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  1. #1
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Last edited by thegodfather; 11-06-2007 at 04:25 PM.

  2. #2
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    no experience with this type of situation but just glad to hear no one was physically hurt.

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
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    we build ourselves, we learn and we love, then something happens and we realize how little control we have..

    it's not a good thing... did they get a photo from the store camera??

    and did she find a new job yet..??
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  4. #4
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    happened to my friend once, he worked at a gas station, fcked him up for sometime. she should try to find another job, my friend had ahard time going back to work, he never felt safe again there.. bad situations happens in life and we cant be everywhere or control them all. best advice is to not put yourself(or herself in this case) in harms way again. has to be a safer job than that

  5. #5
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Yea I keep telling her to waitress instead and make more money...She actually went back to work today...The place is such a joke they only put the cameras on randomly, so no I dont think they caught anything on them.

  6. #6
    M5_AX_Mario's Avatar
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    if she is over 21 tell her to get a small hand gun

  7. #7
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Glad to hear she wasnt hurt, But I agree there are a lot better places to work than a Conv store. I think I heard that it was considered one of the most dangerous jobs in america.

    I have a buddy who got a 9mm put on his forehead at a party a few years back. The guy put it to his head and said something to the affect I bet you cant believe this is how your life would end. He was pretty F^cked up after that for awhile. You never know where it will come from.

  8. #8
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    If she gets a gun that would only put her in more toruble when a situation comes up, she had no way of predicting that would happen when the guy walked in, so by the time she realized anything the gun was already at her face!! Whats she supposed to do then pull a clint eastwoon and draw from under the counter??? If she had reached to fix a wedgie the guy could have fired and then this thread would have been alot more tragic for you man!

    And if she's already tense and scared of what happened, then carrying a gun will only make her over-suspicious and you never know when the next time she overreacts and pulls it out at some kids making noise or joking around in the store! Then its behind bars for her!!

  9. #9
    M5_AX_Mario's Avatar
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    thats why I have never date a chick with a job most of them are either loaded or dads are made men and wont let there daughters work

  10. #10
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    That sucks man.

    Sucks to know you are so powerless.

    WHat kind of piece of shit can go into a convenience store and rob it with a gun?

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    No way that I want her to have a gun...She did just as she was supposed to...handed over ever everything in the drawer and what he asked for..he left without incident... The guy got away with $150 and a pack of newports.....So it really sounds like its his loss risking a ****in 10 year jail sentence for that.....

    Im actually GLAD he pulled a gun on her...There has been about 13 robberys in this state where a person walked up to the clerk and threw a cup of steaming hot coffe in there face and then grabbed everything in the register...They're called the "Splash n Grab bandits".... If something like that had been done that would be a lot worse than just being held up...Not to mention if someone had done that to my girlfriend and they ever did catch them, their family would have to suffer the consequences and then the piece of shit would get shanked in jail, thats just how it would happen...

  12. #12
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Hey godfather sorry to hear this terrible news man. It's a terrible thing she must have went through but THANK GOD she is ok. I would keep her out of that store because sometimes robbers get brave and come back to the same place if they think it was an easy target, maybe let her find a job where she is not directly working with money/cash you know. It will probably take some time for her to get back to normal because situations like that really stick in people's minds. She will be fine as I know you are there for her and i'm sure she is plenty safe with you. All the best!

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M5_AX_Mario
    thats why I have never date a chick with a job most of them are either loaded or dads are made men and wont let there daughters work
    oh i could tell by your pic thats how you roll.

  14. #14
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that happened to your lady, the punchline is that the robber probably got away with less than 50 bucks, smart creature risking a 20 year charge for a 50 spot.

