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  1. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    I could'nt agree more with yout rationale, the accuracy of the result is indeed questionable.

    Here's another hot questions though; if a child is born to a white father but a black mother, why is that child automatically assume to be black since his father is white?

    Any thoughts from your upbringing and experience? lol

    Not sure about that. If your dad is white then I assume your white. My father is black, I am black. Being mixed is another topic all its own.

  2. #402
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Hey nice talking to u again; see u next time with more hard talk.
    You are cool Viipii; keep it up, don't forget your gym schedule.

  3. #403
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    are you blessed with "black" genetics.

    i bet your a freakin monster in the gym.

  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    hey vipii, can I go down on you and side my tongue down your world? can u handle some hard questions about me have sex with monkeys?
    Fist you did not get his name right and I am offended by all your sex talk and trying to have internet sex with vp....Leave the monkeys along.....the prices of bananas has dropped...

  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    are you blessed with "black" genetics.

    i bet your a freakin monster in the gym.
    Well yes and no. I had to work hard to be the athlete I once was and never considered genetics. just hard work.
    Id like to think im a monster, I am a competition freak. I wont allow anyone to be better than me. So I will try to work harder.

    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    Fist you did not get his name right and I am offended by all your sex talk and trying to have internet sex with vp....Leave the monkeys along.....the prices of bananas has dropped...

    I am crying prone.

  6. #406
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    Is you being black the reason your so damn gorgeous?

  7. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Is you being black the reason your so damn gorgeous?

    that and genetics.

  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    Hey nice trying to have sex with you again; see u next time on that monkey love forum. We will have more hard talk on monkey sex.
    You are cool between the sheet and not as hairy as the monkeys. Viipii; keep it up, because mine is don't forget your video link schedule with me.
    I am not sure if this is called stepping out of the closet, but maybe stepping out of the jungle....

    VP, why is j431s trying to get you in bed?

    Is he trying to get you back to your roots?

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    I am not sure if this is called stepping out of the closet, but maybe stepping out of the jungle....

    VP, why is j431s trying to get you in bed?

    Is he trying to get you back to your roots?


  10. #410
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  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    Mensroom topic

  14. #414
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    First and foremost the guy who started this thread is black(VP=40%) correct?
    its all in fun(mostly 99%)...i would suggest that if it offends u then stay out of the lounge or off this thread-the later would be better.

    i didnt say it offends me ....i just dont get it.....oh as for asking my mates if their lives are so different....i dont need to ....iv known them for over 20 years and their lives are not different to mine,infact most have better lives than yeah you two really showed me hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    but my doberman did get racist looks from other dogs!!!!!!!

  15. #415
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Not sure about that. If your dad is white then I assume your white. My father is black, I am black. Being mixed is another topic all its own.
    i had to show this thread to my mrs and we are both laughing at how you speak for the whole black race.

    we do have one question.....both my mrs parents are black so she considers herself black.....both my parents are white so i consider myself white..

    do you class yourself as black,white or mixed race and why?

    my mrs says you started a thread asking for a black guys opinion on things but being mixed race your experiences would be different to a 'black' guys.

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian;464***2
    i had to show this thread to my mrs and we are both laughing at how you speak for the whole black race.

    we do have one question.....both my mrs parents are black so she considers herself black.....both my parents are white so i consider myself white..

    do you class yourself as black,white or mixed race and why?

    my mrs says you started a thread asking for a black guys opinion on things but being mixed race your experiences would be different to a 'black' guys.

    LOL. NO disrespect to you or the misses, My mother being white is only half the story. As I said, I duno how things are in your country. Im speaking on America and My Experiences. If you put me in a room with 4 other black men, You could stare for hours and we would all be black. You couldnt decipher that my mother is white. I threw that out there for the honesty aspect of this thread.
    I know white people and black people. Yet Id be an idiot to start a ask a white man thread. No matter where I go or who I know, I am black.
    Your misses and your mates have it good? Thats great, I wish we all had it so good. Unfortunately this is not Reality everywhere.

  17. #417
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    Also Ronan (With your paragraph posts - lol)

    No one ever believes my mother is white until they actually meet her. I am black and speak on the black experience. The only people who know my mother is black are my close friends, I could scream it from a mountain and people would say yea right. If you seen me you would think I was lying about my mother. As I said, I threw that out there to be honest with those who want to post on this thread. My Mother being white doesnt change how I was raised and what I went through. If it did then this thread would be useless like tits on a horse!

  18. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    LOL. NO disrespect to you or the misses, My mother being white is only half the story. As I said, I duno how things are in your country. Im speaking on America and My Experiences. If you put me in a room with 4 other black men, You could stare for hours and we would all be black. You couldnt decipher that my mother is white. I threw that out there for the honesty aspect of this thread.
    I know white people and black people. Yet Id be an idiot to start a ask a white man thread. No matter where I go or who I know, I am black.
    Your misses and your mates have it good? Thats great, I wish we all had it so good. Unfortunately this is not Reality everywhere.
    you never answered the questions,but thats ok.
    and i never said my mrs or mates had it good,just that they had it pretty much the same as everyone else.
    as for you saying its great we have it good and its not like it everywhere... my city (birmingham) went through britains biggest race riots (handsworth,lozells),and we were all in the thick of it together,black and white.the difference is i think,is as a nation we can move on and try to stop making it about a them and us society.

