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  1. #41
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    My guess is it comes from lack of education in.. Btw there are many blacks who are against ebonics since it is a modified version of english.

    There are some whites who speak the dialect sometimes due to a poor education.

  2. #42
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlamPigatHome
    My guess is it comes from lack of education
    In some cases, yes. But it's also regional. The same as other accents and dialects. I don't speak ebonics but I went to college with people who speak it. They went on to get PhDs so it's not lack of education. They grew up around people speaking it so it's just the way they sound. I don't like it or understand it, but ... it's not my place to judge.
    Last edited by Carlos_E; 08-14-2006 at 09:10 PM.
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  3. #43
    Teabagger's Avatar
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    Hell I can't understand it, don't like it, laugh my ass off at pesudo-scholars that try to put some type of legitimacy to ignorant ghetto talk. As was said earlier..........speak that shit all you want, but come to a job interview you better zip that shit or head on down the line and try "slingin" for a living in the hood.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    Why the hell do fvcking people use a wierd fvcking language and not talk like fvcking normal human beings who speak english

    This fvcking pisses me off like crazy I do not almost understand anything and sometimes I just wanna repeat what they said followed with a HA!!?? and then smash their heads...but the thought of jail always comes rushing...

    A couple of things I have a problem with

    1-When people Sup dog?

    Since people who say that have no problem with it I hope they dont mind me saying "nothing much monkey"

    2-when people say "sup home boy"

    I just wanna say "kiss my ass you fvcking bitch"

    3-when people say "I gotsta axe yo smth"

    Ok so someone has to AXE me?? awesome...FVCKING AWESOME

    ITS ASK!!! A....S...K!!!! ASK ASK axe is something to chop heads off

    4-when people say "he be...trippin....shizzlin nizzling or whatever the fvck they say"


    I have to work with people like that all fvcking day long and 1st few weeks I started I couldnt fvcking understand what the fvck they were saying.

    Ofcourse being at work, I have to be nice and say yeah ok have a nice day where as I really wanna say "FVCK you mutherfvckering idiot"

    I love when I see some of em outside the store and Im free to say whatever and they feel the need to say hey or smth like that...and Im fvcking rude....haha....oh well.....

    Fvck ebonics, FVCK RAP, save the enlgish language
    this is my opinion on ebonics, if you are black (or a white guy from the ghetto) and speak it, i have no problem or loss of respect for you. Its cool, its where you were brought up, its just what you know. Doesnt make me better than you or worse, only difference between us is how words sounded when were little kids.
    BUT.. if you are a middle class white kid from the burbs and you come at me with the "sup doggy, wuz da deal?" question, and your not doing it as a joke.. you are the joke, short and simple.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    this is my opinion on ebonics, if you are black (or a white guy from the ghetto) and speak it, i have no problem or loss of respect for you. Its cool, its where you were brought up, its just what you know. Doesnt make me better than you or worse, only difference between us is how words sounded when were little kids.
    BUT.. if you are a middle class white kid from the burbs and you come at me with the "sup doggy, wuz da deal?" question, and your not doing it as a joke.. you are the joke, short and simple.
    Agree with you 100%! *For once*
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Agree with you 100%! *For once*
    yeh usually its only 99% lol

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    since you're on the subject... I'll bet ya you can't figure out how this brawl started?
    LMFAO! the big goriilla stole that poor guys cell phone after he owned him

    I would love to know WTF that shit started over! i all i couold understand was 'yeh muthFuka, muthafuka this moutherfuka right hur, lez go baby"

    that guy took some serious blows!!!

  8. #48
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    Wow I actually read most of these posts...

    Its funny that this guy is saying English when what is occurring today with the many dialects and slang words in America as well as The UK its changing American English as is the English spoken in the UK.... This has been occurring these 100's of years past... We speak a different dialect across North America and have slang meanings which is very similar of how English came about from all the migrating tribes in Europe in what is now the UK...for those non-history lovers..., although I think we all know that IronFreakX meant he doesn't like not begin able to understand someone and would rather ignore the dialect altogether... which also happens in history, yee haw I'm a teacher.

    Thought I'd though this weak site in along with some in site for the ill-educated weak minds... American Slang has been popular in other countries well before my birth in 76 and because we are so popular whether hated or loved will always have someone foreign with what ever accent trying to say some cool American word. (quick search for a minor history lesson

    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    For me it depends what environment they grew up in. If that's what they were exposed to growing up, it's to be expected. But if they grew up where people did not speak that way and they're putting up a front, it is VERY stupid.
    Carlos that is what I meant about culture is culture. You can't help where you grew up and can only gain as much knowledge that you will strive for. I do believe due to mainstream marketing and weak or no parenting the majority of kids are less aware of a true self-identity until they truly mature at ages 25-30 maybe older... I also don't believe in certain disadvantages.... I look at one of the greatest men in the history of the United States George Washington Carver..., talk about disadvantages but perseverance... no one perseveres anymore... Well you don't hear about it as much.

