Well I am feeling quite good of myself after my chest workout today. I went into the gym trying to get an ideal of how much my max was before I start this cycle in 1-2 weeks, and I was actually quite stronger then I thought I was. I was thinking around 350. So I warmed up and threw 350 up with hardly any struggle. I put on 375 and it took EVERYTHING I had but it went up!!! I have been wanting to get 405 so bad because I mean who doesn't want to get 4 plates on each side lol? But yes, I figured I'd come on here and I guess boast a little bit to know 30 more lbs and I am at my short term/long term goal (long term because I've never gotten it, short term as well because I obviously want to pass it. Any of ya'll ever been suprised at how much stronger you were then you actually thought?