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  1. #41
    lpicken's Avatar
    lpicken is offline Associate Member
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    This one time I tried steroids my balls shrunk up like a chocalate M&M. Then I PCTed and they came back. This other time I tried steroids I got really pissed at just about everything. Then I counted to ten real slowly and everything was O.K.

  2. #42
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Thanks Zod, Inherit, Pooks & Martin, these are what I'm looking for.

    Jump in fellas, it's for a good cause!

    Some of the webpage titles:
    Legal Issues with Steroid Use
    How to Spot a User
    -this boderlines on single VISIBLE side effects from steroids can be definitive markers for identifying a steroid user. People who are natural can easily experience rapid weight gain(new lifters), acne, water retention, and any of the other sides I'm sure are going to be listed under this sub-heading. I do not think that its fair to steroid users to be identified by superficial 'tell-tale' signs of which I HOPE you have peer reviewed case studies to back up these allegations. I'm sure not even an Endocrinologist could distinguish a person with natural acne and steroid induced acne. I'm positive that a cardiologist could not distinguish between a person on steroids with adema, and someone with a cardiac condition who is experiencing adema. I'm also sure that a personal trainer or dietician could not distinguish between a person that gains weight rapidly and tell you which one follows a strict bulking diet and which one is a steroid user. Consequently, from a category like this you are also going to be penalizing people who follow a strict diet&exercise regimen but who may get acne naturally and a little adema, and people will now classify them as steroid users. Im sure that we all know because of the recent media coverage of steroids, the public at large now views anyone who remotely looks like they workout as a possible steroid user, and that is not fair. This category is not only an injustice to the steroid community, but to the bodybuilding community as a whole.
    How to Talk to Your Child about Steroids
    How to Detox from Steroid Abuse
    -This category also uses a choice of words which does not represent the steroid community accurately. You "DETOX" from narcotics, you "RECOVER" from steroids. Detox implies that you have toxins in your system such as illicit recreational drugs and need them out of your system. When you come off of a steroid cycle you RECOVER your bodies natural ability to produce its own hormones again. Additionally, steroids are not illicit recreational drugs, they are powerful synthetic hormones. I do not believe that they deserve the categorization that you have given them and I believe this is an injustice to the responsible steroid community and represents them inaccurately.
    Side Effects of Steroid Abuse (long and short term abuse)
    Dangers of Steroid Abuse (health risks, prison, death)
    -Once again, there is absolutely no scientific medical evidence which can support ANY claim of death to date. To even include this in your sub-category is unethical. There has not been a single death attributed to the use of steroids, ever. There are absolutely no peer reviewed medical studies which indicate that this is a likely side effect of steroid use even where steroids are abused. If you can show me the peer reviewed study, journal, or autopsy report from a coroners office then I will retract my previous statement. Until such time please refrain from publishing unfounded and undocumented statements.
    Steroid Abuse in Sports (football, baseball, etc.)
    Steroid Abuse in the School System (middle school, high school, college)
    Steroid Abuse and Peer Pressure
    Myths about Steroids
    Steroids and Women

    I have a few issues with your titles...Since you are obviously a steroid user, you kind of have an obligation to represent the steroid community in a FAIR and TRUTHFUL light. Unfortunately, I dont believe that some of your topic headings are nessecarily fair to the RESPONSIBLE steroid community. I'll explain, just read in the quote under whats bold... I absolutely respect what your website represents, however I do hope that you will represent the responsible steroid community accurately and most importantly support ALL statements with PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC DATA . Thanks...

  3. #43
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shredzs
    and you didnt get any infections, man ur lucky!
    Sterility was the only thing I was pretty smart about, after each shot I took the syringe apart and wiped everything with alcohol and then pumped some alcohol through it. I would only throw the pins away when the seal for the plunger gave out. Reusing pins isn't even close to the most idiotic, dangerous thing I've done to my body but that discussion isn't allowed on this forum.

