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  1. #41
    sigman roid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hrbp9501 View Post
    You already cheated... Why would you give a cowoker your email address anyway?
    its not cheating till he bones

  2. #42
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Listen guys for the e-mail she is on facebook and part of my friends so no its not cheating, i do assume that you have been cheated on and are very sensitive about this.

    For me it was just a simple question being a very normal looking guy at least that is the way i see myself, getting hit on by a 22 year old women which doesnt not happen often in my case of maybe i am blind has many people say.

    Has for my current girlfriend i wont give up on her that easy, we both have some work to do on ouselve to make things better and get closer, at some point splitting up would be to easy wouldn't it.

    My girlfriend and me are different in many ways but we do complete ourselve in the end, i am someone that loves to laught and have fun, i am not shy and easy going has well, my girlfriend is very shy, she never really speaks more then needed and all.

    We have a house togheter, i have a home gym in the basement with infrared sauna that is worth 5000$ maybe more, and we have tones of stuff so its not just a question of taking my stuff and moving on, i have been with her for 5 years now, and yes i am still attracted to her after all we have been true, father died of cancer 2006, lost a few animals in the process not in the best of ways, grand mother was very sick for a while. This year i got sick too for 3 months so we have been true a lot, and just has things started to pick up i lost my job.

    Life really has a funny way of making you grow up and taking you out of your game.

    Now for that 22 year old girl i really like her she is a great friend and we had some great laughter, she was also a confident because her ex boyfriend cheated on her and that really made her miserable, so far thats how the story goes.

    Lets just hope there will be a happy ending to it all.

  3. #43
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    young girls love to be treated liek shit until one day, they grow up and dump your sorry ass.

  4. #44
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    If she's inviteing you, she wants something then. Id tap that ass so hard she be coming back for seconds and thirds.

  5. #45
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    ^^ lube up her poop shoot and give it to her like you were a jack hammer in vietname

  6. #46
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    omg it's gross
    old balls and aging body, idk wtf they are thinking

    but I dated the czech girl and before me her bf was in her 40's
    I told her it was gross, and she told me it was nice to date someone mature her own age who had their life together.
    Basically from what she told me guys in their 20's are no fun to date because half the time they have a crappy job and no money, live with their parents ect.
    They see older dudes as more likely to commit and stay commited.

    girls are attracted to money and security and 20 somethings are d-bags

    if you're in your 20's and take offense to that...try hanging out with someone 8 years younger then you sometime...for example if you're 25, hang out with an 18 year old. You'll realize soon, they're quite lame.

    old dudes have the game down and come off more confident and secure in their own skin. More often then not these girls who like older dudes just end up getting taken for a ride by someone who has been in the game longer rather then prince charming. Then there is a conflict with friends and family at some point. Basically they have more of an urge to be in a commited relationship with a dude who's financially and socially secure then they have brains in their head.

  7. #47
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    old dudes have the game down and come off more confident and secure in their own skin. More often then not these girls who like older dudes just end up getting taken for a ride by someone who has been in the game longer rather then prince charming. Then there is a conflict with friends and family at some point. Basically they have more of an urge to be in a commited relationship with a dude who's financially and socially secure then they have brains in their head.

    Its just so much easier to pick up chics when yer over the age of 27 or 28.. I tried to hard when i was in early 20's... I dont even try now and could get laid,,,, FOR SOME OF U YOUNGER GUYS,,, get a weding ring and wear it to the bar.. Then tell the bitches u own yer own company ( make some buisness cards on yer computer )act like you dont give afvck yer talkin to her-- bang yer in !!!

    Best line ever -- DAZED AND CONFUSED-- Matthew Mconahey

    you know what I like a bout 18 year old girls??
    I keep getting older and they stay the same age !!!

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post

    Its just so much easier to pick up chics when yer over the age of 27 or 28.. I tried to hard when i was in early 20's... I dont even try now and could get laid,,,, FOR SOME OF U YOUNGER GUYS,,, get a weding ring and wear it to the bar.. Then tell the bitches u own yer own company ( make some buisness cards on yer computer )act like you dont give afvck yer talkin to her-- bang yer in !!!

