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  1. #41
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    That's what this board is about, i think people forget sometime that it has literally changed many people's lifes around.

    It has mine and that was years ago now.
    Changed my life as well, we all have to start somewhere.
    Last edited by fitnessNY; 09-26-2006 at 11:37 PM.

  2. #42
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=muriloninja]That's what this board is about, i think people forget sometime that it has literally changed many people's lifes around.

    It has mine and that was years ago now
    Last edited by fitnessNY; 09-26-2006 at 11:37 PM.

  3. #43
    bangstun is offline New Member
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    HI I'm the fat ass in the videos

    I been training off and on for over 10 years. I was down to 8% body fat at 235 lbs. I am fat and I know 25% is high, the highest I been but the contest just started it is sponsored by VPX (Fat to Muscle contest) and I now have to drop that percentage. I been lifting heavy and wasn't doing cardio but now cardio is strong in effect along with a proper diet. MY doctor is a pro power lifter and I have friends that compete and are pro trainers. I am sorry if I pissed some of you guys off but I never took steriods and don't know anything about them. The less I know the less I would want to try them. I am not against the use and have had friends greatly improve their lives. If anyone I know of is deca which my friend took approved by a doctor. I would never be able to be ready for a show or competition in three months but a contest to drop my body fat I am sure I can do to win. Thank you, sorry that some of you wanted to stab me and break your computer screens. I only talk about stuff that has worked for me in the past and what my doctor says. I would never recommend something I never tried myself I try not to come of as a know it all but am sorry if that is the way it seemed. Oh and the gym closed in 45 minutes and takes me 15 to 20 to get there and it was raining out. That is why I didn't go but woke myself up a 6 a.m. the following day and went

  4. #44
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    welcome bro glad to see that you have enough balls to sign up here. Personally i think your taking a great step in the right direction to get back to the healthly lifestyle you once had. sorry that some of the guys wanted to stab you, a bit comical at this point. This is a great community not just on steroids but diet, workout routine ect.

  5. #45
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    bangstun first of all what does your diet consist of?
    Break down each meal and the macros

    also how tall are you.

  6. #46
    bangstun is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    bangstun first of all what does your diet consist of?
    Break down each meal and the macros

    also how tall are you.
    6' 265lbs 25% body fat
    breakfast is a eggbeater ham and low fat cheese omelet along with multi vitamins fish oil and I use coconut oil to cook with, three hours later I have a protein bar for a snack, three hours later for lunch it is a salad with chicken and vinigerette dressing, three hours later another protein bar, then go to the gym come home and have dinner. cardio is 10 minutes on the treadmill for a warm up and move to the stair climber ( the actual rotating steps) for a half hour but had to work up to that, started at 15 then 20 now 30 minutes. I just been eating more sensible and hard on the weights and cardio.

  7. #47
    fitnessNY's Avatar
    fitnessNY is offline Senior Member
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    Have you thought of adding clen or a ECA stack to aid in fat loss?

  8. #48
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by bangstun
    I been training off and on for over 10 years. I was down to 8% body fat at 235 lbs. I am fat and I know 25% is high, the highest I been but the contest just started it is sponsored by VPX (Fat to Muscle contest) and I now have to drop that percentage. I been lifting heavy and wasn't doing cardio but now cardio is strong in effect along with a proper diet. MY doctor is a pro power lifter and I have friends that compete and are pro trainers. I am sorry if I pissed some of you guys off but I never took steriods and don't know anything about them. The less I know the less I would want to try them. I am not against the use and have had friends greatly improve their lives. If anyone I know of is deca which my friend took approved by a doctor. I would never be able to be ready for a show or competition in three months but a contest to drop my body fat I am sure I can do to win. Thank you, sorry that some of you wanted to stab me and break your computer screens. I only talk about stuff that has worked for me in the past and what my doctor says. I would never recommend something I never tried myself I try not to come of as a know it all but am sorry if that is the way it seemed. Oh and the gym closed in 45 minutes and takes me 15 to 20 to get there and it was raining out. That is why I didn't go but woke myself up a 6 a.m. the following day and went
    I think people forget somtimes that their was once a time in their life where they didnt know shit and they were on on the other side of the spectrum.

    their are definately some good bros around here who are extremely helpful.

