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Thread: hit by a car

  1. #1
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    hit by a car

    Well fellas im lucky to be talking to u right now. This morning when i was out running, I was hit by a car. This guy was still drunk from last night and hit me from behind. Lucky he wasnt goin to fast or it would have been lights out for me. After a long morning in th emergency room, the docs told me i was fine and would just have some major brusing. Good thing is that i can still go to the gym haha. Well i just wanted to share this with all of you and beg u not to drive if you been drinking. Not only could u hurt or kill someone but like this guy be goin to jail. Take care

  2. #2
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Damn man! Glad you're ok and I hope he gets what he deserves.

  3. #3
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    thanks man and you know ud figure id be ready to kill this guy but just a few short years ago i was the one who was driving drunk he is the same age as i was and just happened mess up just like i could have. He is a juvenile so i dont think he will be sentenced but i dont know yet.

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i say we **** up both his legs permanently! teach that lil fuxor a lesson he wont forget! that way he will think twice before drinking and driving since he will be using his hands for the brake and accelerator

  5. #5
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i say we **** up both his legs permanently! teach that lil fuxor a lesson he wont forget! that way he will think twice before drinking and driving since he will be using his hands for the brake and accelerator
    yea a part of me feels like that but for right now im just lucky i still can use my two legs well go after i feel better haha

  6. #6
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Damn man, you are real lucky. my dad builds custom power wheelchairs, and somtimes i will help him do the seating for the person, and I have seen way t many people who cant walk or even talk from being hit by a drunk driver. its a real sad thing. your one lucky mofo.

    The justice system will do there thing, you get SO f*cked if your drunk driving and you hit a person. thats assault with a deadly weapon, driving to endanger, driving under the influence, lane line violation im sure and a slew of other charges. just because hes young, doesnt mean he wont face the consequences. Drunk driving laws just recently got very very strict all around the country.

  7. #7
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    yea i am lucky well i cant say ill feel sorry for him no matter what he gets but i dont wish the worst on him

  8. #8
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    what kind of car did he hit you with?

  9. #9
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    dodge neon

  10. #10
    Polska's Avatar
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    I'd start a lawsuit. take that guy for everything he's got!

  11. #11
    MrTAME's Avatar
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    make a claim from his insurance. I was hit by a guy who wasnt watching the road ten years ago and I started a claim against his insurance ad I received 18 grand. I don't really have anything permanent from the accident, I just cant turn my head fuly to the left without pain.
    I was being scouted to play for a Junior A hockey team at the time. The Doc told me I couldnt play anymore....that was the road people and don't drink and drve.

  12. #12
    MrTAME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrTAME
    make a claim from his insurance. I was hit by a guy who wasnt watching the road ten years ago and I started a claim against his insurance ad I received 18 grand. I don't really have anything permanent from the accident, I just cant turn my head fuly to the left without pain.
    I was being scouted to play for a Junior A hockey team at the time. The Doc told me I couldnt play anymore....that was the road people and don't drink and drve.

    also this way youre not really screwing him over... the insurance company pays you. Thats why he has insurance. His insurance is going to skyrocket anyways with that drunk driving charge.

  13. #13
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    yea i got to talk with the lawyers and everything like that on monday im just trying to rest right now

  14. #14
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Jesus, man. That sucks big time. Get some rest, heal up, and get back to running.

  15. #15
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Good thing a Neon and not a Hummer.

    I say we invite him to a party and make him get alcohol poisoning, then put him in his crappy neon and roll it into a bayou.

    That would teach him to drink and drive again. ya!

    Glad your OK bro.

  16. #16
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    thanks CSAR and Bigsexy

  17. #17
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    hey fellas my ass is hurting like a biatch...anyone wanna come massage it haha

  18. #18
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    i'm sure my ex would love to

  19. #19
    number twelve's Avatar
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    glad to hear your alright bro. i been hit 3 times so i know what ur feelin

  20. #20
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    glad to hear your alright bro. i been hit 3 times so i know what ur feelin
    Three times? You gotta be joking?!

  21. #21
    thetank's Avatar
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    goddamn man...glad to hear you are alright. thats ****ed up. ****in drunks. you know what he'll be charged with? attempted man slaughter?

  22. #22
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    glad to hear your alright bro. i been hit 3 times so i know what ur feelin

    scooters and skateboards don't count!

  23. #23
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    sorry 2 hear that bro, glad overall, u'r okay

  24. #24
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatwhitehunter
    Three times? You gotta be joking?!
    nope bro not joking, i grew up in queens, crazy asian drivers all over the place lol
    one time was my fault, i used to think i was the next matt hoffman and i jumped off a wall on my bike and landed in the street and a bmw hit me from the side.
    #2 is i was crossing the street and a car made a right turn and took me out from behind, knocked my shoes off and i rolled over the hood. i was in the crosswalk and had the right of way.
    #3 was i was doing construction one summer and ,this one was kinda my fault, i walked out from behind a truck, and a cab that was speeding by clipped me with its rear view mirror right on my elbow, it took the entire mirror assembly right off the car. to make things better, as i stood there holding my elbow in shock and pain, i watched the bastard look at me in his rearviewmirror and drive off

  25. #25
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve
    nope bro not joking, i grew up in queens, crazy asian drivers all over the place lol
    one time was my fault, i used to think i was the next matt hoffman and i jumped off a wall on my bike and landed in the street and a bmw hit me from the side.
    #2 is i was crossing the street and a car made a right turn and took me out from behind, knocked my shoes off and i rolled over the hood. i was in the crosswalk and had the right of way.
    #3 was i was doing construction one summer and ,this one was kinda my fault, i walked out from behind a truck, and a cab that was speeding by clipped me with its rear view mirror right on my elbow, it took the entire mirror assembly right off the car. to make things better, as i stood there holding my elbow in shock and pain, i watched the bastard look at me in his rearviewmirror and drive off
    Mr. Unbreakable!

  26. #26
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polska
    I'd start a lawsuit. take that guy for everything he's got!

    Wow, even the Canadians are adopting such a pansy approach to everything. Just when I thought suing for every little thing was an American thing, you make that post.

    Suing for medical bills would be ok, but not suing for every ****ing dime a person has. But in this case I would just execute the bastard, strike some fear into those drunk mofo's that go around driving after getting slammed.
    ***No source checks!!!***

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