    I'm from Texas, born and raised and we make fun of ourselves how yall and aint are common. We also think there is no greater State in the US, well most of us, yo.
    Every time I visit my mom in Dripping Springs I come back into Austin with a nice twang. Hell when I was in New Hampshire not too long ago I made quick friends simply because of the apparent accent I have but am truly oblivious to. That video,,, too bad so sad, I'm a little sickened by one mans inability to fight or protect himself. Those other videos had simple surprise as method of attack. IMHO its just unfortunate. But I see it simply as this... that white guy wrote a check his ass couldn't cash... as you never look down like that in any confrontation, and simply put he didn't strike first nor did he run, the man couldn't protect himself yet still puffed up, that always gets what it deserves...... a lovely ass beating...

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    They do it for attention + many are to damn ignorant to know any better.

    Nowadays it "cool" to act uneducated and obviously look at entertainment in whats hot with the teens.
    OMG, it has nothing to do with ignorance...
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    It's like this buddy:

    "Welcome to America, NOW LEARN SOME FVCKING ENGLISH"

    Granted theyre not forigners but the official language here is English.

    And ebonics is not english its BS
    You think you are speaking proper English? Go to the UK and they'll say the same thing about you. Every language has it's slangs. In Germany, people in Bavaria aren't even understood by the rest of Germans! They don't say, "Learn some fvcking German." Know why? Because we all are speaking slang! That's how languages evolve! American English is a bastardized, slang version of British English. English itself was derived from German, I believe. German was derived from Latin and so on.

    Ebonics is to American English as American English is to British English. Deal with it.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You think you are speaking proper English? Go to the UK and they'll say the same thing about you. Every language has it's slangs. In Germany, people in Bavaria aren't even understood by the rest of Germans! They don't say, "Learn some fvcking German." Know why? Because we all are speaking slang! That's how languages evolve! American English is a bastardized, slang version of British English. English itself was derived from German, I believe. German was derived from Latin and so on.
    That's just beacause bavaria isn't germany. They are more of a independent country. At least they think so. So no one expects them to speak german in the frist place. Don't they speak a weird dialect in kaiserslautern also script?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Culture I can accept to a certain extent, but when white kids and spanish kids try to speak in such a manner it truely is pitiful.
    Uh, I have many white and latino friends that grew up in the south and speak with a deep slang. What some people don't understand is your skin color doesn't affect how you speak...

  12. #52
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    1st of all people stop being if hes white then...if hes green then...if hes black then blah fvck

    I dont care what their color is, anyone who speaks like that I lose respect for right away.

    About me being in the Armed forces and complaining, I DO BELIEVE they require people to SPEAK ENGLISH.

    I doubt an officer would be ok with an enlisted man saying

    "Yo mang, the shizzle in nizzled clear"

    You wanna sound like a fvcking moron....fine with me...I dont care about you....but if you talk to me.....speak english...if not and you speak trash-shit-ebonics Ill be rude and ask ....."do you speak english"

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Uh, I have many white and latino friends that grew up in the south and speak with a deep slang. What some people don't understand is your skin color doesn't affect how you speak...
    goddamn why the hell do people have to mention skin color now!!!! I was talking about ANYONE who speaks like that...damn

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    That's just beacause bavaria isn't germany. They are more of a independent country. At least they think so. So no one expects them to speak german in the frist place. Don't they speak a weird dialect in kaiserslautern also script?
    Lol! Yeah, man! I've lived in Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz and the two dialects are crazily different even though they are neighbors. I only understand Hoch Deutsch so I have problems with most German slangs.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronFreakX
    goddamn why the hell do people have to mention skin color now!!!! I was talking about ANYONE who speaks like that...damn
    I understand where you are coming from, IFX.

  16. #56
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    When I take over the world one day, Im gonna make anyone who talks ebonics take enlgish classes and they MUST pass if they dont they will spend 5 years in jail.

    If they passed at any point and they used it again, they should be exiled to Albama for life.

  17. #57
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    OMG, it has nothing to do with ignorance...

