View Poll Results: lie or tell the truth about your use of steroids?

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  • Ya i juice !! So what?

    30 45.45%
  • Hell no man i dont do that shit!

    36 54.55%
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  1. #81
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I will tell only the closest to me. People can't be trusted sometimes

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I will tell only the closest to me. People can't be trusted sometimes
    That's true and sometimes the closer they are the less you can trust them.Thinking thhey know whats best for you, they will act thinking they have your best intrests at heart even though the things they are doing will hurt you more than help.

  3. #83
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Family,, hell no
    gf,, hell no
    my other juicing buddies,, yes
    other friends,,, no

  4. #84
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    lol my family has called me out on it and i laugh it off. Last time i was hangin out with my sisters i drank sum winny in front of them just so i could get a rise out of them

  5. #85
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    My wife knew i used them and strongly disagree's with using them..... so i hide it from her know.

    My father knows - he also juices. Mother knows...... sister doesn't but her boyfriend tells her i do LOL......

    My close close friends know.....

    If i'm ever single again..... i will lay it on the line as soon as possible when the time is right. I hate hiding it but my wife is crazy LOL

    coworkers - all of them suspect it...... i never admit to it.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  6. #86
    Ricer's Avatar
    Ricer is offline Associate Member
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    I also have no idea what steroids are.....

    I just say PROTEIN!!

    My girlfriend shoots me, so she's pretty much the only one that knows lol

  7. #87
    F4iGuy's Avatar
    F4iGuy is offline Senior Member
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    I'm juice free but often accused of using. Kinda funny. My response would be the same either way. "What does your diet look like, how often do you eat, how long have you been training, what's your split, How low do you squat.... Deads?..." Usually at this point the person accusing gives a silly look and says "wow.... I never realized blah blah."

  8. #88
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    Wife pins kids know....everyone else is on a need to know basis.
    Last edited by inky-e; 05-14-2009 at 08:21 PM.

  9. #89
    mike954's Avatar
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    Bump !

  10. #90
    dec11's Avatar
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    couldnt give a bollocks who knows, im a grown man. was always accused of it anyway in the 16yrs i was natty!

    the only time id ever conceal it was if it affected a job

  11. #91
    mike954's Avatar
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    Bump !

  12. #92
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i do, all my friends have juiced before or are still. I work in the fitness industry. I dont announce it but i have talked to certain coworkers even reps that visit our company. They are stupid. The only family member that ever asked was a brother in law and i told him the truth.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #93
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Not me no not ever. It's against the law and I follow the law to an FU...

  14. #94
    dep30's Avatar
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    only my wife and best friend/source. no one else needs to know cause they would want to know where they can get aas and I'm not about advertising let em do their homework like i did

  15. #95
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    TRT here for me, so it's legal on this end. However, I'm still quite selective with who I share that info with.

  16. #96
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester View Post
    TRT here for me, so it's legal on this end. However, I'm still quite selective with who I share that info with.
    Same same, to many people just dong get it. They would rather pop pills, pain pills, anti depressants etc but when it comes to TRT they dont get it.

  17. #97
    BengalWoman is offline Female Member
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    The perception of HRT with women seems to be more receptive, as people tend to look at the estrogen side as OK, and they discount the testosterone part of it, even though it is a small part of my protocol. Whereas the testosterone gets a bad wrap with how it links with men, even in therapeutic levels, people don't get it.

  18. #98
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    I don't keep the fact that I'm on TRT secret, but I don't start conversations about it either to people I know. My girlfriend and a few people I lift with are the only ones who know for certain I ran any gear for other than medical purposes. My brother knows I use gear but I won't admit it to him regardless of how many times he accuses me. I mean, I'm a grown man and all, but I really don't want a gossiping family. As far as friends go, when they have asked me, I just tell them I train hard and I am dedicated to my diet (which is true). I doubt they buy it, but it evades the questioning.

    How many of you have friends that ask you to hook them up with some gear?

  19. #99
    juice work is offline Banned
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    no family because they jump to OMG ITS DANGEROUS YOU WILL DIE kind of shit and no close friends bc people talk and it makes it to everybody, ill tell a total stranger in a heart beat bc well really, fuq em what are then gunna do, who they gunna tell that i know lol and they usually wanna buy some from me

  20. #100
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    deny deny deny
    Than make counter accusations.

    My wife and a few close friends that cycle too.

  21. #101
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [B
    Misery13;6096205]Than make counter accusations. [/B]

    My wife and a few close friends that cycle too.
    Agreed, nothing pisses off someone more than asking them if they go to the gym at all.

  22. #102
    JAB1's Avatar
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    My wife and a couple close friends know, thats it. Others suspect but I never admit. Everyone at work thinks im a nut due to my eating schedule anyway so they are clueless!! I would deny to 99% of people. I would love to recommend trt to my father in law but havnt because I think he is suspicious as is and he is old school and I dont want to loose his respect. My wife and I were watching doctor Phil the other day and they had a guy on there recommending trt, so I told her to go that route and tell him about it. He is 65, works out alot and is always asking me for advice, etc. Plus he takes viagra so Im sure he would love the kick in sexual performance to make mom-in-law happy!!!

  23. #103
    gearbox's Avatar
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    Jab you can always say you are on trt cause your low levels. Make something up. Huge difference between 200 a wk to blasting

  24. #104
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    On TRT, and basically don't tell anyone, wife knows, mother knows. I hope my wife has kept her mouth shut, but I think some of her close friends might know. I definitely don't want inlaws to know. I would like to recommend it to my father, and have tried in indirect ways, simply because I know he's used things like herbs and viagra.

    As far doing anything outside of trt like blasting or adding other compounds that aren't prescribed, I wouldn't even tell my wife, or anyone for that matter.

    People don't even understand TRT, and there are too many uneducated immature young people around me that think they know everything and judge quickly. Steroids is sill cheating to them, yet majority of these people would take any latest diet pill or do hcg diet, and I have trained naturally for 13 years of my adult life, not counting what I did as a kid, and always was against taking anything that could hurt my body, even though I didn't care if others did it, just realized It would take me longer to get to where I wanted to be. But I'm over that since I needed trt, and it was the healthy way to go, just wish I had realized there was a solution to my problems earlier.

  25. #105
    Rwy's Avatar
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    I told my whole family that I was going on trt and friends rather then being accused by everyone.

  26. #106
    lestat85's Avatar
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    The only one who knows I'm about to start, is my girlfriend. I'm sure I'll get accused, but have no intentions of admitting it to anyone.

  27. #107
    DeadlyD's Avatar
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    Only my wife and my lifting partner know the truth.

  28. #108
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    If I know what people are on, they know what I am on. Everyone else, it's just protein and lifting weights.

  29. #109
    BigBadBob is offline New Member
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    Told the wife I have enough shit to hide from her that would piss her off worse. Sometimes when we're arguin she blams juice for what ever. I been tryin to educate her. The reason I got back on it was I got low T from bein on pain killers from an accident. I tell close freinds who I think might have the same problem tryin to help them an hear their experiances. Some people not so close to who I think it would help I ease the conversation to it. Maybe start by talkin about hgh. Its not so scary to them. If someone asks I tell the diet,regular work regime,livin clean and eat as much ***** as possible.

  30. #110
    JAB1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    Jab you can always say you are on trt cause your low levels. Make something up. Huge difference between 200 a wk to blasting
    Thats a good Idea Gearbox hadnt thought of that, I will think about going that route. I think he would be a perfect candidate, and would feel like a new man.

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