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  1. #41
    scerpico22's Avatar
    scerpico22 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard;4761***
    We have talked..... again and again and again...... but we never get anywhere when we talk because everytime we talk EVERYTHING is my fault LOL - i refuse to beliueve our marriage is failing because of JUST me......

    ok get this..... this is what she said to me last week "you don't do sh*t around here..... NOTHING...... you just workout, hang-out with friends, and do what you want..... but you don't care about this house or me....."

    Now thats certainly not true..... here's a list of sh*t i do

    1) all the laundry
    2) cook dinner
    3) maintain the grass and outside of the house
    4) take care of our cars (oil changes, brakes)
    5) Take care of major problems with house (Put on a new roof, installed new water heater)
    6) SOMETIMES do the dishes..... not all the time tho.

    I DO NOT and i'm sorry.... WILL NOT vaccuum the f*ckin floors/rugs, dust, clean the bathroom...... how much more do i need to do? I hate having to measure how much I do compared to her but she always does this to me - and i had to start keeping track of what I did around the house because, like most guys, i don't have information stored in my head just "in case" we have an arguement. I swear to god - women win arguments because they don't make sense when the fight with you. Theres no way to reason with sh*t that doesn't make sense.....

    regarding her depression - shes had it as a child and it got better. When her father passed 4 years ago it got worse and has never been the same. The thing is..... I love her...... always will..... we've worked through problems shes had in the past. This time tho..... shes attacking ME..... what I do..... what I enjoy. It's very hard for me to "conversate" with someone who's constantly telling me what I'M doing wrong..... or how i'm f*cking with her head..... I try..... i bite my tongue..... sometimes i flip my cork and threaten to leave.

    Another thing she tells me is that if I don't appreciate her then tell her because theres a guy out there that will...... SERIOUSLY......? WTF.....? I'm getting to the point of offering the next guy I see $100 to spend an hour with her.....

    I've got a lot of patience..... i've been trying to work through this with her..... i think i'm going to have to look into this video. I need SOMETHING..... her own familly tells me they don't know how i can put up with her sometimes..... they also agree that she hasn't been like this but they don't know where it came from.....

    I told her today we could go and get a nice dinner then watch the new harry potter movie (she loves them)(i wont lie..... i do too) - we'll see how tonite goes again lol

    sorry bro, with sentence alone - which is in bold.

    if she ACTUALLY said this...

    she has been with someone else and he is probably still around...telling her everything she wants to here.


    Good Luck!

  2. #42
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    sorry bro, with sentence alone - which is in bold.

    if she ACTUALLY said this...

    she has been with someone else and he is probably still around...telling her everything she wants to here.


    Good Luck!
    I hope this is not true for my sake..... i don't have the mentality some of you guys do where you blame "Her" and not him..... I blame both but wont touch her...... therefore all of the beating she deserves..... he'll get too.

    idunno...... we talked a little bit last nite and did go for dinner and a movie..... last night was nice and so far today has been good. she knows im serious about leaving..... I'm trying to do everything I can to not walk out. I completely hear the "husbandmen/gardener" thing..... thats why I havn't left. I'm not used to "failing" - it's hard for me to just walk out and know I didn't do everything I could to make it work.....

    time to workout.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  3. #43
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I hope this is not true for my sake..... i don't have the mentality some of you guys do where you blame "Her" and not him..... I blame both but wont touch her...... therefore all of the beating she deserves..... he'll get too.

    idunno...... we talked a little bit last nite and did go for dinner and a movie..... last night was nice and so far today has been good. she knows im serious about leaving..... I'm trying to do everything I can to not walk out. I completely hear the "husbandmen/gardener" thing..... thats why I havn't left. I'm not used to "failing" - it's hard for me to just walk out and know I didn't do everything I could to make it work.....

    time to workout.....

    Hazard I am telling you man you are wasting your time, my parents are in the middle of a divorce and it has made me realize something, life is too short to just sit around and take the bullshit and then 20 years later you walk up and both of you guys are unhappy and your lives have gone to waste because you "settled" when you deserved better.

    You are doing the same mistake other divorcees or people do, you have invested "x amount of years" in the relationship and you feel like that means something and that just dropping all that away and starting from scratch is too daunting. But it isn't that is life, I'd rather drop a girl who I have been dating/been with for a total of 8 years than just keep sticking through the bullshit for another 10 years hoping that one day she will wake up and smell the roses.

    fvck that man, there are plenty of fish in the sea and I am the fishermen, I can throw a net and capture 100, so why spend my time going after the one fish that always escapes my grasp?

  4. #44
    chicmagnet's Avatar
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    Bro Iv'e been married for 23 years it was a sh!t marriage, didnt change till I slept with another woman about a year ago, then she decided to make an effort, but it's too late we are splitting up now. If a woman feels safe in a relation ship, they tend to take it for granted, not all women mind you but it sounds like yours does.

  5. #45
    shaker120 is offline New Member
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    dude let me tell u once the jealousy starts the accusations fly its all an uphill battle.seems to happen alot once the ring goes on its like a noose can live together perfectly without marrage then bam chit hits the fan CONTROLL CONTROLL CONTROLL

    GL BRO

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