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  1. #41
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Get a radar sensor

    or simply, take it down a notch.

    I have streaks of speeding. Something just takes hold of me and I start flying. lol, I have no clue.

  2. #42
    lastrep1234 is offline Junior Member
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    There is a "One time trick", but if you got multiple tickets it might not work--anyway go to a garage or if you have a friend at a garage--thats better, have them recalibrate the speedometer, pay them 1/2 hour labor $30.00, mail a copy of the shop receipt in with the non guilty ticket and whala!!! the ticket is nollied. (usually) after all you never knew you where speeding the spedo was

  3. #43
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    I got a ticket for 135 in a 35... and it was more than a ticket it came with cuffs and revocation of license. and a 500 dollar fine...

    i was just out of high school - and i was trying to jump rail road tracks, i jumped them just didnt see the cop sitting there. he said in court he almost pooped his pants cause i was going so fast he didnt expect me to live... lol - yes the car was destroyed -oops live a learn

    the judge was totally cool (at least with my lawyer) but my mom was sooooo pissssed off - i still tease her.

    (it was like 19 years ago )

    needless to say i dont speed any more - im like a old man on the highway

  4. #44
    DCI's Avatar
    DCI is offline Productive Member
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    Lmao, Amcon, who did ya think you where Evel Kaneivel???

  5. #45
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    Lmao, Amcon, who did ya think you where Evel Kaneivel???
    here is the thing : in the north east during the winter time alot of people buy "winter cars" so the car was a car i bought for 50 dollars (not kidding) blew the motor ( i think it was a 307 i detonated) ... a friend had a olds rocket 350 from a 70s cop car, i rebuilt it for 600 dollars and i had a freaking race car - that motor freaking ripped dude!!! any ways - it was the end of winter i was going to pull the motor and tranny out... i had two other cars to drive so i just didnt care about he body/shell of the car - i broke the stearing column, a few tie rods were sheard off, ball joints were jard free, bent a-arms, the front shocks were blown to bits, and the linkage was ripped off the transmition... and worst of all i tore the bottom of the oil pan off and fattened my headers... if all that didnt happen he would have never caught me - i would of ran and call in the car stolen if i didnt just about knock my self out on the stearing wheel (broken nose - with blood every where, the cop cuffed me from behind and let my know bleed out all over my self...) i look back now and laugh at it - but it was one of the stupidist things i have ever done (i was sober and it was 4 am)

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