    You think you are speaking proper English? Go to the UK and they'll say the same thing about you. Every language has it's slangs. In Germany, people in Bavaria aren't even understood by the rest of Germans! They don't say, "Learn some fvcking German." Know why? Because we all are speaking slang! That's how languages evolve! American English is a bastardized, slang version of British English. English itself was derived from German, I believe. German was derived from Latin and so on.

    Ebonics is to American English as American English is to British English. Deal with it.
    There is no "British English" only English.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    That's just beacause bavaria isn't germany. They are more of a independent country. At least they think so. So no one expects them to speak german in the frist place. Don't they speak a weird dialect in kaiserslautern also script?
    its the same here in switzerland swiss german is ugly compared to german

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    I believe. German was derived from Latin and so on.
    i dont beleive german was from latin...

  20. #60
    Tambit24's Avatar
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    I think ebonics is better than listening to people speak spanish or another language.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    i dont beleive german was from latin...
    Yes it was. English, German, Dutch, etc. are Germanic languages and they were all derived from Latin (which is why they use a Latin based alphabet.)

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    There is no "British English" only English.
    O RLY?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    What some people don't understand is your skin color doesn't affect how you speak...

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    What some people don't understand is your skin color doesn't affect how you speak...
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
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  25. #65
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    I've called people and heard them yell "Hey! Telephone! Some white guy is on the phone for you!"
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  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple X
    You, sir, are an idiot.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You, sir, are an idiot.
    i seccond that!

  28. #68
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    So much space wasted on something so stupid,hey man I don't like nonsensical slang either but I'm not gonna piss and moan about it people act as if there new to this country.Alot of things are fuked up but something like this doesn't merit this much acknowledgement, people want to act or sound stupid let them what do you care.

  29. #69
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    [QUOTE=scriptfactory]OMG, it has nothing to do with ignorance...

    ig·no·rant (gnr-nt)
    1. Lacking education or knowledge.(knowledge of talking correctly)
    2. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake.(wasn't taught how to speak correctly)
    3. Unaware or uninformed (they don't know wtf is going on, obviously they are uniformed on how to talk correctly)

    I would have to believe that people who are unable to speak correctly fit the term ignorant in speaking skills.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d
    I would have hit that fat tub of sh!t guy right in his fVckin throat from the start....followed by a kick to the damn kneecaps.

    Then I would have yelled WHAT NOW BIZNATCH! in that sorry excuse for a womans face.

    No ,i can't fight,i have no skills for that ...but with my Ruger GP-100 357 MAGNUM,6" barrel im realy good !!!

    LPR ...dermatology.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I would have to believe that people who are unable to speak correctly fit the term ignorant in speaking skills.
    Then the question becomes what is correct? Compared to British English Americans do not speak correctly and neither Canadians.

    ...or New yorkers, or Southern, or Texans, or Minnesotans.
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  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Then the question becomes what is correct? Compared to British English Americans do not speak correctly and neither Canadians.

    ...or New yorkers, or Southern, or Texans, or Minnesotans.

    People who pronounce the words without adding hickish or yankee twists to each sylable.

    British people chew up the language and spit it out.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Then the question becomes what is correct? Compared to British English Americans do not speak correctly and neither Canadians.

    ...or New yorkers, or Southern, or Texans, or Minnesotans.
    It isn't worth it, man. He doesn't understand. Every language is a dialect (i.e. slang version) of another language... Americans seem to think they invented the spoken and written word for some reason.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    People who pronounce the words without adding hickish or yankee twists to each sylable.

    British people chew up the language and spit it out.
    So Canadian is correct eh?
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  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    It isn't worth it, man. He doesn't understand. Every language is a dialect (i.e. slang version) of another language... Americans seem to think they invented the spoken and written word for some reason.
    That is because we Americans are extremely arrogant and think everyone in the world should be just like us.

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  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    So Canadian is correct eh?

    If they speak it without adding little clever twists to each word then YES! A

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    People who pronounce the words without adding hickish or yankee twists to each sylable.

    British people chew up the language and spit it out.
    Hahahah! You know that Europeans say that Americans sound like they are speaking with gravel in their mouths, right?

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    That is because we Americans are extremely arrogant and think everyone in the world should be just like us.

    Well, the US is the best country in the world so I understand that. I'm really glad I wasn't born in the UK... Gawd...

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Hahahah! You know that Europeans say that Americans sound like they are speaking with gravel in their mouths, right?

    They just say that to agree to disagree.

    If your british say this out loud.

    The life
    of the wife
    was ended by the knife!

    Then after hearing that earbleeder slap yourself.

  40. #80
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    That's nice, however, I AM ENGLISH

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