Ok, This is going to get long but I need some help. We have a 8 month old daughter and she is awsome, she can go to my wifes moms house anytime she wants, and my wifes aunts and other friends of the family can babysit her and my wife has no problems with that. But my mom on the other hand, my wife wont let her go stay over night with my mom and the only way my mom can see her is if my wife is there with her. She wont ever let me take my daughter over to see my mom by myself and she says that since we invite my mom over sometimes and she doesnt wanna come my mom has no right to be mad that she doesnt see her. But my mom shouldnt have to have visitation rights, thats basically how its set up. My mom has been a state licensed babysitter for 28 years has a preschool for 2-5 year olds and both have over 1 year waiting lists to get into. Alot of people sign thier kids up when they are born to reserve a spot. So my mom has all the credentials in the world as far as kids go. Now we bought a house in august and her whole family got to come see the house and help us fix it up and this and that and my parents were dying to see it and didnt get to come until the end of October. I lived in california for 4 years in the Marine Corps and my family came out 4 years ago in july. My daught was born in April and I let my wifes family come out first and see the baby because that is what she wanted. But she got pissed off that my family came out after that. She said that they already came out so they didnt need to come out again. It was a year later, and it was thier Granddaughers birth! Ive always just been trying to make everyone happy but have basically been Sh*tting on my mom and she is getting screwed in not seeing her granddaughter. My mom has 4 important things in her life, her sons, (me and my brother), her husband, her job, and her granddaughter. My wife has basically taken her grand daughter and in a way me away from my mom. My mom has layed awake alot of nights crying and has even thought about suicide because of it. She has done nothing wrong to deserve this. My mom told me that it would be easier if we had no contact because she cant keep hurting like this. And she said she loves me but she has taken me out of her will. And put everything to go to my brother incase I get a divorce so my wife doesnt try to take anything. WHAT DO I DO?????