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Thread: Add/adhd

  1. #1
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    I read and commented in this thread a few weeks ago and have since started taking Concerta.
    which ADD meds are better? help

    I've always been suspect of the ADD diagnosis and assumed that ADD was attributable to a lack of personal discipline. Throughout my life, I've worked and gone to school and never worked less than 100 hours a week (sometimes school included like during law school). I tried Rit and it made me speedy and setttled on a system of procrastination:

    I would wait until the VERY last minute and then attack the pre-assigned task and normally score well (regardless of task, ie scholastic/work/etc...). If I wasn't greatly stressed, I could not, and cannot focus on the menial tasks that make up larger goals.

    Long story short: I was procrastinating in order to focus and with life more complicated as an adult, any unforeseen intrusion into my stress-focused energy would throw the whole system out of wack. I got a Concerta scrip and voila, I can focus; my brain is not bombarded with 1000 thoughts at once, and I can do the little tasks (bills, tax prep, etc.....).

    I still belive that self-discipline is a key component to life but I tried that for the last 20 years (procrastinate, stress, finish at the last minute). It isn't a comfortable way to go about life and if I could do it sans the drugs, I would prefer that. However, at this point in my life, it seems that I need them to get my life on track small task by small task.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have ADHD
    and im a genius
    and im lazy
    but i do know that adderall makes me sleepy but also allows me to focus

  3. #3
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Being smart sucks.

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i have ADHD
    and im a genius
    and im lazy
    but i do know that adderall makes me sleepy but also allows me to focus
    ADD + High IQ = Crazy unfocused life

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    ADD + High IQ = Crazy unfocused life
    yep im a giant waste of potentional

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I am great , I have ADHD.

    My constantly interupting was interfering with me reaching my true potential and was preventing anyone from taking me seriously - there is so much more and i have said it before...

    Ritalin doesn't make me smarter, but just like someone who suffers from any other disorder - taking it has improved my quality of life and for that i am thankful.

  6. #6
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    my doc said i have it.....but wont give me adderall lol!!! ****er! so now i write everything down and repeat shit to myself at all times to get tasks done. it helps but nothing like addy!! maybe when i have some free time ill go doctor shopping.

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    my doc said i have it.....but wont give me adderall lol!!! ****er! so now i write everything down and repeat shit to myself at all times to get tasks done. it helps but nothing like addy!! maybe when i have some free time ill go doctor shopping.
    u got an email boss
    and i will be ur docta!

  8. #8
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I think the biggest issue is that it is one of the disorders that is highly over diagnoised and doctors are at times afraid to label you it - because so many ppl claim to have it now a days.

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I think the biggest issue is that it is one of the disorders that is highly over diagnoised and doctors are at times afraid to label you it - because so many ppl claim to have it now a days.
    i used to think that i have ad...
    hey i lost my remote

  10. #10
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i used to think that i have ad...
    hey i lost my remote

    You knwo what im talking about.. ppl wanting it to allow them to do more things - whereas someone who has ADHD or add - requires it more as a tool to function normally.

  11. #11
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I am great , I have ADHD.

    My constantly interupting was interfering with me reaching my true potential and was preventing anyone from taking me seriously - there is so much more and i have said it before...

    Ritalin doesn't make me smarter, but just like someone who suffers from any other disorder - taking it has improved my quality of life and for that i am thankful.
    I've gotten more done in the last threee days on Concerta than I have in the last month. I'm so focused it's a little spooky. Now I can put my plans for world domination into action.

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    adderall and clen put me to sleep
    im wired backwards ><

  13. #13
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    I've gotten more done in the last threee days on Concerta than I have in the last month. I'm so focused it's a little spooky. Now I can put my plans for world domination into action.
    Whatever you do - take the meds as they have been prescribed - do not take more.

  14. #14
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    Good Advice

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Whatever you do - take the meds as they have been prescribed - do not take more.
    I've been on rit before and could never balance out. I was either going up or coming down. This stuff releases all day (12 hours). I'm pretty impressed how even it is throughout the day; avoids the "need" to take more than prescribed.

  15. #15
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    I've been on rit before and could never balance out. I was either going up or coming down. This stuff releases all day (12 hours). I'm pretty impressed how even it is throughout the day; avoids the "need" to take more than prescribed.

    I guess it is a balancing act. I have figured out how to balance

  16. #16
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    there are varying degrees of it as well tho. thats where the line gets muddled as to when one needs medication and when one doesnt. every doctor really has their own determination of that.

  17. #17
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Grappler r u seeing a GP, a Psychatrist , neorologist?

  18. #18
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    I was never a big fan of Concerta, it's still a stimulant. I don't like the idea of taking a dumbed down form of coke.

    Strattera has been doing just fine for me.