  4. #44
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I have a few issues with your titles...Since you are obviously a steroid user, you kind of have an obligation to represent the steroid community in a FAIR and TRUTHFUL light. Unfortunately, I dont believe that some of your topic headings are nessecarily fair to the RESPONSIBLE steroid community. I'll explain, just read in the quote under whats bold... I absolutely respect what your website represents, however I do hope that you will represent the responsible steroid community accurately and most importantly support ALL statements with PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC DATA . Thanks...
    Firstly, these are not my titles. As a master's trained professional researcher I agreed to come onboard and I was presented with a list (similar to the one you saw) from which I selected a couple of titles to research and write on; then edited most of the others. Thus the title verbiage was not selected by me, nor is it identical to the final drafts within the site. You are viewing early draft titles, not finished ones.

    Secondly, in addressing your first title issue, there are a variety of medication families that cause toxins to accumulate within the body, and steroids are no exception as some specifically cause Hepatotoxcity. So it is quite possible to detox from them, as well as recover from suppression and/or oppression. However this title didn't even make the final listing:

    Identify Anabolic Steroids
    How to Spot a User
    Steroids 101
    Peer Pressure
    Coming Off Steroids
    Dangers of Steroid Abuse
    Steroid Abuse in Sports
    - Teens and Testosterone
    - The War on Steroids
    - Arrested for Steroids?
    Steroid Use in High School
    How Anabolic Steroids Work
    Talking To Your Child
    Side Effects of Steroid Abuse
    Steroid Myths
    Steroids and Women
    Answers From BodyBuilders

    Thirdly, regarding your second title issue, it would behoove you to remember both the target audience (presented earlier in the thread) as well as the age/maturity level of said audience. As alluded to earlier, there is absolutely no need for one to provide any form of literature (medical, clinical, or other) regarding the potentially hazardous effects of improperly administered medications of any type. One can literally cause suicide with a bottle of OTC meds.

    It appears that certain individuals are playing devil's advocate and trying to find a hypocritical bone within the body of this venture. Let me assure you that there is no need for such implications as we are well aware that the very venture itself is hypocritical...

    …a steroid site entrepreneur beginning an anti-steroid website.

    However, it has been undertaken with only the best intentions, and is in no way condemning mature adult steroid use. Again note the target audience, so please seek another ship on which to mount frontal assaults.


  5. #45
    magic32's Avatar
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    A BIG THANKS to all those who helped contributed.

    The stories will be listed under fictitious names, of course, if they beat the deadline.


  6. #46
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32

    Thirdly, regarding your second title issue, it would behoove you to remember both the target audience (presented earlier in the thread) as well as the age/maturity level of said audience. As alluded to earlier, there is absolutely no need for one to provide any form of literature (medical, clinical, or other) regarding the potentially hazardous effects of improperly administered medications of any type. One can literally cause suicide with a bottle of OTC meds.

    Therein lies the inherent problem with your target audience and the US population in general. When someone says something (anyone, a website, a journalist,your next door neighbor, etc, etc) its perfectly ok to say "SAYS WHO?" So, I do see a problem with a website that makes statements but cannot site the sources by which it is able to make those claims. In all fairness, I support what the site is about, but only so long as the facts are represented accurately and supported by scientific fact and not perpetuated by blanket statements and stereotypes. Theres really no need to be defensive, because I'm not mounting an attack of any sort, Im simply voicing my CONCERNS about creating such a site which while I do believe is beneficial to informing teens to make a better educated decision, may also demonize law abiding hard working responsible steroid users even further than they have already been demonized.

    Forgive me if you believe I'm being defensive, I would probably not be so if it had not been a member of our community participating in such a site. However, as such, I would expect that while you would want to protect adolescents and parents, you would also want to protect the facts regarding our community and what we represent as far as informed and responsible use.

    So finally...I wish your project the best of luck and do hope it is a success. I do hope that we are able to protect the youths as thats what the sites purpose seems to be. However, I hope that the facts are represented accurately to our teens&parents and that it does not resort to baseless scare tactics which hold no real factual backing. I believe that people are educated enough in todays day and age to take the facts, unadulterated, and make an informed decision for themselves, rather then having the facts manipulated to demonize something that they are completely ignorant of.

    Take care...

