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  1. #1
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    worried about my brother, he straight up wrecked some dude last night!!

    He just called me this morning and told me all this shit about last night. He was having a party at his frat house and some ****ing maniac shows up with an assault shotgun looking for some kid. Well the guy had his gun leaned against the cabinets in the kitchen or something, and my brother came downstairs and saw it. The guy had so many accessories on it that it looked like a toy. My brother said to the guy "Nice shotgun, is it real?" Well this fruitcake picks the gun up, cocks it, and puts it to my brothers stomach and says "back the **** up" Anyways, a couple of the guys in his frat come downstairs and got all up in this dudes face about bringing a gun up in their crib. The guy got really defensive saying "dont **** with me, you guys arent the ones I have a problem with, I'm looking for so and so, where is he?" Well, they get the gun away from him and they took it out in the backyard or something. The dude starts getting all confrontational with everybody, and goes outside to find his gun. He's looking all over for the gun, finally finds it and starts walking towards it. My brother then tackles the dude into a Jeep Rubicon in the parking lot, and straight beats his face beyond Recognition. He ends up breaking the guys nose in 3 places, gives him 11 stitches above one eye, and like 4 above the other, and about 5 or 6 welts on his face. The cops show up and confiscate the gun, and then they kept asking my bro about the "other weapon involved" My brother is like"what other weapon? there was no other weapon" and they told him that it was unbelievable that what he did to the kids face was done with human hands. Anyways, they got this guy on about 2 or 3 felonie charges and he's in jail on bond. I'm afraid this clown is going to get out and come after my brother. He told me that he's thinking about going to get his handgun permit and shit. He'sa good kid, he's got a 3.8 GPA, trying to get into dental school, he doesnt need all this. But the kid has always been a straight up scrapper, if anyone was going to kick this guys ass it was him. I mean, I think he did the right thing, I just hope the guy doesnt come to kill him or anything.

  2. #2
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    rofl...thats what you get know its true

  3. #3
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    Damn !!!!!, hope it didnt fuvk up the jeep !!, well i whouldnt worru to much about that guy comming back because it sounds like he will just get his ass beat again, and besides the guy will probaly have to serve some jail time anf get probation so if he fuvks up again he will go the the big house !!

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    We've all seen you lose it and rant on the board. Does your brother have a temper like you? There is a difference between disabling the guy and using excessive force. Sounds like your brother used excessive force.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #5
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    Comments like this towards Carlos won't get you anywhere.

    Come on, you know u have to leave the sexual preferences out of this.

    He did ask a legit question if you really think about it.


  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yeah, that's rough.

    He and a few buddies could have restrained the guy.

    When you "beat someone beyond recognition", that's another thing entirely.


  7. #7
    305GUY's Avatar
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    none of the frat guys videotaped the ass whooping??..... that'd be fun to watch.

  8. #8
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    We've all seen you lose it and rant on the board. Does your brother have a temper like you? There is a difference between disabling the guy and using excessive force. Sounds like your brother used excessive force.
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Maybe the guy was some ****ing faggot and it made my brother more pissed off, what do you think about that one there Carlos
    I don't think anything. Your attack does nothing besides prove my point. You have issues. Seek counseling. It will do you some good.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  9. #9
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    uh oh..

  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Well, I tried to edit the post before Carlos could see it, but I was too late.

    Well, there it is ladies/gents, labeling again.

    I'm sick of that shit, I'm outta here.


  11. #11
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    Yea man thats a shitty decision on your brothers part hopefully the guy wont do anything

  12. #12
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Well, I tried to edit the post before Carlos could see it, but I was too late.

    Well, there it is ladies/gents, labeling again.

    I'm sick of that shit, I'm outta here.

    Don't worry about it. It doesn't even phase me.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  13. #13
    Teabagger's Avatar
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    I have always said what is right, and what is legal are two different things. Your bro did the right thing by stomping this punk,...but he could have some legal issues to deal with. Better see and attorney, and he SHOULD NOT talk to any cop here on out without his attorney present. I will be surprised if your bro is not charged with something, it is not right....but we have "laws".

