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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Name 20 Qbs better than him please Moosey.. Also remember this, Falcons lead the league in dropped passes for like 3 years.. All these dudes who made The Rookie look great were the same guys dropping balls when they were wide open.
    Im a huge football fan, so please Name 20 better Qbs than vick that are on rosters right now. Make sure you back it up with comparable stats.
    Ill help you
    - P. Manning
    - E. Manning
    - T. Brady
    - D. Mcnabb
    - C. Pennington
    - K. Warner
    - C. Palmer
    - D. Brees
    - M. Hasselback
    - P. Rivers
    - B. Rothlesberger

    Thats 11 off the top of my Head.. Can anyone find 9 more? Hell 3 more?
    aright well in defense of big ben is ranked right below brady at 1 and manning at 2. so that puts him at 3. Name a QB who's a winner liek him with 2 rings that young? anyway easily the others are better than vick

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    aright well in defense of big ben is ranked right below brady at 1 and manning at 2. so that puts him at 3. Name a QB who's a winner liek him with 2 rings that young? anyway easily the others are better than vick
    are you trying to say that big ben is the third best qb in the league?

  3. #83
    lostcause is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    i dont think your connection of the abortion in anyway shape or form correlates to the Vick issue. Dog fighting is wrong plain and simple. He was not using these dogs to feed people rather turning them into vicious fighters for profit and when they were no longer healthy enough or didnt have the fight in them...they were tortured! Cows, chickens, dolphin, fish etc...are killed for a means to survive and feed the human population. They are not killed for the fun of it. That being said I do not agree with hunting UNLESS you eat your kill - hunting is not a sport.

    And abortion has nothing to do with dog fighting
    my point with the abortion thing is that there are way more serious offenses to society to take issue with besides worrying about cruelty to animals. people make vick out to be the scum of the earth for killing dogs! there are way more things that would qualify you to be the scum of the earth than killing dogs. if you want to hate someone, hate someone who harms a kid, not a dog.

  4. #84
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I've noticed a lot of stats about Vick, but the most notable missing in most posts are his rushing stats and his winning percentage. Someone posted earlier that he isn't a winner but his win/loss percentage clearly states that he is. Because of his rushing stats, he accounts for just as much offense as most QBs. He's had how many different coordinators since he came into the league? Multiple coordinators means having to learn different offenses over. It's hard to do!! So to say he isn't football smart is just not true.

    I own bully dogs myself, so I agree what he did was wrong. But where's the outrage about the way greyhounds are disposed of when they underperform. Or how about horses? Real Sports on HBO did a documentary about both and neither are usually disposed of humanely.

    And how many know of the charitable things Vick has done? How about the fact that he paid for the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre transportation, funerals, and services, OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET? Does that count for something? The fact remains there are people out there who look at dogs just as we do other beasts of burden. They're property...expendible property. Not everyone suffers from "Snoopy Syndrome" the way most of us here do.

    Lastly, VPChill careful what you say about Stoney Case, he was my college QB at New Mexico! LOL!!!!!!

  5. #85
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    he was not qb football smart...regardless of the amount of coaches he had, he could not read defenses properly.
    he was great at running, no question about it....the only problem was that he is a qb, and for the offense to flow correctly, he must do his job and get others involved..u have to spread out the field in the NFL, defenses learned his style, and shut him down...
    again, the guy has a cannon for an arm, to bad he is one of the most un-accurate passers of his time...
    and please dont bring up what he did for the families of the VT shooting, that does not excuse what he did with his bare hands to other living things...
    and the people who feel that dogs our property, expendible like vick did, are just plain stupid....

    and stoney

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    he was not qb football smart...regardless of the amount of coaches he had, he could not read defenses properly.
    he was great at running, no question about it....the only problem was that he is a qb, and for the offense to flow correctly, he must do his job and get others involved..u have to spread out the field in the NFL, defenses learned his style, and shut him down...
    again, the guy has a cannon for an arm, to bad he is one of the most un-accurate passers of his time...
    and please dont bring up what he did for the families of the VT shooting, that does not excuse what he did with his bare hands to other living things...
    and the people who feel that dogs our property, expendible like vick did, are just plain stupid....

    and stoney
    WHY? Because you say so? And why shouldn't I bring up what he did for the VT families? That there along with his charities and programs for at risk kids shows he has more compassion for other humans than animals. Isn't that what we should be doing? Caring more for our fellow man than animals?

