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  1. #1
    Slowhand is offline Associate Member
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    Speeding Ticket Advice

    I was going 65mph in a 40 zone so 25 over and the cop turned on his blues he was on the other side of the road... so I slowed down to the speed limit and he didn't get behind me until 2.5 miles down the road.. anyone have any advice? besides stop speeding?

  2. #2
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    If he gave you a ticket then either pay it or go to court and argue your case

    jing jai

  3. #3
    Jiesel's Avatar
    Jiesel is offline Associate Member
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    was he moving in the opposite direction or still? Just pay the ticket and slow down....shoulda been extra sweet and maybe he woulda dropped a few mph from your ticket. 25 over aint a whole big deal, 2-3 points usually and around $150 ticket. Drive right for 3 years and Its no longer on your record.

    I'm not sure whether you can plead PBJ in a case like this...

  4. #4
    Slowhand is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg
    If he gave you a ticket then either pay it or go to court and argue your case
    yeah, there was also cars in frotn of me too so they were going the same speed....

    Just don't want to lose my liscense

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    ever go fishing??? did you catch all the fish in the lake?? or just the one???

    point is you were wrong.. pay the fine..

    you can argue, but that's what the judge will say..

    In Minnesota, if you appear, you will see a law clerk before, they either lower the fine, or drop if the cop is unavailable.. but if the cop is there you are toast..
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  6. #6
    Jiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowhand
    yeah, there was also cars in frotn of me too so they were going the same speed....

    Just don't want to lose my liscense
    not sure about ur state but most states 30mph over is grounds for suspension, anything less and ur in the clear...

  7. #7
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiesel
    was he moving in the opposite direction or still? Just pay the ticket and slow down....shoulda been extra sweet and maybe he woulda dropped a few mph from your ticket. 25 over aint a whole big deal, 2-3 points usually and around $150 ticket. Drive right for 3 years and Its no longer on your record.

    I'm not sure whether you can plead PBJ in a case like this...
    Peanut butter and jelly?

  8. #8
    Grant8010's Avatar
    Grant8010 is offline Junior Member
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    ive used and just paid my ticket and their fee ($100 at that time, not sure what it is now) and it doesnt go on your record and it doesnt go on your insurance. i have actually used them about 3 times

  9. #9
    Jiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Peanut butter and jelly?
    you got It

    Probation Before Judgement

  10. #10
    ACE24's Avatar
    ACE24 is offline Junior Member
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    Were you speeding? Then just pay the ticket and be done with it!

  11. #11
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you have a good reason for going that fast? Was it a medical emergency? If so, you can usually plead no contest, as long as you have proof.

    If not, pay the ticket, and stop speeding.

  12. #12
    beatango2008's Avatar
    beatango2008 is offline Senior Member
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    thats not bad is this your first ticket?
    My first ticket I was going 110mph in a 50 and the fine on the ticket was
    $525 but the judge lowerd it to $150 then I had to do 30 hours of comu service and take a ( Drive To Survive ) Class and the MVA made me take a (Driving Improvement Class) then like 3 months later I was pulled over for doing 75 in a 50 but I didnt go to court and just paid the ticket. then they suspended my liscense for 3 months. and me like a dumbass kept on driving and got pulled over once again...the cops gave me a break though and didnt arrest me. I had like $3000 in fines but I got a good lawyer and he got me off on PBJ for 24months. the thing that was fuked up was I could of got my liscense back the next day. Haha
    My advice to you is get a lawyer if you dont want any points

  13. #13
    beatango2008's Avatar
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    oh and another 30 hours of working for free I hate that! lol

  14. #14
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont try and argue it you wont win. i tried to argue a ticket once where i was RIGHT 100% i wasnt in the wrong at all and the cop being a douschebag wrote me anyways for speeding in a school zone.....he pulled me over BEFORE the school zone. went to court, argued it, judge asked me where i was stopped i said about 100feet before the school zone began, also that the school zone wanring lights were not working. judge asked the (one horse town only cop in that town by th eway) if i was correct he said he stopped me mid way through the school zone and the sign was working. TOTAL bs. needless to say i got a hefty fine and lost ALL faith in the american justice system.

    but hey since then i've got that cop a dui and a C&I ticket......ahhhhhhhh i win

  15. #15
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    beatango if I was the officer on scene I would have arrested you and charged you with felony reckless driving. Damn dude. 110 in a 50? DAMN DAMN dude. Aspiring Nascar driver?

    Just kididng.

    Anyway Slowhand there really isn't much you can do in this case. You were traveling with the flow of traffic which is good for you but the officer obviously used his discretion and decided to stop you. Sucks but it's discretion.

    The reason he waited 2.5 miles before he pulled you over could be anything. It's my guess he ran your tags to see if the registration came back with a want or warrant before turning the disco lights on.

    Someone else said it but I'll echo it. Go to court, hope the cop doesn't show, if not, pay the fine. If he does show just point out you were following the flow of traffic. There's a 95% chance it won't work but you might get lucky.

  16. #16
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    i always get a lawyer to take care of ne tickets...rather pay them and get no fines, then have to pay a fine for the ticket and watch my insurace go up!

  17. #17
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    show up to court and maybe the judge will give lower the ticket a little bit. In cali its usually $25 per every mile over. Then tell him if you can attend traffic school.

  18. #18
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Here's what to do

    When you go to court, if the officer fails to show, you ask that the case be dismissed under the 6th A. If he's there, tell the judge that you don't think he is the officer that pulled you over, if the judge asks the officer whether it was him and he affirms that it was AND he/she takes him at his word, ask the judge to recuse him/herself because the presiding court offficer has show a bias in favor of law enforcement and you cannot recieve a fair trial. This should get you
    1) a New trial
    2) Some really pissed off judges and district atty's and
    3) maybe even some jail time.
    or, the judge will think you are cute and dismiss the case with predjudice.

  19. #19
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    When you go to court, if the officer fails to show, you ask that the case be dismissed under the 6th A. If he's there, tell the judge that you don't think he is the officer that pulled you over, if the judge asks the officer whether it was him and he affirms that it was AND he/she takes him at his word, ask the judge to recuse him/herself because the presiding court offficer has show a bias in favor of law enforcement and you cannot recieve a fair trial. This should get you
    1) a New trial
    2) Some really pissed off judges and district atty's and
    3) maybe even some jail time.
    or, the judge will think you are cute and dismiss the case with predjudice.
    lol. f that idea. i tried playing the whole "radar gun calibration" certificate. a cop is supposed to be able to present it in court if you ask for it. i asked for it he didnt have it so the judge as a rule will throw it out. he looked at me and goes "he doesnt have it whats next" i was like DICK!

  20. #20
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    If you have a friend who is a mechanic or owns a shop, OR find a nice small shop and give the mechanic there $100...Have him write you a receipt for re-calibrating your speedometer and have him show that it was off by 15mph and there is no way you could have known this, it was a problem with the product and not something you would have noticed to fix. You say that you noticed it once the officer pulled you over and told you how fast you were going and you had no idea you were in fact traveling that fast. I will tell you that this has worked in the passed, was able to get my buddy out of a 20 over... Good luck...

  21. #21
    STYLE74's Avatar
    STYLE74 is offline Got Style?
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    When I first started working at my old job I had 22 points on my license. I had to have an attorney fight for me to keep my license and I did. I was never really a crazy driver, I just was just unlucky and got caught. Now I have 2 points on my license and that was driving off route with my Mixer 2 years ago. I drive carefully now and I have Geico insurance so My license and insurance is finally in good shape. If you can afford it get a good lawyer and you could probable get off, if not just pay the ticket and slow down.

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