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Thread: Implants

  1. #41
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    i've actually already seen 3 plastic surgeons in the area, but none with pics of their own work, so they are out of the question......... thanks for checking though. i guess i'll be off to another forum where people aren't so big headed and understand other things in life matter that don't revolve around body building
    Maybe try a plastic surgery forum. Not a bodybuilding forum, where the members bust their ass in the gym, day in and day out.

    Or give Michael Jackson a call.

  2. #42
    AllNaTtY06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    LOL this guy is truely retarded! I thought it was fake for a second.....I was thinking....Nobody is this stupid. But I guess I was wrong! There is somebody! Oh yeah im the one that needs to feel good about myself.....Thats why your on here wanting to get IMPLANTS! LOLLOLOL! This is to much! Oh yeah Im "fat ugly and ingnored self"...... By the way, Im still waiting for an answer about your wife wanting to be with a real man...Nah I take that back, any woman that breads with someone as stupid as you I wouldnt make her millinium by showing her what you cant.
    hey f*ck nugget, why don't you call up the rest of the world who has had and kind of plastic surgery and tell them how stupid they are because they don't inject themselves with fake testosterone , and for the record, my woman would never dream of being with a 6'5" 240 lb. f*cking sasquach, good luck finding a woman who isn't a god damn bo-f*cking-heameth........ fat ass learn to spell millenium f*cking little boy, get some education, make some money, spend it one injectable aas, repeat
    Last edited by AllNaTtY06; 10-12-2006 at 02:49 PM.

  3. #43
    AllNaTtY06 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Maybe try a plastic surgery forum. Not a bodybuilding forum, where the members bust their ass in the gym, day in and day out.

    Or give Michael Jackson a call.
    ya, lol, i tried him, he said his ****ing nose fell off and no one will put it back on

  4. #44
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Haha. The mark of an "edeumacated" man. **** this, **** that, **** you, **** me.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    hey f*ck nugget, why don't you call up the rest of the world who has had and kind of plastic surgery and tell them how stupid they are because they don't inject themselves with fake testosterone , and for the record, my woman would never dream of being with a 6'5" 240 lb. ****ing sasquach, good luck finding a woman who isn't a god damn bo-f*cking-heameth........ fat ass learn to spell millenium f*cking little boy, get some education, make some money, spend it one injectable aas, repeat

    Trust me , she would rather be with me
    Or you could get implants all over your body to resemble me closer, skinny.
    LOL at your fat comment...Yeah I'm real fat at 9% BF. Your a joke, everything you say is hilarious. Keep it up, this will be a sticky on the forum , and it will be titled "Mentally challenged pencil neck's cry for acceptence" LOL

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    hey f*ck nugget, why don't you call up the rest of the world who has had and kind of plastic surgery and tell them how stupid they are because they don't inject themselves with fake testosterone , and for the record, my woman would never dream of being with a 6'5" 240 lb. ****ing sasquach, good luck finding a woman who isn't a god damn bo-f*cking-heameth........ fat ass learn to spell millenium f*cking little boy, get some education, make some money, spend it one injectable aas, repeat

    Trust me , she would rather be with me
    Or you could get implants all over your body to resemble me closer, skinny.
    LOL at your fat comment...Yeah I'm real fat at 9% BF. Your a joke, everything you say is hilarious. Keep it up, this will be a sticky on the forum , and it will be titled "Mentally challenged pencil neck's cry for acceptence" LOL

  7. #47
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    first of all AllNaTtY06, dont flame Hellmask. hes a monitor here, and besides from that hes knowledgeable with BB'ing. 2nd of all, just keep lifting and changeup ur routine, and eat more. incorporate weight gainer shakes, it will help, i did that when i was younger andi gained alot of weight. and i had 14 inch arms when i was 14 years old. THATS when i started eating alot, and lifting. getting a bicep implant with triceps as small as yours are, would look idiotic especially because the tricep is 2/3 of the arm.

  8. #48
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Moved to the lounge
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  9. #49
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    yes, i've lifted for about 3 years, i'm 26, done a couple cycles in the past, about 9% bf, 175 weight, at 5'11"..... tired of lifting, and don't mind spending the money for something that looks nice
    leave my lounge please.. yes this thread is now property of foskamink.

  10. #50
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    sure good to be in this thread before lock i just gotta leave my mark on everything i see... great to see u done a few cycles 175 lbs 5'11 that really dosnt add up in my books.... its hard to imagen u done any cycles or lifted much over the 3 years

  11. #51
    Dangerdan's Avatar
    Dangerdan is offline Senior Member
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    This thread is still awesome. AllNaTtY06, you are funny.

  12. #52
    Vegas67 is offline Member
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    LOL this thread is like a car wreck....I shouldnt read it but I cant stop!!

  13. #53
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    You sure it's implants and not synthonol?
    because he is pretty open about it. The bi's over power the tri's. They look stupid with his arm straight. Flexing they don't look bad

  14. #54
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    because he is pretty open about it. The bi's over power the tri's. They look stupid with his arm straight. Flexing they don't look bad
    if ur getting implants go all out.. not overpowering anything

  15. #55
    Surfstud18's Avatar
    Surfstud18 is offline Member
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Hahah Whoa Mann Crazyyy

  16. #56
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    "what i'm saying is i have higher priorities in my life right now, and lifting weights and forcing food down my throat is not one of them....... thanks for the help to those who helped"
    AllNaTtY06 Why are you here?

    This is a bodybuilding site. If you have no interest in working out you have no business being here. Go join and implant board and annoy the hell out of them instead.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  17. #57
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllNaTtY06
    iand understand other things in life matter that don't revolve around body building
    Like spending $7,000 to have silicon shoved in your arms.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  18. #58
    jobyjoe's Avatar
    jobyjoe is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    "Mentally challenged pencil neck's cry for acceptence" LOL
    That made me lol!

  19. #59
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    name calling.. wow...
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