    Best line ever -- DAZED AND CONFUSED-- Matthew Mconahey

    you know what I like a bout 18 year old girls??
    I keep getting older and they stay the same age !!!

    Yeah that doesnt make you a scumball at all

  9. #49
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I say hit it.
    When i was 27 i started going out with an 18 year old thinking i was just going to bed her and be done. But she was cool and we actually lived together for 4 years and her parents loved me. Some of the best i ever had.
    Go get you some bro.

  10. #50
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    Yeah that doesnt make you a scumball at all

    So you never humped and dumped a chic?? LIED TO A CHIC TO GET IN HER PANTS.. or gave a chic the wrong number -day after a 1 nighter?? Or did a chic a couple of times ya really knew ya werent gonna keep around,,,, well if ya havent yer a saint,,,,,,,,, and pretty much all of us r scumbags then..........cuzz we all have done it.....

    TOM LEYKIS 101

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post

    So you never humped and dumped a chic?? LIED TO A CHIC TO GET IN HER PANTS.. or gave a chic the wrong number -day after a 1 nighter?? Or did a chic a couple of times ya really knew ya werent gonna keep around,,,, well if ya havent yer a saint,,,,,,,,, and pretty much all of us r scumbags then..........cuzz we all have done it.....

    TOM LEYKIS 101
    Have I had premartial sex? Yes

    Lied to a chick to get in her pants? No and deffiantly not gone out of my way to make business cards or wear a ring.

    Have I had a one night stand? Yes, I am I proud of it? No

    Did I give her the wrong number the next morning? No, I was honest.

    I dont have a problem with people having casual encounters thats up to them

    Going out of your way to lie to a woman and make props so you can get layed, yes imo thats a scumbag move.
    Last edited by Hunter; 06-04-2009 at 12:45 PM. Reason: worded wrongly

  12. #52
    eatrainrest is offline AR's Personal Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    Have I had premartial sex? Yes

    Lied to a chick to get in her pants? No and deffiantly not gone out of my way to make business cards or wear a ring.

    Have I had a one night stand? Yes, I am I proud of it? No

    Did I give her the wrong number the next morning? No, I was honest.

    I dont have a problem with people having casual encounters thats up to them

    Going out of your way to lie to a woman and make props so you can get layed, yes imo thats a scumbag move.

  13. #53
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    LOL, make business cards and wear a ring?

    I mean having money, looks, and a great body helps to get girls. BUT IT IS NOT NEEDED

    Bojangles would be the first one to tell you with a little bit of a nice clothing and confidence you can get girls without having to make yourself look like a lying douche.

  14. #54
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Dont hate the player hate the game...... Theese arent girls Im meeting at church,,,,,,, they r girls form the bar ( fair game at the bar ) I mean it goes the other way to,,, Girls lie to guys all the time too !! Hell I worked in a strip club for 3 years I herd girls lie throgh their teeth to make that money......And I dont think comin on here and callin people scumbags is soemthing anybody wants to here......

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Bojangles would be the first one to tell you with a little bit of a nice clothing and confidence you can get girls .
    Ya were a nice suit or some nice clothes ,,,,, its the same thing make it look like ya got money......... I tell ya girls that r gold diggers lookin for the rich guy r just azz bad........ and nobody says nothin,,,,,,,,, so why not beat them at thier own game......

  16. #56
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    I guess I'm the old dude scumbag then! Its naive to think that a 22-25 year old doesn't already know what shes getting into. She's there because she digs being with a guy who carries himself in such a way that it turns her on. Be it security, power, intelligence, money, whatever! Its a give and take. I can't imagine it being serious because the old dude probably has had all the kids he wants. I have!
    But my balls have not shriveled up as of yet, thank you and I quite enjoy hanging out with woman 20 years younger. As long as she has a good head on her shoulders, its all good.
    Last edited by Theatrix; 06-04-2009 at 05:58 PM. Reason: because I cant spell

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    Ya were a nice suit or some nice clothes ,,,,, its the same thing make it look like ya got money......... I tell ya girls that r gold diggers lookin for the rich guy r just azz bad........ and nobody says nothin,,,,,,,,, so why not beat them at thier own game......
    I agree with you gold diggers are just as bad and probably not anyone I would want to associate with. So why would I target them? I am not saying you target gold diggers but if you think what they do and who they are(as in what they believe in) is wrong why would you want to date/sleep with them?

