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  1. #81
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    thats right!!!! dont make me start eating on all your asses... lol
    I might let you eat some food off my ass, but it will cost you at leat a mil...

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength View Post
    personally I want you nowhere my ass.. lol
    LMAO!!!! i walked right into that one... lmao...

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    I might let you eat some food off my ass, but it will cost you at leat a mil...
    yeah i asked for that one... lol

  4. #84
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    Doesn't overtraining come into play? If you use your arms constantly at work then hit the gym then go back and lift heavy logs again day after day when does the recovery happen??

    I know we use our calves all the time, but its not like I'm walking with a log on my back all day... Hmmm... maybe I should start carrying a log.. Nah, to much shit to carry already

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iDom;4071***
    Doesn't overtraining come into play? If you use your arms constantly at work then hit the gym then go back and lift heavy logs again day after day when does the recovery happen??

    I know we use our calves all the time, but its not like I'm walking with a log on my back all day... Hmmm... maybe I should start carrying a log.. Nah, to much shit to carry already
    just like anything else the body adapts... getting into this line of work was definately a rough 1st month... but after that, its like nothing at all...

    oooh, i also dont do anything saturdays and sundays... well some saturdays, so i heal pretty quick on those days too..
    Last edited by jsinur7; 07-09-2008 at 08:39 PM.

  6. #86
    heaven_lee's Avatar
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    I used to think my ex lifted light weights compared to all of the other guys in the gym, but he actually had one of the better bodies in there. I lift light and slow and I think I get a realy good work out. I'm always sore.

  7. #87
    IamtheChitt is offline Associate Member
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    I too find that I lift more than "most" guys in the gym. I can't curl the 80's, biceps are my weakest body part. I do 2 handed dumbell overhead tricep extensions (gosh, thats long) with 120 lbs for like 12 reps. Most people in my gym grab the 40's. Of course, I go to an old person gym.

  8. #88
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    Next time you see some big dude in the gym ask him why he lifts like a bitch.

  9. #89
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    i never called any one a bitch, i asked why, and i dont care about size... big dont mean shit but persoanl preference of how one looks...

  10. #90
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    I know man, it was a joke.
    I agree with personal preferance, I'm not currently trying to get any bigger either, and I'm not huge.

  11. #91
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    i must be tired... i'm missing everyones sarcasm tonight... my bad... i got nothing but respect for the time and effort these big dudes put into it... i just have no desire to look that way, but doesnt mean i dont give them the utmost respect for achieving their goals...

  12. #92
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    I would like to see a video of the 80's, without using retarded leverage jerks and doing them slow and controlled.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    I would like to see a video of the 80's, without using retarded leverage jerks and doing them slow and controlled.

    ie....the video of the chick was using "retarded leverge jerks"
    trust me i see the retarded leverage jeks too... i wouldnt wast my time on weights that make me do that... unless i'm just pissed off and angry then who gives a sh!t

  14. #94
    Squatman51's Avatar
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    Dante of Doggcrapp training actually had something about this in one of his notice these big guys that use lighter weights never get much over 225 they stay around the 200-225 range because of drug usage... the stronger you are the bigger you will get in rep range that is what i believe to be true...if you want to be a monster like in the 270-300 or more range you have to lift heavy.....dante mentioned there are a handful of exceptions such as Paul Dillet but besides freaks like that you need to lift heavy

  15. #95
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  16. #96
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    I do 65's x 10 or curl the str8 bar 135 x 10
    80's is hella strong
    plus I'm about 50 pounds heavier, pound for pound you got me beat for sure

  17. #97
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    form and slow controlled movements count more than tossing around huge numbers with half assed form.

    im progressing way faster than most people who've been around a few more years than i have. why? form.

    form > *

    i'm more impressed with proper form than someone lifting 3 plates and arching their back, or doing curls with 80s but they are hunched over and use the swing of their body to get the weight up, THEN let gravity drop the weight down.

