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  1. #1
    tard_zone is offline Associate Member
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    My Train Experience

    Well I just got in at midnight from my sisters place and I took the train there and back. On the way back an older guy was talking to me that has already been drinking. He was in rough shape; bad hygiene, teeth, hair, ect. Anyways when the train arrived he sat with me, thinking that I wanted him to. He noticed from my size that I was involved with weightlifting. He then started talking about how he used to use steroids . He knew he sh*t too, so I do believe him. Anyways, he went on how he used to be huge and whatnot when he was younger and now that he is in his mid 40's-50's I assume by my judgement, he looks like he is mabey 5'9" and 145 pounds if not less. See the reason I bring this up is for two reasons. First off the fact that he claimed to be extremely big as he was young and is now what I consider pretty skinny. Is this an issue with roids, beacuse I'm 19 and have been itching to start for 2-3 years now, but I do not want to lose all of my gains. And secondly, I do not know if this had influence from the steroids but he has had a lot of screw ups in life i.e. alcoholic, divorses, lost kids, other drugs. Do steroids become addictive and effect normal life situations. Because as this older guy talked to me, there was a voice in my head saying "At any cost possible, do not end up like this guy". Not sure if my rambling is relevent or not, but I went from itching to start for 2-3 years, to having seconds thoughts, which I do NOT by any means want to be having.


  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Canada - No source checks
    Off to the lounge....

  3. #3
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    why to the lounge? He's askinga question about jooce...

    and the answers are (kind-of) no, steriods do not have any more influence in your life direction than you let it.. there is no evidence I'm aware of that proves steroids to be addictive though many people can become "addicted" to looking and feeling good but it's not the same.

    Basically, You'e not going to perform any worse due to steroid use ... I;m a working professional as are many of the members here. I have degrees and work in advanced areas and have held high security clearances... does this mean You're going to do these things and be successful, educated, have a HAWT wife who lets you do juice, she shoots guns and rides motorcycles with me and keeps me company at trackdays.. I hope so for your sake but just as my situation has no bearing on you, neither does old dude's...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Well, I'm sure he quit lifting and quit AAS, and normally that would make you shrink back down....

    It's not like you take AAS and you stay larger your whole life


  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Quote Originally Posted by football2007
    Well, I'm sure he quit lifting and quit AAS, and normally that would make you shrink back down....

    It's not like you take AAS and you stay larger your whole life

    Disagree with this to an extent, you can put on some substantial size and not loose it if your diet is good. You do need to keep working out.

    Sounds like the guy on the train lived his life poorly and looks bad because of it. If you are having second thoughts about steroid use the best thing to do is not use.

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