  7. #47
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    Steroids make me sleep with women that I wouldnt normally give the time of day to

  8. #48
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
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    post this in your article dick

  9. #49
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
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    im sorry roid rage lol

  10. #50
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Therein lies the inherent problem with your target audience and the US population in general. When someone says something (anyone, a website, a journalist,your next door neighbor, etc, etc) its perfectly ok to say "SAYS WHO?" So, I do see a problem with a website that makes statements but cannot site the sources by which it is able to make those claims. In all fairness, I support what the site is about, but only so long as the facts are represented accurately and supported by scientific fact and not perpetuated by blanket statements and stereotypes. Theres really no need to be defensive, because I'm not mounting an attack of any sort, Im simply voicing my CONCERNS about creating such a site which while I do believe is beneficial to informing teens to make a better educated decision, may also demonize law abiding hard working responsible steroid users even further than they have already been demonized.

    Forgive me if you believe I'm being defensive, I would probably not be so if it had not been a member of our community participating in such a site. However, as such, I would expect that while you would want to protect adolescents and parents, you would also want to protect the facts regarding our community and what we represent as far as informed and responsible use.

    So finally...I wish your project the best of luck and do hope it is a success. I do hope that we are able to protect the youths as thats what the sites purpose seems to be. However, I hope that the facts are represented accurately to our teens&parents and that it does not resort to baseless scare tactics which hold no real factual backing. I believe that people are educated enough in todays day and age to take the facts, unadulterated, and make an informed decision for themselves, rather then having the facts manipulated to demonize something that they are completely ignorant of.

    Take care...
    Perhaps I misunderstood you, my mistake, I stand corrected. With regards to the "Says who", segment of your concern, I was only cited the lack of need with respect to the fact that they as all meds or anything for that matter is potentially dangerous. Rest assured that all declarations, evidences, and arguments will be substantially supported, presented and defended respectively.

    This isn't some cheap thrown together project, it's a well thought out, generously funded initiative that will be impactful.

    Your concerns are well voiced, but consider the thought, effort and ingenuity that went into this site and remember that the owner/founder is the same person.

    No offenses were meant and hopefully no grudges will be held.


  11. #51
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbkandrew13
    post this in your article dick
    Thanks, every little bit helps and if that's all your imagination could muster it too is appreciated.


  12. #52
    worldpower is offline Associate Member
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    when i was younger, i injected a whole 10ml bottle of test prop in 1 day divided in 2 injections so it was two 5ml injections on my ass, didnt know what i was doing

  13. #53
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I've personally seen many ppl throughout the years who have abused gear some to different extremes than others.

    I feel ppl underestimate the compounds being used and take way too many compounds as well as too high of dosages, to often.

    Anyhow, the most common thing I see with people who abuse anabolics is the repeated outcome of becoming ***endant on HRT at a young age (under 30yrs old).

    Most ppl don't get bloodwork done on a regular basis and don't maximize diet and proper lifting, instead they use drugs as a crutch to have a half-way decent physique in which doesn't really stand out much over a normal guy their age IMO. I run into these guys constantly throughout the gyms I visit in my city and all of them ask me the Same question time and time again, "what are you on man?" thinking I'm going to tell them some mystical secret that they don't know about and yet when you start explain the importance of Diet/Proper lifting/and rest they lose interest everytime.

    All I can say is goodluck to you guys who are unfortunate to be in that class of people because I know over 90% of the people who visit this board fall in that category, be safe and get bloodwork done at the very least before and after each cycle.

    Best of luck.

  14. #54
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Well now that I feel somewhat more comfortable with the way in which this information will be used. I'd like to touch somewhat on what I**mfkr has said. He is absolutely right with regards to bloodwork, and not only that but having a doctor that you feel comfortable with disclosing your use to. There are a number of things that CAN go wrong when cycling and avoiding a physician and taking fish antiobiotics or any draining infections yourself is just very unhealthy to be honest.

    With that being said. I am somewhat of a germ freak. During my last cycle which was over 6-8 months ago, I took all proper precautions while injecting which even included wearing latex gloves each and every time i prepared my gear and injected. I used an extremely reputable lab for my gear. With all those precautions, near the tail end of my cycle I still developed a staph infection deep within my glute. The truth of the matter is, that you can take all precautions nessecary as far as sterility is concerned, however the bottomline is that you are injecting a substance DEEP within your muscle tissue and that any airbone pathogens can easily fall onto the tip of your needle while it is exposed(in an unsterile state) or on to the top of your vial. Additionally, your dermis(skin) is covered with the bacteria Staphylococcus. This is the reason we swab our skin with alcohol, in order to hopefully sterilize the injection site so that none of this bacteria gets pushed into our muscle. Obviously it is impossible to ensure 100% sterility when your skin is covered with this bacteria.