    full control up, full control down.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squatman51 View Post
    Dante of Doggcrapp training actually had something about this in one of his notice these big guys that use lighter weights never get much over 225 they stay around the 200-225 range because of drug usage... the stronger you are the bigger you will get in rep range that is what i believe to be true...if you want to be a monster like in the 270-300 or more range you have to lift heavy.....dante mentioned there are a handful of exceptions such as Paul Dillet but besides freaks like that you need to lift heavy
    i am familiar with that need to make strength progress.

    in good form, he who makes the greatest strength gains at the fastest rate possible makes the greatest size gains

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    trust me i see the retarded leverage jeks too... i wouldnt wast my time on weights that make me do that... unless i'm just pissed off and angry then who gives a sh!t
    aright man....I will leave it at that.......its just a little bit unusual thats all...

  20. #100
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    i'm just wondering if my excessive insulin production (i use to have seizures cause of it) could be a factor... some guy bought it up in another forum, then disappeared... any thoughts?

  21. #101
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  22. #102
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    i'd rather look like i can bench press 405 than actually bench press 405.
    are yo nuts dude most pros dont even use that much. i watched the ronnie videos he doesnt even use 80 most of the time.

    you are 200 at 11 % or so.

    i have seen pros lift and they dont lift that much.

    this is body building not power lifting, you lift reps to build muscle. you dont lift weights to lift weights.

    do better form, no way your doing that much how many inches are your arms?

    How much do you shoulder press???? I have sen guys lift to much your setting yourself up for injuries. Do you need a spot for curls? some signs you might be trying to lift weight.

    Remeber muscle isnt coming from how much your pushing but diet and how well you are working it / breaking it down. pick a weight that does that. sure you need to lift more but 80 lbs dumbell curls thats alot.
    Last edited by bigt10; 07-09-2008 at 10:11 PM.

  23. #103
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    You don't carry 400lb logs on your back by your self for starters. This type of long exercise your talking about is bunk man, you dont gain strength like your thinking from this type of work. I don't know if this mentality is common other places but i see it all the time here in construction. I know people who have been lifting 106lb bricks 40+hrs EW for 8+ years and they are extreme pussies when it comes to strength but they actually think they are strong. I did the same shitty brick lifting for a year or so and all it does is wear and tear on your joints and make you weak. I remember one of the guys i worked with carrying a brick on his shoulder cause he wanted to strengthen his legs!

    I am alomost certain your a bit chubby and prolly a little shorter/lighter then you claim and you swing those 80's meeting them half way with your shoulder to "complete" the rep before the momentum dies.

    Not trying to flame, I just had to speak my mind on this one cause its a huge pet peeve of mine.

    Also, Your fighting refrences I find really annoying and childish

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    i didnt say i was superman, i said strong for my size and shape... Like i said above, i am not as strong in other areas, i just use those muscles daily in work... Bech press, i dont know, i never went big on it, i work out with 225 (i think if the bar is 45 too and 90 on each side) dead never tried, but i carry around 3-400 pound logs on my shoulder at work... squats, dont know again, but like i said above i am top heavy, so i doubt squats would be much at all... My main strength is in real life application thn in the weight room..
    Last edited by bobo0101; 03-03-2013 at 12:24 AM.

  25. #105
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    weight numbers are just bragging rights.
    weights dont mean shit if it's being tossed many times do we see people doing bench, they lift the weight up as fast as they can, but then let it PLUMMET to their chest, or let gravity do MOST of the work down..... they dont control it the whole way up or down. or bounce it off their chest.....

    but, those are the guys lifting 3 plates per side. impressive? nope....

    considering my trainer is IFBB, and she's a beast, she lifts lower weight then you'd expect....but her form is disgustingly perfect. very slow, controlled.

    you wont build mass if gravity is doing half the work

  26. #106
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    d-bell curls isn't something you should brag about but I know I couldn't do 80's for 10-12 reps and here are some of my latest lifts as of this week

    bench: 405X3
    deadlift: 565X1

    not crazy but I'm not too small either.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rugger02 View Post
    I agree. As a big guy (6'4 305lbs), I find this entire thread incredible bullshit. I've won state, regional, and national powerlifting championships as well as being a top amateur strongman and I've yet to see even pro lw strongmen walk around with 3-400lb logs and do 80lbs curls for high reps.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobo0101 View Post
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am fourth generation logger buddy and under absolutely no circumstances would the need for you to do this ever arise. I will never believe your amazing curling abilities without a video
    logger... I aint no logger... i am a tree climber... I have to do these things cause we remove trees from peoples yards in crowded ass new hersey... i dont clear feilds and get to use machines to do my work like you... LOGGER!!! LMAO... you cut a tree and let the machines work...

