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  1. #1
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2004

    This thread sucks!

    So does:

    Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Next Week.

    Did I mention today is Friday the 13th

    This whole year sucked. Anyone else with me?

  2. #2
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    Mar 2004
    this year has been bitter-sweet for me

  3. #3
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    this year has been bitter-sweet for me
    I hope the CEO of General Motors chokes on a big fat di...

    Long story short, I took a "buy out" offer that they've been offering salary employees since GM is broke. So, I took the offer of $103,081.16 to "leave" without benefits. I got a job in Atlanta with Panasonic Automotive making more than that a year. So, I'm like All week I've literally sat here waiting on the mail man to deliver my big fat check right. I'm like when the envelope shows up today. I'm expecting $103K check and to go to the bank. What do I get:

    "Dear Mr. XXXXXXXX,

    Enclosed is the first INSTALLMENT of $1,718.01 of the aformentioned employment settlement."

    Long story short, I kicked the mail box right off the damn pole. Come to find out after the fact, the "buy out" is paid in installments over 5 years. They didn't cut me one fat check like I was told by my boss. I asked him what happens if I accept and he told me that they'll cut me a check for the buy out and I'll be on my way. NOBODY in my dept., including me, bothered to read the 3 pages of fine print in the buy out contract. So, now I'm stuck here with my dick in my hand and I gotta wait for my cash every month for the next 5 years. Sure, I still have a fat paycheck coming from my new job, but still..... I was thinking Mercedes Benz S550 when I got to Atlanta. This isn't gonna stop me from moving, cause today was my last day with GENERAL MALFUNCTION, but still... I WANT MY FVCKING MONEY

    FVCK GM!

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    at least this way you won't be paying 52% in taxes... most buyouts are at the discretion of the employer to a max of 5 yrs..

    good luck in your new career..
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