  18. #58
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why are some many of you calling girls bitches??? I mean, at some point some of you got really screwed by a women or something.

    I have been cheated on, and much more and have gone pass this, women desere respect too not being called bitches.

    The 22 years old is far from being a bitch.. if anything, she had a relationship with another guy for 3 years straight, she lived in an appartement with him, she is very intelligent too, and so fun to be with, so for a 22 year old she is quit mature, of course she is centered on the way to looks, got some piercings and tattoos but that just makes her look even more sexy.

    Like i said she cant really be after my money cause i dont have any, at some point she wanted to go out to lunch me and some other people from my old job and she said i will pay for you. Maybe i am just imagining things or something and she just sees me has a good friend, or maybe she really wants to go further but has i said i need to straighten things out with my current girlfriend before doing anything else.

  19. #59
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    why would you want to date/sleep with them?
    Hmm I dont know??

    Guys help me out

    Why would any of us sleep with a hot girl?????

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biff77 View Post
    Hmm I dont know??

    Guys help me out

    Why would any of us sleep with a hot girl?????
    I tried asking a question in a nice way but you wanna be dickhead.Lots of attractive girls arent gold diggers. They however probably smell your bullshit tho, so you target dumb gold diggers. I dont need fake wedding rings and business cards to get girls tho and hold my self up to some standards. I would recommend you do the same.
    Last edited by Hunter; 06-04-2009 at 04:49 PM.

  21. #61
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Why are some many of you calling girls bitches??? I mean, at some point some of you got really screwed by a women or something.

    I have been cheated on, and much more and have gone pass this, women desere respect too not being called bitches.

    The 22 years old is far from being a bitch.. if anything, she had a relationship with another guy for 3 years straight, she lived in an appartement with him, she is very intelligent too, and so fun to be with, so for a 22 year old she is quit mature, of course she is centered on the way to looks, got some piercings and tattoos but that just makes her look even more sexy.

    Like i said she cant really be after my money cause i dont have any, at some point she wanted to go out to lunch me and some other people from my old job and she said i will pay for you. Maybe i am just imagining things or something and she just sees me has a good friend, or maybe she really wants to go further but has i said i need to straighten things out with my current girlfriend before doing anything else.
    Whoa whoa calm down there Women's right activist, its a bunch of guys with high hormonal levels takling with each other.

    It's not like in real life we see a girl and say "Yo bitch wanna suck my dick?" well besides Mad Matt anyway

    It's dudes talking to each other about woman just because I throw out the bitch word doesnt ment i dont respect woman.

    Get a beer and chill

  22. #62
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    I tried asking a question in a nice way but you wanna be dickhead.Lots of attractive girls arent gold diggers. They however probably smell your bullshit tho, so you target dumb gold diggers. I dont need fake wedding rings and business cards to get girls tho and hold my self up to some standards. I would recommend you do the same.
    BE YOURSELF, that is all confident but true to yourself, i guess that being young i was trying to much to impress the girls with my body and my bragging, today yeah i got gray hair, thinning hair, my body is still good tough but even then i dont pride on this at all.

    I stay the way i am, have fun with the people around me, not because i act like it because i love a good laugh and seeing other people have fun too, i am pertty sure that this is a big plus for me since people can be themlseves with me and dont feel they have to act or pretend to be something they are not.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I say hit it.
    When i was 27 i started going out with an 18 year old thinking i was just going to bed her and be done. Some of the best i ever had.
    Go get you some bro.
    couldn't agree w/ you more-
    iv'e dated women 20 yrs younger

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    BE YOURSELF, that is all confident but true to yourself, i guess that being young i was trying to much to impress the girls with my body and my bragging, today yeah i got gray hair, thinning hair, my body is still good tough but even then i dont pride on this at all.