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I agree. As a big guy (6'4 305lbs), I find this entire thread incredible bullshit. I've won state, regional, and national powerlifting championships as well as being a top amateur strongman and I've yet to see even pro lw strongmen walk around with 3-400lb logs and do 80lbs curls for high reps.

    yup, they guys that come in to get jobs find it embarassing too to have a guy my size work circles around them... dont care what you call bullshit on, i'm not the one with a size issue...

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by doolo View Post
    You don't carry 400lb logs on your back by your self for starters. This type of long exercise your talking about is bunk man, you dont gain strength like your thinking from this type of work. I don't know if this mentality is common other places but i see it all the time here in construction. I know people who have been lifting 106lb bricks 40+hrs EW for 8+ years and they are extreme pussies when it comes to strength but they actually think they are strong. I did the same shitty brick lifting for a year or so and all it does is wear and tear on your joints and make you weak. I remember one of the guys i worked with carrying a brick on his shoulder cause he wanted to strengthen his legs!

    I am alomost certain your a bit chubby and prolly a little shorter/lighter then you claim and you swing those 80's meeting them half way with your shoulder to "complete" the rep before the momentum dies.

    Not trying to flame, I just had to speak my mind on this one cause its a huge pet peeve of mine.

    Also, Your fighting refrences I find really annoying and childish
    i find it really annoying and childish the way anytime someone comes along that does things better then someone else on the board, espescially if they ar smaller and lighter the big guys throw a shit fit of NO WAYS NOT POSSIBLE BULLSHITS... and bending over picking up bricks is gonna tear you down and i see these men walking around hunched over all day long every day... it's called FORM as everyone else puts it in this thread... you work anything out right, it will be exercise, and not destruction of your muscles... ya know what i could care less what you or the rest think... some people here get it, the rest are just jealous... oh my god someone can curl 80 POUNDS and he's not juiced up and 270 pounds of muscle... what a load bro, there are lots of strong guys that are small, like robbie lawler at 185 pounds and 5'11 benching 400 pounds... BUT NOO NNOOO WAY!!! i feel sorry for you haters.... i really do...

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    weight numbers are just bragging rights.
    weights dont mean shit if it's being tossed many times do we see people doing bench, they lift the weight up as fast as they can, but then let it PLUMMET to their chest, or let gravity do MOST of the work down..... they dont control it the whole way up or down. or bounce it off their chest.....

    but, those are the guys lifting 3 plates per side. impressive? nope....

    considering my trainer is IFBB, and she's a beast, she lifts lower weight then you'd expect....but her form is disgustingly perfect. very slow, controlled.

    you wont build mass if gravity is doing half the work
    makes perfect sense, but i think it's all impressive in the reason you are working out... a fighter is not gonna be lifting for th same reasons a bb is... he's gonna want to be explosive and work those fibers... he's not gonna want to do slow reps...

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4 View Post
    d-bell curls isn't something you should brag about but I know I couldn't do 80's for 10-12 reps and here are some of my latest lifts as of this week

    bench: 405X3
    deadlift: 565X1

    not crazy but I'm not too small either.
    i wasn't bragging, i simply said i do this and he does this, and asked why the difference and everyone jumped on it like lions on a gazelle... i dont care what they believe.. its no big shocker to me my whole life i look like the little guy but when it came down to getting something done i was the strongman in the group... and only those that knew me knew it cause i dont look the part... it's all good though... i know what i do and dont do. if i wanted to be fake i'd come in saying i bench this, i squat that, i dead that, the lifts the competitors judge themselves on, not CURLS!!!! christ... god forbid anyone could curl 80 pound dumbells....

