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  1. #41
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    try it some time...u might enjoy

  2. #42
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    I visit that circus ride every once in awhile.

  3. #43
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    God bless you!!
    everyone should

  4. #44
    Gappa's Avatar
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    itz funny that has come up..
    we got the big sex talk in church 2da!!
    you know the whole adultry fornication porn lecture..
    they were squirmin in their seats I tell ya.

  5. #45
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    i know i am guilty on a few counts lol

  6. #46
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    God is my brother....

  7. #47
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    and once again everyone arguing against evolution has never read a biology textbook...

  8. #48
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    Jesus is my drug supplier....

  9. #49
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    I have read evo extensively jiggs.. Darwin's theory..
    so if the big bang theory is correct.. what triggered or caused the big bang?

  10. #50
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    evo is a deep subject but even with the most elegant arguements there are still a few key pieces missing.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    I am one who does believe in science, this is obvious as it can be verified and duplicated.
    But spirituality and the existence of a soul... hmmmm how can you prove that except to see it in your own life..
    Really? You can verify that we evolved from a pool of slime? You'd better tell someone bro, you're gonna be rich!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    evo is a deep subject but even with the most elegant arguements there are still a few key pieces missing.
    Key pieces like proof.

  13. #53
    jfalco's Avatar
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    How is creationism defined?

    Are you talking manlike god created the earth in 7 days 5 thousand years ago? I think this is a childish belief.

    I think the problem rational people have with god is that belief in god for some reason is expected to include a belief is some strange set of obviously untrue fantasies. If you just ask a man to believe that there are forces more powerful than he, and these forces created everything, no one but a fool would argue. Now define that force as god, and I think the rational person still comes along for the ride. Now the hard part is when you start saying this god is actually a manlike being with magical powers who created everything in 7 days, even though it is obvious that it took much longer than that, and that all this happened only 5000 years ago eventhough it is obvious that the earth has been around much longer than that. The is where the rational man has to jump off the creationism train.

    Or for the creationism crowd, what makes your version more valid than other religions. Do you really believe that you just happened to be lucky enough to be born where the people happen to believe in the right god and people whose belief structure is influenced purely by some other place they happened to be born are wrong?

    I believe in god. I just define it differently than most. If you tell me god created everything, I won't argue. It's just the way some say he did it that I have a problem with.
    Last edited by jfalco; 05-10-2009 at 02:14 PM.

  14. #54
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    Uh oh... this could get ugly!!! I know the solution to this...

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  16. #56
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    You arent suposed to know how it went down, if you accept this, you will be able to move on without this weighing you down...

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Uh oh... this could get ugly!!! I know the solution to this...

    How can anyone look at this and think that there ISN'T a GOD???

    PRAISE JESUS for that FINE ASS !!!!!


  18. #58
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    God has a sense of humor by creating fine twat like that and me having to look at a picture of it.
    They should be in my bed every night.

  19. #59
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    God would like to remind you that you aren't allowed to touch that fine ass. It's a sin.

    I vote for the ooze theory.

  20. #60
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    Damn im for evolution and the Big Bang Theory all the way.

    The way I see things concerning The Bible and Creationism is this. 2000 years ago there were some people in a certain part of the world that didn't have the intellect or the tools around the them to define the world. This must have been quite frustrating. So the simple answer to such frustrating ignorance was to invent a being that quite literally, do anything and be responsible for everything. It must have been so conveniant for people back then. Like someone asking "why is the sky blue during the day" - yep just file that under "God works in mysterious ways".

    However it's the 21st Century today. We DO have the tools. We have technology and we have science and we have clever people today. Yet there are some that still insist the Earth was created in 7 days and that we are all the decendents of Adam and Eve. This whole concept is utterly absurd and im frankly baffled at why people still believe in this.

    Like Jigga said, open a book on Biology. Open any book on Science. Instead of closing your eyes, placing your hands on your ears and singing "koom-by-yar" look at how far we have come. 2000 years from now, if Humanity is still around, christianity and I expect the other major religions of today will cease to exist. Every belief system runs out of steam sooner or later. How can any religion of today be any more credible than worshipping a pantheon of 12 Gods like the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Norse people did?

