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  1. #1
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    old people shouldn't be allowed to drive!!!!

    just now i was coming back from the gym. a motorcycle was riding beside me on a 4 lane road and an old Lady(70-80's) pulled out in front of us. i slammed on the brakes and stopped before the bike, the guy on the bike hit his brakes, at first they didnt lock up but about half way through the breaking, both tires locked up and his back end came off the ground 2 or 3ft. luckily his front tire was angled toward the azz end of the car. so when he released his breakes the bike cut right between us and he had to kick the car(old ladies car) to keep from hitting it. this guy literally came 6in from hitting that old lady.

    i guess my message is- people over 60yro should have to be screened yearly to keep their drivers license. its really like giving somebody a 12pack and saying "drink this before you go anywhere." i dont know why the govt hasnt done anything about this yet. i guess maybe its because they are already in that age bracket. the guy on the bike was in his 40's, prolly got a family at home and just wanted to take a sunday cruise on a nice day. people dont think about the fatherless children and widowed wife when they let grandma and grandpa get behind the wheel. friends dont let friends drive drunk and family shouldnt let family drive that dont have the motor skills, reflexes, or visual ability to do so.
    any opinions?

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    now im thinking about selling my cruiser. my wife is 7months pregnant and i dont want her to have to raise our girl alone.

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I do agree. But the problem is old poeple vote and right letters and speak out. It would probably be the end of that persons political life.

  4. #4
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Yeah, it's rediculous. A few months ago I was driving along and I was driving in the right lane (the lane next to the sidewalk) and some old bastard who was pulling out of a plaza entrance DIDN'T LOOK BOTH WAYS before he made the turn into my lane, and at the last second I ALMOST smashed into him, but I swerved just in time. I got a good look at him and he must have been late 80s to early 90s.

    I am sorry but these people should not be allowed to have a license or they should have to go through rigorous testing once a week or something.

    If you are so senile that you need someone to wipe your ass for you, then you damn well shouldn't be given a driver's license.

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    the govt wouldnt automatically take their License away, but just screen them. i just called my mom and chewed her azz because she just helped buy my grandpa a truck to drive. hes 75yo and sees DOUBLE. just last wk he ran off in a gutter coming back from my brothers baseball game in a 20mph zone!!!! and lost his truck after going shopping at the supermarket. its the only supermarket in town and the population is 2,000. there might be 50-60 parking places. COME ON.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    it sucks and they keep making tougher laws on younger drivers.

  7. #7
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    just now i was coming back from the gym. a motorcycle was riding beside me on a 4 lane road and an old Lady(70-80's) pulled out in front of us. i slammed on the brakes and stopped before the bike, the guy on the bike hit his brakes, at first they didnt lock up but about half way through the breaking, both tires locked up and his back end came off the ground 2 or 3ft. luckily his front tire was angled toward the azz end of the car. so when he released his breakes the bike cut right between us and he had to kick the car(old ladies car) to keep from hitting it. this guy literally came 6in from hitting that old lady.

    i guess my message is- people over 60yro should have to be screened yearly to keep their drivers license. its really like giving somebody a 12pack and saying "drink this before you go anywhere." i dont know why the govt hasnt done anything about this yet. i guess maybe its because they are already in that age bracket. the guy on the bike was in his 40's, prolly got a family at home and just wanted to take a sunday cruise on a nice day. people dont think about the fatherless children and widowed wife when they let grandma and grandpa get behind the wheel. friends dont let friends drive drunk and family shouldnt let family drive that dont have the motor skills, reflexes, or visual ability to do so.
    any opinions?
    I've always wanted a bike.... this is what keeps me from pulling the trigger and just buyin one...

  8. #8
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
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    lol... this is exaclty how i totalled my first R6... some 78 year old lady made a left turn from on-coming traffic right in front of me and i slammed into her car and flew like 30ft thru the air.... thank god she wasn't driving an SUV, or id be dead.... old people jesus!!... get them off the road... my grandfather lives wit me now and hes not allowed to drive anymore....

  9. #9
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    ya, I think people over 65-70 need to take an actual driving test yearly.....And they should have a special marking or color on their liscence plates......And those plates should expire yearly.....That way, its easy to catch in eligible folks...

  10. #10
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    The majority of MVA's we respond to are caused by people yapping on cellphones, and old folks who shouldn't drive.

    Now that cellphones have been banned while driving (ban came in effect last month), guess what the #1 cause of accident we respond to is...

    Personally I'm all for EVERYONE having to repass their driving and eye tests every 10 years... it would take a lot of people who should not be driving off the road, specially the oldies half blind with cataracs.

  11. #11
    godkilla's Avatar
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    just on my way home like maybe an hour ago, some senior backed up out of an alleyway into traffic. its illegal, but it doesnt snd to bad eh?! the thing is its ****ing -10c, its been snowing like hell and now its windy as a mofo.i went around him and looked into my rear view mirror and he had completely stopped and put his hazards on.

