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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i cant get comfortable with the idea that some higher power is carrying me or guiding my actions

    i see the results of my life as being directly related to the actions i take and the skills i have.

    i dont see divine intervention as being relevant in a modern, religiously devoid world
    You should look into budduism( <--not sure thats spelled rite) my wife is a budhist and there whole idea is based on cause and effect you do the right thing the right thing happens u dig!
    Last edited by pumpd4lif; 04-14-2008 at 02:34 PM.

  2. #82
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    Non denominal here....Interesting Thread...

  3. #83
    feanixco is offline Banned
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    We are on page three .... over under is set at 2 days and 4 pages.

  4. #84
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    i am

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    Hey. Post here
    Former Christian.

    Don't beleive in much of anything anymore, but Determinism makes a lot of sense to me . . .

  6. #86
    feanixco is offline Banned
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    Anyone who wants a good read should check out, "Bible Truth" by Charles F. Baker. It is a book that will make The Book more understandable and inspirational.

  7. #87
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    I am a Christian or consider myself on but I must admit that times I am confused, not skeptical but confused.

    I like evidence, so I actually get particularly excited when they find archeological or scientific evidence that supports the Bible or notion of a high power.

    I believe in God and I think the God of Christianity, Judaism, Islam--is one of of the same, even though people will disagree with me and I understand. So what I am saying is I definatley believe something went on, not quite sure what, but I ask that my knowledge increase so that I may further understand these writings that were filled with great knowledge.

  8. #88
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    I hope this thread keeps civil btw, I always enjoy reading about other peoples views...

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    For without faith it is impossible to please God. For anyone who comes to God, must first believe that He is. - (quote from the Book)

  10. #90
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    I am also a Christian and beleive in predestination. Also check out these videos:

    I would like to hear back from all those that watched these and hear what you think.

    A lot to think about if sit back and take a minute

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    I'm a gay Christian.
    If you look into the Bible with an open mind you will see that this is not possible as homosexuality is a direct violation of God's law.

    It's not my opinion I just believe the Bible

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    If you look into the Bible with an open mind you will see that this is not possible as homosexuality is a direct violation of God's law.

    It's not my opinion I just believe the Bible
    ^^This is where this thread will take a downward spiral. Because this is where the majority of people who are w/o faith are turned off by religion. I don't understand how something that is suppose to preach love and togetherness on one hand tell us to discriminate and ostracize those unlike us. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. Plus I love it how he says "Not my opinion, I just believe in the bible" Simply an excuse to justify intolerance.

    I am a believer but don't believe the words of man. I worship in my own way and don't need make believe stories to teach me to live right. If I'm going to hell, so be it, I'll see you all there but I know deep in my heart I lived as a good human being and any god who will send me to hell for that and not following man made rules is no god I want to be affiliated with.

    My God loves the free will he gave us and respects me for not being a follower of the masses.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    If you look into the Bible with an open mind you will see that this is not possible as homosexuality is a direct violation of God's law.

    It's not my opinion I just believe the Bible
    what (human) Christian is without sin?

  14. #94
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    <-------- Christian

  15. #95
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    how do you define what is a christian? i always here "someone who accepts the lord jesus christ into their hearts and asks him to forgive them of their sins and lives life according to how jesus would"

    well having studied hebrew and theological seminar, I found the actual history of the dead sea scrolls to be WAAAYYY different from the modern interpretaions of the bible ie NAS/KJV etc. do christians really believe that Noah gathered 2 of EVERY animal in the world (not considering climate, eating habbits,hibernation etc) put the ALL on a boat and just set sail b/c some divine voice told him to? Or that Adam and Eve were just put here by god and had sex and made the world? or that Jesus was born to a woman who hadnt had sex to concieve him? I mean I understand you guys throw science out the window and go on faith but to me it is just like giving up on your brain to believe these fear tactics these interpretations teach. Also christians that denounce evolution, I just cant even talk to them, this guy tried to convince me and gave me 8 video tapes of a series trying to disprove evolution, I gave him one scientific reference book that was papaerback and he couldnt argue anymore with me. He actually said that he didnt believe dinosaurs ever existed and that Moses actually parted the Red sea LMAO. Do you know that the west indians believed Christopher Columbus was a prophet? yeah b/c he knew about a lunar eclipse that was going to happen and claimed responsibility for it. Have you seen the people float on the water jesus supposedly walked on? the it was one of the most boyant bodies of water on the planet! so How do christians actually throw all of this scientific FACT out of the window to give up on their brain?