  9. #49
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bangstun
    6' 265lbs 25% body fat
    breakfast is a eggbeater ham and low fat cheese omelet along with multi vitamins fish oil and I use coconut oil to cook with, three hours later I have a protein bar for a snack, three hours later for lunch it is a salad with chicken and vinigerette dressing, three hours later another protein bar, then go to the gym come home and have dinner. cardio is 10 minutes on the treadmill for a warm up and move to the stair climber ( the actual rotating steps) for a half hour but had to work up to that, started at 15 then 20 now 30 minutes. I just been eating more sensible and hard on the weights and cardio.
    Head over to the Diet/Workout section and you can get an excellent breakdown for a great contest prep diet and cardio schedual. We have many guys who compete on this board so dont be afraid to ask alot of questions

  10. #50
    rake922's Avatar
    rake922 is offline Banned
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    welcome bangstun, I'm glad you joined our forum.

  11. #51
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Welcome to the board man. I watched all of your video's...they are addicting to be honest. LMAO. You do have A LOT to learn if I can be frank with you. Your approach and concepts are pretty flawed but can be fixed witht he right dedication and attitude. Definitely get into the diet forum and I will be sure to help you, and we will get rid of those protein bars and get your some real food.

  12. #52
    auslifta's Avatar
    auslifta is offline Retired MONITOR
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    welcome mate glad you joined,you will learn all you need to know here.good luck with comp.ill be should start a thread on here in results section

  13. #53
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Diet forum time! It changed my life for the better for sure.

  14. #54
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    welcome buddy, no disrespect on ur video i posted it to show every one.. what ur takin since alot of it i havnt heard of. i liked ur video and how u presented everything and it was good to watch, sorry to see much hate thrown ur way.. but every new member pretty much has a funny or hard / embaressing start.. either asking dumb questions or saying somthing dumb i know i did, although i didnt feel u did.. welcome and this will be the best thing that happens to ur body enjoy

  15. #55
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    cant see ur legs much.. but from work i could see may need a little work to match ur big upper body

  16. #56
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    if i only knew about lipo 6 when I was 25% b/f I'd be ripped too!!!!!!

    good luck w the show.

  17. #57
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    bangstun where you at bro

  18. #58
    bangstun is offline New Member
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    ok thank you for the hard knox

    Alright cool, in my latest video I had to retailiate and make a joke saying roid rage for some of the harsh comments. but to defend one thing is dhea and 6oxo did help with my strength a tremendous amount. I was able to bench 425lb for 4 reps and all I added was that. My buddy I trained with for years did steriods and was huge. 6'5" 330lbs wrestled in canada and stuff. He abused steriods though and it messed up his family life and didn't want me to fall the same path so said he would break my neck if I ever tried while training with him but he did get me on dhea and 6oxo and it worked like crazy. The abs yes by keeping tention on your abs it works and it is if your just starting to work out then of course more exercises. You guys all know what to do to get in shape so I will stop there. Thanks guy for the help

  19. #59
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bangstun
    The abs yes by keeping tention on your abs it works and it is if your just starting to work out then of course more exercises.
    not sure what you mean bangstun

  20. #60
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Hello! Thanks for dropping by. I have enjoyed your videos but im not gonna lie - i think that you may have a flawed view of nutirition and are not taking the most sensible approach.

    I havent seen EVERY posing video but i would like to see some actual leg poses. Im not asking you to put on a man-thong or anything but hike your shorts up a bit and show some quads. It seems as if you are focusing too much on certain muscle groups (upper body). I must admit, your arms, chest, traps, front shoulders look okay but your back seems to be lagging and i cant really see too much leg development. To me, nothing says "i know what im doing" more than highway-wide spinal erectors+lats and massive wheels. Even at high bodyfat, great back development is easy to spot and looks good.

