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  1. #41
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charger527 View Post
    Its just cops getting lazy, thats all it is they dont want grab anyone and restrain them, it easier to just taser them. next thing you know they will be getting around on those fat people scooters.....
    Actually, they already are riding around on those Segway scooters in some areas.

  2. #42
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    Does everyone who hates cops realize if we didn't have stupid people we wouldn't need them?

    So if we are bitching about cops and their power and tazers and all of this crap, lets look at the root cause. So, take it away if it is a problem right? Ok, kill every person that ever did anything that would require a cop to have a tazer. For those that don't like them having guns, kill anyone who ever did anything that would require a cop to use a gun.

    Wouldn't bother me, I've done neither. But I'd imagine that most people who have problems with cops are those who have experience with them, and who's fault is that. Cops don't make stupid people do stupid shit, their job is to stop it.

  3. #43
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    But I'd imagine that most people who have problems with cops are those who have experience with them, and who's fault is that. Cops don't make stupid people do stupid shit, their job is to stop it.
    You imagine... Actually, I was once arrested and incarcerated because some paper pusher fcuked up. The cops were complete dicks despite my being extremely cooperative (why wouldn't I be? I didn't believe they'd be there for me). I thought I was being cuffed for officer safety while they figured out what was up. I was wrong. He put the cuffs on so tight the impression was there for a week after. And FYI, it was a .40cal pointed at me, not a taser. I was not treated well, fairly, or read my rights by these cops. I was not even told I was under arrest, or for what. Of course, there is much more to this story that continued to tarnish my faith in cops... Was that my fault?

    Who protects us from the police?

    The story ends with an apology from a judge and a settlement check.

  4. #44
    Charger527's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Actually, they already are riding around on those Segway scooters in some areas.
    your joking, how lazy can they get???

  5. #45
    Charger527's Avatar
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    Im not saying we should take the tasers of them, im just saying they should only be used as a last resort, just before pulling a firearm, hell they are never by themselfs one cop should pull his firearm and if the person is still not coperating the other officer can tase him. IMOH they should not be aloud to taser someone who is unarmed without good reason, ie someone on drugs.

    The problem is the cops are using them before they even try and talk the situation down, now i know alot of cops a completly retarded but aren't they trained to escalte the use of force? Maybe laws, if a police office uses he taser without due reason he is fined 1 months loss of pay or something.

    and fvck the police..... lol jok

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst;46***33
    You imagine... Actually, I was once arrested and incarcerated because some paper pusher fcuked up. The cops were complete dicks despite my being extremely cooperative (why wouldn't I be? I didn't believe they'd be there for me). I thought I was being cuffed for officer safety while they figured out what was up. I was wrong. He put the cuffs on so tight the impression was there for a week after. And FYI, it was a .40cal pointed at me, not a taser. I was not treated well, fairly, or read my rights by these cops. I was not even told I was under arrest, or for what. Of course, there is much more to this story that continued to tarnish my faith in cops... Was that my fault?

    Who protects us from the police?

    The story ends with an apology from a judge and a settlement check.
    So, someone didn't do their job correctly, it affected you, and you were compensated for your losses?

    WTF does that have to do with cops in general? Should every waiter/waitress have their apron taken away because one waiter screwed up my order? It sounds retarded doesn't it? No, the manager comes out, apologizes and I get a free meal.

    Same concept.

    Tazers have nothing to do with whether a cop does his job correctly or not.

    Who protects you from the cops? Well, you weren't shot or tazed. Your life was never in danger. You complied, they treated you badly, and they were punished and you were compensated. Sounds like the judge/jury is the one that is protecting you from cops.

  7. #47
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    So, someone didn't do their job correctly, it affected you, and you were compensated for your losses?

    WTF does that have to do with cops in general? Should every waiter/waitress have their apron taken away because one waiter screwed up my order? It sounds retarded doesn't it? No, the manager comes out, apologizes and I get a free meal.

    Same concept.

    Tazers have nothing to do with whether a cop does his job correctly or not.

    Who protects you from the cops? Well, you weren't shot or tazed. Your life was never in danger. You complied, they treated you badly, and they were punished and you were compensated. Sounds like the judge/jury is the one that is protecting you from cops.
    Someone? Singular? I believe the paper pusher made an honest mistake. Fine. We're all human. I hold no ill will towards that person.

    They were not punished. And I was compensated a whopping $57 per day spent wrongfully incarcerated. I would have made a lot more than that at work. It was recommended I sue their collective asses off, but that would have just painted a big fcuking target on my back. The Sheriff's Deputies here (the ones who arrested me) are fcuking cowboys (they also run the jails I was in). I hold them in lower regards than the local gang members, and they earned it. I'm sure there are a few good ones, but they'd have to at least turn a blind eye to the actions of their compatriots, so they're really just as guilty. I've known them participate in messed up shyt, so you can't convince me otherwise.

    To give some credit where it's due I have found the California Highway Patrol officers to always be professional and understanding in their duties given my own experiences. Although I am sitting on a $600 ticket from one . If I ever need help can I request them?

