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  1. #81
    spencer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kihop
    I was watching this show on the dicovery channel last night called SuperMax which basically documents life in a maximum security prison.

    A bunch of the prisoners had their anuall bench pressing contest and these guys were huge. Not fat, but big & ripped. Many looked close to 300 llbs. Most of these guys are doing 25+ year bids and have already been in prison for 5+ years so I'm wondering how do they maintain that size & strength?

    I'm sure they have all the time in the world to work-out but I seriously doubt they can get 5+ meals a day in the clink.
    you can get any thing in prison eg.. drugs, steroids , mobile phones.
    my cousin is in prison and hes a fairly big size, hes overloaded with sus and deca which he gets smggled in.

  2. #82
    Evil Predator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E

    This entire subject is stupid and only pisses me off. White people use it as an excuse. Like a Black person doesn't work has hard and it just comes easy.


    It is bullshit. Colour doesn't affect your drive, your will to win, or your mental state. But, being naturally very tall and wide, can tell you one thing, ive met far more black men as big or bigger than me than I have white men. I wont even pretend to think I know why, but it extremely impressive to say the least.

    To think different races dont have different body types would be impossible.. The japanese are very small people, short by most standards... theres some exceptions, but not a ton.

    There are as many white kids who play basketball as Black kids, yet look at the nba.. Race, culture, climate.. 60% of the nhl is white Canadian men. We have a tenth of your population, and theres alot of hockey above the mason dixon line. The NFL is full of large black men. I believe the japanese or chinese dominate gymnastics and diving for the most part. Track and field athletes are mostly black, cyclists are mostly white. The worlds best boxers were almost all black, the worlds best MMA fighters are mostly white.

    Maybe im wrong, and I dont think that it is a racist statement, but its kjust something ive noticed myself while travelling and seeing different parts of the world..

  3. #83
    unvme9180's Avatar
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    Does he have a say in this??? WAKE UP GERALDO!!!! Where talking about prison
    that line is classic

  4. #84
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    I think both sides are wrong...but i will say that my black friends that i train with stay naturally lean without doing cardio or dieting...i hate eating at their house because its always food bad for staying lean but its SO yea i end up giving in...i think more black people are naturally lean...just judging by the ratio within my circle of close friends....either way it doesnt really matter at all so ill back out of this thread because im sure people will start getting offended

  5. #85
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    you guys say that slaves 'evolved' into stronger human beings... tahts not true. It takes humans MILLIONS of years to evolve. Slavery was only around for o - 200 years? Not enough time to evolve anything - especially for such complex creatures as humans are.

  6. #86
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    hey it doesnt matter. i really dont care anymore what anyone else believes. despite what caused the genetic disposition, it does exist.

    of course noone wants to be accredited value on account of genetics. everyone wants to feel like they worked just as hard as the next person to acheive what they have. but thats in an idealist "fair world". if that was the case there would be no room in society for upward social mobility and everyone would be just "fair". knowing its not a "fair world" there will always be people on top of the ladder minimizing the effort of those beneath them. only perpetuating the rich get rich and poor get poorer situation. people with good genetics will always be in denial about the millions of people busting thier asses, dieting to a t, and reeping benefits = to 1/10 of what someone with good genes could acheive.

    and to be more accurate, its not the type of evolution your thinking about. this may seem somewhat animalistic and offensive but..
    when you massacre the weak and enable the strong. your weeding bad genes out of existence within short spans of time. we're not talking about "natural evolution" here. its called "forced evolution". dogs are bred this way too. (this is used merely as an example for all you sensitive people) if you want a breed with exagerated benefits or peacocked in a certain way, you irridicate the ones that dont contain the favored genes. evolution in this manner will and does occur very rapidly.

    with that said, people are entitled to thier beliefs as am i entitle to the facts that i know. most people just have perspectives on shit with no foundations for them. from what ive seen and know, there is absolutely no doubt in my head to what i believe, not even a shadow.

  7. #87
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    and to be more accurate, its not the type of evolution your thinking about. this may seem somewhat animalistic and offensive but..
    when you massacre the weak and enable the strong. your weeding bad genes out of existence within short spans of time. we're not talking about "natural evolution" here. its called "forced evolution". dogs are bred this way too. (this is used merely as an example for all you sensitive people) if you want a breed with exagerated benefits or peacocked in a certain way, you irridicate the ones that dont contain the favored genes. evolution in this manner will and does occur very rapidly.
    West Africans display the exact same qualities; higher testosterone levels , higher percentage of fast twitch muscles, etc. This isn't something that was bred into black Americans, they had it from the beginning... Sorry, but your example of 'forced evolution' is BS.

  8. #88
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I talked to my cousing about this since he was in prison for 5 years. He is about 5'5 and benched about 300lbs. His weight was about 190 and he said all he did was bench all day. They never got extra food but worked out three times a day.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    West Africans display the exact same qualities; higher testosterone levels, higher percentage of fast twitch muscles, etc. This isn't something that was bred into black Americans, they had it from the beginning... Sorry, but your example of 'forced evolution' is BS.
    forced evolution is NOT bullshit. why the hell do you think thousands of "runt" slaves were massacred or killed by work. to maxamize breeding potential.

    whether or not it applies to the topic on hand is another story. they obviously had distinct qualities which nominated them to be enslaved initially. the kenya runners complex and all, pick those with the highest endurance and are known for peak optimal performance.