    HEAVY Deads! Rows! Pullups! Try to bring out those rear deltoids too in order to complete your back bicep pose.

    Squats! Squats! Squats! deep, painful squats!

  21. #61
    drdeath613's Avatar
    drdeath613 is offline Senior Member
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    lol id do hes g/f but hes a slob must have money

  22. #62
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I quite like the guy. His videos are amusing and stangely compelling viewing. Apart from his obvious lack of knowledge on diet and training I think hes preetty cool. Plus he mentioned the site in his last video which was kinda funny.

  23. #63
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I quite like the guy. His videos are amusing and stangely compelling viewing. Apart from his obvious lack of knowledge on diet and training I think hes preetty cool. Plus he mentioned the site in his last video which was kinda funny.
    I do to find them humerous, but the fact that he bashed our site when we were trying to help him, is pretty sad especially for someone in his position.

  24. #64
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    im confused..
    but i will stop there

  25. #65
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    im confused..
    but i will stop there
    nooo noo u go watch that video and u go watch every other video about him and u will see...

  26. #66
    fitnessNY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    I do to find them humerous, but the fact that he bashed our site when we were trying to help him, is pretty sad especially for someone in his position.
    which video did he bach us in -- can you post a link?

  27. #67
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  28. #68
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman33
    this guy is the biggest jackass I have ever seen in my life. His knowledge on supplements and bodybuilding in general seem to be idiotic. I want to break my computer screen watching his video, anyways.
    ahhaha ur a legend u got a massive shout out..

    "ohh i wanna break my computer screen"

    shame this guy never mentioned how welcome he was...

  29. #69
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    You Guys Are Awesome

    Funny how it works that way, when a guy comes here willing to accept knowledge and ideas, loves us, but for a fat guy who thinks he knows his shit, bashes us.

  30. #70
    fitnessNY's Avatar
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    It seemed to me that a lot of people were more than happy to help him out and he totally threw us under the bus!

  31. #71
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    he said we probably had roid rage LOL

  32. #72
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    You've got a great foundation, big guy.

    I give this fella credit for taking charge of his body and his life and trying to make a serious commitment to bodybuilding. He needs a lot more information about training, diet, and supplements, but then we were all there once ourselves. Some guys have called him "fat" in this thread, but in most off-line venues he'd legitimately be considered a muscular "big dude"... and he is, compared to the average skinny/fat American. You loose some perspective on a serious bodybuilding forum; all these guys with 5% bodyfat and chem-science cycles that would have been state of the art for an Olympic athlete just ten years ago. He's a big, thick boy and with a little extra knowledge added to his obvious enthusiasm I think he'd really kick some arse out there.

    Plus, he seems like a real nice guy. A lot of the already perfected bodies in my gym seem to be inhabited by jackasses.

    Just my 2 cents.


  33. #73
    rake922's Avatar
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails guy showing off his suppliments vido like 10+-fatty.jpg  

  34. #74
    305GUY's Avatar
    305GUY is offline Anabolic Member
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    just seems like a nice guy with a lot to learn about DIET!! drop those damn protein bars bro.. they are GARBAGE!

  35. #75
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    oh my that girl fat...

    The answer to your every question


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    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  36. #76
    305GUY's Avatar
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    i hope that popsicle shes eating is sugar free!

  37. #77
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    Under A Bar
    bench 425 4 reps........ Waist "ABOUT 40inches..chest 54 inches " 6ft 265lbs

    Sorry man but your waist looks 54 and your chest 40.

  38. #78
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    i also think that he has the motivation to start a health lifestyle, i guess he has some guys helping him on his diet and training. videos are amusing, he has like 15 people in his club all support each other and helping everyone out similar to this one in a way

    ya ar got a mad shout out on youtube

  39. #79
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    I heard him fart at 4:19 sec into it.....listen

  40. #80
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic CEO
    I heard him fart at 4:19 sec into it.....listen
    lmao i actually heard.. you must be on some ADD meds to pick that out

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