    Anyway about the football question, he is an inaccurate passer but being in multiple different offenses doesn't allow a QB to learn the offense efficiently. Its like trying to learn 5 languages in 5 years. Try it and then I think you'll feel a bit differently. He also got many people involved. He never had a go to reciever but turned Alge Crumpler into a force, Warrick Dunn continued his success as a duel threat by catching balls out the backfield as well as running the ball. Vick is an enigma, he whole career (high school through pro), he was never brought along to be a protypical passer. Coaches have always had a difficult time trying to find a system for this type athlete. Guys like Favre, Brady, even McNabb and McNair where brought up as passers. Some of these guys just had the ability to run. Vick has always been a runner who was allowed to play QB because they wanted the ball in his hands at all times because he made shit happen. Look at any QB who has played in multiple, no matter the potential, they have always had trouble.

    GET OFF MY BOY, Stoney!!! He was a helluva QB in college...

    BTW, I'm a redskins fan, but I can appreciate the talent that Vick has. I'm not saying he's a great QB, but I am saying he's a great player. The problem is unless someone develops the proper system for him, he'll never be what people expect him to be.

  7. #87
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    inaccurate passer who can run

    this "type" of QB has taken sooooooo many teams to the SB right?

    again Vick is average at best...more to the lower side of average

    numbers are black and white and his numbers show average, at best.

    39 - 37 is a .487 winning percentage. FAAAAAAAAAAR from an efficient QB for my team...

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    WHY? Because you say so? And why shouldn't I bring up what he did for the VT families? That there along with his charities and programs for at risk kids shows he has more compassion for other humans than animals. Isn't that what we should be doing? Caring more for our fellow man than animals?

    Anyway about the football question, he is an inaccurate passer but being in multiple different offenses doesn't allow a QB to learn the offense efficiently. Its like trying to learn 5 languages in 5 years. Try it and then I think you'll feel a bit differently. He also got many people involved. He never had a go to reciever but turned Alge Crumpler into a force, Warrick Dunn continued his success as a duel threat by catching balls out the backfield as well as running the ball. Vick is an enigma, he whole career (high school through pro), he was never brought along to be a protypical passer. Coaches have always had a difficult time trying to find a system for this type athlete. Guys like Favre, Brady, even McNabb and McNair where brought up as passers. Some of these guys just had the ability to run. Vick has always been a runner who was allowed to play QB because they wanted the ball in his hands at all times because he made shit happen. Look at any QB who has played in multiple, no matter the potential, they have always had trouble.

    GET OFF MY BOY, Stoney!!! He was a helluva QB in college...

    BTW, I'm a redskins fan, but I can appreciate the talent that Vick has. I'm not saying he's a great QB, but I am saying he's a great player. The problem is unless someone develops the proper system for him, he'll never be what people expect him to be.
    1. because society and the law says so...killing a dog by slamming it into the concrete, shocking it to death, drowning it, bury it alive, which his plea said he did is wrong...cmon man, u know that...
    2. u lost all credibilty with his accuracy comment...the guy is not accurate, and never has been. he scrables and finds open guys..its pick up ball...
    3. alot of qb have different cordinators, thats know reason to not be able to read a defense.the man cannot read secondary, which is why he always had to scramble/run..90% of time he ran was not cause he had to, cause he wanted to...and why, cause he is not a true qb...

    u call him an enigma, i call him a liability...the gimmicks only last so long...
    the guy is garbage man...and he didnt make crumpler, algee helped vick more then vick helped him....

    and stoney

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    are you trying to say that big ben is the third best qb in the league?
    yea... dont come back with the stats argument either lol. hes a plain and simple winner