  14. #14
    Hunter's Avatar
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    It sounds like he used excessive force, they would have been better off talking to him then wrestling a loaded gun away from him(if thats what happened) then for your brother to beat him beyond recognition is pretty bad. The broken nose is not to big of deal I have broke my nose a few times. However if he caused his face to be beat beyong recongition I would recommend you contact or your parents contact a lawyer and talk to the people at the frat house and get them to sign letters of what happened

  15. #15
    helium3's Avatar
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    i hate people with guns,but thats me.

    your bro must have followed him to the hospital to know the injuries he caused in such detail!

    as for the comments about carlos,out of order!

  16. #16
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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  17. #17
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    Nah, he found out this morning about the guys injuries. And you never know, if some dude held a loaded shotgun to your gut, then went to get the gun again in anger, you may have wrecked him too. When there is a deadly weapon involved, its him or me, I cant blame him for what he did. The police are siding with my brother at this point, they even told him that they'd testify against the other guy on his behalf. And as far as labeling anybody by my post, he labeled me first. Despite some of my rants and posts, usually written out of boredom, Carlos doesnt know me. If he wanted to respond to my post and voice his thoughts on the topic then fine, but he labeled me first. I apoligize for the return attack that I made in a poorly chosen manner, but dont come on here knocking my shit for no reason.

  18. #18
    NYGIANTS21's Avatar
    NYGIANTS21 is offline Senior Member
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    I would side with your bro, guns are nothing to play with, I was stabbed 9 times in a fight. That was the last fight I was ever in.LOL

  19. #19
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    if someone stuck a shotgun to my stomach and i got the advantage, i would have done the same to the guy...people love to hold grudges though, i'd suggest getting a restraining order

  20. #20
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, that's rough.

    He and a few buddies could have restrained the guy.

    When you "beat someone beyond recognition", that's another thing entirely.

    True but having a gun pointed at you is pretty un-nerving. It might tend to push someone into things they normally wouldn't do.

  21. #21
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    when you act like a gangster you get treated like one,

    I side & agree with your brother - though honestly if his opponent was beaten as bad as he did, than your bro eithier used a wpn of some sort or him & his buddies circle-beat him. I dont care mind you, If someone wants to commit to violence on the street, they should be prepared to die

    tell him not to worry about the cops, makes sure he sticks to his story & has witness to back it up and he'll be fine dude.

    Anyways, on to the other issue. Stayinstacked, you should be suspended for your arrogant comments to Carlos

  22. #22
    -DedicateD-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    True but having a gun pointed at you is pretty un-nerving. It might tend to push someone into things they normally wouldn't do.
    i agree with that. IMO its a situation that a person can not fully understand until he/she has experianced. i know i wouldnt be thinking "rationally" about what is legal and what isnt, i'd be focused on staying alive

  23. #23
    novastepp's Avatar
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    if he would have beat him beyond recognition when he put the gun to his stomach that would have been a surge of hormone and life threatening defenses kicking in. put after the altercation and somewhere else didn't warrant such a beatdown.

  24. #24
    novastepp's Avatar
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    and i would just like to say that it's the stupid sexual orientation comments, and constant flames on here that make a lot of people think this borad has gone to shit IMO. yeah i've dished some out, but too much is just that...

  25. #25
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    and i would just like to say that it's the stupid sexual orientation comments, and constant flames on here that make a lot of people think this borad has gone to shit IMO. yeah i've dished some out, but too much is just that...


  26. #26
    stee is offline Member
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    That is a sticky wicket.
    In this country your Bro would be looking at time inside, but there wouldnt have had much chances of coming at him with a shot gun.
    Never the less the guy had what was coming to him. Wish your Bro all the best from me man.

  27. #27
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    In all fairness,

    It's what you can prove

    what actually happened really doesnt matter, and from what I understand, it's a person w/ a prior criminal record threatning a student with a weapon (which i'm sure he's carrying illegally)

    w/o video camera's or other eyewitness, all the evidence that will be submitted will make stayinstacked brother look innocent (i.e. other witness testimonies which confirm SIS's brother story)

  28. #28
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    We've all seen you lose it and rant on the board. Does your brother have a temper like you? There is a difference between disabling the guy and using excessive force. Sounds like your brother used excessive force.
    I disagree Carlos. If a dude has a gun or is trying to get to one, then there is no excessive force. Example: Dude comes into my nouse with a gun and I shoot him. It doesn't matter if he intended to use the gun or not, he's in my house with a gun uninvited. The guy who got his ass kicked was threatening excessive force. I woulda shot him personally. EVERY state in the Union has the "Caastle Exception" which means that you have no affirmative legal duty to retreat from an attack in your home. Guy's lucky he didn;t get his ass killed. Bro who kicked his ass has a list of good legal defenses : heat of the moment: fear of imminent bodily harm, the list goes on and on.