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    i find it really annoying and childish the way anytime someone comes along that does things better then someone else on the board, espescially if they ar smaller and lighter the big guys throw a shit fit of NO WAYS NOT POSSIBLE BULLSHITS... and bending over picking up bricks is gonna tear you down and i see these men walking around hunched over all day long every day... it's called FORM as everyone else puts it in this thread... you work anything out right, it will be exercise, and not destruction of your muscles... ya know what i could care less what you or the rest think... some people here get it, the rest are just jealous... oh my god someone can curl 80 POUNDS and he's not juiced up and 270 pounds of muscle... what a load bro, there are lots of strong guys that are small, like robbie lawler at 185 pounds and 5'11 benching 400 pounds... BUT NOO NNOOO WAY!!! i feel sorry for you haters.... i really do...

    on any respected board, if someone makes outlandish claims, they rightfully get called out on it.........I am sure that if alot of people got their heads together......lets say if you can get 50 guys to all pitch in and pay you 10 dollars'd be like a bet.

    you guys could make some agreement take the 500 dollars and post a video of you doing these curls in perfect form, or you except that these guys are right.

    if you got offered this some of money, if everyone pitched in, you would be admittingly calling bullshit on yourself if you dont take the deal.......everyone who is confident enough will agree to the deal because they dont think you can follow through, so they think its a win win and they wont be losing anything because you cant do it, and wont do it.
    Last edited by IronReload04; 07-10-2008 at 01:59 AM.

  34. #114
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    lmao.... i'll just get a video when i get around to it so everyone can masterbate to it since is such a miraculous feet... i didnt post to brag, i posted to ask why the body builders work the way they do... and why its so different then mine... i dont need anyones money... like i said, if i was gonna try bragging about something i'd make up shit that everyone else brags about like bnch press and squats...

  35. #115
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    lol you do have quite a following in this thread right now.....25 viewers

  36. #116
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    its ben like that all night,... i think it's messed up... the names havent changed since it started... i mean jesus... why would i lie about my curls then say i have chicken legs, top heavy never dead lifted before and only use 225 bench.... yeah, i'm reallytrying to look like a big man braggingabout curls... cmon now...

  37. #117
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    i even made it clear that 80's are on my angry i really got it days, that i averag the 70's and on shitty days the 60's... i never said the 80's were sooooo easy... i am big curling man... i have big penis i do 80's... but my bench is average at best... WHO WANTS A PIECE OF THE CRAZY CURLING MAN!!!! christ o mighty...

  38. #118
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    and i dont see who it was that asked about shoulder ress, but i throw a 45 on each side and the bar (the bars are 45 right?) and i do high reps... never maxed out on those or bench... i just do till failure 3 sets...

  39. #119
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    Thats some heavy curls. I know a few kids that can curl heavier than me, but they have no other strength, because pretty much all they do is curls everyday. Watch them do deads, squats or bench, and its pretty funny really. The pros dont do curls that heavy, but then they train back extremely heavy, so curls are just a finisher.

  40. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    on any respected board, if someone makes outlandish claims, they rightfully get called out on it.........I am sure that if alot of people got their heads together......lets say if you can get 50 guys to all pitch in and pay you 10 dollars'd be like a bet.

    you guys could make some agreement take the 500 dollars and post a video of you doing these curls in perfect form, or you except that these guys are right.

    if you got offered this some of money, if everyone pitched in, you would be admittingly calling bullshit on yourself if you dont take the deal.......everyone who is confident enough will agree to the deal because they dont think you can follow through, so they think its a win win and they wont be losing anything because you cant do it, and wont do it.

    you edited this to add the last part... when i put up the video everyone eating their words will be payment enough... this post wasnt about bragging, it was about learning... i dont need anyones money to feel better about myself the way they need to rag on someone that lifting in one area better then them because they have a little man complex at 270 pounds... i really find it amusing...

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