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    1. because society and the law says so...killing a dog by slamming it into the concrete, shocking it to death, drowning it, bury it alive, which his plea said he did is wrong...cmon man, u know that...
    2. u lost all credibilty with his accuracy comment...the guy is not accurate, and never has been. he scrables and finds open guys..its pick up ball...
    3. alot of qb have different cordinators, thats know reason to not be able to read a defense.the man cannot read secondary, which is why he always had to scramble/run..90% of time he ran was not cause he had to, cause he wanted to...and why, cause he is not a true qb...

    u call him an enigma, i call him a liability...the gimmicks only last so long...
    the guy is garbage man...and he didnt make crumpler, algee helped vick more then vick helped him....

    and stoney
    How did I lose all credibility with my accuracy comment when I clearly stated he was an inaccurate passer? I agreed with you.

    I'm not saying what Vick did was right. I'm appalled by what he did, but I am saying is much worse things happen to other animals by others but nothing has ever come of it.

    Please name one QB who has had 5 coordinators in 7 yrs whose been successful?

    Stoney led his high school team to a Texas 5A and National Championship in 1990...LOL!!! He was a winner!!! The greatest ever!!! LOL!!!!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 07-28-2009 at 03:42 PM.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    inaccurate passer who can run

    this "type" of QB has taken sooooooo many teams to the SB right?

    again Vick is average at best...more to the lower side of average

    numbers are black and white and his numbers show average, at best.

    39 - 37 is a .487 winning percentage. FAAAAAAAAAAR from an efficient QB for my team...
    Check your math brotha...he's 38-28-1. Even with your wrong stat, his winning percentage is .51. His actual winning percentage is .57!! If you win more games than you lose, that makes you a winner.

    1000yd rusher is hardly average.

  12. #92
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    i read ur post wrong about bad bro....

    stoney still

  13. #93
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    Making millions and being in the public image. He should of been smarter in a position such as his. He has to be one of the biggest morons ever. Did he learn his lesson. Im sure he's been blowing everyone in the NFL to get reinstated.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    I've noticed a lot of stats about Vick, but the most notable missing in most posts are his rushing stats and his winning percentage. Someone posted earlier that he isn't a winner but his win/loss percentage clearly states that he is. Because of his rushing stats, he accounts for just as much offense as most QBs. He's had how many different coordinators since he came into the league? Multiple coordinators means having to learn different offenses over. It's hard to do!! So to say he isn't football smart is just not true.

    I own bully dogs myself, so I agree what he did was wrong. But where's the outrage about the way greyhounds are disposed of when they underperform. Or how about horses? Real Sports on HBO did a documentary about both and neither are usually disposed of humanely.

    And how many know of the charitable things Vick has done? How about the fact that he paid for the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre transportation, funerals, and services, OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET? Does that count for something? The fact remains there are people out there who look at dogs just as we do other beasts of burden. They're property...expendible property. Not everyone suffers from "Snoopy Syndrome" the way most of us here do.

    Lastly, VPChill careful what you say about Stoney Case, he was my college QB at New Mexico! LOL!!!!!!

    LMAOOOOO. I feel you Bro, Be proud. You own his jersey? lol

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    yea... dont come back with the stats argument either lol. hes a plain and simple winner

    Ok, with Diet advice I will follow you. On this crap I have to disagree.. Big Bens 1st Superbowl was given to him. You and I could have won with that team. All he had to do was Not make too many mistakes and they won with one of the best running attacks ever and great defense.

    His 2nd one, Cool. That was all him. Yet if the giants were there I am sorry my friend.. Eli would have his Back to Back and Ben would be Crap !!
    Now Bens a rapist too... lol

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Ok, with Diet advice I will follow you. On this crap I have to disagree.. Big Bens 1st Superbowl was given to him. You and I could have won with that team. All he had to do was Not make too many mistakes and they won with one of the best running attacks ever and great defense.