  15. #15
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    oh i could tell by your pic thats how you roll.

    i was gonna say something but you beat me to it

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    we build ourselves, we learn and we love, then something happens and we realize how little control we have..

    it's not a good thing... did they get a photo from the store camera??

    and did she find a new job yet..??


    safety and security is basically about perception. You want to belive you have taken all possible measures to know you are not going to be harmed and when something comes along and shows youre wrong...then the comfort you used to have is destoryed.

    so what i would think would help is to help her get back into a safe feeling, maybe getting her into some self defense classes and even something like buying her mase or a safety whistle...something that she knows she can use to defend herself incase something else would ever arise

    just my opinion btw

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by M5_AX_Mario
    thats why I have never date a chick with a job most of them are either loaded or dads are made men and wont let there daughters work

    lol ps... this douche isnt banned yet??

    i thought it was against the rules to have Armani exchange in your user name??

  18. #18
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Its sucks so bad, for anyone, especially for someone smaller like your girl, I've had a gun in my face a few times, and it sucks knowing in a fight you would destroy someone but they have a little peace of metal that doesnt take anything but a pull of a finger to put you away. I've been shot at both in Iraq and in the civilian world. Its a pretty tramatic experience and I was conditioned to be use to it, and it does get easier but no one should have to go through it. I can't belive the risk people will go through for 150 bucks. Some human beings are so pathetic. This upsets me and I dont even know her or you. Make sure she gets a different job.

  19. #19
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    I hope she gets better and doesn't let something like this ass hole ruin her sleep or job.

  20. #20
    ect0m0rph is offline Member
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    Man that sucks, what a douche robbing a convience store like you said he made 150 bucks that is nothing. Feel bad for your girl hope she gets through it.

  21. #21
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    I hate guns being pionted at me, even if Inkow its not loaded and some one is just playin around

  22. #22
    1819's Avatar
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    glad the girlfriend is ok. that's most important. got mugged by 4 dudes when i was a youngster in newark nj. one had a knife in my bellybutton, but didnt cut me, the others beat my ass pretty good. i was drunk as hell and had just come back from the city and was sleeping on the train platform. had about 3 dollars on me. hope they didnt spend it all in one place!

  23. #23
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    my buddy got robed and he only had like 35cents on him so the guy pistol whiped the shit out of the back of his head. Gota love St.Louis

  24. #24
    1819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    my buddy got robed and he only had like 35cents on him so the guy pistol whiped the shit out of the back of his head. Gota love St.Louis
    lol. thats why they beat my ass. i told them next time get me going into the city, not out. they didnt find humor in my comments. i was only 17 or so so i probably needed the ass kickin anyway.

  25. #25
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    remind me never to goto st.louis

  26. #26
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    we build ourselves, we learn and we love, then something happens and we realize how little control we have..

    it's not a good thing... did they get a photo from the store camera??

    and did she find a new job yet..??

    So true.

  27. #27
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    My girlfriend works at a local convienience store while attending college full time...Last night she was working and the weather wasnt too great out...Some piece of shit came in with a scarf over his face, put a note down on the counter that said not to talk and to give him all the money...She didnt really understand maybe thinking it was a joke, and then the guy pulled out a gun and put it in her face...I was so angry I didnt know what to do, they didnt catch the guy and its a really helpless feeling it pisses me off...It really made me scared and me and my girl have been with one another for like almost 7 years now...I just needed to vent about this as i feel helpless at the moment and shes REALLY SHOOK about it, shes having nightmares and what not...I mean I personally have been in situations like that before and they dont bother me too much, but for a little girl like her it really is taking its toll on her... Anyone else ever have a situation like this??? I'll tell ya this though, Im connected with some not so nice people, and if they ever catch this guy he better pray they lock him up for a long time...
    if shes going through an emotional crisis of any sort its best to intervene with therapy sooner than later. it depends on her basic coping and adaptability skills that will lead to how resilient she will feel towards the trauma.
    i saw a guy get stabbed to death with a razored toothbrush and i had to speak to a therapist a few times because it was fvcking with my head.

    ask her how she feels, DONT try to minimize her emotions OR exagerate them. Be 100% understanding and open. If its really bothering her have her talk to a crisis intervention counselor.

  28. #28
    Big Drez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    No way that I want her to have a gun...She did just as she was supposed to...handed over ever everything in the drawer and what he asked for..he left without incident... The guy got away with $150 and a pack of newports.....So it really sounds like its his loss risking a ****in 10 year jail sentence for that.....