    I would take to the theistical evolutionist standpoint if anything, we can believe in the science that has proven itself to us, and we can also say Jesus was a great HUMAN being that was very very special and lived the way we all should. But to throw science out the wondow to me is end of conversation

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    If you look into the Bible with an open mind you will see that this is not possible as homosexuality is a direct violation of God's law.

    It's not my opinion I just believe the Bible
    your right, its actually Leviticus 20:13 "if a man lies with anothe rman as he would lie with a woman, he shall be put to death, his blood shall be on his head"

    but it also says though shall not kill so Im still wondering which contradiction to rule out. so you honestly think jesus Christ would not accept a homosexual? it is a sexual preference thats all, it hurts nobody at all

    why is it ok to kill people that are gay?

  17. #97
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    Jah rasta mon

  18. #98
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    christian here

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    your right, its actually Leviticus 20:13 "if a man lies with anothe rman as he would lie with a woman, he shall be put to death, his blood shall be on his head"

    but it also says though shall not kill so Im still wondering which contradiction to rule out. so you honestly think jesus Christ would not accept a homosexual? it is a sexual preference thats all, it hurts nobody at all

    why is it ok to kill people that are gay?
    Well IMO, there are many things in the Hebrew texts that was changed when Jesus came and revelead God's true love. They no longer should have had to shed lambs blood for the remission of sins and other things that Jesus taught the Jews.. But, to look at the alleged contradiction above and since you have a little background... did you know this...

    On the commandments given to Moses... You shall not kill has beeen quoted for years.. The meaning of the verb actually is translated in many versions as Murder... You shall not murder... trying to translate language is very complicated thing and this is a prime example... look at it like this... if you kill a person in defense of your life or family it is not the same as let's say you murdered someone because of envious or evil nature... everyone can agree there is a difference in the verb.

    That is the best we can look at the verbs that were translated with our language...there are many texts that lost valuable meaning due to different or limited vocabulary.

    That is also why it also says eye for eye in the Hebrew texts for the jews and still have this commandment.... not contradictory at all.

    But, Jesus actually opened up a lot on everything...that addresses all this with the truth.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    what (human) Christian is without sin?
    Exactly my thoughts and belief too! Jesus said, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" I try my best not to judge and prosecute others for I like most have many sins to my credit.

    Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    how do you define what is a christian? i always here "someone who accepts the lord jesus christ into their hearts and asks him to forgive them of their sins and lives life according to how jesus would"

    well having studied hebrew and theological seminar, I found the actual history of the dead sea scrolls to be WAAAYYY different from the modern interpretaions of the bible ie NAS/KJV etc. do christians really believe that Noah gathered 2 of EVERY animal in the world (not considering climate, eating habbits,hibernation etc) put the ALL on a boat and just set sail b/c some divine voice told him to? Or that Adam and Eve were just put here by god and had sex and made the world? or that Jesus was born to a woman who hadnt had sex to concieve him? I mean I understand you guys throw science out the window and go on faith but to me it is just like giving up on your brain to believe these fear tactics these interpretations teach. Also christians that denounce evolution, I just cant even talk to them, this guy tried to convince me and gave me 8 video tapes of a series trying to disprove evolution, I gave him one scientific reference book that was papaerback and he couldnt argue anymore with me. He actually said that he didnt believe dinosaurs ever existed and that Moses actually parted the Red sea LMAO. Do you know that the west indians believed Christopher Columbus was a prophet? yeah b/c he knew about a lunar eclipse that was going to happen and claimed responsibility for it. Have you seen the people float on the water jesus supposedly walked on? the it was one of the most boyant bodies of water on the planet! so How do christians actually throw all of this scientific FACT out of the window to give up on their brain?

    I would take to the theistical evolutionist standpoint if anything, we can believe in the science that has proven itself to us, and we can also say Jesus was a great HUMAN being that was very very special and lived the way we all should. But to throw science out the wondow to me is end of conversation
    Do you have your facts to prove this? Are you suddenly the expert? What Hebrew do you know that would lead you to believe this?

    the rest of what you stated has to do with faith... which no one asked you to believe in.... as far as scientific facts of evolution...well that is pretty broad statement that can be talked about in a lot of different topics... I know many that understand science and believe in God.... just cause someone knows someone that doesn't believe in this because of whatever reason...doesn't mean they are right or represent the whole... If you really are open mindend, why close your self to that? in fact I know a believer in every religion that has a group of followers for whatever you can fabricate... just cause you know someone that believes one thing, doesn't mean you know the whole group.. or they speak for the whole group.

    Also, it is like we stated earlier... if you hear what Jesus said he is either a lunatic or who he said... he is not just a good man that did good deeds... doesn't work that simple... imo

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    boots, are you familiar with the Council of Nicea?