  29. #29
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Dont blame how your brother acted..Hell, I'd prolly do the same thing if I had a gun stuck to my face..

  30. #30
    MartyMcFly's Avatar
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    Nevermind I should have read the whole thing before I posted.

  31. #31
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    In all fairness,

    It's what you can prove

    what actually happened really doesnt matter, and from what I understand, it's a person w/ a prior criminal record threatning a student with a weapon (which i'm sure he's carrying illegally)

    w/o video camera's or other eyewitness, all the evidence that will be submitted will make stayinstacked brother look innocent (i.e. other witness testimonies which confirm SIS's brother story)
    Yup, that sounds right.

  32. #32
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    i wouldnt blame ur bro.. i think he did the right thing.. that fuk came into his house with a fukn gun.. r u shitting me? he deserves what he got.. what if he ended up shooting and killing someone?? then i think ppl on this thread will change their thoughts of it being wrong about beating his ass.. that kid should be behind bars bc those type of people ruin the world where we all try to live in peace.. mother ****er..

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    i wouldnt blame ur bro.. i think he did the right thing.. that fuk came into his house with a fukn gun.. r u shitting me? he deserves what he got.. what if he ended up shooting and killing someone?? then i think ppl on this thread will change their thoughts of it being wrong about beating his ass.. that kid should be behind bars bc those type of people ruin the world where we all try to live in peace.. mother ****er..

    Gotta love our ****ing legal system. They only gave the dipshit a bail of $2500, and he's out as of today. He comes around my bro again I'm heading up there packing heat

  34. #34
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    if some prick put a gun to my stomach, and i managed to disable the weapon, id beat him to death and not lose any sleep over it. if someone tries to take my life, i dont care if i take theres

  35. #35
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
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    they should have called the cops as soon as they had the shotgun..and just unload the gun and hid it till the cops got there or if some one showed up at my house with a gun I would shoot them in the head with my own gun..but man that dude if he was that crazy to bring a gun to a frat house will prob get at your bro after all is said and done...he should have hit him that many times

  36. #36
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    yea, if my brother ever got shot up I dont know what I'd do

  37. #37
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
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    who was the dude he was after..and what was the beef about?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEER WHORE
    who was the dude he was after..and what was the beef about?

    he was after some kid who threw him out of his apartment, thats what it was about!!! This ****er was after him with a gun, because he was thrown out of an apartment. And the gun was in fact loaded come to find out. This guy is nothing but trouble, he was thrown out of his previous college, he's assaulted a police officer, etc etc. Here is the kicker, in the states of bum**** Carolinas, holding a loaded gun to somebody is only a misdemeanor. ****ing bullshit, it's assault with a deadly weapon, or at the very least menacing!!!!!! The kids dipshit mother bailed him out this morning, his bond was a whopping $2500. The stupid bitch needs to realize that her kid needs psychiatric help. So the kid is off campus and back home now, but he only lives 2 hours away from the college. My dad is being pretty cool about the whole thing, he is bringing my brother a 12 gauge w/ some buckshot just in case this piece of shit wanders back there.

  39. #39
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    Well, I got some feedback about the incident today. What a ****ing liberal, unorthodox, bullshit legal system our country holds up so dearly!!! The campus is talking like they're going to toss my brother out of school because of this now. The other kid has an attorney and I believe that he is trying to press charges himself. Basically, their case is that the damage my brother did to the kid was excessive,and the kid claims he had dropped the gun and ran, not that he was running for the gun. It's all pretty plain and simple to me. Some punk who was expelled from his former school, has past charges for fighting with police, and now shows up on campus with a loaded gun looking for somebody, gets his ass kicked. The ****er held a gun to my brothers gut and cocked it 5 minutes prior to the beating, I believe he got what he deserved. Oh yeah, and the campus is trying to make him out to be some kind of violent monster, they said to my mom over the phone earlier " Are you aware of how many times this guys nose was broken?" **** that, somebody held a loaded gun to me that'd be the least of their problems!!!

  40. #40
    Myka's Avatar
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    the thing that interests me most is that he hasnt been kicked out due to mandatory rules...I would think on a college campus you would atleast get suspended immediately...atleast thats how it was in highschool......I need to start slapping people if this is acceptable on college campuses

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