    Im actually GLAD he pulled a gun on her...There has been about 13 robberys in this state where a person walked up to the clerk and threw a cup of steaming hot coffe in there face and then grabbed everything in the register...They're called the "Splash n Grab bandits".... If something like that had been done that would be a lot worse than just being held up...Not to mention if someone had done that to my girlfriend and they ever did catch them, their family would have to suffer the consequences and then the piece of shit would get shanked in jail, thats just how it would happen...
    what state is this?

    That stuff does suck though. First time I got a gun pointed at me I was shook pretty badly for about a week. After that it was somewhat of a normal occurence. That's why I stopped hangin' out on the Eastside of Detroit and started going to college in Kentucky lol....

  29. #29
    goodcents's Avatar
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    I would of enjoyed shooting him in his back over and over 13 rounds of .40" s&w just pumping them out2 more 15 round magazines on the side for more "fun" Got to love oncealed carry and glocks ( If the fools don't want shot, they shouldn't steal)

  30. #30
    zimmy's Avatar
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    um...if you are a Concealed Handgun license'd know that you'd go to jail for that. Shots to the back = jail time

    multiple shots liket hat = jail time

    having a CHL does not mean you are allowed to try to kill people... means you are allowed to defend yourself and try to stop other people.

  31. #31
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Robber "give me the money now" you " ok, it's not my money, that ass hole owes me money as it is" look out window like you see something and when he turns just take your time in a hurry and put them into his head if it's close enough or center mass if a little farther away ps, I've been practicing even more lately. Robbers are parasites that need killing They should award medals when we pop the mother fukers

  32. #32
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    um...if you are a Concealed Handgun license'd know that you'd go to jail for that. Shots to the back = jail time

    multiple shots liket hat = jail time

    having a CHL does not mean you are allowed to try to kill people... means you are allowed to defend yourself and try to stop other people.
    I know, that's why I said I would of enjoyed it instead of what you are allowed to do. It's fuked up we have to live by rules that make us targets and actually in class they said that any person holding a weapon is still a threat to you or others. He could turn around and shoot you at any time. I think in the same sitiation I would still shoot him and worry about the shlt later You have concealed carry too?

  33. #33
    Shane35aa's Avatar
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    Man dude talk her into getting another job...I don't know what she makes but its definately not worth taking a chance getting her ass killed

  34. #34
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I know, that's why I said I would of enjoyed it instead of what you are allowed to do. It's fuked up we have to live by rules that make us targets and actually in class they said that any person holding a weapon is still a threat to you or others. He could turn around and shoot you at any time. I think in the same sitiation I would still shoot him and worry about the shlt later You have concealed carry too?

    yah but i don't carry any more. Be too hard to prove in court to a jury of my "peers" (who aren't intellectually any where near being my "peer") that despite my multiple fighting style training and my size, that i felt scared for my life. In Texas that is the rule... you are justified so long as you were in fear of your life.

  35. #35
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    yah but i don't carry any more. Be too hard to prove in court to a jury of my "peers" (who aren't intellectually any where near being my "peer") that despite my multiple fighting style training and my size, that i felt scared for my life. In Texas that is the rule... you are justified so long as you were in fear of your life.
    Come join us again

  36. #36
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Anyone see the movie Boondock Saints? I feel like most criminals get off to easy. Anyone who pulls a gun on another innocent human being deserves severe punishment. I'm not talking about a trial with a defense attorney. If the crime happenes, there are witnesses, camera, etc, it should be dealt with immediately. Get a fu**ing job if you want money. Parasites.

  37. #37
    wishmasterATM is offline Banned
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    that suckss... I witnessed a 15 year old kid killer in front of us, he was shot with a type of gun made by e pencil...they are only one time use...kind off like a small blow gun...anywayss one shot in the head..pretty sad....

  38. #38
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    Somthing you gotta expect these days working convinience stores they need to pay danger pay if you ask me

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