokehold, but i dont know how effectively I can learn a submission technique by reading instructions off the internet, sounds more like something I would need to learn by doing. If you have any tips, feel free to IM me, thanks bro

  5. #5
    Myka's Avatar
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    Is the carotid chokehold similar to the rear naked used in BJJ...?

  6. #6
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Tell them you dont like fighting, you look at the position as being more of a 'host' than a bouncer. Your very polite & patient. You understand there is a little risk to the job, but are very confident at your skills of de-escalation

    just as a tip, learn how to utilized the carotid chokehold
    Hmm, I hear what you're saying about saying he doesn't like fighting - don't wanna look like a thug, but I wouldn't necessarily just volunteer "I don't like fighting", do you see what I mean?

    Like you say though, the key is to get across the fact that you have good people skills and can defuse situations before fighting occurs.

  7. #7
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    Is the carotid chokehold similar to the naked rear reach around used in a BJ...?
    No, I think you've got it a bit confused...

  8. #8
    Myka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    No, I think you've got it a bit confused...
    very cute...

  9. #9
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    very cute...
    What makes you say that?

    It's my dimples isn't it?

  10. #10
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah, the BJJ rear-naked Choke is the same thing, typically though in 'real life' its done while both people are standing, once he's out, you can 'gently' put him down

  11. #11
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    Make sure you have reliable co-workers...nothing like not having any back-up...Plus develope a good relationship with the regulars...if theres any problems the regulars will have your back..Its nice to know you don't have to even ask the regulars for help...they're already there...atleast thats the way they are at the place were I bounce at..

  12. #12
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR PHATT ASS
    Make sure you have reliable co-workers...nothing like not having any back-up...Plus develope a good relationship with the regulars...if theres any problems the regulars will have your back..Its nice to know you don't have to even ask the regulars for help...they're already there...atleast thats the way they are at the place were I bounce at..
    well said,

    as a side note, when you get to know the shadier side of working the door - remember co-workers = witness statements. Police look at a) who's sober b) corraborating storys & c) probablitliy

    something like this "Sir, essentially i asked the gentleman to leave after he was harassing other customers and becoming quite rowdy, one i asked him, he took offense and pushed me, he than proceeded to gesture that he was going to attack me by cocking his arm back... as if to hit me. After that Sir I wrestled with him a bit so he couldnt hurt me or anyone else, and thats when i called you to make sure he wouldn't drive home drunk or cause anyone leaving this establishment harm "

    Bouncer 2 - "yup"
    Bouncer 3 - "yup"
    Bouncer 4 - "yup"

    Drunk Asshole - "wtf? HE ATTACKED ME FOR NO REASON AND STOLE MY WALLE..." (cop) "SHUTUP DRUNKY! your goin to the slammer "

    speaking of wallets, "Asshole Tax", we'll talk about that after you've settled into your new found position as a doorman

  13. #13
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    well said,

    as a side note, when you get to know the shadier side of working the door - remember co-workers = witness statements. Police look at a) who's sober b) corraborating storys & c) probablitliy

    something like this "Sir, essentially i asked the gentleman to leave after he was harassing other customers and becoming quite rowdy, one i asked him, he took offense and pushed me, he than proceeded to gesture that he was going to attack me by cocking his arm back... as if to hit me. After that Sir I wrestled with him a bit so he couldnt hurt me or anyone else, and thats when i called you to make sure he wouldn't drive home drunk or cause anyone leaving this establishment harm "

    Bouncer 2 - "yup"
    Bouncer 3 - "yup"
    Bouncer 4 - "yup"

    Drunk Asshole - "wtf? HE ATTACKED ME FOR NO REASON AND STOLE MY WALLE..." (cop) "SHUTUP DRUNKY! your goin to the slammer "

    speaking of wallets, "Asshole Tax", we'll talk about that after you've settled into your new found position as a doorman
    You call cops "Sir"?