  12. #12
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    As a biker (over 25yrs) there's been one consistant factor in the wrecks I've been involved in,and that is little old ladies and the dredded left turn!Twice I've been hit by 80+ yr old ladies,last time was a few years ago,I was cruising at 40mph and she turned left into me with no warning,needless to say she fukked me up real good,not to mention my scoot!On top of that she had no insurance on the tank she was driving,an 80's t-bird.She got two tickets,improper left turn and no insurance.Court time came around the judge dropped the left turn ticket and fined her $150.00 for no ins,I almost fell out of my wheelchair when I heard this!Long story short ..$75,000 in medical ,that luckily my health ins picked up,and $5,000 in parts for my bike,I did the labor so i saved on that,I ride everyday here in miami,where bikes are a target for idiots that shouldn't even be in this country yet alone posessing a drivers licence,there's not many things that i fear,but i have learned to be even more aware when there are blue-hairs driving around me.Let me not forget about the women applying make-up while on their cell phones,I can go on and on because this is something that hits home with me,but I won't.anyway FTW!and all the lil ol ladies in it!

  13. #13
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    hey Red- so hopefully when nobody talks on their cells and drives anymore, and the stats come out again next year, maybe somebody will pass a law against letting the Golden Girls drive.

  14. #14
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know of too many accidents with old people. All their fault too.

  15. #15
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    just now i was coming back from the gym. a motorcycle was riding beside me on a 4 lane road and an old Lady(70-80's) pulled out in front of us. i slammed on the brakes and stopped before the bike, the guy on the bike hit his brakes, at first they didnt lock up but about half way through the breaking, both tires locked up and his back end came off the ground 2 or 3ft. luckily his front tire was angled toward the azz end of the car. so when he released his breakes the bike cut right between us and he had to kick the car(old ladies car) to keep from hitting it. this guy literally came 6in from hitting that old lady.

    i guess my message is- people over 60yro should have to be screened yearly to keep their drivers license. its really like giving somebody a 12pack and saying "drink this before you go anywhere." i dont know why the govt hasnt done anything about this yet. i guess maybe its because they are already in that age bracket. the guy on the bike was in his 40's, prolly got a family at home and just wanted to take a sunday cruise on a nice day. people dont think about the fatherless children and widowed wife when they let grandma and grandpa get behind the wheel. friends dont let friends drive drunk and family shouldnt let family drive that dont have the motor skills, reflexes, or visual ability to do so.
    any opinions?
    I second that

  16. #16
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    one thing make me road rage and its old people driving!!!!!!

    how are they so stupid as to drive side by side and block traffic at 730am? everyone is going to work and they both go 10mil below the speed limit!


  17. #17
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    just now i was coming back from the gym. a motorcycle was riding beside me on a 4 lane road and an old Lady(70-80's) pulled out in front of us. i slammed on the brakes and stopped before the bike, the guy on the bike hit his brakes, at first they didnt lock up but about half way through the breaking, both tires locked up and his back end came off the ground 2 or 3ft. luckily his front tire was angled toward the azz end of the car. so when he released his breakes the bike cut right between us and he had to kick the car(old ladies car) to keep from hitting it. this guy literally came 6in from hitting that old lady.

    i guess my message is- people over 60yro should have to be screened yearly to keep their drivers license. its really like giving somebody a 12pack and saying "drink this before you go anywhere." i dont know why the govt hasnt done anything about this yet. i guess maybe its because they are already in that age bracket. the guy on the bike was in his 40's, prolly got a family at home and just wanted to take a sunday cruise on a nice day. people dont think about the fatherless children and widowed wife when they let grandma and grandpa get behind the wheel. friends dont let friends drive drunk and family shouldnt let family drive that dont have the motor skills, reflexes, or visual ability to do so.
    any opinions?
    i agree with you.. however statistics hold that 16-24 yr olds cause the most damage and the most deaths.. so perhaps they should be required to be tested yearly.. or lose their license for a year if in an accident..

    what do ya think??
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  18. #18
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    i agree with you.. however statistics hold that 16-24 yr olds cause the most damage and the most deaths.. so perhaps they should be required to be tested yearly.. or lose their license for a year if in an accident..

    what do ya think??
    That is true... But it's because young people can be careless... Old people suffer from a lot more things then carelessness, including vision problems... But honestly, the worst issue is the speed at which they drive... Come on, I don't care how old you are.... If you're driving 40 mph in a 50 mph zone and the average speed among drivers is 60 I'm going to honk at your ass

  19. #19
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    That is true... But it's because young people can be careless... Old people suffer from a lot more things then carelessness, including vision problems... But honestly, the worst issue is the speed at which they drive... Come on, I don't care how old you are.... If you're driving 40 mph in a 50 mph zone and the average speed among drivers is 60 I'm going to honk at your ass

    that's why i drive with my left turn signal on, so you guys will honk your horns and wake me up..

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  20. #20
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    stats, stats, stats. well of course there will be more accidents with people between 16-24 because almost everyone within that age range drives daily and has a schedule(school, work) of some sort putting more time and miles on the road than the Old Farts. what do the Farts have to do all day? probably nothing besides pick up their meds from the local pharmacy.

  21. #21
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    City living

    The problem is we live in a society where to be without a car is to be a prisoner in your own home. We live in residential suburbs far from the places where we work, play, shop, enjoy ourselves.

    Older folk are frequently choosing to retire back to the cities which are safer and cleaner than ever. It's great not needing a car every time you go out to eat, see a movie, or go shopping.

    Let's get everyone off the highways. Live where you work.


  22. #22
    godkilla's Avatar
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  23. #23
    F4iGuy's Avatar
    F4iGuy is offline Senior Member
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    Have a look at my hit and run thread. I think old people deserve to drive, but there needs to be some testing. Maybe twice a year vision screening and somehow check reaction time. Dunno, but my situation was pretty bad.

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