I did a 12 week contest of fat to muscle hosted by zidiet vpx nutrition. It was teams of three one guy in my team the heaviest 33% body fat only lost 15 lbs. Long story short WE AINT WINNING! I won't point anymore fingers but towards myself. I went from 265lbs 25% body fat down to 238 lbs 19.6% If you do the calculation some of that was muscle lost too(not good). I did cardio and watched my diet but YES before you comment I could of been more strict! 19.6% is still WAY to HIGH. So 2007 is clean eating and cardio in morning separate from my weight training in the evening. I started hard right away because I want to look decent for the Arnold Classic in March heard it was alot of fun. I hooked up with some bodybuilding trainers and some competitors that just got their pro card. My goal is 12% by april and finishing the year out at 8%