  14. #14
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    well said,

    as a side note, when you get to know the shadier side of working the door - remember co-workers = witness statements. Police look at a) who's sober b) corraborating storys & c) probablitliy

    something like this "Sir, essentially i asked the gentleman to leave after he was harassing other customers and becoming quite rowdy, one i asked him, he took offense and pushed me, he than proceeded to gesture that he was going to attack me by cocking his arm back... as if to hit me. After that Sir I wrestled with him a bit so he couldnt hurt me or anyone else, and thats when i called you to make sure he wouldn't drive home drunk or cause anyone leaving this establishment harm "

    Bouncer 2 - "yup"
    Bouncer 3 - "yup"
    Bouncer 4 - "yup"

    Drunk Asshole - "wtf? HE ATTACKED ME FOR NO REASON AND STOLE MY WALLE..." (cop) "SHUTUP DRUNKY! your goin to the slammer "

    speaking of wallets, "Asshole Tax", we'll talk about that after you've settled into your new found position as a doorman

    LMFAO, man that is priceless, asshole tax.

  15. #15
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You call cops "Sir"?
    Yup, you dont?

  16. #16
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Yup, you dont?
    No, why would I?

    Maybe it's a cultural thing 'cause no-one calls cops "Sir" over here.

  17. #17
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    No, why would I?
    Maybe it's a cultural thing 'cause no-one calls cops "Sir" over here.
    Thats because cops in Britian do there job well (there called 'bobbies' right?). over here, the only time you see a cop is if there arresting or your in trouble, so you gotta be respectful

  18. #18
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Thats because cops in Britian do there job well (there called 'bobbies' right?). over here, the only time you see a cop is if there arresting or your in trouble, so you gotta be respectful
    Well if you'd just stop ste****g peoples wallets you'd probably be in alot less trouble with the coppers...

  19. #19
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Well if you'd just stop ste****g peoples wallets you'd probably be in alot less trouble with the coppers...
    Man this thread is funnier than I expected when I clicked on it.

  20. #20
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    I need a new job, I was thinking about bouncing since I have the whole military experience thing to back me up.

  21. #21
    insanepump621 is offline Member
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    im a bouncer too... and honestly when come off as mad/being asshole or a dick no1 will mess with you cuz they think ur an ass just waiting to **** someone up although i dont act like this everytime i work when i do and i see something about to break out if they see coming over they tend to stop

  22. #22
    decadbal's Avatar
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    phuck da coppas

  23. #23
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    bouncing sucks.

  24. #24
    decadbal's Avatar
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    i was a bouncer at a retirement home.. .you try that on for size, it takes a real man to armbar an old lady then throw her ass out

  25. #25
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    i bounce on a trampoline in my backyard... does that qualify as bouncing??

  26. #26
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
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    I bounce on boyfriend everynight. Youcan check him out in my avy.

  27. #27
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    i was a bouncer at a retirement home.. .you try that on for size, it takes a real man to armbar an old lady then throw her ass out
    why didnt you just choke her out?

  28. #28
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Hellll yeah, went in for the interview today and got the job, I start on Wednesday. It was funny tho, I went to the gym right before the interview so I would look as big and vascular as possible when I went in, and I busted my ass so hard that after doing a set of deadlifts I had to run to the can a heave up my breakfast (eggs, blech!) lol

    Thanks for the advice I got from some of you, especially about being level-headed and patient. Ususally in interviews I try to be witty and spontaneous to let the interviewer know I can think on my feet, but sometimes I end up coming off looking like a loose cannon when it doesn't click. I kept all my answers short, sweet, and matter-of-factly, and threw in a couple zingers just to let him know that I have a personality. He asked me how my temperment was, and whether or not I'm patient, I said, "well I'm engaged to be married so obviously I can put up with a lot of sheit, but seriously if someone's throwing an insult at me, I brush it off, it's stupid to take that stuff personally." He must have really liked that, because it was only 5 minutes into the interview and he was already hinting at wanting to hire me, so I knew I was gold. I start Wednesday, if any crazy sheit happens, you know I'm coming here to tell u bros first! lol peace.
    Last edited by SlightlySt00pid; 02-27-2006 at 06:24 PM.

  29. #29
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, and I'll be working 5 or 6 nights a week for a base pay of $10 an hour plus tip out, which I heard from talking to a few of the guys that work there turns your pay into $15-$16 an hour, depending on how busy it is... not too bad!

