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    Michael Vick reinstated to the NFL.

    NEW YORK -- Michael Vick was conditionally reinstated by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday and could play in regular season games as early as October.

    Vick can immediately participate in preseason practices, workouts and meetings and can play in the final two preseason games -- if he can find a team that will sign him. A number of teams have already said they would not.

    "Needless to say, your margin for error is extremely limited," Goodell said in a letter to Vick. "I urge you to take full advantage of the resources available to support you and to dedicate yourself to rebuilding your life and your career. If you do this, the NFL will support you."

    Goodell suspended Vick indefinitely in August 2007 after the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback admitted bankrolling the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting operation. Goodell said then that Vick must show remorse and signs that he has changed before he would consider reinstating him.

    Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activities except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by Week 6 (Oct. 18-19).

    Goodell called a news conference for late Monday afternoon.

    "I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to commissioner Goodell for allowing me to be readmitted to the National Football League," Vick said through agent Joel Segal. "I fully understand that playing football in the NFL is a privilege, not a right, and I am truly thankful for the opportunity I have been given.

    "As you can imagine, the last two years have given me time to re-evaluate my life, mature as an individual and fully understand the terrible mistakes I have made in the past and what type of life I must lead moving forward.

    "Again, I want to thank the commissioner for the chance to return to the game I love and the opportunity to become an example of positive change."

    The announcement came after a busy first week of freedom for Vick, who met with union leaders and Goodell on consecutive days last week. His 23-month federal sentence ended when an electronic monitor was removed from his ankle early on July 20 at his home in Hampton, Va.

    He met with DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association, last Tuesday and, on Wednesday, he sat down with Goodell at a security firm in Allendale, N.J.

    But his issues are far from over. Already, the owners of the New York Giants and New York Jets said they have no interest in the 29-year-old quarterback, who once was the league's highest-paid player.

  2. #2
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    i hate vick but i agree he should be allowed to play ball. he is a screw up and a shity QB but he did his time so why not let him earn money
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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    This is ridiculous...Goodell plans on reviewing his case prior to week 6.

    He can play weeks 3 and 4 of the pre-season then is suspended for 5 more weeks.

    He spent 23 weeks in a federal penitentiary. Time served and price paid...let the man work

    Goodell...YOU are not God!!!! Get over yourself already

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    i hate vick but i agree he should be allowed to play ball. he is a screw up and a shity QB but he did his time so why not let him earn money
    ^^^ exactly

    he paid his price

  5. #5
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    I disagree with the suspension as well. I do not like what he did, but he went to prison and lost more then money then I will see in 3 lifetimes. He paid his price.

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    i dont agree with what he did either but damn, the guy paid his dues...let him work!

    Message to Goodell: The game was here before you and will be here after you...dont think this is "your" are not bigger than the league.

    Im sure the NFLPA will file petitions and I hope they win this one.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    i dont agree with what he did either but damn, the guy paid his dues...let him work!

    Message to Goodell: The game was here before you and will be here after you...dont think this is "your" are not bigger than the league.

    Im sure the NFLPA will file petitions and I hope they win this one.

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    What was he even doing getting himself into that much trouble, i wonder who is next?

  9. #9
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    he paid his dues to society....not the league...
    vick lied directly to the comish face, made him look like a fool...he will not forget that.the comish has to rule hard, the nfl does not want the rep of the nba or even worst mlb...

    i think he should sit the whole year out, vick has no right to play in the nfl just cause he is done serving his time. allow him to sign with a team this year, be on practice squad then next year he can play..

  10. #10
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    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I of all people understand having paid your dues. Let him work and let's see how he does. isuspect he will either be much better, or fall off the first year.

  12. #12
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    he was an average QB at best...

  13. #13
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    vick is an overrated piece of crap QB

  14. #14
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    vick is a trash bag but roger's call needed to show the scum of the NFL that they cant dick around and expect to come right back into the mix

  15. #15
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    I think its good in a way. The guy lost everything he had, hopefully he has learned his lesson and will appreciate things better now.

  16. #16
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    Yes he paid his debt to society. The Nfl cannot punish him more than the courts have.
    No he is not a GREAT quarterback, But I ask can anyone name 32 better starters in the league right now? 32 teams, name 32 Qbs who are better. The list probably stops at about 10 or 11. Vick is a winner and a gamebreaker.

  17. #17
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    vick is not a winner man...and there are atleast 20 QB that are better then him..maybe more.he is fun to watch, but thats, not good...
    remember, we are talking about his play 2 years ago, and he was not that, after a long break, no training, no football, he is way behind, may have lost instincts..we will see.
    and the nfl can def punish longer then the courts, its a private institution.there are things felons cant do, and they paid there time, hopefully it is a lesson to all these young dumb athletes

  18. #18
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    VICK has PAID his dues to SOCIETY.. he served his tiime, THAT IS WHAT THE FEDERAL JUDGED ORDERED !!