  19. #19
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was diagnosed with ADD as a child and re-diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. I was on medication younger but talked my mom into letting me go off it. As a kid, I never realized the benefits.

    To this day, I’m still a little hyperactive, and I’m 25. It kind of sucks at times because most people probably assume I’m a coke head or something.

    Don’t let things like this hold you back though. In school I was always the kid bursting out, or doing something stupid. I can clearly remember one of my teachers, Mrs. Shoop. She was my Geometry teacher and though highly of me, but was frustrated by me. I remember a statement she made to me very clear: “One day you’ll come in here and I swear you are the smartest kid that ever lived. The next day you come in and throw it away, but that’s okay, every building needs a janitor”.

    I just get satisfaction that the sophomore with ADHD that annoyed her is 25 and owns 4 houses already.

    I’ve found that a lot of wealthy people have ADHD to some extent. Some times over analyzing situations and goals can keep you from jumping in head first. With or with out it though, if you are passionate about your goals you will achieve them.

    It should also be noted that ADHD is the most over diagnosed disorder in the world. Most cases though out the 80’s and 90’s were actually not diagnosed wrong and the subject did not suffer from ADHD but from depression.

  20. #20
    Stumbo's Avatar
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    I had a really long jumbled response to this thread. This is actually my 3rd attempt to reply, i have a hard time getting my post in order. Thats typical, it usually takes me a few tries.

    And yes, I have been diagnosed with add/adhd by a few doctors. I was put on meds as a child, but my parents took me off after a few months. They felt it really dulled me, and it began to take apart what makes me, me. They didnt have a problem with me being a spaz, or with me getting bored with things. They also didnt have a problem with me repeating 1st grade. Twice. I had the same issues with anti-depressants. I didnt feel as sad any more, but i also didnt feel happy, or compassionate about anything. Somthings arn't worth giving up.

    I have the same feeling about add/adhd meds as I do about anti-depressants. I feel they are over prescribed to people who dont need them. There are situations when it really is neccessary, but i dont think it should be used as a simple fix.

    I scored very high on my sats, and always had top scores in all my proficiency test. Yet I struggled to graduate high school. I was one of those kids who never come to school, never did any homework, but aced all his test. I have never gone to college, and never will.

    I would never change the way I think for the sake of being "normal"

    Thats JMHO!

  21. #21
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    That's the difference - if you don't over med yourself it really doesn't take away from your personality. I feel sorry for anyone who has lost their total identity in any disorder they may or may not have.

    I have ADHD. I am not ADHd. There is a big difference.

  22. #22
    Grappler13's Avatar
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    All three

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Grappler r u seeing a GP, a Psychatrist , neorologist?
    I'm kinda semi-retired a the moment so I've got time to doo all these visits. I got a Dr. friend to prescribe me the Concerta to try it out, then went to a pshrink who told me she wanted me off of the concerta and on some anti-depressants ( i tried to tell her that my depressive symptoms were a result of my inability to finish all 14637 projects I have going simultaneously but she had a different tack) and i saw a neuropsychiatrist who gave me what was basically an IQ test. Stupid Dr.s. I finished the four hour "IQ" test in 36 minutes and the diagnosis was that I am not ADD/ADHD because I could focus so well on the test. Jesus God! Did these people go to med school? If I'm under pressure, I can grind and's just the daily menial BS that I can't perform for whatever reason, like organizing, paying bills, etc....I used to procrastinate until the last minute to create that nervous energy that allowed me focus. Not fun and I'm convinced that most Dr.s don't really know that much but they are the gatekepers of the medicinal cabinet.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    I'm kinda semi-retired a the moment so I've got time to doo all these visits. I got a Dr. friend to prescribe me the Concerta to try it out, then went to a pshrink who told me she wanted me off of the concerta and on some anti-depressants ( i tried to tell her that my depressive symptoms were a result of my inability to finish all 14637 projects I have going simultaneously but she had a different tack) and i saw a neuropsychiatrist who gave me what was basically an IQ test. Stupid Dr.s. I finished the four hour "IQ" test in 36 minutes and the diagnosis was that I am not ADD/ADHD because I could focus so well on the test. Jesus God! Did these people go to med school? If I'm under pressure, I can grind and's just the daily menial BS that I can't perform for whatever reason, like organizing, paying bills, etc....I used to procrastinate until the last minute to create that nervous energy that allowed me focus. Not fun and I'm convinced that most Dr.s don't really know that much but they are the gatekepers of the medicinal cabinet.
    Well ADD/ADHd is usually with another disorder as well.. sometimes.. it is depression.
    sometimes dyslexia, obsessive compulsive.. etc..