    I stay the way i am, have fun with the people around me, not because i act like it because i love a good laugh and seeing other people have fun too, i am pertty sure that this is a big plus for me since people can be themlseves with me and dont feel they have to act or pretend to be something they are not.
    that was directed at biff77 not you and if I am confused then I apologize in advance.

  25. #65
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ni4ni View Post
    couldn't agree w/ you more-
    iv'e dated women 20 yrs younger
    20 years? Damn i bet that was fun. This is my new goal. haha....

  26. #66
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    here's a quote from my Social Psychology (3rd year) Textbook:

    Relationships & Attraction:

    "women are generally attracted to financially successful, and older men, this is to ensure the survival of their offspring."

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    20 years? Damn i bet that was fun. This is my new goal. haha....
    Honest to God- it's REAL nice pvssy

    i'm get excited again- one moved your way bro

  28. #68
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    I was hoping to stay out of this thread, but

    currently I am 44 and dating a girl who is 23......and did I mention she WAS a virgin??

    nothing wrong with age difference, HOWEVER if you care anything about your current girl, and have ANY integrity, you will END one thing BEFORE you start another

  29. #69
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    I was hoping to stay out of this thread, but

    currently I am 44 and dating a girl who is 23......and did I mention she WAS a virgin??

    nothing wrong with age difference, HOWEVER if you care anything about your current girl, and have ANY integrity, you will END one thing BEFORE you start another
    I concur

  30. #70
    Biff77 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    I tried asking a question in a nice way but you wanna be dickhead.Lots of attractive girls arent gold diggers. They however probably smell your bullshit tho, so you target dumb gold diggers. I dont need fake wedding rings and business cards to get girls tho and hold my self up to some standards. I would recommend you do the same.
    Actually I use to just use to target dumb chics in general,, come on I dated strippers for years ( I love those hot mess girls ),,, I like the blonde ones the best.. And by the way that was when I was younger and all I wanted from a chic was a piece off arse,,,, ( didnt want no relationship ) And it realy does say something about A LOT of woman in general ... I have a ring on now and get randomley hit on by chics at the bar without even talkin to em --and when ya tell em get lost Im married,, its like its on for them or something they tryeven harder,,some have been bold enuff to do it with my wife sittin next to me,,,,,,, was just tryin to tell some of the guys if ya want girls comin yer way throw a ring on.....and you had a problem with it...... and azz far azz yer recomendation goes I dont need or want it ..........Thiss is the LOUNGE and STEROID dot COM for the love of god,,, so check the hollier than thou -------- at the door.... damitt Ive had enuff of this thred ,, ya try to help a couple guys get laid and all ya get is shit from DR STRAIT LACE.........
    Last edited by Biff77; 06-04-2009 at 08:34 PM.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    I was hoping to stay out of this thread, but

    currently I am 44 and dating a girl who is 23......and did I mention she WAS a virgin??

    nothing wrong with age difference, HOWEVER if you care anything about your current girl, and have ANY integrity, you will END one thing BEFORE you start another
    A 23 year old virgin?


    What was she sheltered in a box her entire life? lol]

    Living in florida girls lose their virginity before they make it out of 10th grade it seems...

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    A 23 year old virgin?


    What was she sheltered in a box her entire life? lol]

    Living in florida girls lose their virginity before they make it out of 10th grade it seems...
    LOL well she worked for me for like 6 years, so I guess she had a thing for her mature boss that I didn't realize. and she was always the GOOD GIRL......funny thing is I wasn't looking for a relationship, but we seem to get along well and have fun so I am just going with it

  33. #73
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    Superman is a lucky man!

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS;4672***
    LOL well she worked for me for like 6 years, so I guess she had a thing for her mature boss that I didn't realize. and she was always the GOOD GIRL......funny thing is I wasn't looking for a relationship, but we seem to get along well and have fun so I am just going with it
    Dude she worked for you since she was 17?...uhhh thats kind of weird cuz you saw her grow up and stuff.

