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Thread: Joey Real World... Roid Rage?

  1. #121
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    smart move on his part leaving. he has a long road ahead of him. to be that young and to try to not party or go to bars is going to be tough, especially if that has been your lifestyle for some time. joey needs to meet a nice girl to keep him out of trouble. otherwise, if he is single and chasing skirts, he is going to end up in the bar again.

  2. #122
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    I hope he really gets his life together.

  3. #123
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i dont know if this has been said already, i just saw the episode entitled "Joey's decision" at the end he admits that he started juicing when he was 19 and got up to 250 lbs...

  4. #124
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    i personally can't stand that guy...he's an idiot

  5. #125
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    He def has issues, that he is trying to work out

  6. #126
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    I have respect for him. He realizes that he has a problem and is trying to deal with it. He could have easily staid on the show and got into worst trouble, but he decided to leave on his own. I think that he was in good shape when he got there but the partying was too much for him.

    I hope that he will be ok. We should not wish ill on anyone! He is human just like us and we could all have our worlds turned upside down in a second.

  7. #127
    Cpreasha??? Why do you sympathize with Joey so much? I mean I am glad he is getting help also but man, you sincerely care about this kid because you will not let this thread die.

  8. #128
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    MTV picks the most fuked up people they can find, with the most emotional problems, try to mix everyone with a conflicting personalities and off to the races with the crazy shit. Do you think anyone would really watch this if it was a bunch of normal people that were good friends and there wasn't any drama going on. I don't think AAS is the problem, he's not right in the head to begin with, and I'm sure the alcohol doesn't help.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Cpreasha??? Why do you sympathize with Joey so much? I mean I am glad he is getting help also but man, you sincerely care about this kid because you will not let this thread die.
    The thread isn't dying because everyone else is commenting, just like you. I sympathize with the kid, yeah, what the hell is wrong with that.

    If you don't like the thread, don't open it or better yet, don't contribut to it. Obviously it was a popular topic. You have just allowed it to continue and then I continued it again, because I had to respond to your stupid question!

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by southmadejd View Post
    Cpreasha??? Why do you sympathize with Joey so much? I mean I am glad he is getting help also but man, you sincerely care about this kid because you will not let this thread die.

  11. #131
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  12. #132
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    so im late by about 2 weeks, but i just saw this episode...its actually funny

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N. View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny_Rotten View Post

    You guys wish that I had a man crush. I only feel for the dude because he is going through a lot and I do have a sensitive side to me. If it were a girl, I would feel the same way.

    I'm not saying I wanna reach out to the guy and take him in. You dick weeds need to come down off your Testosterone trip sometime and enjoy life.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpreasha View Post
    You guys wish that I had a man crush. I only feel the dude because he is going through a lot and I do have a sensitive side in me. If i were a girl, I would feel the same way.

    I'm saying I wanna reach out to the guy and take him in me. You dick weeds need to come down off your Testosterone trip sometime and enjoy the gay life.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Bo Dre View Post
    Nice way to twist my words up! Some ppl are born to live in te gutter! Some are born to step in front of a moving car. You guys with the smart mouths are those people. If one of you came up missing, you probably wouldn't have a soul looking for you.

  16. #136

  17. #137
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    Cpreasha do you realize it's all fake
    the day MTV stopped playing music and daria and beavis and butthead is the day society took a big 180 in the wrong direction!

  18. #138
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    I admit that I saw the some of The Real World episodes with Joey. At first I was annoyed by Joey. But then I realized that the guy is in his early 20s and he's trying to make a change for the better. Cool. I went through something similar as many of us have. He's still young and has a lot to learn. But he's now off to a good start.

  19. #139
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    I am an alcoholic who no longer drinks. People around me are constantly trying to get me to drink with them. They dont care about how it affects my health/ They want me to drink so that we can all be co dependants. Your own drinking does not seem as bad if all your friends are doing it too. If one friend stops this outlines the problem to the others and they do not want to see it. Luckily im aware of this and just tell them to shut up. They are not true friends. I would suggest he finds some new pals and stops going to bars.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpreasha View Post
    Nice way to twist my words up! Some ppl are born to live in te gutter! Some are born to step in front of a moving car. You guys with the smart mouths are those people. If one of you came up missing, you probably wouldn't have a soul looking for you.
    goddamn man have a sense of humour they are just ****ing with you.

    as for joey. who the hell is this guy. lol. i cant believe the real world is still this popular.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    I stopped watching when one of the roommates purposely went after the other's girl just to spite him. She gave the roommate a BJ with her boyfriend downstairs. Then went in his face and said they were just talking. That shit is just slimy and low. I turned the channel, haven't turned back.
    Well honestly, that jerk Greg didn't deserve a woman, I'm glad she messed around on him. It's something that I would never condone but all I can say is that I'm glad he got kicked off the show. He was too arrogant for my taste.