    His 2nd one, Cool. That was all him. Yet if the giants were there I am sorry my friend.. Eli would have his Back to Back and Ben would be Crap !!
    Now Bens a rapist too... lol
    while ELI had the horrible 2-3 years of his career, big ben went 15-1 rookie of the year. big ben is the man although he didnt play the best superbowl in 40. dominated in 43. gets the job done out of the pocket and makes plays better than any other QB in the league (out of the pocket). bottom line is he comes home with wins (2 rings) and all winning seasons. Eli also is surrouned by a better run game, solid defense, and still sucks IMO.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    while ELI had the horrible 2-3 years of his career, big ben went 15-1 rookie of the year. big ben is the man although he didnt play the best superbowl in 40. dominated in 43. gets the job done out of the pocket and makes plays better than any other QB in the league (out of the pocket). bottom line is he comes home with wins (2 rings) and all winning seasons. Eli also is surrouned by a better run game, solid defense, and still sucks IMO.
    Shit....I take Scott Mitchel, I mean Steve DeBerg, I mean Bernie Kosar, I mean Damon Huard, I mean Jay Fiedler, I mean Ray Lucas, I mean Brian Griese, I mean AJ Feely, I mean Sage Rosenfels, I mean Gus Ferrotte, Donte Dulpepper, I mean Joey Harrington, I mean Cleo Lemon, I mean Trent Green, I mean John Beck, I mean Chad Pennington...oh GOD...Danny please come back!!!

    Okay...gimme Big Ben and his two titles... (angry Dolphin fan over the number of qb's over the last 15 years) Henne to save the day bitches.....

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Check your math brotha...he's 38-28-1. Even with your wrong stat, his winning percentage is .51. His actual winning percentage is .57!! If you win more games than you lose, that makes you a winner.

    1000yd rusher is hardly average.
    I stand corrected 38-28-1, just over .500 - WOW!!! this is the guy you want running your team. Again...average at best...and thats giving him just a little more because he can run and WAS at the time the most athletic guy on the field any given Sunday. But most athletic and electric DOES NOT in no way shap or form translate into a top shelf quality QB.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    while ELI had the horrible 2-3 years of his career, big ben went 15-1 rookie of the year. big ben is the man although he didnt play the best superbowl in 40. dominated in 43. gets the job done out of the pocket and makes plays better than any other QB in the league (out of the pocket). bottom line is he comes home with wins (2 rings) and all winning seasons. Eli also is surrouned by a better run game, solid defense, and still sucks IMO.

    This means War My Friend.. I am a HUGE Giants Fan. Ive eaten people over the Giants.. How is that for my Diet?? LMAOOO

    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    Shit....I take Scott Mitchel, I mean Steve DeBerg, I mean Bernie Kosar, I mean Damon Huard, I mean Jay Fiedler, I mean Ray Lucas, I mean Brian Griese, I mean AJ Feely, I mean Sage Rosenfels, I mean Gus Ferrotte, Donte Dulpepper, I mean Joey Harrington, I mean Cleo Lemon, I mean Trent Green, I mean John Beck, I mean Chad Pennington...oh GOD...Danny please come back!!!

    Okay...gimme Big Ben and his two titles... (angry Dolphin fan over the number of qb's over the last 15 years) Henne to save the day bitches.....

    Im crying that you just listed all the Qbs in the Post Dan Marino Era!!!

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Im crying that you just listed all the Qbs in the Post Dan Marino Era!!!
    we had a King at the helm for 16 years man...16 freaking years and we have gone through 16 in 15 years...ugh im gonna lose my chicken and rice...


  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    This means War My Friend.. I am a HUGE Giants Fan. Ive eaten people over the Giants.. How is that for my Diet?? LMAO!


    we'll see what happens this year..... the defense looks solid..... running game looks good. Got a new core of receivers..... hopefully our picks can step up. The giants have done a great job of rebuilding their team..... they sucked for a LONG time lolol. They had a decent draft..... and I definately see them having a good year this year.

    I like pitsburgh..... nothing against big ben really..... but i think him and eli are about on the same level. To say Eli sucks is a big nono..... he still got the job done when called on and will continue to for many years.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    we'll see what happens this year..... the defense looks solid..... running game looks good. Got a new core of receivers..... hopefully our picks can step up. The giants have done a great job of rebuilding their team..... they sucked for a LONG time lolol. They had a decent draft..... and I definately see them having a good year this year.

