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  1. #201
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why the hell is this thread so long?

  2. #202
    gstatefaith is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac View Post
    I can only imagine how many pages this thread would be if he posted a pic. Post it!
    i think I'll sleep better at night knowing a million guys on test aren't jacking off to my girlfriend.

  3. #203
    midnight777's Avatar
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    .. what was the point... You are lucky you have a smokin girl... it comes with the territory.. Kind of like driving a mercedes or really nice car people will stare....

  4. #204
    Johnny_Rotten's Avatar
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    Yeah dude,

    Always used to happen with my ex. (I'll post up pics a bit later after work)

    We live in a smallish town so when we went out she would be the finest gal in the club & it used to drive me nuts bro cos like you said she would be getting hit on flat out.

    It's like everywhere she went there was some dude trying to pick her up, used to drive me crazy. I mean she was a super good chick & we're still friends but i used to think to myself "if i stay with this chick one day something reaaaaaaaaaal bad's gonna happen. Someones gonna go too far & i'ma have to unleash some brutality..

    I'm not a toughguy & would never start a fight but i never back down either & while i was with her some pretty bad shit did happen.

  5. #205
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    I had an ex and everytime we went out in public some dudes would be staring I took it as a compliment till they became disrespectful then that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Last edited by Chitown Raider; 04-10-2008 at 05:55 PM.

  6. #206
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chitown Raider View Post
    I had an ex and everytime we went out in public some dudes would be staring I took it as a compliment till they became disrespectful then that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    omg the hair is hott as fuk I know two girls that have that same hair and one of them has layered black too. I love hott chics with piercings, tats and "exotic" hair

  7. #207
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    ps, would that be the one that fuked you up for a while? I would so miss hitting that too

    Hey, all you can do is laugh

  8. #208
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I really wanted to stay away from this thread but I couldn't help chiming in.

    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    I'm currently exclusive with my new gf for a month and a half and can't go out in public or to the bars without something weird happening. So far, I've had to almost get in 3 bar fights because drunk guys were trying to grope/fondle and say weird shit to her while she was trying to order drinks. .
    If this is your first experience with a 9/10 or however g/looking she is let me tell you YES its annoying but YES it also can get A LOT worse.

    But thats the not the REAL issue.
    The real issue is her ability to be properly socialized by this point of her life. Guys will look, they may make remarks, they WILL also come off disrespectful at times to her.
    Before I get too involved on this one idea let me move on and reiterate throughout my the rest of my response.

    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    The other night, we went to Benihana's and there was a big group of guys at one of the tables (prob 10-12) drinking some sake and eating. Their ages ranged from mid twenties to late thirties. To get to the restrooms you had to walk by their table. When my gf went to go to the restroom (Walking by herself), the guys all started clapping.
    Ehh, if you hang out at bars/clubs long enough you'll notice a VERY familiar pattern.
    Smoking hot girls RARELY go to bathrooms alone. They always try to bring a friend to raise the intimidation/unapproachability factor. And for other reasons also that I won't get in to.
    Simply ask her if it bothers her.
    If she says "yes", don't ask her to be responsive to the guys at all in the future, simply walk her to the bathroom. Its not weird, its called being a bf.

    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    On her way back, they started clapping again. She got pissed and complained to me, saying she felt demeaned. She wasn't dressing slutty (I would tell you and her if I thought she was, but she recently got implants and has Double D's now on a pretty tiny body.
    Doesn't matter. This should NOT be a new realization for her (male attention). If it is than that only further reinforces my point that she hasn't been properly socialzed yet.
    SHE needs to learn this for herself, not you, and I can't and won't even try to tell you how to fix this. Which would basically be going back in time, giving her friends who had half a brain on dealing with guys that helped her learn how to deal with them, and fastforwarding to present with a new gf who knows how to handle this crap w/out crawling to you as some sort of unpaid bodyguard.

    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    So now, I'm sitting at the restaurant and we are done eating and I know that I am going to have to walk by these 10-12 guys with her (the time they clapped, she was alone). I'm not a big guy, 5'11/170 lbs, so i'm dreading having to deal with this situation. So, we walk by and as we start opening the door to leave, I hear them clap. My girlfriend says in my ear, "see, i told you". So now I'm like, **** I gotta say something or she'll think I'm a punk. So I turn around, walk back to that parties tables and tell all of them that they are being assholes and making my gf feel uncomfortable/demeaned.
    No, if you're leaving, just leave.
    You bit the bait when you were swimming away from it. If you plan on staying at the venue for a little bit, THEN you can follow that course of action.
    If you are WITH her, and this happens, and you don't plan on leaving, you need to develop a persona that you are confident in and other men will respond to positively.
    This is too hard to put into words. But it IS something you can become accustomed to. And its not hard. As a last piece of advice.
    The specifics/details of how you approach these guys means EVERYTHING.

    I personally wouldn't say "you're making my gf feel uncomfortable/demeaned".
    If I had to say anything it would be "are you clapping for my sister?"

    I'm not going to tell you how this reverses the dynamics and works like a charm. It requires a certain premise that you aren't outwardly sexual in while you're in public.
    But I've used it a few times and guys just completely shut down.
    The difference between "sister" and "girlfriend" has some implications you may never understand.
    Sister makes you the protector because of blood.
    GF makes you the protector because of your penis.

    Try it out sometime, "dude thats my sister. what did you just say?"
    In the right tone they will ALWAYS apologize.

    I could go into depth about how to deal with 10s and how a lot of it really is their ability as women to deal with THIER OWN sexuality **W/OUT** men. But I had to titrate a bit of my own crap into it. G/luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by gstatefaith View Post
    One guy got up, apologized and I told him to apologize to my gf and he did. Anyways, it's shit like this that goes on constantly and every time I'm out I feel like it's a fight waiting to happen.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 04-10-2008 at 10:03 PM.

  9. #209
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    ps, would that be the one that fuked you up for a while? I would so miss hitting that too

    Hey, all you can do is laugh
    Yeah, I had my head in the clouds for a little bit but saw the light real fast. Like the old saying goes "No matter how pretty she is someone, somewhere is tried of dealing with her sh*t".

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