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  1. #1
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    over the next few months... worried about looking like i do roids

    i am going to run a cycle of test and dbol .. then start hgh.. What i am worried about is @ work.. I wonder if people will be like he must be on steriods look how big he has gotten... I have put on some decent size naturally... maybe I am just being paranoid?

  2. #2
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    No. Your not paranoid. People will start wondering and asking you if you do steroids .

  3. #3
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    i guess I will say no i eat alot of food..... I guess they can not make you get a drug test....

  4. #4
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Don't worry at all. It's not so easy to become huge.


  5. #5
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    yeah I guess... I am bored.... not like I will get ronnie coleman size.... just trying to kill some time in between meal time....

  6. #6
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    There is the postwhoring for that

  7. #7
    Manorexic's Avatar
    Manorexic is offline Associate Member
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    i have noticed that people you see on a daily basis barely notice at all, but when you havent seen somebody for a few weeks, size is a lot more noticeable

  8. #8
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    Start telling people at work now that you are on a new diet to try and gain as much weight as possible and a new training program, that way they at least expect you to put on some size

  9. #9
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    Rip their heads off if they accuse you. That'll teach 'em.

  10. #10
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Just make sure not to wear this shirt and you'll be fine :

  11. #11
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    Just tell them your taking a over the counter Test booster"Viraloid" and a blood vessel vasolidator Plasma jet.Like they'll believe it any way.And if there talking shit just say "I don't mind if you talk about me just as long as you don't mind I don't listen".And if you really want to get there minds spinning say this,

    "Those who openly attack others for what they look like are pcycoligicaly proven to be the most insecure of people in the work place or common social circle of friends"For instance the person who says "hey man you look great" is obviously someone who's comfortable enough in his own skin to give someone such a positive uplifting comment,but say it with the high road attitude,almost condescending like, just make sure his audience of people hear it also.Which will be sure to make them wish they kept there fukin mouth shut.

  12. #12
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    People will notice. I ignore the question with people I don't know. I deny it with people I do know. Anyone who comes in my house could be fooled. There is enough Chicken, tuna, whole weat pasta, brown rice, and protein to feed a third world country. That and the fact that I am in the gym 6 days a week. I just say I eat and train hard.

    But People will notice, and they will ask. Just do like most compulsive liars. Convince yourself you aren't taking steriods , and it will be easy to convince everyone else.

  13. #13
    webbwebbwebb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    i guess I will say no i eat alot of food..... I guess they can not make you get a drug test....
    ummmyou might wanna double check my field of work they have the ability to test when ever they want with 0 i know this is only for narcotics, but if you are in a certain line of work they might have it in a contract so just watch your ass man

  14. #14
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    it doesn't matter if they drug test or not... cuz aas won't show up on a DRUG test/screen...

    i've passed several tests taking multiple compounds...
    now if it were a 'roid test... then you'd have reason to worry.

  15. #15
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    There is the postwhoring for that
    Whats postwhoring Chuck?

    If your worried, keep the dbol dose lower to avoid water bloat on the face, as that adds towards any steroid look.

    Tell people you have learnt to diet and train. Maybe say you have a personal trainer, as to most non-gym minded people will believe that will make all the difference.

    Like chuck said though, the huge size wont come quickly, takes time and dedication.

  16. #16
    webbwebbwebb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheArtist View Post
    it doesn't matter if they drug test or not... cuz aas won't show up on a DRUG test/screen...

    i've passed several tests taking multiple compounds...
    now if it were a 'roid test... then you'd have reason to worry.
    thats what i said...if they ony test for narcotics you will be fine, but some fields of work can test for anything if they have it in your contract and you might wanna make sure your safe...

  17. #17
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    I've been asked the steroid question quite a few times and I'm not even Big or close to it, maybe my hairline gives it away LOL... It's a risk your willing to have to take, it's good that your preparing for it if you havent been asked it already

  18. #18
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Who cares just preach to them about your healthy life stlye and lol if they wanna be smart asses embarace them then. Tell them you have trained since highschool.