    He should not be banned from his career because of MISTAKE he made. WE all make mistakes.. he should not be held accountable by the NFL.. this has NOTHING to do with the NFL.

    Yah... Ive said my piece.


    **Side Note**

    He isn't as GREAT as everyone seems he is, so let him do his thing, get his paycheck, entertain the PEOPLE who like him and let it be.

  19. #19
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    Name 20 Qbs better than him please Moosey.. Also remember this, Falcons lead the league in dropped passes for like 3 years.. All these dudes who made The Rookie look great were the same guys dropping balls when they were wide open.
    Im a huge football fan, so please Name 20 better Qbs than vick that are on rosters right now. Make sure you back it up with comparable stats.
    Ill help you
    - P. Manning
    - E. Manning
    - T. Brady
    - D. Mcnabb
    - C. Pennington
    - K. Warner
    - C. Palmer
    - D. Brees
    - M. Hasselback
    - P. Rivers
    - B. Rothlesberger

    Thats 11 off the top of my Head.. Can anyone find 9 more? Hell 3 more?

  20. #20
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    there are alot of people who make mistakes and loose their career....
    just like people loose there license for mistakes...the federal judge does not run the NFL...RG does, and he is not the comish to fvk with.Vick lied right to his face, made him look stupid.
    he will be back in the NFL, not this year on an active roster, but he will be on a team and allowed to earn a large paycheck...
    this ruling does not stop his career, he is allowed to sign and earn, just not be on an active roster..and he is lucky for that..IMO

  21. #21
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    they dropped passes cause his crazy style, he is the most inacurate passer ever, however the guy does have a handcannon for an arm...
    i will name them for u vpchillsey

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    they dropped passes cause his crazy style, he is the most inacurate passer ever, however the guy does have a handcannon for an arm...
    i will name them for u vpchillsey

    This is not that accurate (Like a Vick pass -lol) I watch many games and I have always been a Vick backer on the field. Yes he has a cannon, but it is hard to be accurate when the only person catching the majority of your passes is your tightend. Teams just doubled him and boom, Let the wideouts drop the balls. There were plays were the ball hit them dead in the hands, Anyone who has ever played knows... Ball touches your hands you grab it.
    One game, not sure who they played. The wideouts dropped like 6passes. 4 being wide open. He even complained after the game that he was frustrated with the play of the team.
    He is No Peyton or Tom, But he is capable of being one of the best. Not great but one of the best. I dont like the falcons but I watched some games to get insight on what exactly was the reason his passer rating was always so low. He sometimes would tuck and run with a guy open, seemingly because he knew they would drop it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    This is not that accurate (Like a Vick pass -lol) I watch many games and I have always been a Vick backer on the field. Yes he has a cannon, but it is hard to be accurate when the only person catching the majority of your passes is your tightend. Teams just doubled him and boom, Let the wideouts drop the balls. There were plays were the ball hit them dead in the hands, Anyone who has ever played knows... Ball touches your hands you grab it.
    One game, not sure who they played. The wideouts dropped like 6passes. 4 being wide open. He even complained after the game that he was frustrated with the play of the team.
    He is No Peyton or Tom, But he is capable of being one of the best. Not great but one of the best. I dont like the falcons but I watched some games to get insight on what exactly was the reason his passer rating was always so low. He sometimes would tuck and run with a guy open, seemingly because he knew they would drop it.
    VP...c'mon man are you serious with this? One of the best???? Im a HUGE football fan watch just about every single game and Vick is average at BEST.

    give me a minute and ill ass to your list that are better than him right now:

  24. #24
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    Favre- yes he is playing this year
    falco- maybe not falco, im reaching...
    garcia - the guy is a winner.and u said "now"..

    should i keep going cause there are others I think are better, but these are guys everyone should think is better, and would rather have running their offense...
    vick is not a smart man, he cant read defenses, and when young running qb get old, like vick is, they loose there legs, without his legs the guy is done....

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    VP...c'mon man are you serious with this? One of the best???? Im a HUGE football fan watch just about every single game and Vick is average at BEST.

    give me a minute and ill ass to your list that are better than him right now:

    Yes I said one of the best, He changes the way you play defense.. Let me rephrase that.
    Not just as a passer, I mean overall. He will never be among the best passers but there is no denying his ability to make defenses have to watch him closely.

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    - P. Manning
    - E. Manning
    - T. Brady
    - D. Mcnabb
    - C. Pennington
    - K. Warner
    - C. Palmer
    - D. Brees
    - M. Hasselback
    - P. Rivers
    - B. Rothlesberger

    you forgot the guy who took his place...

