"What happens when you throw 8 of the dumbest people in America together in a house, give them alcohol, follow them around with cameras, and let them get real?"
I prefer Chappelle's "Mad Real World".
"What happens when you throw 8 of the dumbest people in America together in a house, give them alcohol, follow them around with cameras, and let them get real?"
I prefer Chappelle's "Mad Real World".
How did you see that interview? I would like to see that. I really felt for the guy and thought that it was peer pressure that got him back into drinking. I know he mentioned durgs before, but I can't see him doping on the show.
He said that his father died at 36 from Alcohol.
why is he wearing a woman's shirt??
stretchmarks only appear like that when you lose weight very quickly (red and angry) steroids do not make you angry, they will empower you, and thus make any emotional instability even more pronounced..
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
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I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
I think it would have been cool for A&E to work with MTV and allow them to do an "Intervention" on him so everyone could get a little more indepth look on his real issues. Putting him back into the same environment of a party house isn't going to help his recovery.
The answer to your every question
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.
If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
The real problem isn't steroids! The REAL problem is that you are watching MTV!
No offense to anyone here, but MTV is a complete joke. ( i wanted to say it's for an uneducated crowd, but didnt want to be a total dick. Just a bit of a dick)
Their shows are screened and scripted anyways!
My friend was on their show playing the part of a boyfriend to some girl. Guess what, he's gay. Tadah! That show is fake!
And if this part wasn't scripted, they definitely put these people in the same room, and ENABLE them for trouble. They want the drama, etc. It's good for ratings
It's like Jerry Springer gone Top Secret!
Watch TLC, or the History channel. now THOSE have some good shows on. You learn new information, new ideas, and it pertains to REAL life.
lol. the ****ing REAL World? Give me a ****ing break.
Shit like this causes disillusion in people. I hope they don't expect REAL life to be like that.
In conclusion:
You can't fix stupid.![]()
An asshole + alcohol = drunk asshole
I defiently am not offended by your post. It's ok that you think my post are "wanker" or whatever that means. If u're assuming that I am gay, it's so far from the truth.
I only posted this topic for discussion. You can't talk steroids and diet all day or else it would make for a boring board. The topic did relate. Because I wanted to get opinons on "roid rage" and what others thought. Not so much about the DUDE! I hear ppl say all the time that steroids will make you crazy although I don't believe it, I wanted others opinons.
The reason for the other post about where big guys workout at was to point out that i wish I could locate someone that was about the same goal that I was about. I would like to find some gear. I probably won't find the sources on here. I'm not looking for someone to hangout with outside the club or take out to dinner.
Besides, how else am I going to get my post?
I want to see Joey and CT fight.
The guy sounds like a pretty good actor.
I think my brain just imploded !!!
If he never remembers what hes done the night before, you gotta wonder if hes on any kind of anti-depressants too. That could explain his erratic behavior and amnesia-like symptoms he always got from drinking.
I actually saw Joey when he was Shrek. Before he went on the real world I actually have met and talked to Joey in person. The first time I saw him was at my gym and he was bloated up to about 250lbs. I remember his traps being so big it looked like he had no neck, he had a shaved head and wore a skull cap, he looked absolutely nothing like he does now. And then quite a bit of time later I finally saw him in the gym again and now he looks as he looks now in the real world. As I remember when I was talking to him in the parking lot he told me he went cold turkey on a cycle. Thats when he told me he got severely depressed and starting drinking a lot and stopped working out for about 6 months, did cocaine and thats about all I remember talking about with him. Some random things I can remember though... he told me he did 1,000mg Sustanon cycles before, he has used Tren before. Oh and I remember him giving me this little speech on how girls don't like huge guys they like the cut guys.
joey is a drama queen. i hate to admit i watch this crap, but i blame my fiance.
Looks like a douche to me
He is bipolar. This was his diagnosis. Look into the connection btw. Bipolar and addiction. I am on the same boat. Addiction is real. It will kill you. Joey really is in a battle.
Well if you just saw the last episode of MTV's Real World, he was also diagnosed with BiPolar disorder which in itself is linked to very addictive behavior no matter what the substance may be. Not only are there psychological problems but he has some serious issues of abandonment from when he was a child, his family life is far from normal and I think it's too difficult for anyone to point a finger at what his problem is, but it's obvious that he is going to need to continue therapy to get through some of his issues.
I have zero respect for some fool who comes on here and calls him names. I like him because I can relate to him. You dont know how hard he is fighting when he see's his roomates drinking. You have no clue what it feels like.
People hardly no considering addiction
His psychological problems run deep. They oked him at the rehab he was at. That does not dismiss the fact that he has deep rooted psychological problems. it makes me feel better that they put him on bipolar meds.
His history is deep. He has a low self of steem and no one should laugh at this.
I am ashamed of those who look and laugh and seem to not car at all. He is a human being. His problem is real. He is fighting for his life. I am in the battle right now. You have no clue.
^Why are you just replying to yourself?
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