Off the Topic, but you who are male, and are somewhat a geek yet happen to be bigger than your average office mate...

Do you ever?, or have you ever? watched an X-Men video or read a comic and thought that Beast is the embodyment of you...?

How many times has someone thought or said wow ur a lot smarter than I thought,,,, or "eh wow I didn't picture that coming from you"

Makes you feel like all big lugs are stupid,,, ouch!!! I hate to hear that kinda non-sense... Us "Not" that "Big",,,but bigger than the average Joe feel like there might be a bit of prejudice...

huh! nah? back to tha off topic........

Seriously,,, I think of Superman when I think of myself and can see why Priest put the Superman symbol on his body........... but forget about the superhero I love most.... When you look at Beast,,, for a geek with muscles you cant honesty say or think that they are not making fun at the contradiction or Celebrating the smart Big men out take a bow

A Description of Beast.......... Now, How many of you are actually Beast and not Superman,,, eh... in that superhero kinda mentality, ok... fuking use your 13 yr old mind with your 220 plus sun blocking space, "area"........

Despite his savage appearance, he is a man of arts and letters and the sciences; He is a world authority on biochemistry and genetics, the X-Men’s medical doctor, and the Xavier Institute's science and mathematics instructor. He is also a mutant political activist. Fighting his feral urges and fear of rejection, Beast has dedicated his physical gifts and brilliant mind to the creation of a better world for man and mutant.

I'm drunk, this is one of my drunkin thoughts , all though it may be in bad grammer I still think I needed to post this....

In simple terms.... I am surrounded by smart little people,,, where are all the smat big people???

I swear there needs to be some kinda convention? Well, But then they would just think we were all gay. "Then it would just make it a Gay Convention"

Tha Soap box is out!

Sleepy time now........... go, bed, sleep...... now