    As for how the Big Bang theory happened? Well it's been theorised, and I emphasised THEORY, because Science doesn't try to beat a fact that isn't 100% proven onto the masses, that the Big Bang is just a part of a series of cycles that the Universe goes through, imploding and exploding, like a baloon being inflated and deflated, over and over again. And before you say "But HOW is this happening", I don't know. But isn't it mighty conveniant and easy to say "Oh must be God" and leave it at that? Personally I prefer the pursuit of knowledge.

  21. #61
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    I'm for creationism. The variation of people, personalities, etc is just enormous and too such an extent that I'm not sure how science can explain it. Such complexity of organisms that coincidence is unlikely to me.

    The big flaw in the big bang theory is something can not come from nothing. How did everything start?

    That's as deep as I want to go, soon the troglodytes will enter this thread and destroy it with their close minded intolerance to others opinions.

  22. #62
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    Creationism is a piss poor attempt to con people with pseudoscience and 'explain' why fossil records are not ancient. It's a bold trick to keep the Genesis story 'true', when it is increasingly be shown to be false, literally.
    Also, science is not a belief or a faith, it is observed (often) and repeatable. And unlike religious faith here is nothing blind about it.
    If you wish to see fossil records of our ancestors, google stromatolites.
    I think creationism is a desperate attempt to give god a role in the modern world, when it is very obvious to see there is no place for him anymore. And there never was.

  23. #63
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    ..and there's nothing random about evolution either. It not a chance event.
    If you think this is so, i suggest you pick up a copy of Richard Dawkins "The God Delusion".

  24. #64
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    I believe I in creationism. When I look around and see how amazing the human body is and the landscape earth, I feel in my heart a higher power had to create it.

  25. #65
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    I was created by my mom and dad in a hotel room in Hawaii back in 65.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gappa View Post
    I look at my own body and often think how remarkably engineered it really is.
    The human brain is the MOST complex device in the universe currently known to humanity..
    Who believes that something/someone designed and created us.
    Or that by some freak chance we came from a glob of water and mud.

    just a personal opinion, I think the chances are just too slim that our planet is just a random happening... even in 4.5 Billion years.. the odds come out to something silly like winning the lottery every day for the rest of your life..

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden708 View Post
    I'm for creationism. The variation of people, personalities, etc is just enormous and too such an extent that I'm not sure how science can explain it. Such complexity of organisms that coincidence is unlikely to me.

    The big flaw in the big bang theory is something can not come from nothing. How did everything start?

    That's as deep as I want to go, soon the troglodytes will enter this thread and destroy it with their close minded intolerance to others opinions.

    The only biological differences in human beings is pigmentation/skin colour. Organisms are not even entirely different to each other.

    Take a Bat, a Penguine, a Lizard and a Human. The four couldn't seem any different. Yet the forearm in the bat that is part of its wing, the flipper of a penguine, the front legs of a lizard and the forearms of a human all contain just four bones in the fore arm: Humerous, radius, ulna and carpal. This further supports that the majority of cold blooded and warm blooded creatures all evolved from the first four legged tetrapods that evolved from fish and dared to live on land. The design proved to be so perfect that even today, the skeletal structure of most warm blooded and cold blooded animals remains vastly similiar.

    The DNA of a mouse is 70% the same as ours. Even yeast shares one fifth of our genetic code.

  27. #67
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    I think most know that I am very scientifically minded. I became religious or more religious I guess after studying biology and nature for many years through my post high school education.

  28. #68
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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I believe i can fly...

  30. #70
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    Can someone do a poll so we can see how many believe in god and how many believe in evolution...

    I would but im unsure on how to do a poll...

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    I believe i can fly...
    We know it was caught on video.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Can someone do a poll so we can see how many believe in god and how many believe in evolution...