  24. #24
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Well ADD/ADHd is usually with another disorder as well.. sometimes.. it is depression.
    sometimes dyslexia, obsessive compulsive.. etc..
    i have all the above ><

  25. #25
    GREENMACHINE is offline Are you green enough?
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    For language and maths skills I was in the top 1%. Other things I was in the top 5%, then for spatial reasoning and concentration, I was in the bottom 5%. Nothing was average, everything was either really high or really low.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    I'm kinda semi-retired a the moment so I've got time to doo all these visits. I got a Dr. friend to prescribe me the Concerta to try it out, then went to a pshrink who told me she wanted me off of the concerta and on some anti-depressants ( i tried to tell her that my depressive symptoms were a result of my inability to finish all 14637 projects I have going simultaneously but she had a different tack) and i saw a neuropsychiatrist who gave me what was basically an IQ test. Stupid Dr.s. I finished the four hour "IQ" test in 36 minutes and the diagnosis was that I am not ADD/ADHD because I could focus so well on the test. Jesus God! Did these people go to med school? If I'm under pressure, I can grind and's just the daily menial BS that I can't perform for whatever reason, like organizing, paying bills, etc....I used to procrastinate until the last minute to create that nervous energy that allowed me focus. Not fun and I'm convinced that most Dr.s don't really know that much but they are the gatekepers of the medicinal cabinet.

  26. #26
    projekt is offline Female Member
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    "Grappler 13: ADD + High IQ = Crazy unfocused life"

    isnt that the truth about ADD? Im in the SAME boat.
    welcome to the equation of my life...

  27. #27
    ns4433 is offline Junior Member
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    what are your guys opinions on add meds and taking gear?

  28. #28
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ns4433
    what are your guys opinions on add meds and taking gear?
    i have no issues at all.. adderall helps me to stay focused so i kan plan my meals accordingly

  29. #29
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    yes i too have add...i wish i was diagnosed and treated when i was young maybe life would have been different..anyway...i am an rn specializing in psych for 14 years and the last 6 with peds...anyway i use wellbutrin for add and works well for those who are concerned about using stimulants or any kind of positive for amphetamines in a uds...just my 2 cents...

  30. #30
    yngnastyman's Avatar
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    i have adhd and a high iq as well, but u would never know it lol my grades in high school were always D's and C's, i just wouldnt care about school work (although idk how much of this has to do with adhd, lol)

  31. #31
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Funny i also have adhd and a High IQ, my parents put me through crazy amounts of testing and BS. All for nothing pretty much. I had the same problem as yngnastyman as i never cared about highschool, i got all D's and F's, it was a hard 4 years. I have taken every drug on the market, ridalin, aderol, concerta u name it, they all made me lose crazy amount of weight, cause they woudl supress my apetite so much i just wouldnt eat. oh well I guess we are all just giant wastes of potentional

  32. #32
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    Wow to whoever posted the 5% scores above just gave me an isnane flashback. I feel like everyone is sharing their story on this thread so I will join....

    -If anybody grew up in NYC then of course they remember the citywide exams. I kindergarten I took some IQ test that my teacher recommended I take to see If I could be accepted into the "smart/gifted" classes. I passed the test and got in and finally felt more up to par in my schoolwork. On the citywides from 1st-5th gradeI scroed in the 99%tile of both reading and math every year. From 6th-9th grade, the years in my life I frankly dont remember and as I like to to call them, the "lost" years. My parents got divorced it was a very rough time in my life and I dont remember very much. What I do remember was I never really tried outside of school, just payed attention in class and got the usual 95-100. Those years I did not pay attention AT ALL! I suffered and my grades slowly began to decline to around 88-92's. Once I entered High School, things became a bit toughers sicne the skills we learned in the previous grades now had to be applied to the new grades. This was the first time in my life I started working, not very hard but enough to return to my form. Took the Sat's junior year and did quite well, I believe I got 1240 and graduated with a 93.3 overall GPA. Applied to college and got into the University of Tampa.

    Now for the ADD side of the story. Everything prior to college DID NOT REQUIRE much reading, focusing and simply paying attention for long periods of times. I realized I had a much harder time in college becuase I simply had to apply myself to the fullest to continue to achieve the grades I was normal getting. This was also a time in my life when I discovered my hormones were all messed up naturally(these definately have a role in this equation somehow) and I just COULD NOT pay attention for long periods of time. Like the rest of you I overanalyze everything, my friends all notice it and think up nuts for how I act at times, and OCD is extreme like I tend to find alot of us who share this lifestyle.

    In the end I have taken adderall illegally a few times from friends, and all I can say is wow! I feel like how I felt when I was younger, anything I put my mind to I was able to conquer, it make perfect sense and I was able to go further than that and just honestly be really genius at times. Some of the greatest presentations I made for classes came from when I took adderall. Rather than go from source to source and nitpick my presentation I was able to put time into it, read inbetween the lines and put together and excellent piece of work.

    Im sure most of you feel exactly this way when you take it.

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