    I would be like well ia m very healthy, afterwork i dont watch TV, i cook all my own food, i dont eat those donoughts your eating right now.

    If its a hot woman at work then give her a different answer such as we should workout.

    Don't be afraid of these workers trying to put you down, put them back in their place.

  19. #19
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    If they ask, "are taking steroids " ask them, "do I look like im taking steroids?". if they say "yes" tell them, "thanks, I guess Ill take that as a compliment". if they say "no" ask them, "so why are you asking?" Or you could use this one, "you know, its funny how people like you always assume that people like me are on steroids, but never assume that I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on a college education n fitness, thousands and thousands of hours in the gym training, thousands and thousands of hours studying all the different aspects of body building. Instead you resort to accusations of what you consider cheating to sooth your feelings of jealousy and/or innadequacy around me. Hey bud, whatever makes you feel better about yourself."

  20. #20
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Relax I put on twenty pounds on my cycle just recently. Lost of pepole said wow you look great what did you do. I just said I ate like a fool and lifted hard. Only one close friend at the gym knows I cycled. I always get thoses jelosey looks from a lot of people at the gym alot now. It just makes me smile inside.

  21. #21
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Just make sure everyone sees you using your protein powder and eating healthily at work ..... they will put it down to tha!!

  22. #22
    ecto9's Avatar
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    This is just one of the reasons I want to run a low dose cycle so not to blow up too big too fast. Anywho, one thing my dbol cycle taught me was that I can put on 20lbs and nobody even noticed! I guess I can hold it pretty well being 6'1".

  23. #23
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    always be seen eating alot or drinking a shake...

  24. #24
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    ^ what he said. Just be seen eating all the time. One of my professors rags on me cuz i always have food on me at all times. People that see you everyday wont notice much, but people you havent seen in a while will definantly say something

  25. #25
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    Well, if you don't want to look like you use steroids , you could always not do them

    Or you could cycle and not eat, then you will look like you don't use steroids but still be using them

  26. #26
    bruteman is offline Junior Member
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    my advice if you're really worried...start wearing a long sleeve shirt. or just keep denying it. that's all you have to do. just keep saying you are on supplements and creatine and 8,0000 calorie a day diet. give them a bunch of BS. people ask me and I just tell them, "I'm not on anything. Nobody believes me, but it's the truth. I'm not on anything at all. Just good diet and a lot of supplements". That's all you have to say. They don't got nothing on you, long as you don't tell them nothing.

  27. #27
    Mr.Wong's Avatar
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    dealing with that exact thing at work, its my first cycle Im about 7weeks in and I have put on about twenty lbs, After complementing me on my forearm size, this smartass asks me if steroids hurt while others were present, at first I couldnt believe he said it second I felt like picking his scrowny ass up and throwing him through the plate glass window at my office... but instead i smiled and said wow good question "I was about to ask you the same thing". and ofcours went on to tell him how important regular exercise and good diet are. So dont be suprised by questions, be prepared for them.

  28. #28
    Prada's Avatar
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    Just the edema will probably give it away.

  29. #29
    Mr.Wong's Avatar
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    whats the best thing to use to get rid of face bloat edema?

  30. #30
    Prada's Avatar
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    Arimidex or any AI in general will help control the edema. That with diet. Another way is choosing the right compounds. If one is worried about that then perhaps Test Prop or Susp would be better then Cypo or Enanth.

  31. #31
    running_scared's Avatar
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    Even with all the food I've brought to work, everyone has given me the nickname 'barry'. I think it's a joke because I've resorted to being forced to talk about the latest line of NO2 products on the market. Grr.

    But yeah, people will ask questions.

  32. #32
    jchopper1 is offline Banned
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    quit being a wuss do it or send it to me so I can.

  33. #33
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    act like it was a compliment was the best answer ive heard. I always say something like, well thanks I guess, I mean I must be doing something right if people think Im on steroids . then bluff and tell them youll show em your nuts

  34. #34
    TheArtist's Avatar
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    i always say this... "If i were on steroids , i'd be a lot bigger than this" works every time.

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