    I like pitsburgh..... nothing against big ben really..... but i think him and eli are about on the same level. To say Eli sucks is a big nono..... he still got the job done when called on and will continue to for many years.

    you did pick up some good receivers but who's gonna throw them the ball...Ohhhhh thats right Eli....LMFAO...

 still simmering over the list i posted above...<<<<disgruntled Dolphin fan>>>>

  23. #103
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    i hate the giants, at times i wish there team plane would crash....
    however, eli is a stud, anyone who thinks different is stupid..

    i would luv him at the helm of my ship.....

    and big ben is just a winner, that guy can play, never looses composure...

  24. #104
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    Eli a stud...ehhhh - good but far from stud.

  25. #105
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    VP the diet is good.. glad you stick uip for your team.. im a huge steeler fan but dont mind the giants becuz im from the area and there in another conference so whatever... but to say ELI and BEN are on the same level is defiantely wrong. ELi has improved alot and is a good quarterback at best. i sleep easier at night when i see santon holmes double tapping in the right corner of the endzone

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by eatrainrest View Post
    VP the diet is good.. glad you stick uip for your team.. im a huge steeler fan but dont mind the giants becuz im from the area and there in another conference so whatever... but to say ELI and BEN are on the same level is defiantely wrong. ELi has improved alot and is a good quarterback at best. i sleep easier at night when i see santon holmes double tapping in the right corner of the endzone
    are we all REALLY sure he got that left foot down? hmmmmmmm

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    we had a King at the helm for 16 years man...16 freaking years and we have gone through 16 in 15 years...ugh im gonna lose my chicken and rice...

    its ok... the wildcat really threw some people off last year and did you well with your playoff run, 11 games won i believe? anyway... teams are going to know what to do against it this time around but... i like the dolphins.. good ole joey porter pittsburgh represent.. was a runner up for sack leader. bad ass. but then again your in our conference so. FVCK you guys

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  31. #111
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    I hate you all.... Except My boy Hazz.. Giants will be champs in 10'
    Record 13-3

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    I hate you all.... Except My boy Hazz.. Giants will be champs in 10'
    Record 13-3
    that woudl eb nice to see a steeler giants superbowl.. quite possible as long as brady gets knocked out consecutive years. lets pray!

  33. #113
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    take that...BAM!!!!!!!!!

    I love the Dolphins

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    I hate you all.... Except My boy Hazz.. Giants will be champs in 10'
    Record 13-3

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  35. #115
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    steelers will run away with there 7th super bowl victory again this year. last year the offensive line was horrible for the 1st 13 games, our 1st round pick menenhall(rb) was hurt and we had the hardest schedual in the nfl and still walked away the champs. this year it should be alot easier. actually as much as i love the steelers i doubt they will win it all again since alot of people expect them to and it never ends how people to expect it to. last year almost every expert picked the patriots vs cowbots in the super bowl and neither team even made the playoffs

    as for vick, he may be playing for the seahawks soon
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    steelers will run away with there 7th super bowl victory again this year. last year the offensive line was horrible for the 1st 13 games, our 1st round pick menenhall(rb) was hurt and we had the hardest schedual in the nfl and still walked away the champs. this year it should be alot easier. actually as much as i love the steelers i doubt they will win it all again since alot of people expect them to and it never ends how people to expect it to. last year almost every expert picked the patriots vs cowbots in the super bowl and neither team even made the playoffs

    as for vick, he may be playing for the seahawks soon

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    exactly..Goodell does not mess around. Vick lied to him, Goodell remembers that, and holds the cards..this has been a PR nightmare for the NFL..

    and the Kobe arguement sucks...that woman, and i use that term loosely, was a lying whore, as it was proven...
    animals dont lie, they are just there, i have a pit(rednose) and she is the best, my minpin dominates her..what he did with his hands( strangled,slammed,drowned,casterated dogs till death is bullshit.
    the man should still be in jail....

    man i hate this POS.....this thread makes me realize more and more...
    WORD!! It may have not been a human that he killed, but it's man's best friend. That dog is gonna be at your beckon call lay his/her life for you, I can't say I know too many people, friends or g/f's in the past that would do the same. With that devotion they at LEAST deserve the same amount of respect.

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