    But I will miss Joey being on the show

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by KatsMeow View Post
    Well honestly, that jerk Greg didn't deserve a woman, I'm glad she messed around on him. It's something that I would never condone but all I can say is that I'm glad he got kicked off the show. He was too arrogant for my taste.

    But I will miss Joey being on the show
    I take it someone follows the show

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR;4013***
    O fughgetaboutit Joeys blow out is the shit haha. Seriously someone needs to tell these dudes that real guidos aint rocking that haircut anymore haha.
    Thought that cut went out with Lee Hotti and his bois

  24. #144

  25. #145
    ^^ that is pretty funny. Not quite sure about the screen name though. Wow his first post also, it seems like he is trying to make a bunch of friends right off the bat.

    Oh crap I just bumped this thread again.

  26. #146
    I'm sorry guys, I'm gay so I'm just trying to fit in. I need the attention.

  27. #147
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    I think the brown haired sheltered chick is hot. Joey shoulda tried to hit it.

  28. #148
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    The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on angry behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study.

    Tricker R, Casaburi R, Storer TW, Clevenger B, Berman N, Shirazi A, Bhasin S.

    Division of Endocrinology, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California 90059, USA.

    Anecdotal reports of "roid rage" and violent crimes by androgenic steroid users have brought attention to the relationship between anabolic steroid use and angry outbursts. However, testosterone effects on human aggression remain controversial. Previous studies have been criticized because of the low androgen doses, lack of placebo control or blinding, and inclusion of competitive athletes and those with preexisting psychopathology. To overcome these pitfalls, we used a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, excluded competitive athletes and those with psychiatric disorders, and used 600 mg testosterone enanthate (TE)/week. Forty-three eugonadal men, 19-40 yr, were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: Group I, placebo, no exercise; Group II, TE, no exercise; Group III, placebo, exercise; Group IV, TE plus exercise. Exercise consisted of thrice weekly strength training sessions. The Multi-Dimensional Anger Inventory (MAI), which includes 5 different dimensions of anger (inward anger, outward anger, anger arousal, hostile outlook, and anger eliciting situations), and a Mood Inventory (MI), which includes items related to mood and behavior, were administered to subjects before, during, and after the 10 week intervention. The subject's significant other (spouse, live-in partner, or parent) also answered the same questions about the subject's mood and behavior (Observer Mood Inventory, OMI). No differences were observed between exercising and nonexercising and between placebo and TE treated subjects for any of the 5 subdomains of MAI. Overall there were no significant changes in MI or OMI during the treatment period in any group. Conclusion: Supraphysiological doses of testosterone, when administered to normal men in a controlled setting, do not increase angry behavior. These data do not exclude the possibility that still higher doses of multiple steroids might provoke angry behavior in men with preexisting psychopathology.
    The effects of exogenous testosterone on sexuality and mood of normal men.

    Anderson RA, Bancroft J, Wu FC.

    Medical Research Council Reproductive Biology Unit, Centre for Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh, Scotland.