    Matt Ryan
    Matt Cassel
    David Garrard
    Jake Delhomme

    After this you get into a land of where Vick is equal to but definitely not better than whats left.

    Average to below Average...

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseman33 View Post
    Favre- yes he is playing this year
    cutler I have said all along it was the Denver system. Lets see in Chi
    ryan Needs more seasons before you can add him
    romo Are you serious? No playoff win this year and cowboys will be looking for a new QB - He is overrated. See what haps with NO T.O
    cassel One year again, Great system. His stats were subpar. they asked him to Throw and Throw and Throw somemore
    collins I agree
    shaub Give me more, he has been a bust so far. Without Andre Johnson he completes 30% of his passes
    delhome Overrated my friend. He is a game manager
    falco- maybe not falco, im reaching... Yea, Give him 3 more years I think he will be good
    garcia - the guy is a winner.and u said "now".. I agree

    should i keep going cause there are others I think are better, but these are guys everyone should think is better, and would rather have running their offense...
    vick is not a smart man, he cant read defenses, and when young running qb get old, like vick is, they loose there legs, without his legs the guy is done....
    In bold. If you really tell me you would Rather Shaub, Delhome or Cutler on your team rather than Vick (Lets say no dog fighting issue ever happend) Your sadly mistaken. people forget Vick was a hot commodity because of the Legal issues.

  28. #28
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    Vicks passer ratings:

    2002 was his best year and his BEST was 81.6

    from here its down hill...

    03 - got hurt only played 4 games

    04 - 78.1

    05 - 73.1

    06 - 75.7

    Those are Bubby Brister type numbers....LOL (damn i just pulled Bubby Brister out my ass)

  29. #29
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    Scerp, Ill agree with Gerrard. I always liked him. The others I mentioned above.. Yet Jacksonville is said to be a front runner for Vick.

  30. #30
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    Im crying right now... Bubby Brister!!!! Lmaoooooo

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    I heard that also - but they also said they spent the off season preaching about character and character guys...not so sure.

    Someone will give him a chance and he MIGHT be serviceable. He is a prototypical QB for the wildcat...but being away from the game for 2 years...he's got a lot of catching up to do especially get back into football shape. Which he is headed in the right direction with the PT that he hired.

  32. #32
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    being a game manager, doing what is required is what makes u great,.. he never understood all that, he always tried to win it on his own...HE IS NOT FOOTBALL SMART..he can not read defenses the way an average qb should be able to.

    and ryan is already 10x the qb vick ever was...ryan plays qb the correct way, reads defenses and makes plays...vick just tried to make plays...
    u would really rather have vick then romo,delhome,cutler,ryan...?
    im not even a fan of romo, but i think he is a much better qb then vick..

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    Quote Originally Posted by scerpico22 View Post
    I heard that also - but they also said they spent the off season preaching about character and character guys...not so sure.

    Someone will give him a chance and he MIGHT be serviceable. He is a prototypical QB for the wildcat...but being away from the game for 2 years...he's got a lot of catching up to do especially get back into football shape. Which he is headed in the right direction with the PT that he hired.

    I have to Agree... Yet he also has NOT been hit for 2 years. Fresh body and legs. He is only 28-29.
    Listen Im not saying Vick will save the League. It may take a full year, but at the bargain basement price a team will pay, They get an amazing gamebreaker.

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    Bubby Brister Carrer stats (or Insert M.

    Comp 1,207
    ATT 2,212
    PCT 54.6
    YRD 14,445
    TD 81
    INT 78
    Sack 193
    Rate 72.3

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    I have to Agree... Yet he also has NOT been hit for 2 years. Fresh body and legs. He is only 28-29.
    Listen Im not saying Vick will save the League. It may take a full year, but at the bargain basement price a team will pay, They get an amazing gamebreaker.
    wait, wait, wait...he has been hit plenty for the past two years....FROM BEHING!!!!!!!

  37. #37
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    Bubby Brister is like Mentioning Stoney Case from the cardinals.. Wow you pulled that way out ya ass.... lol

  38. #38
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    LMAOOOOO. Scerp I hate that you actually have his picture!!! LOL

    Yea Vick was getting tapped.. lol

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    Bubby Brister is like Mentioning Stoney Case from the cardinals.. Wow you pulled that way out ya ass.... lol
    But here is the funny part...

    Brister to Vick

    Comp 1,207 (vick 930)
    ATT 2,212 (vick 1,730)
    PCT 54.6 (vick 53.8)
    YRD 14,445 (vick 11,505)
    TD 81 (vick 71)
    INT 78 (vick 52)
    Sack 193 (sack 187)
    Rate 72.3 (vick 75.7)

    pretty damn close dontcha think?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by vpchill View Post
    LMAOOOOO. Scerp I hate that you actually have his picture!!! LOL

    Yea Vick was getting tapped.. lol
    Google...gotta love it!

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