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian View Post
    you never answered the questions,but thats ok.
    and i never said my mrs or mates had it good,just that they had it pretty much the same as everyone else.
    as for you saying its great we have it good and its not like it everywhere... my city (birmingham) went through britains biggest race riots (handsworth,lozells),and we were all in the thick of it together,black and white.the difference is i think,is as a nation we can move on and try to stop making it about a them and us society.

    Yes I did answer the Question, I am black. Your country and America are worlds away in how the citizens live. Not even just race. As you said your country moved on. We have evolved greatly here but things are not as great as they may appear. I think your experience is rare to say the least. There are those that have friends and relationships with other races (Not just black) then there are those who only know their own race and nothing else outside that.

  20. #420
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    I will give a short story just so I dont have to answer these questions again.
    My mother is white, I grew up in the ghetto with everyone else. The reason I even mention my mother being white is to explain my experiences. I somtimes know a white person better than they know themselves due to my mother.
    Now my grandfather was Irish and we were very close. He always told me that no one is better than me and I should never act like Im better than anyone else (Sorry gpa I cant help myself Im Gorgeous ). He came to america as a kid in the early 1900's when the Irish were hated and discriminated against by americans. He told me many stories when I was young to explain to me the ills of man. Yet he let me learn race issues on my own.
    My mother and her sisters were all raised in the ghetto, had black friends and dated black men. Now my mother is the only one who had kids and married a black man. The other two married very well to do white men. My father was succesful but not like them.
    Now we used to visit them every so often. Now all of us cousins loved each other we never really saw race, When I went to their towns there were NO Black people. I didnt care. Now uncle number 1 was italian and very straight forward. He could care less about my color as long as I didnt step on his grass (lol). Now uncle number 2 was a redneck in the greatest sense. Pick up truck, house in the mountains and shotgun in back window. He couldnt stand me and my sister. Despised my mother for having relations with a black man. He made it known without saying the words. He hated that his kids didnt care about our color. I never understood being so young. It wasnt until one week we were there and went to my cousins basketball game that race issues became apparent to me. I was there (As I said me and my sister were the only black people in the town - I being 11 and her being 8) As we leave the gym after the game a security guard grabs me and ask what am I stealing and where should I be... Being from where I am from I was no stranger to police harrasment but this was my 1st time experiencing it 1st hand and it wasnt my neighborhood. All the kids from the game who were my best friends when I got there had nothing to do with me while this was happening. I was blamed to have stole something. What I didnt know but He said I did so I must have right?
    It wasnt until my mother and cousin came to advise him who I was that the rational was broken down. I was black so I was only there to steal somthing. I was out of place so I must have been up to something.
    This is just one example (Tho very very Minor for me)for any one who questions me about my knowledge on the American Black experience. Im no scholar and cannot tell you who killed Martin and Malcolm. I can answer sterotypes and anything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask. I take offense to NOTHING I promise. I am aware that some people are just NOT informed at all. This thread is for Fun but also for those who would like to know. I will never make race and issue, Yet I cant accept when others down play it. We are in the year 2009. No obama is not and probably will not change the way Blacks are viewed in america. To think so is nonsense. Yet we as a people (All Races) Have progressed way beyong just race. Or at least Id like to think so...
    jmo - Thanx for your time
    - Follow up, I laughed in 2001 when My cousin from the Redneck married a black man. i always wondered what went through his mind as he gave his daughter away to a 6' 4" 235lbs ex football player who was now a Lawyer.. Good times!

  21. #421
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Yes I did answer the Question, I am black. Your country and America are worlds away in how the citizens live. Not even just race. As you said your country moved on. We have evolved greatly here but things are not as great as they may appear. I think your experience is rare to say the least. There are those that have friends and relationships with other races (Not just black) then there are those who only know their own race and nothing else outside that.
    sorry i didnt read your other post,you did kinda answer the questions,but you as a 'black' american man may find my experiences rare but they really are not,they are the norm im afraid,in inner city birmingham,england not speaking for the US.

    i just hope one day the USA can put all its race problems behind itself and show all races can get along,putting all their differences aside,i know its only a dream but i honestly think one day,god willing you will get a man of colour man as president............oh have!!!!!!lol

    this has prob already been asked but obama but,like you he has a white is he black or mixed race?

  22. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian View Post
    sorry i didnt read your other post,you did kinda answer the questions,but you as a 'black' american man may find my experiences rare but they really are not,they are the norm im afraid,in inner city birmingham,england not speaking for the US.

    i just hope one day the USA can put all its race problems behind itself and show all races can get along,putting all their differences aside,i know its only a dream but i honestly think one day,god willing you will get a man of colour man as president............oh have!!!!!!lol

    this has prob already been asked but obama but,like you he has a white is he black or mixed race?