    I would but im unsure on how to do a poll...
    you got it

  33. #73
    O.fO.shO is offline Member
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    If M-theroy is correct there is an infinate number of parellel universes. Jingle 10 trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion atoms in a pot an Infinate number of times and you will get an infinate number of possabilities where life as we know it can exist.

  34. #74
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Why has evolution stopped? For all of recorded history (not theory, but actual written by human history) man and animals have been the same. But is has only been what 5000+ years or so?

  35. #75
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    It hasn't. But you are unlikely to witness much obvious change even if you lived 5000 years and waited. It happens in small steps.
    Here's a thought, you are a hardened creationist advocate and you get panicked about swine flu. Will you be happy if your doctor offers you the standard flu jab? lol

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    Why has evolution stopped? For all of recorded history (not theory, but actual written by human history) man and animals have been the same. But is has only been what 5000+ years or so?

    What do you mean evolution has stopped? Where? Can you please elaborate on how you think evolution has just stopped.

    Evolution is a gradual process and animals tend to evolve as the planet evolves or when they move to different locations. Polar bears and brown bears belong to the same family but the polar bear is much bigger and has evolved to be bigger because of needing to carry more fat to stay warm in a colder climate. Polar bears would probably decrease in size after a few generations if the entire species was moved to warmer climates. You are also wrong on animals remaining the same 5000+ years. 10,000 years ago there were Mammoths and wooly Rhinos. Today Elephants and Rhinos have evolved to not have fur due to moving to a warmer climate.

  37. #77
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    I also think God and Creationism is too ingrained into peoples psyches to ever change. If science could find undeniable proof of evolution, Creationists would still refute it. If time travel was possible that could show evolution, it would still be refuted.

    When steroids are changing your body it can be shown how through science. That has nothing to do with God. It was science that created steroids.

    Again, how can anyone accept that the world was made in 7 days?

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I also think God and Creationism is too ingrained into peoples psyches to ever change. If science could find undeniable proof of evolution, Creationists would still refute it. If time travel was possible that could show evolution, it would still be refuted.

    When steroids are changing your body it can be shown how through science. That has nothing to do with God. It was science that created steroids.

    Again, how can anyone accept that the world was made in 7 days?
    that is one viewpoint. Of course if these compounds are a part of an earth created by a Creator, then science could only be vested with the credit on implementing them. All Medicine would fall into the same catagory. Unless you are implying that scientist actually went into a lab and using super powers they created new substances that did not already exist?

    I mix milk and Nestle syrup but am not a creator of chocolate milk you know?
    Last edited by higherdesire; 05-10-2009 at 07:24 PM.

  39. #79
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    What do you mean evolution has stopped? Where? Can you please elaborate on how you think evolution has just stopped.

    Evolution is a gradual process and animals tend to evolve as the planet evolves or when they move to different locations. Polar bears and brown bears belong to the same family but the polar bear is much bigger and has evolved to be bigger because of needing to carry more fat to stay warm in a colder climate. Polar bears would probably decrease in size after a few generations if the entire species was moved to warmer climates. You are also wrong on animals remaining the same 5000+ years. 10,000 years ago there were Mammoths and wooly Rhinos. Today Elephants and Rhinos have evolved to not have fur due to moving to a warmer climate.
    I mean only that man as we know it has not changed. I can accept evolution in some veins. I guess the comment about animals to me is where a re the new species developed from an evolving world. Not whether or not animals have grown hair or lost hair but have still remained the exact same animal.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    that is one viewpoint. Of course if these compounds are a part of an earth created by a Creator, then science could only be vested with the credit on implementing them. All Medicine would fall into the same catagory. Unless you are implying that scientist actually went into a lab and using super powers they created new substances that did not already exist?

    Do you consider cocaine or heroin as immoral drugs? I mean surely these are all organic compounds that were left around by our "Creator" to discover? What was He thinking when he made Poppies eh? And of course im not implying that scientists used "magic" or "power" to create steroids , but it's exactly that argument you are using to explain how the Earth was made. By magic. And will you concede that Elephants and Rhinos evolved 10,000 years ago from their long haired ancestors?

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