    Don't think I hate all cops. They get to deal with some really shitty people, and there were guys I met in jail who definitely belong there.

  8. #48
    Ernst's Avatar
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    The point of this thread is dying. It was a question of whether cops should be allowed tasers since we so often hear of and see them tasing people who don't need it. They have adequate means of personal defense besides tasers.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Actually, they already are riding around on those Segway scooters in some areas.

  10. #50
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    Ive never in my life met an honest decent police man/woman, however i do believe there maybe some good cops out there. Infact im sure it was reported that a good cop had been found, if my memory is correct it was in 1977...

    The british police have just placed a new order for thousands of tasers, god help us...

  11. #51
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  12. #52
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Yes and No

  13. #53
    bd50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    Does everyone who hates cops realize if we didn't have stupid people we wouldn't need them?

    So if we are bitching about cops and their power and tazers and all of this crap, lets look at the root cause. So, take it away if it is a problem right? Ok, kill every person that ever did anything that would require a cop to have a tazer. For those that don't like them having guns, kill anyone who ever did anything that would require a cop to use a gun.

    Wouldn't bother me, I've done neither. But I'd imagine that most people who have problems with cops are those who have experience with them, and who's fault is that. Cops don't make stupid people do stupid shit, their job is to stop it.

    i like that analogy, good point.

  14. #54
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    I agree they are being used to much lately. IT seems cops op to use them instead of restraining someone.

    Just 2 days ago in the news there was a story about a guy in his Corvette. He was drunk, wouldn't get out of his car, cop tazzed him and guess what?? the car lunged forwards. Duhhh
    So guess what now... The cops shot him because they viewed it as deadly force. WTF

  15. #55
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    I watched a cop getting his A$$ beat by a guy with his own gun. The man easily outweighed the cop by 100lbs and when the cop drew his gun the guy bear-hugged him, took his gun (after being shot a couple times) and proceeded to start beating the cop to the ground. As this was going on, a man walking out of the store saw what was going on, and was permitted to carry a concealed weapon. He put one in the back of the guys head. I came in on the tail end of this, and was pretty sad to watch.

    I later found out, the cop pulled the guy over for a routine traffic violation. Without warning, the guy came at the cop, he drew his gun, and this all went down. Had the cop had a tazer, and drew that instead of his gun, there would be a 350lb blob on the ground, and chances are, no one would have sustained any lasting injuries. Instead, this cop was forced to protect his life with his gun, and still almost lost it in the process. The suspect would have lived too, and the guy who shot him wouldn't have to live the rest of his life guilty for having taken someone's life.

    Think about all of the people affected by this incident. The impact would have been much less severe had non-lethal force been used.

    Seriously, the spoon didn't do it. Don't risk good cops' lives because there are bad ones. Get rid of the bad ones. I can't believe this is even a discussion.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by _CrossroadS_ View Post
    I watched a cop getting his A$$ beat by a guy with his own gun. The man easily outweighed the cop by 100lbs and when the cop drew his gun the guy bear-hugged him, took his gun (after being shot a couple times) and proceeded to start beating the cop to the ground. As this was going on, a man walking out of the store saw what was going on, and was permitted to carry a concealed weapon. He put one in the back of the guys head. I came in on the tail end of this, and was pretty sad to watch.

    I later found out, the cop pulled the guy over for a routine traffic violation. Without warning, the guy came at the cop, he drew his gun, and this all went down. Had the cop had a tazer, and drew that instead of his gun, there would be a 350lb blob on the ground, and chances are, no one would have sustained any lasting injuries. Instead, this cop was forced to protect his life with his gun, and still almost lost it in the process. The suspect would have lived too, and the guy who shot him wouldn't have to live the rest of his life guilty for having taken someone's life.

    Think about all of the people affected by this incident. The impact would have been much less severe had non-lethal force been used.

    Seriously, the spoon didn't do it. Don't risk good cops' lives because there are bad ones. Get rid of the bad ones. I can't believe this is even a discussion.
    another really good point/story brother.

  17. #57
    JDawg1536 is offline "Rock" of Love ;)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Someone? Singular? I believe the paper pusher made an honest mistake. Fine. We're all human. I hold no ill will towards that person.

    They were not punished. And I was compensated a whopping $57 per day spent wrongfully incarcerated. I would have made a lot more than that at work. It was recommended I sue their collective asses off, but that would have just painted a big fcuking target on my back. The Sheriff's Deputies here (the ones who arrested me) are fcuking cowboys (they also run the jails I was in). I hold them in lower regards than the local gang members, and they earned it. I'm sure there are a few good ones, but they'd have to at least turn a blind eye to the actions of their compatriots, so they're really just as guilty. I've known them participate in messed up shyt, so you can't convince me otherwise.

    To give some credit where it's due I have found the California Highway Patrol officers to always be professional and understanding in their duties given my own experiences. Although I am sitting on a $600 ticket from one . If I ever need help can I request them?

    Don't think I hate all cops. They get to deal with some really shitty people, and there were guys I met in jail who definitely belong there.
    Where the hell did that happen?

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