    Recently there has been the more widespread occurence of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It has been a major problem in places like jails as well as hospitals. Its nickname is MRSA (or Mersa). The problem with this particular strand which can also be naturally occuring on the skin is that its associated with a higher likelyhood of septicaemia. The problem is that they are immune to pencillin so they are a bitch to treat.

    So while the focus here as far as horror stories may be on the steroids . The real risk factor comes with frequent injections and penetration of the skin which puts you at risk for bacterial infections such as the aforementioned. Thats why sterility is a must and we stress using new syringes with each injection.

    I personally have gotten bloodwork done pre&post cycle, although mid-cycle bloodwork is recommended its usually not warranted on cycles 10-12 weeks&under. I will say that this is vital in charting your recovery from HPTA supression and more importantly than just your hormone functions are your LDL&HDL cholesterol levels as well as your liver values (SGOTs,etc).

  15. #55
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Really good post Godfather. I'd also like to mention that a lot of the REALLY resilient bacteria, including S.aureus, are present even in most environments considered sanitized or close to sterile! This is true for various species that also have spores, which includes many Bacillus bacteria.

    The key I'd like all of those interested to know is that sterility is something that cannot ever happen on a human body. Hospital rooms that use powerful ultraviolet radiation or ethylene oxide gas are still laden with bacterial spores and various Staph bacteria... which is why you always hear about the poor bastards with weak immune systems getting horrifying infections after surgery or just waiting in a hospital! (Infants, Elderly, AIDS victims)

    Wipe the tops of vials with an alcohol swab, wipe the injection site in an outward circular motion with no less than 70% alcohol, never touch the needle and leave it uncovered for as short amount of time as possible. Also, never use a pin more than once unless you have some serious fancy shit and an autoclave (who would bother when pins are so cheap?!). Lastly, apply pressure to the injection site using an alcohol swab immediately after withdrawing the needle.

    Staph infections decimate muscle tissue and can take months to recover from, and are very able to become fatal in a short amount of time.

  16. #56
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by 63190
    Greg Valentino

    'Nuff said.
    i shud stab you in the eye w/ a pencil sharpner for that one!
    he has HAD IMPLANTS DONE, HELL he didnt even get that way from SYNTHOL! i use synthol.. I USE A TON OF IT! and it really doesnt do JACK unless you have deligence and patience as that shit takes FOR Effin EVER TO DO ANYTHING! ><

    anyways bout my horror stories...

    i get blood work done fairly regularly (or i used to anyways) kinda slacked off since my cycles arent as viscious as they used to be... but bout worst thing ever happned to me is my blood pressure gotpretty high from high doses of tren ... and a few times my prolactin/progesterone/estrogen got outta wack and i could get a boner

  17. #57
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    This belongs to one of the gym rats at my gym...

    They all wanted to do juice. 3 of them. They asked me, I wasnt' going to hook them up, cause they don't know jack, and I told them to go natural. Skinny kids that have only been working out for 5 months or so at that time.
    So they go get juice elsewhere.

    Well, they were shooting eachother, with no experience or reseach, and the one guy shot his friends siatic nerve and snapped the pin off when he jolted and stood up from the pain. He had to go to the hospital and get it surgically removed, and when all the doctors in the ER found out what he was doing... they made him wait longer. Apparently he was screaming like mad from the pain, and they made him wait!!!! I heard all about it from a fellow lifter who's wife works at that hospital. Those silly gym rats still ask around for roids... that is my horror story...

  18. #58
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    This belongs to one of the gym rats at my gym...

    They all wanted to do juice. 3 of them. They asked me, I wasnt' going to hook them up, cause they don't know jack, and I told them to go natural. Skinny kids that have only been working out for 5 months or so at that time.
    So they go get juice elsewhere.

