Hey guys, Another woman problem. Now, Ive been dating this girl Dyanne for about 3 months now, and I like her, and everything is going well. But I went home, ( manitoba ) for xmas, I now live in Calgary Alberta, Anyways, When I went home for the holiday, I seen a girl that I grew up with since we were like 3-4 years old, our families were close, both our fathers fought in 2 of the same wars, and her brother and myself inlisted as well together. Now, we never dated in high school, although I always wanted to ask her, but for some stupid reason I never did, and I moved away a few years ago and havent seen her since. Well, we visited a lot while I was there, like 10 days of the 2 weeks, spent a lot of time together, and had a lot of fun. The oportunity presented itself for my to sleep with her, and sadly enough, I did. Now, she is talking about moving up here, getting a job, she has a carrer and there is lots of her field of work up here so that wouldnt be a problem. The thing is, I would normaly love her to come up here. But like I said before, Im with someone, its going good, but I just dont know, Me and Michelle, we have a past together, and I dont want to blow the one and only chance that I have of being with her. But on the other hand, Dyanne, is a good girl, and I dont want to hurt her. Any ideas or sugjestions on what I should do here? No joking on nail the hotter one, or anything like that. Both are really gorgous. thanks again guys and gals.