    what happened if you dont realize is SLAVERY ENDED. and with the oncoming of a free world, africans were allowed to breed freely. this resulted in a homogenation of the race and a balance of qualities. that balance of qualities present today cant be used to represent historical events.. try again.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    forced evolution is NOT bullshit. why the hell do you think thousands of "runt" slaves were massacred or killed by work. to maxamize breeding potential.

    whether or not it applies to the topic on hand is another story. they obviously had distinct qualities which nominated them to be enslaved initially. the kenya runners complex and all, pick those with the highest endurance and are known for peak optimal performance.

    what happened if you dont realize is SLAVERY ENDED. and with the oncoming of a free world, africans were allowed to breed freely. this resulted in a homogenation of the race and a balance of qualities. that balance of qualities present today cant be used to represent historical events.. try again.
    Are you trying to imply that phyiscally superior black Americans went back to Africa and mixed with less superior blacks resulting in a homogenisation of the entire race? All in 150 years?

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Are you trying to imply that phyiscally superior black Americans went back to Africa and mixed with less superior blacks resulting in a homogenisation of the entire race? All in 150 years?
    im saying slavery was a business of import and export. superior slaves already existed in africa where many slave traders held thier business. as well as inferior slaves still existing in america. once the chains were broke, im not sure exactly who individually migrated where but.. the fact is they mixed. whether or not 150 years is enough for gene pools to homogenize, (which really isnt that much time) its enough for the INDIVIDUALS to mix. fast forward 150 years and you have the same kind of mix you had before slavery started.. however, now there is an advanced gene pool prevalent in the general mix.
    ok you know what i started out with a point but now my brain hurts. maybe ill be back if i remember what the hell i was really arguing about. 150 years is more than enough for societies to homogenize, not genes, but im not even sure what that has to do with the point i was tryn to make and i dont feel like going back and rereading.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    im saying slavery was a business of import and export. superior slaves already existed in africa where many slave traders held thier business. as well as inferior slaves still existing in america. once the chains were broke, im not sure exactly who individually migrated where but.. the fact is they mixed. whether or not 150 years is enough for gene pools to homogenize, (which really isnt that much time) its enough for the INDIVIDUALS to mix. fast forward 150 years and you have the same kind of mix you had before slavery started.. however, now there is an advanced gene pool prevalent in the general mix.
    ok you know what i started out with a point but now my brain hurts. maybe ill be back if i remember what the hell i was really arguing about. 150 years is more than enough for societies to homogenize, not genes, but im not even sure what that has to do with the point i was tryn to make and i dont feel like going back and rereading.
    You just came up with all that stuff off the top of your head, right? You did absolutely no research. "After slavery ended the slaves in America and the slaves in Africa mixed." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!


  13. #93
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You just came up with all that stuff off the top of your head, right? You did absolutely no research. "After slavery ended the slaves in America and the slaves in Africa mixed." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

    Bojangles: Research Jim Crow Laws and Sharecropping

    man the question and point of this thread was about prisoners... why are we talking about slavery! No relation!

  14. #94
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    yeh script wtf, stop changing the subject.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You just came up with all that stuff off the top of your head, right? You did absolutely no research. "After slavery ended the slaves in America and the slaves in Africa mixed." BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

    and stop quoting things i didnt quote

  16. #96
    STAYHUNGRY is offline Associate Member
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    I have seen published studies over many years which have shown that there is a link between violence and testosterone and also measured violent criminals test and it was MUCH higher than the average person. I saw that Supermax thing too and there was one guy who I swear looked like Ronnie Coleman and the dude was in solitary confinement only doing pushups! The guards also said that for this one dude they needed special restraints because he would just snap off the handcuffs with his arms.

  17. #97
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    Absolutely Not. Well Actually

    [QUOTE=Bojangles69]and your entitled to it.. but historically speaking you dont think slavery had an effect on the physical evolution of blacks?

    You are talking about ten, maybe twenty generations of black slavery in America. Evolutionary fitness is a product of survival, not some inate adaptive ability. I'm not singling you out for misunderstanding evolution but the theory is far more complicated than you are trying to make it seem. Africans didn't develop dark skin in response to increased exposure to sun, Evolution postulates that Africans with dark skin.....I'm speaking of thousands and thousands of generations ago, were able to survive more often than their lighter skinned counterparts thus their genetic predisposition for increased melatonin levels in the skin were passed to the next generation. Slavery produced large, strong blacks because white slave owners didn't allow the skinny nerdy weak slaves to make babies.

    Sorry to get off topic but I figured we strayed a long time ago.

  18. #98
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    im outta this one lol

  19. #99
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    Ever seen that movie "Butterfly Effect" with Ashton Kusher or whatever?

    It would be nice to read something from your diary and escape into a different life just before you have to pickle-sniff some dude.

  20. #100
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
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    They do eat when they want. my cousin went into san quentin when he was 17, that was 10 years ago. He has 5 left. he is serving 15 of a 25 year sentence for a murder. His girl cheated on him, and he snapped on the dude.

    He says there is gear all over the place. mostly pills, but they fin test, and shit.

    he has somone get food. they eat 3 meals. he also eats 4-5 cans tuna a day.

    he is 6'1, 255, lke 14%bf, not bad for the conditions. he started lifting 6 years ago.

    so unless you been there, or know someone there, there is no way of telling the behind the scenes shit.

    this is why it is behind the scenes......

  21. #101
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    i am guessing fat from pics my aunt (his mom) has.

  22. #102
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    but hey im not you.
    U got that right, I'm happy with being who I am and would never trade places.

    Congrats on f*cking up a decent thread.


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