I know I know, use the member pics forum!!!!

I in fact will be using that forum actually for my updates each time I update my own site thread and the "~SC~MARQUEE" on my MYSPACE page as I continue to lean out more and more. I am using the next 2-3 months to prep for the opening of my new site, chrisjanusz.com. (Unrelated to VX.com totally)

Here are two quick snapshots of me from today. I must warn you that I feel bloated in these and that I'm not that tanned, so they aren't the best. You know how a former anorexic feels about posting pics when you ain't totally "RIPPED".

I'll have no-shirt/ab shots/legs/etc., as the weeks go on, when I can take pics in a lighting that is decent as this was very late in the day, sun almost down. I think the gym has the best lighting, so I'll ask my friends to take snaps of me in the posing room or somewhere cool.

Well, that's about it!

Current weight = 267-270.
