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  1. #81
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    I have listened one more time

    With limited knowledge considered

    I personally find absolutely nothing wrong here....Nothing....notta....

  2. #82
    nalbano34's Avatar
    nalbano34 is offline Member
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    When you have kids and are felling like they are being taken away, if that is what he is feeling at all, then you may get pissed. I can only assume that because he commented on this happening many times already. He blew up and if you have kids and go through that then you will understand a bit better IMO.

  3. #83
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Yup, he's out here in the Hamptons all the time , top notch asshole, unreal. H etrys to jump into the plitics out here alot, they usualy shut him down.

    Doesnt surprise me at all...

  4. #84
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dude-Man
    I still can't believe that you guys think that in the grand scheme of abusive behavior that this is even a blip on the metaphoric radar. Just because he's a celebrity you shouldn't blow something fairly benign out of proportion.
    I agree. I would be willing to bet that every kid on the face of the earth with a parent has been yelled at worse than that.

    To all the people who were horrified at the dad's behavior.....Did your parents ever yell at you once during your entire childhood?

    What a joke, I think the reason he was yelling at her is because he does care about her and he's pissed that he doesn't get to talk to her during their scheduled time. If that didn't piss you off you would be a shitty parent.

    Sorry, I just can't stand all the politically correct, emotionally fragile people that seem to be popping up everywhere. "Oh my god, that little kid threw a rock at a moving car and then that mean dad spanked him, call the police!!!"

  5. #85
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    see i think this shouldnt have been leaked out, it is in bad taste, parents fck up,they are human, if i recorded and played some fights thatmy parents and i had people would be horrified and my parents were great parents. everyone, including parents have bad moments,families weather together or divorced shouldnt air out their dirty laundry
    yea this is stupid......goddamn media being gay......let people live their lives not to mention it's not any business of the publics how he talks to his kid....and maybe she is being a little pig....i think i'd have used the word brat though

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