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  1. #41
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    oh hold on u wanna talk about a/c and ****in roomate's a/c blasts cold air at night..mine just farts out a lil air...he know how hot my room gets if the a/c isnt on atleast 73 or 74 i told him to close his vents a lil and turn his fan off...then i did it for him...muther ****er insists on keepin it up till i sweat...then one day he took the face off the a/c controller so i couldnt do anything..i was like wtf...i went in his room at 2am and told him dont ever pull that shit again....
    gawd mine too. My vent must suck too. I put the AC on 65 at all times. He'll always go in the middle of the night and put it on like 82..I wake up sweating like hell. Im always like wtf and they bitch cuz its cold. Well I really don't feel like drenching my bedsheets so the temperature is constantly being changed from 65 back to 82. I don't feel like living in a sauna

    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    I had a roomate my freshman year, who didint clean, ate all the food and was just a peice of sh*t. used to smoke cigs in our dorm. ended getting me and him kicked out of housing... then the fun started..

    so i ended up moving in with him into a apt a lil off campus, because his dad agreed to pay, since he got my ass kicked out of housing. well long story short, he had not cleaned for months. the apt looked decent cause i made sure everynight i picked up after his drunk ass. i asked him numerous times just to clean his room because the smell was going across the hall into mine. it was discgusting. i dont care if your room is dirty, its your room, but when its so dirty that it smells and it starts effecting my room across the hall, then we have problems.

    so I went out one night with my buddies to a party ended up getting pretty close to blackout. came home there was shit like everywhere, he had thrown a party in the apt (its his apt) so i cant really say to much. then i walked in my room and it was a f*ckiin mess. people had spilt beer on my bed and floor and well to say the least i was f*cking pissed.

    he walked out of his room wicked drunk talking a bunch of shit cause i was yelling at him about my room. and proceeded to tell me i thought i was a "tough guy" cause i went to the gym. then he tried to walk by me in the hallway by pushing me. well i wasnt sober and i was ticked. this was the last straw. i ended up pushing him back, he threw a punch, clipped me in the shoulder and i just rocked him in the face about 5 - 6 times till he was on the hallway floor passed out covered in blood from a bleading lip and bloody nose. so i left him there changed my sheets cleaned up my room and went to bed. woke up at about 12pm the next day. whole house was mint! i swear it was cleaner then the first day we moved in. havnt had a probelm with him since, its now junior year. i still live with him, hes a good friend of mine, he f*cking cleans now and hes still paying rent
    Like the story. I cant talk my room always smells like ass making the whole dorm smell like that. Now i feel good tho cuz they make it smell bad in the middle too. I have my foreman in my room cookin chicken 3-4 times a day and these rooms are small so it makes it smell. Now they have foremans and do the same so I dont feel bad

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    haha dam thats a good if i got home and there was shit spilt everywere i would def. fight...i get pissed when my roomate jokes about people sleepin in my bed when im not there...that is my space and it shouldnt be used by anyone but myself and gf...
    yea i hear that. my bed is ment for two people only. me and my girl, and when im pist only me hahaha

    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Like the story. I cant talk my room always smells like ass making the whole dorm smell like that. Now i feel good tho cuz they make it smell bad in the middle too. I have my foreman in my room cookin chicken 3-4 times a day and these rooms are small so it makes it smell. Now they have foremans and do the same so I dont feel bad
    haha i had the foreman in the dorms ( which was like all of like 5 months cause we got kicked out so fast) but now we got a lil walk out padio so we cook on the grill

  3. #43
    chest6's Avatar
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    ahhh so lucky. Even if i had a grill i'd prolly still use my foreman. So easy..I'll plug it in...turn around get a chi breast from the fridge..throw sum seasoning on..plop it on foreman. Whore for 10-12 mins..then u got a nice chi breast waitin. All while never gettin outta my chair

  4. #44
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    ahhh so lucky. Even if i had a grill i'd prolly still use my foreman. So easy..I'll plug it in...turn around get a chi breast from the fridge..throw sum seasoning on..plop it on foreman. Whore for 10-12 mins..then u got a nice chi breast waitin. All while never gettin outta my chair
    whore for 10min : dude u must be eating chicken breast all day with 21 thousand posts haha

  5. #45
    Snrf's Avatar
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    you only cook yours for 12 mins chest?

    I always overcook mine, i put them on for 20, but im mad paranoid about food poisoning, of course its like eating boot leather but fvckit...i might try 15 one of these days

    and my foreman is a lifesaver, id be like 120 pounds if i didnt have it

  6. #46
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    yes...this is true. Im kinna sad now cuz I gotta get up and make eggwhites cuz im outta chi breasts

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    you only cook yours for 12 mins chest?

    I always overcook mine, i put them on for 20, but im mad paranoid about food poisoning, of course its like eating boot leather but fvckit...i might try 15 one of these days
    Well..maybe i underestimated. I put it on and plug it in..I dont wait for the light to go off. Maybe it is 20 mins. But yeah lately I've been making sure they're cooked all the way for sure. Burnt a few lately even

  8. #48
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    gawd mine too. My vent must suck too. I put the AC on 65 at all times. He'll always go in the middle of the night and put it on like 82..I wake up sweating like hell. Im always like wtf and they bitch cuz its cold. Well I really don't feel like drenching my bedsheets so the temperature is constantly being changed from 65 back to 82. I don't feel like living in a sauna

    Like the story. I cant talk my room always smells like ass making the whole dorm smell like that. Now i feel good tho cuz they make it smell bad in the middle too. I have my foreman in my room cookin chicken 3-4 times a day and these rooms are small so it makes it smell. Now they have foremans and do the same so I dont feel bad

    dude, we are quite a like chest!! hahaha my house is set at about 67 MAX and my sister puts on the heat when I'm in the shower...I'm like HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL NOO bitch!!

  9. #49
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Yeah I once shared a flat with my cousin years ago. He was the epitome of a slob and his even fatter girlfriend was a bigger slob than he. And she kept eating everything. I was called Mary Poppins for awhile on account only I would tidy the place up.

  10. #50
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Yeah I once shared a flat with my cousin years ago. He was the epitome of a slob and his even fatter girlfriend was a bigger slob than he. And she kept eating everything. I was called Mary Poppins for awhile on account only I would tidy the place up.
    oh man i woudl be so pissed if people always ate my food...this brings me to my next point, why are girls so much dirtier then guys...before college i thought girls were neat and tidy...after a semester i learned they're messier than shit...and they've been reinforcing that into my head for the past 3 years...

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