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Thread: Its Official

  1. #121
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Yeah bro 5 Mastif's..... LOL... I could not even imagine when they grow up. Thanks though bro

  2. #122
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    For her age, Margo is a dime brother... Real pretty and a GREAT body..... We had sex ten times yesterday.... Myself and Dukki were in competition for how many times we can bang our girl in a day!!!!! I WIN DUKKI
    yea yea yea, you win cuz you have illegal substances in your body. haha. its all good though. i got my rocks off more then my fair share. im drained. i think im going to sleep for a week.

  3. #123
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    yo, i gotta text ya about this chick i was with last night. her boobs were like 2 different cup sizes. they looked great in her shirt. but man, they were so uneven when they were free, it was ridiculous. so i was pounding her doggie style cuz i couldnt look at her tits cuz they were really freaking me out. and her arms gave out. and she went face first into the wall behind her bed. she hit so hard like i thought she had a concussion!!! hahaha. i started laughing my ass off. then she did also. whew. i thought i had knocked her out. haha

  4. #124
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    HAHAHAHAHA, thats funny.... I did almost the same thing once, except the girl smashed her nose and started bleeding. I laughed, but she didn't.....
    OK, so its crisis mode fella's.... I banged this girl yesterday and Dukki knows, it was bad and I'm not going into it. Anyway, I wanted some good ass so MArgo came over last night. I was banging her and right when she was about to cum, she said the worst three words I can think of at this point in my life..... I LOVE YOU!!!!! I finished, looked at her and was like are you f***ing serious. She said she just got caught up in the moment but I don't know fella's. She might have to get to stepping

  5. #125
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    holy fvcking cow man!! she said i love you!! whoa, whoa, whoa!! thats crazy. youve known her for like a month. dude. what she meant to say was... I LUST you. big difference. she likes the cock. you make her feel young and sexy again. so shes in Lust with that feeling. thats all. i would keep hitting it. but maybe distance yourself a bit. get the most out of her you can. like a bike or money for a cycle. but make sure she knows that its all about the sex baby.

  6. #126
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Dude.... after I filled her full of my baby batter we were laying their and she was blah blah blah, your so wonderful, I don't know, wasn't really paying attention. Gonna have to step back for a bit. I think she knew it bugged me out a bit

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    No Dude.... after I filled her full of my baby batter we were laying their and she was blah blah blah, your so wonderful, I don't know, wasn't really paying attention. Gonna have to step back for a bit. I think she knew it bugged me out a bit
    we're so proud that our little TJ is just growing up to be such a picture perfect man whore right in front of our eyes. now i know how a parent feels when their child graduates from college.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Its Official-m.jpg  

  8. #128
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    I did find her at the gym.... I made my move after she eye f***ed me a couple times. Keep searching bro, you will get one. A lot easier to get a cougar than a young hottie. You really don't even need any game. Margo loves taking me places... She took me shopping and bought me some new clothes and everything. P{ays for my haircuts and dinners... I just went up to her and said " i noticed you here before and I just have to tell you how amazing you look. You should be very proud of what you have accomplished with you physical appearence.... very beautiful.." That was it.... Took her to dinner and hit it that night. Oh yeah, when i first talked to her she asked if i thought she was a little to old for me.... Just said, well age is nothing but a number to me, but if its a problem for you I understand... Confidence guys... thats all it is!! Walk like you don't have a care in the world and woman are impressed by that.

    If you ask a girl out and she says no, what happens? Nothing, who care, go find another one. You cant let it get you down and some guys do. I could care less if a girl regects me... Their are 5 more who wont!!!
    I'm not even a pretty boy like my man, just messing brother. I just don't care. Don't be a d***, just act like you don't care. That "player" crap does not work. Yeah you get the ass but then you make them mad and they never wanna see you again. Why not be honest and keep hitting it. Thats my philosophy at least
    Nice. Confidence definitely speaks volumes when it comes to women.

  9. #129
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Lex, my friend, Daddy.....LOL
    I t means so much to have you drop a classic Lex smart ass comment....snif, snif...TJ wipes tear away

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