  24. #104
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    Christianity stands or falls on the ressurection. If Jesus rose from the dead (which he said he would do) then his claims were valid. That tomb is empty and all competing theories concerning how it might have happened have been discredited over the years.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    boots, are you familiar with the Council of Nicea?

    Yes I am

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    Yes I am
    What do you believe about Constantine and the reason he called this council together for?

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    What do you believe about Constantine and the reason he called this council together for?
    I believe it was because there was so much confusion as to what letters and books were legitimate. They called the council together to put an end to it.

  28. #108
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    I gotta ask one question here, isn't jesus supposed to be from Palestine, and he had curley hair?
    why do i c a hot blonde dude with straight hair and blue eyes?

  29. #109
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    Your right smoke. Jesus was most likely darker. He looked like those around him otherwise Judas would not have to have kissed him on the cheek to identify him to the guards when they came to take him.

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    so whose picture is that?

  31. #111
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    what do you mean

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    i mean if jesus was darker with black curley hair, then whose picture is it where he is blonde with blue eyes?

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokethedays View Post
    i mean if jesus was darker with black curley hair, then whose picture is it where he is blonde with blue eyes?
    Maybe that is what some people would have liked him to look like.

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    Maybe that is what some people would have liked him to look like.
    Also, it is pretty well known that he had short hair too... The only jews that grew all their hair long like that were the Nazarites.

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    I believe it was because there was so much confusion as to what letters and books were legitimate. They called the council together to put an end to it.
    the original council was on the deity or relation of Jesus to the Father... half the churches were split on this and it was causing great conflict and disorder amongst the people... Constantine was ruler so he called together this council to settle this.... Hence the niceen creed that Catholics recite and the ground works to the Trinity was put forth at around 325 AD. Constantine made the decision and he was not even a professed Christian. Later this meetings and council was assembled together again to canonize and discuss letters as you stated above. They banned and persecuted all members of the church as heresy who believed the that Jesus was God's Son and not God. There is a lot more to this but that is the jist.

    It is interesting to read and understand that it is not a topic that hasn't had controversy from the beginning.

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    Christianity stands or falls on the ressurection. If Jesus rose from the dead (which he said he would do) then his claims were valid. That tomb is empty and all competing theories concerning how it might have happened have been discredited over the years.
    Boots you are going to have to explain yourself on that! Just because the tomb was empty doesn't mean he rose from the dead. The majority of the pharohs of Egypt tombs were empty when discovered. Does that mean they all ascended to heaven liked they believed?

    Christianity is relatively new to the human existence, so I believe its fool hearted to believe in something that claims the only way to salvation is through this method. What about the millions of people who lived thousands of years before Christianity?

    No matter how hard you try to convince anyone of religious beliefs there are huge holes and the biggest being time and mans position in time. It just doesn't add up.

    I think BITTAPART said it best. Great post brotha. Once people begin to believe Jesus was a great PERSON and we should follow his example, the world would be a much better place.

    I deal with a lot od Muslims on a daily basis with my job. And just as adamant you Christians are about being right about YOUR faith, others of differing faiths are just as adamant about theirs. Who is right? No one is right because there is ZERO proof that any of them are correct only coincidence and stories handed down.

    Remember Jesus and for that matter, God, never put pen to pad. All these stories about him are he said, she other words, RUMOR!

  37. #117
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    Arguing about religion is about as cool as the special Olympics.

    As George Carlin said...all religions should have 1 commandment:

    Keep thy religion to thyself.

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Also, it is pretty well known that he had short hair too... The only jews that grew all their hair long like that were the Nazarites.
    I'm confused a bit, was Jesus from Nazereth?

    christian here

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    the original council was on the deity or relation of Jesus to the Father... half the churches were split on this and it was causing great conflict and disorder amongst the people... Constantine was ruler so he called together this council to settle this.... Hence the niceen creed that Catholics recite and the ground works to the Trinity was put forth at around 325 AD. Constantine made the decision and he was not even a professed Christian. Later this meetings and council was assembled together again to canonize and discuss letters as you stated above. They banned and persecuted all members of the church as heresy who believed the that Jesus was God's Son and not God. There is a lot more to this but that is the jist.

    It is interesting to read and understand that it is not a topic that hasn't had controversy from the beginning.


  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by boots555 View Post
    I got really into debates. Christianity vs. Atheism and so on

    so your interest in study is "Apologetics"

    for those that don't know..

    there is another different point of view for i too used to and to some degree still do follow many different styles of teaching..

    however there is one very real warning that Jesus gave..

    Mark 9:42

    Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea.

    just saying..
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