  30. #30
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    look beyond what you see

  31. #31
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Tell them you dont like fighting, you look at the position as being more of a 'host' than a bouncer. Your very polite & patient. You understand there is a little risk to the job, but are very confident at your skills of de-escalation

    just as a tip, learn how to utilized the carotid chokehold
    This is classic...tell them exactly what they want to hear...but seriously dude, learn the choke hold...classic.

  32. #32
    BigJames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    well said,

    as a side note, when you get to know the shadier side of working the door - remember co-workers = witness statements. Police look at a) who's sober b) corraborating storys & c) probablitliy

    something like this "Sir, essentially i asked the gentleman to leave after he was harassing other customers and becoming quite rowdy, one i asked him, he took offense and pushed me, he than proceeded to gesture that he was going to attack me by cocking his arm back... as if to hit me. After that Sir I wrestled with him a bit so he couldnt hurt me or anyone else, and thats when i called you to make sure he wouldn't drive home drunk or cause anyone leaving this establishment harm "

    Bouncer 2 - "yup"
    Bouncer 3 - "yup"
    Bouncer 4 - "yup"

    Drunk Asshole - "wtf? HE ATTACKED ME FOR NO REASON AND STOLE MY WALLE..." (cop) "SHUTUP DRUNKY! your goin to the slammer "

    speaking of wallets, "Asshole Tax", we'll talk about that after you've settled into your new found position as a doorman
    LMAO...this is classic too...I worked a bar for a while a year ago and this kind of stuff (minus the wallet theft...never excized that "tax" myself) happened every weekend. We call cops here (Canada) sir as goes farther and establishes professional credibility.

  33. #33
    ChiTownTommy's Avatar
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    Bouncing is the easiest job i have ever had, you sit there checking ids, making fun of people convinceing girls to show there tits and make out, fun stuff. I work at a college bar, the only thing that sucks is all your underage friends that try to get in because there friends with you. And as far as fights people stop when you come up before they start fighting, the worst fights to break up though is a girl fight the bitchs are ruthless

  34. #34
    Smedman101's Avatar
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    Good read!! funny too!!

    Congrats on your new job bro enjoy!

  35. #35
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I start tomorrow at 7pm, wish me luck, ill let u know how it goes!

  36. #36
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    We call cops here (Canada) sir as goes farther and establishes professional credibility.
    When the cops would come and talk to us on the door, apart from a few pricks, they would talk to us on their level, they would've laughed and taken the piss if we had called them "sir".

  37. #37
    lowstace's Avatar
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    how much you getting most cops hate bouncer alot

  38. #38
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlightlySt00pid
    Thanks guys, I start tomorrow at 7pm, wish me luck, ill let u know how it goes!
    I hope you enjoy it dude.

    I was so nervous my first night, not 'cause I was scared of trouble but more scared that I would miss something or not get to a fight quick enough and look like a pussy.

  39. #39
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    how much you getting paid..
    The going rate over here is £12 - £13 an hour, in the town I worked in anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    ps most cops hate bouncer alot
    That's not my experience, a few do but not most, what do you know about it?

  40. #40
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
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    Alright, well I went in tonight for my orientation, they went over all the normal boring sheit like company policy, taxes, sexual harrasment blah blah blah but we also got into the details of the position, and if you thought i was stoked about the job before, you have no idea lol i get paid $10 an hour, plus tip out (10%of wait staff, 5% of bar) split between myself and any other security working. After talking to another bouncer i found out hourly with tip out included averages out to about $15-16 an hour. Not too bad. PLUS no bar backing, no bussing, or any of that other dumb sheit that security sometimes has to pick up slack on... Also, we have a drink comp allowance where if any of my friends come in i can buy them a drink or two, on the house. If i wasnt engaged this would be my dream job, because not only would I be able to buy girls drinks if I think theyre hot, but we're also encouraged to basically hit on girls (tastefully, not sleazily) to get them to come back and bring friends to the place. And that's not even the best part... Wednesday is ladies night, but the last wednesday of every night is ladies ONLY night... so that basically means that the bartenders, wait staff, and bouncers will be the only cock in the building lol My fiancee isnt too thrilled about the idea, but she also knows I dont go for chicks at bars. Since I dont drink they just annoy the sheit outta me when they get sloppy drunk, loud and obnoxious. But hey, I could think of worse jobs to have lol so if youre ever in Arizona, stop on by the place and I'll buy ya a drink!

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