    Obama is Black. Like me, if he didnt disclose his mother being white would you know?
    I have many friends from different countries and they always tell me race issues are different everywhere. It all depends where your from. I dont think Race is that big an issue as it ONCE was. It still is but its far beyond the way things used to be. Some may not agree but a good friend of my who is a lawyer told me Lawsuites change everything. When govt lose money they have to change the way they do things. Maybe thats a reason maybe it is not. I duno. In my eyes all people are equal even if they dont know it!

  23. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Obama is Black. Like me, if he didnt disclose his mother being white would you know?
    I have many friends from different countries and they always tell me race issues are different everywhere. It all depends where your from. I dont think Race is that big an issue as it ONCE was. It still is but its far beyond the way things used to be. Some may not agree but a good friend of my who is a lawyer told me Lawsuites change everything. When govt lose money they have to change the way they do things. Maybe thats a reason maybe it is not. I duno. In my eyes all people are equal even if they dont know it!
    you do talk a lot of sense,people have to change to make things better....

    as for obama,sorry its blatent there is a dominent white gene in his bloodline...we joke all the time about which one of my mates is the lightest darkest!!!!!
    colour means nothing.if you go out your way to be make yourself different you will be treated so.

    my mrs just does your mother feel that your denying her heritage and input into the proud 'black' man you are today?
    Last edited by ronan the barbarian; 05-24-2009 at 06:36 AM. Reason: add sentence

  24. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian View Post
    you do talk a lot of sense,people have to change to make things better....

    as for obama,sorry its blatent there is a dominent white gene in his bloodline...we joke all the time about which one of my mates is the lightest darkest!!!!!
    colour means nothing.if you go out your way to be make yourself different you will be treated so.

    my mrs just does your mother feel that your denying her heritage and input into the proud 'black' man you are today?

    I am not denying anything. My Mother considers me black. As I said, If you saw me and 4 other black men you would not know anything about my mother. When police would come and do their sweeps, they dont yell out " hey hes cool his mother is white"!!! Im black just like everyone else. Lightskin means nothing as far as obama goes. No one would have known a thing about his mother had it not been public knowledge. Some black people didnt even know.
    Any where I go Ronan, I am black. I divuldged the info that my mother was white. Yet you nor anyone else would know that unless I told you. As I said, Some people dont even believe she is white until she is in front of their faces. I can tell you how many looks I get when we are out in public and she referes to me as her son. Its very surprising to many.

    Disclaimer - As for my Redneck comment, I know many rednecks who are NOT racist. My uncle was / is just a redneck asshole!!

  25. #425
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    Those who know me Will tell you I make sure to tell people I am Irish. I dont deny anything, Yet I cant deny I am black. Forget this whole thread, If you view me without me saying 2 words, you see a black man. You wouldnt know anything more than that.
    So thats the best way I can explain it to you and the Mrs!

  26. #426
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    As for everyone else I love all of you. I will be back soon, Please post questions and I will answer upon my return. Im going to a BBQ to eat chicken and watermelon..
    Stay Black!

    Last edited by vpchill; 05-24-2009 at 08:26 AM.

  27. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    haz, try this one:
    I asked the man at the unemployment office, "Is this BEWARE I get a job?"
    LOL thats a good one too

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  28. #428
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Im going to a BBQ to eat chicken and watermelon..
    lmfao- some things will never chg

  29. #429
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    As for everyone else I love all of you. I will be back soon, Please post questions and I will answer upon my return. Im going to a BBQ to eat chicken and watermelon..


    LMFAO! man..... you crack me up

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  30. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    lmfao- some things will never chg

    Hey, Its all in fun. Like the Joker says. WHY SO SERIOUS??
    Post that pic for me ni4ni

  31. #431
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    here's a question......

    Eventhough Ronan is white..... should we consider him black on this board?

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  32. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    here's a question......

    Eventhough Ronan is white..... should we consider him black on this board?


    Well he has so many black friends and a black wife, I guess all thats left is to get him an Afro pick and a coupon for popeyes. He will be straight!!

  33. #433
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    Alright guys Ive gotta go get dressed b4 my gf calls me a bunch of racial names.
    See you all later..

  34. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Alright guys Ive gotta go get dressed b4 my gf calls me a bunch of racial names.
    See you all later..
    LMFAO..... when you walk into the bbq.... recite this phrase.....

    "Where all the white women at!?"

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  35. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Hey, Its all in fun. Like the Joker says. WHY SO SERIOUS??
    Post that pic for me ni4ni
    u got it...

  36. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by J431S View Post
    hey vipii, what's goin down at your side of the world? can u handle some hard questions?
    no go away!!!!!

  37. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    no go away!!!!!
    siggy, he doesnt get it-

  38. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    siggy, he doesnt get it-
    i know i know but im hoping one day it might sink

  39. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    i know i know but im hoping one day it might sink
    get prone on his ass again...

  40. #440
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    i know i should prone is hilarious

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