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Thread: Military People

  1. #1
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
    Kuzin Tarell is offline Associate Member
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    Military People

    Any of you guys serve in the military? Army imparticular?

    What I want to know is, if you join up and are a delayed entry. Then decide you don't want to go, go through the process of not going. But YOU DONT SERVE 1 DAY OR ANYTHING! Do you get dishonorable discharge? or is that only for people who actually serve?

  2. #2
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    You can only get dishonorably discharged when you are actually in the military. You can quit any time before you actually leave for Basic and are getting paid.

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
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    I don't think they can... pretty sure they can't. My brother signed up as a pilot for the Air Force, signed his initial contract and did some field training... or something. But then after 2 DUI's while waiting to join the fleet... they tossed him out as no longer eligable...

    He is smart - just drinks too damn much with his girls...

  4. #4
    Abenaki Blood's Avatar
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    I was in the Army....

    They don't want you to think that you can "quit" before you go in, however, you can. They don't want to spend $30,000 to train you if you don't want to be there. Even if you do go in, you can say mentally you don't want to be there (can't emotionally handle it) and get an un·char·ac·ter·is·tic discharge (meaning you were never really in, doen't show up on your records.)

    So yes, if you swear in, you can still change your mind.

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Did you raise your hand and take the oath?? if not.. you can quit...
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  6. #6
    jackedmofo is offline New Member
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    They have to swear you in again before you leave. After the second oath you cant say "i want to go to my mommies"

  7. #7
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    I joined the Marines in May of 98 and went to bootcamp that September. I was out in MCRD in San Diego and only lasted a few months, lol. I got pnemonia, but the corpsman kept giving me tylenol cold medicine. I finally got out in November with a honorable discharge even though I wasn't so honorable. I basically went in not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, but i'm glad I was able to get out and go back to college. The marines just wasn't for me. I might add that the process of getting out kind of sucks and is long, but in the end i'm happy.

    I figured if I was going to do the millitary I might as well do the best and most hardcore.
    Last edited by Smak; 03-02-2006 at 09:54 AM.

  8. #8
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Did you raise your hand and take the oath?? if not.. you can quit...
    your absolutley correct spywizard

  9. #9
    Warrior's Avatar
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    There is the moment of truth too - when you first arrive at Marine Corps boot camp they try and weed out the "less dedicated" there... you can raise your hand and say you weren't completely honest to the recruiter... someone always raises there hand

  10. #10
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
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    well I never swore in the for the second time..they just didn't want to give me the job I wanted and I realized it wasn't worth it. But I did sign the cotnract and swear in and all that shit did the physical all that fun stuff.

    But there trying to tell me now that i'm going to get dishonorable discharge and if I want to be a cop, wich was what I was using the military for , no police would hire me since dishonorable discharge looks bad on my record etc. etc.

  11. #11
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzin Tarell
    well I never swore in the for the second time..they just didn't want to give me the job I wanted and I realized it wasn't worth it. But I did sign the cotnract and swear in and all that shit did the physical all that fun stuff.

    But there trying to tell me now that i'm going to get dishonorable discharge and if I want to be a cop, wich was what I was using the military for , no police would hire me since dishonorable discharge looks bad on my record etc. etc.
    They are trained to lie like that. Don't believe them. You can't be dishonorably discharged if you aren't in the military...

  12. #12
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Gangsta crip cop? LOL! Good to see you Kuz.
    Last edited by BajanBastard; 03-02-2006 at 01:32 PM.

  13. #13
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    They are trained to lie like that. Don't believe them. You can't be dishonorably discharged if you aren't in the military...
    he is in the military though, he has been sworn in.

    Your now an untrained member, the only real option now is to washout, which will look great if you want to become a cop

    Which army did you join? what trade did u try to enter?

  14. #14
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    he is in the military though, he has been sworn in.

    Your now an untrained member, the only real option now is to washout, which will look great if you want to become a cop

    Which army did you join? what trade did u try to enter?
    He hasn't officially enlisted yet, though. That doesn't happen until Basic training when you actually start to get paid. That's what my Drill Sergeants told me.

  15. #15
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    Don't talk to them or anything. Also say If I DONT get MP I am not joining. Find out what MOS MP is. I don't remember. Then say I want a new contract or **** you. Give em my # if you want. They keep ****in with you tell them your retired friend said they are full of shit and can contact me.

  16. #16
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    The Law actually states you must serve 180 days from the date of initial entry. before that it is illeagal for them to give you any kind of a conduct discharge. They can put you on a 6 mo suspension though. thats a flag that after 6 mo you can join again.

  17. #17
    gymnutt is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kuzin Tarell
    What I want to know is, if you join up and are a delayed entry. Then decide you don't want to go, go through the process of not going. But YOU DONT SERVE 1 DAY OR ANYTHING! Do you get dishonorable discharge? or is that only for people who actually serve?

    You will NOT get a dishonorable discharge or any kind of discharge. What you will get is a BAD DEP code. This means you will probably never be re-enlisted in any service as an officer, only as an enlisted, and you would be forced to sign under an open contract with no job specialty guarantee and no bonuses. I doubt it would matter for law enforcement unless you were trying to go into federal law enforcement.

  18. #18
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
    Kuzin Tarell is offline Associate Member
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    good to know guys, thanks.

  19. #19
    WEBB's Avatar
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    hey GQ where abouts in Canada are ya, i am out in New Brunswick, not military just living.

  20. #20
    Chookster's Avatar
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    US Army Airborne Infantry 1993-1997

    I had a buddie that was going to sign up with me we swore in together 1st time at meps. we were on delayed entry 180 days, the recruiter picked me up first to leave to basic and we went to get him. the bastard wouldnt come to the door and had his mom tell us he changed his mind. he didnt get in any trouble by the military but has to live the rest of his life with the reputation of a pussy, and being a quitter. if you have sworn to protect the USA i think you be a man of your word. JMHO.

  21. #21
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
    Kuzin Tarell is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chookster
    US Army Airborne Infantry 1993-1997

    I had a buddie that was going to sign up with me we swore in together 1st time at meps. we were on delayed entry 180 days, the recruiter picked me up first to leave to basic and we went to get him. the bastard wouldnt come to the door and had his mom tell us he changed his mind. he didnt get in any trouble by the military but has to live the rest of his life with the reputation of a pussy, and being a quitter. if you have sworn to protect the USA i think you be a man of your word. JMHO.
    yea well the recruiter promised me alot of shit t hat didn't go through...I think the US Recruiters should be men of there words JMHO.

  22. #22
    Kuzin Tarell's Avatar
    Kuzin Tarell is offline Associate Member
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    by the way, the recruiter told me he would put in the request like a week ago,and that the commanding officer would cal me, now all of a sudden he is telling me that I have to go meet with a General or some shit...weak...just another fib made by my recruiter....
    Last edited by Kuzin Tarell; 03-08-2006 at 06:33 PM.

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