    Well, they were shooting eachother, with no experience or reseach, and the one guy shot his friends siatic nerve and snapped the pin off when he jolted and stood up from the pain. He had to go to the hospital and get it surgically removed, and when all the doctors in the ER found out what he was doing... they made him wait longer. Apparently he was screaming like mad from the pain, and they made him wait!!!! I heard all about it from a fellow lifter who's wife works at that hospital. Those silly gym rats still ask around for roids... that is my horror story...
    That's it, I'm never doing an f'n quad shot again.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by inheritmylife
    That's it, I'm never doing an f'n quad shot again.
    sciatic nerve runs down your ass

  20. #60
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    how could anybody accidentally hit that?? maybe if you're ass-less lol

  21. #61
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Thats why you stay on the upper/outter

    damn noobs

  22. #62
    TbolzNdbols's Avatar
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    I have a horror story, Once I poured a glass of winny, and I choked on an ice cube

  23. #63
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
    sciatic nerve runs down your ass

    u can hit it w/ a really low quad shot .. though its quite noticable u are piercing the hamstring LOL but .. its from the side.. so its.. quam shot?><

  24. #64
    brajosm's Avatar
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    ya i got to jump in here, i was talking to a friend the other day and let it slip out that i was thinking about doing a cycle, he is in med school and i thought he was going to come at me with ya no big deal, but instead he went into this story about how some guy he knows took some juice and gained more muscle then his body could handle to quick and can never lift again because of it. And some other shit about how some guy had to have an operation to have gyro removed. Which would suck but really not that big of a deal, simple operation. Gained more weight then body would allow? What about all these fat ass people u see all the time. And one other thing he said u can tell some one is juicing by the look in there eye's. Man that just pisses me off just thinking about it. The look in his eye's like juice gets ur eyes pinned or some shit like that. To think one of u guys might have this prick giving u a check up someday.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by brajosm
    ya i got to jump in here, i was talking to a friend the other day and let it slip out that i was thinking about doing a cycle, he is in med school and i thought he was going to come at me with ya no big deal, but instead he went into this story about how some guy he knows took some juice and gained more muscle then his body could handle to quick and can never lift again because of it. And some other shit about how some guy had to have an operation to have gyro removed. Which would suck but really not that big of a deal, simple operation. Gained more weight then body would allow? What about all these fat ass people u see all the time. And one other thing he said u can tell some one is juicing by the look in there eye's. Man that just pisses me off just thinking about it. The look in his eye's like juice gets ur eyes pinned or some shit like that. To think one of u guys might have this prick giving u a check up someday.
    <--this guy's can tell by the look in his's this guy -->

  26. #66
    brajosm's Avatar
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    ya unf*ckngbelievable

  27. #67
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    but snrf i look like that all the time i swear

  28. #68
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    have i mentioned lately that this thread is gay and from what i read above this dude is using these stories as evidence for steroids being illegal? is this true? someone please tell me i read all that wrong

  29. #69
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Snrfmaster]sciatic nerve runs down your ass

    Right you are sir. That's it, no more f'n ass-shots for me. Wait, no, not those kind of ass-shots. You sick SOBs.
    Last edited by inheritmylife; 04-29-2007 at 10:56 AM.

  30. #70
    Doc M's Avatar
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    My opinions on this topic:

    1.) There is no such thing as a RESPONSIBLE steroid user. You may be a cautious user, but not a responsible one. Responsible ends when you acquire a compound that was not medically intended for YOU and inject or ingest it into your body.

    2.) Magic, while your topics seem well intended and certainly well written, if you are going to reach you average reader, I'd tone down the extensive wordsmithing it's way too much to digest. Just my opinion and I say this from the standpoint of being very well educated.

    3.) There are all kinds of things that can go wrong when taking anabolic compounds and as comical as it may seem, I think the other website is extremely important to have up and running.

    Doc M

  31. #71
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    as far as i am aware and please if i am wrong then tell me and show some evidence but there has not been a single recorded heart falier/death due to high cholestoral levels soley due to steroid abuse.................
    That's only because of the ethical issues with conducting a study that could actually prove that. You'd need to take a large group of perfectly healthy people, and put them on steroids until they started dying.

    There are many (i've personally read about 100) case studies where steroids have been implicated in heart and other organ failure, but they're case studies. Case studies only make implications, and never any broad generalizations of merit.

  32. #72
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    My opinions on this topic:

    1.) There is no such thing as a RESPONSIBLE steroid user. You may be a cautious user, but not a responsible one. Responsible ends when you acquire a compound that was not medically intended for YOU and inject or ingest it into your body.