    On a scale 1-10 what is she?

    OMG I just forgot your like 300lbs now..hahah I still think you are the dude you showed me in those pictures of you being natural on your old account.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Dude she worked for you since she was 17?...uhhh thats kind of weird cuz you saw her grow up and stuff.

    On a scale 1-10 what is she?

    OMG I just forgot your like 300lbs now..hahah I still think you are the dude you showed me in those pictures of you being natural on your old account.
    yea, thats me, but I only got to 275 on my bulk portion and now starting to cut

    hmmm on a scale, she is a strong 7. If she loses a few lbs, she will be even better....which she is working on

  36. #76
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    in the freaking cold
    stab here with some winny and dopper her up with clen and t3 when she isnt looking

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    yea, thats me, but I only got to 275 on my bulk portion and now starting to cut

    hmmm on a scale, she is a strong 7. If she loses a few lbs, she will be even better....which she is working on
    You are going to be huge after your done cutting she is going to look like a pencil next to you.

    Put that girl on some CLEN !!

  38. #78
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    Damn T-MOS..... my respect for you has gone up another notch LMAO!

    I look at meeting women like playing a chess match..... It's rather enjoyable when shes "hard to get" - they give us "sh*t tests"... asking certain questions just to see if they get the answer they want..... women are every bit as sneaky as a man LOL!

    I find it really fun going to a bar..... and meeting random women. I like building the foundation but i don't necessarily have to lay the piping LOL! I guess it's the alure of not knowing who she is..... what she does..... how she acts......

    I don't "lie" to pick-up women...... I dress nicely (guess, A|X) - i'm built enough to where women notice (not huge lol) - i always try and stay up beat to fit the environment - and i get HER to pursue ME by leaving things open ended. I give her enough information to make her want the rest of it...... i don't treat them like sh*t, women should never be treated like sh*t, but i don't offer to buy them drinks and/or kiss their ass. I've even gotten women to buy me drinks LMAO

    Do i think i'm a scumbag for this? Not at all.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Damn T-MOS..... my respect for you has gone up another notch LMAO!

    I look at meeting women like playing a chess match..... It's rather enjoyable when shes "hard to get" - they give us "sh*t tests"... asking certain questions just to see if they get the answer they want..... women are every bit as sneaky as a man LOL!

    I find it really fun going to a bar..... and meeting random women. I like building the foundation but i don't necessarily have to lay the piping LOL! I guess it's the alure of not knowing who she is..... what she does..... how she acts......

    I don't "lie" to pick-up women...... I dress nicely (guess, A|X) - i'm built enough to where women notice (not huge lol) - i always try and stay up beat to fit the environment - and i get HER to pursue ME by leaving things open ended. I give her enough information to make her want the rest of it...... i don't treat them like sh*t, women should never be treated like sh*t, but i don't offer to buy them drinks and/or kiss their ass. I've even gotten women to buy me drinks LMAO

    Do i think i'm a scumbag for this? Not at all.....

    I just found my wingman, with Bojangles being the ultimate wingman.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I just found my wingman, with Bojangles being the ultimate wingman.
    LOLOL my friends tell me ALL the time i'm a blessing and a curse

    I am a damned good wingman tho..... i was at a club/bar this past weekend with 2 of my friends. Friend #1 saw a girl he liked so he approached her. She was a hot german girl..... shes leaving to go back to germany in 3 months. Her friend was also german..... same deal. Problem was..... it was just them 2...... so her friend had no one to talk to - he couldn't get the girl he liked alone. I ordered up another beer..... downed it FAST (she was on the bigger side - not and i walked over and introduced myself. I had her on the other side of the bar in 5 minutes and my buddy had the girl he liked.... alone..... for the next 30-40 minutes. Then we met back up at our table and he thanked me

    later on that nite - the place was winding down..... a 44 y/o women walked up to me, wrapped her arms around me while looking at her friend and said "THIS is what i need tonight!" - we talked for 15 minutes and i got her number..... havn't called her and don't plan to...... i don't need the drama.

    this is just a TYPICAL night out with haz

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


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