    The effects of supraphysiological levels of testosterone, used for male contraception, on sexual behavior and mood were studied in a single-blind, placebo-controlled manner in a group of 31 normal men. After 4 weeks of baseline observations, the men were randomized into two groups: one group received 200 mg testosterone enanthate (TE) weekly by im injection for 8 weeks (Testosterone Only group), the other received placebo injections once weekly for the first 4 weeks followed by TE 200 mg weekly for the following 4 weeks (Placebo/Testosterone group). The testosterone administration increased trough plasma testosterone levels by 80%, compatible with peak testosterone levels 400-500% above baseline. Various aspects of sexuality were assessed using sexuality experience scales (SES) questionnaires at the end of each 4-week period while sexual activity and mood states were recorded by daily dairies and self-rating scales. In both groups there was a significant increase in scores in the Psychosexual Stimulation Scale of the SES (i.e. SES 2) following testosterone administration, but not with placebo. There were no changes in SES 3, which measures aspects of sexual interaction with the partner. In both groups there were no changes in frequency of sexual intercourse, masturbation, or penile erection on waking nor in any of the moods reported. The Placebo/Testosterone group showed an increase in self-reported interest in sex during testosterone treatment but not with placebo. The SES 2 results suggest that sexual awareness and arousability can be increased by supraphysiological levels of testosterone. However, these changes are not reflected in modifications of overt sexual behavior, which in eugonadal men may be more determined by sexual relationship factors. This contrasts with hypogonadal men, in whom testosterone replacement clearly stimulates sexual behavior. There was no evidence to suggest an alteration in any of the mood states studied, in particular those associated with increased aggression. We conclude that supraphysiological levels of testosterone maintained for up to 2 months can promote some aspects of sexual arousability without stimulating sexual activity in eugonadal men within stable heterosexual relationships. Raising testosterone does not increase self-reported ratings of aggressive feelings.
    Exogenous testosterone, aggression, and mood in eugonadal and hypogonadal men.

    O'Connor DB, Archer J, Hair WM, Wu FC.

    Department of Endocrinology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester M13 9WL, UK. [email protected]

    To investigate (1) the effects of exogenous testosterone (T) on self- and partner-reported aggression and mood and (2) the role of trait impulsivity in the T-aggression relationship. Thirty eugonadal men with partners were randomized into two treatment groups to receive: (1) 200 mg im T enanthate weekly for 8 weeks or (2) 200 mg im sodium chloride weekly for 8 weeks. Eight hypogonadal men received 200 mg im T enanthate biweekly for 8 weeks. All groups completed a battery of behavior measures at baseline (Week 0) and at Weeks 4 and 8. Cognitive and motor impulsivity were the only predictors of self-reported total aggression (over and above age and T levels) at Weeks 0, 4, and 8. No significant changes in aggression or mood levels were found in the eugonadal-treated group. Significant reductions in negative mood (tension, anger, and fatigue) followed by an increase in vigor were found in response to T treatment in the hypogonadal group. These results demonstrate that inability to control one's behavior when such control is required by a particular situation (impulsivity) was found to significantly predict levels of aggression over and above age and T level. These data do not support the hypothesis that supraphysiological levels of T (within this range) lead to an increase in self- and partner-reported aggression or mood disturbances. Instead, for the first time, this study has identified the high level of negative affect experienced by hypogonadal patients. These findings have implications for T replacement therapy and male contraception.

  29. #149
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    That was some good reading Swifto

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpreasha View Post
    That was some good reading Swifto
    Kinda puts 'roid rage' to bed doesnt it.

  31. #151
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    I cant stand his ass either.

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Kinda puts 'roid rage' to bed doesnt it.
    Apparently, from the begining of the post though, I said that I didn't believe in it, but the show and Joey or the opinon of the viewers would take it as roid rage.

  33. #153
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    I thought he OD'd on Clomid cuz he cries in like EVERY episode, LOL!!

    I'm surprised MTV didn't edit that comment he made about the coke he did with some producers or something on the last episode (when he leaves)...and he admits to doing this during the show's taping/producing.

    He was hell bent on leaving...he just wants to be known as "that guy" who went home on his own cuz I sure as hell cant remember any of the others from previous seasons. Next he'll be back on every single season of Real World/Road Rules Challenge (which I can't stand)...this season of Real World XX Hollywood is the first I've watched since San Diego and my favorite VEGASSSSSS. I got turned off during the Key West season cuz it was like they were just USING the Hurricane (I think it was) Katrina to their advantage.

    Peace all...

  34. #154
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    Is there a way of merging this thread with the homo goodness thread?

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Is there a way of merging this thread with the homo goodness thread?
    Where the heck did that come from? Is there anyway we can convince you to lay across the railroad tracks while a mile long train is coming?

  36. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Is there a way of merging this thread with the homo goodness thread?
    ^^HAHAHAHAHA....That was awesome....damn I bumped this thread again!!!

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Is there a way of merging this thread with the homo goodness thread?

    Haha I lol'd ....

  38. #158
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    Shoot you know what...? I really love dat Joey fo sho he is so fine mmhhhmmummhhummm dang dat boy make me so hard shoop shop pe doop youmake me wanna shooop baby

  39. #159
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    real world and road rules is so lame

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