    2.) Magic, while your topics seem well intended and certainly well written, if you are going to reach you average reader, I'd tone down the extensive wordsmithing it's way too much to digest. Just my opinion and I say this from the standpoint of being very well educated.

    3.) There are all kinds of things that can go wrong when taking anabolic compounds and as comical as it may seem, I think the other website is extremely important to have up and running.

    Doc M
    I don’t know precisely how I, a mere cog within such a vast system, became its defense attorney but au contraire mon amie.

    1. No, I did not mean ‘cautious’, but indeed ‘responsible’. And although responsibility may encompass such virtues as morality, legality, or mental accountability they are not inherent characteristics of it. As such responsibility is certainly not limited to the conditions by which acquisition is made (legal or illegal), nor negated by the adapted utilization of such items.

      In other words, contrary to your statement a hospital employee CAN both steal products from his/her facility and go on to use, apply, and consume them responsibly within their originally or adapted use capabilities…as can a steroid user.
    2. Naturally the primary audience will be targeted on a level commensurate with comprehension.
    3. As do we.


    Lastly, though I've enjoyed the antagonistic debates posited by many, the deadline for the stories this thread was meant to solicit has expired. Sadly, so must my allegiance to it as I need necessarily my divert attention to more pressing and less time consuming matters.

    Again, thanks to all who constructively participated and also to those who contributed meaningful argument/debate. Not being the "I got the last word and ran" type, of course I entertain any rebuttal by you Doc M. Gotta run.


  33. #73
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    Magic, no need for you to be the defense attorney. We just have different opinions on the definition of the word "responsible". Varying ideas and concepts is what makes this board a diverse ground for ideas and debate!! It was good to see some healthy discussion. Good luck on the website!

    Doc M

  34. #74
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc M
    Magic, no need for you to be the defense attorney. We just have different opinions on the definition of the word "responsible". Varying ideas and concepts is what makes this board a diverse ground for ideas and debate!! It was good to see some healthy discussion. Good luck on the website!

    Doc M

    I'm not even disagreeing with you, there's right and wrong. Certainly criminal activities, such as purchasing and using illegal steroids would be the latter.

    However, one can do wrong responsibly. For instance, if I wanted to destroy my neighbor's house because I hated his guts, well obviously this is wrong. But I could VERY RESPONSIBLY both be sure he and his family are away, as well as study implosion techniques so as not to damage surrounding people or properties. Later Doc.


  35. #75
    magic32's Avatar
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    It still needs some work! I recently outlined several adjustments for the owner before marketing mailings go out, but for those who are interested the site is up.

    Again, it is targeted towards deterring women and children, while informing guardians (parents, teachers, coaches, etc.)

    Shameless plug...I wrote "How to Spot a User", "Steroids and Women", "Steroid Statistics" and edited nearly everything else which oddly wasn't posted verbatim. But such are the ordeals of bureaucracy, anyway I think you'll be proud of our representations and
    semi(at least for now)-professionalism.

    Constructive criticism is MOST welcome!


  36. #76
    bigswole32's Avatar
    bigswole32 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    That needle one got me.

  37. #77
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Good debate so far

    I'd have to agree and disagree about "responsible" steroid use .
    On one hand you have a person who is using an illegal drug which has known side-effects to better his/her physique.
    Now on the flip-side of this you might have a natural bodybuilder whom chooses not to use drugs to enhance their physique but doesn't eat as healthy and doesn't monitor their bloodwork on a regular basis like the steroid user.

    Who is the safer of the two people? You could argue this all day, fact is this is a steroid board and the majority of members here do Use and will continue to use, knowing very well the risks involved.. I feel it's our responsibility to atleast help them monitor their usage and do so in the safest way possible.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  38. #78
    PeteyK's Avatar
    PeteyK is offline Associate Member
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    May 2006
    The gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Snrf
    thats kind of a horror story when u see this
    lol ive seen this pic before...after viewing it idk how any1 could reuse needles. after spending a bunch of money on gear buying enough needles so u dont reuse them, should not be an issue

  39. #79
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyK
    lol ive seen this pic before...after viewing it idk how any1 could reuse needles. after spending a bunch of money on gear buying enough needles so u dont reuse them, should not be an issue
    yeah no doubt...thats horrific.

  40. #80
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    here is a stroy for you.

    Before steroids i was short fat and ugly.

    Now im short jacked and ugly.



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