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Thread: MAVS vs heat

  1. #81
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    I just feel like calls go back and forth.. I will watch it more closely but even if there wasnt I feel like the heat should of won.. if they would of hit their free throws we would of dominated again..

  2. #82
    chest6's Avatar
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    yeah there was not a foul, period. And you say free throws. The Heat attempted 49 free throws. That kinna raises an eyebrow...

  3. #83
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    shaq gets away w elbowing ppl in the face every game....wade pushes griffin in the face..the list goes on. K im done

  4. #84
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    basketball is for tennis players.

  5. #85
    DamnYouMSN's Avatar
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    3-2 lead...feels so damn good. oh come on Chest you're going to bring up that bullshit??? uncalled fouls goes both ways you know that. lets not even talk about Diop or dampier fouls underneath the basket against O'neal that goes uncalled. We can sit here for days talking about bad calls. thats not what cost your Mavs the game. the mavs CAN NOT control Wade. plain and simple. also the only reason why the heat had 49 free throws is because of the hack-a-shaq. he alone went about 12times. stop bitching like Mark Cuban

  6. #86
    shortie's Avatar
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    Back in da box!
    Simply amazing how lucky the Heat get, someday there may be so muc luck on there part, some folks may just have to break down and call it talent.....

  7. #87
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Simply amazing how lucky the Heat get, someday there may be so muc luck on there part, some folks may just have to break down and call it talent.....
    welll said

  8. #88
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    3-2 lead...feels so damn good. oh come on Chest you're going to bring up that bullshit??? uncalled fouls goes both ways you know that. lets not even talk about Diop or dampier fouls underneath the basket against O'neal that goes uncalled. We can sit here for days talking about bad calls. thats not what cost your Mavs the game. the mavs CAN NOT control Wade. plain and simple. also the only reason why the heat had 49 free throws is because of the hack-a-shaq. he alone went about 12times. stop bitching like Mark Cuban
    please, it was the game deciding call and there was obviously no foul so give me a break

  9. #89
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    the refs suck Wades penis, he had about 90% of his points from FTs

  10. #90
    DamnYouMSN's Avatar
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    how was that a game deciding call???

  11. #91
    DamnYouMSN's Avatar
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    oh yeah.... 21 of 43 points is 90%.....

  12. #92
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    ACTUALY there WAS a foul.. Devon harris grabbed wades wrist!!! look at the video.. they called it on nowitzki though.. but YES he was fouled!!!!!!

  13. #93
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    the refs suck Wades penis, he had about 90% of his points from FTs
    and your point is????????
    he takes it to the hole hard!

  14. #94
    dangeroussafety is offline Junior Member
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    66 throws...i just don't understand it...always seemed soft to me

  15. #95
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangeroussafety throws...i just don't understand it...always seemed soft to me
    soft? your soft

  16. #96
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    basketball is for volleyball players.

  17. #97
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    did anyone else see dirk throw a hissy fit after they lost the game? he threw a staionary bike and kicked a table when he was going into the locker room. bad german temper!hahaha

  18. #98
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    did anyone else see dirk throw a hissy fit after they lost the game? he threw a staionary bike and kicked a table when he was going into the locker room. bad german temper!hahaha
    LOL yep I def did see that.. pretty funny..

  19. #99
    dangeroussafety is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    soft? your soft
    lol face it is a sport some small framed light boned frosty invented to accel at little brother plays basketball and he's soft

    try playin roller hockey on asphalt parking lots...that will make a man out of you

  20. #100
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jesh, if you hate basketball and think only “girly men” play it then why post on a basketball subject?

    Big deal, hockey players loose teeth, they are tough and have scars. How much talent is required to dig though asphalt with your face and teeth (or what is left of them)?

    If you want to be a real bad ass, jump the grand canyon with a moped.

    Anyway, the Mavs cracked under pressure; they did not miss a foul shot in the game until the last 10 minutes of the game. They made foolish mistakes late, which is weird because they did great in SA in the same situation….same pressure or more because it was game 7.

    They are not bringing their “A” game that is for sure. Whether that is because the Heat are defending them very well, or they are in a slump is up for debate.

    I’m not really supporting either team, but I have to throw out their that if Stackhouse was playing that game it would have been a Mavs game by about 10 points.

    I’m impressed with Shaq’s abliltiy though to actually shut down the penetration to the basket alone. Putting the big guy down there, is cutting the layup’s and dunks from Harris, Terry and Howard and Dirk for that matter, but Dirk is still able to shoot over him. It would be wise for the Mavs to use more penetration to draw fouls on Shaq…but then again that would just bring in Zo who is just as effective at shot blocking anyway.

  21. #101
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    Jesh, if you hate basketball and think only “girly men” play it then why post on a basketball subject?

    Big deal, hockey players loose teeth, they are tough and have scars. How much talent is required to dig though asphalt with your face and teeth (or what is left of them)?

    If you want to be a real bad ass, jump the grand canyon with a moped.

    Anyway, the Mavs cracked under pressure; they did not miss a foul shot in the game until the last 10 minutes of the game. They made foolish mistakes late, which is weird because they did great in SA in the same situation….same pressure or more because it was game 7.

    They are not bringing their “A” game that is for sure. Whether that is because the Heat are defending them very well, or they are in a slump is up for debate.

    I’m not really supporting either team, but I have to throw out their that if Stackhouse was playing that game it would have been a Mavs game by about 10 points.

    I’m impressed with Shaq’s abliltiy though to actually shut down the penetration to the basket alone. Putting the big guy down there, is cutting the layup’s and dunks from Harris, Terry and Howard and Dirk for that matter, but Dirk is still able to shoot over him. It would be wise for the Mavs to use more penetration to draw fouls on Shaq…but then again that would just bring in Zo who is just as effective at shot blocking anyway.
    I'd say thats an accurate statement coming from someone neutral...

  22. #102
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dangeroussafety
    lol face it is a sport some small framed light boned frosty invented to accel at little brother plays basketball and he's soft

    try playin roller hockey on asphalt parking lots...that will make a man out of you
    haha please leave the thread... oh yea why dont you tell david robinson, shaq, ben wallace, mourning, etc that there small framed pieces of soft shit....

  23. #103
    DamnYouMSN's Avatar
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    oh shit!!! doesn't it feel good to be a fuking HEAT fan right now!!!! to all you who thought it wouldn't be possible... kiss my ass i'll be at the HEAT Championship parade!!! bitches!

  24. #104
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    FUK YEAAA!!! our time has come.. after all the fuking devastating losses in the past... heat are on top where they should be.. miami beach was insane!!!

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