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  1. #81
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    way to go.....what was the classs average like.
    mid C average

  2. #82
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    a mid C class average is pretty good for a chem class. again good job.

  3. #83
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    Boss pissed me off last week. The good thing is I come in first everyday and make coffee for the two of us. So.... I spit on the coffee!! he said, wow! coffee taste good today! and thank me.

  4. #84
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Get clear nail polish and put it very carefully into the holes on the microphone of his office phone. That way he picks it up when he gets a call, he can hear the person, but they cant hear him. It will probably drive him nuts. If he has a speaker phone option as most office phones do, find the tiny holes for the mic on the base unit and get those too, just dont mess with the actual speaker, you want him to be able to hear the people, just not vice versa.

  5. #85
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Another fun one...Call up your doctor and tell him that you have a urinary tract infection, ask him to call you in a script for Phenazopyridine (Brand name: Pyridium). Crush a 200mg tablet and dissolve it into his drink. It will turn his urine a bright orange color, and he will probably freak out...

  6. #86
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloe85 View Post
    what kinds of creative things can you think of to do to your boss you hate, and not get fired for???

    hes on vacation now and i get into the office before everyone else.

    i need some suggestions
    Last year i was on a burnout due to a boss that harassed us all the time verbally.

    I went to human ressources and exposed him for what he was. Short after he got sick and got given a final notice.

    I lost my job short after but to think about it, it was well worth it because that guy was an ahole.

  7. #87
    CMonkey's Avatar
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    We got our boss with this one.

    Click print-screen on his computer desktop, this stores a copy of his desktop to the clipboard. Open up Paint and click paste. A picture of the desktop is there. Save the .jpg to the pictures folder or some other one you can easily access. Close out and go into the desktop settings, set the jpeg as the desktop background. Go back to the desktop and delete all his icons. There will be an exact picture of his desktop, but nothing can be clicked on.

    Our boss was on the phone with IT for half a day before we finally fessed up to it.

  8. #88
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    This is what you can due, just make sure you take the day off, or be late.

    Go into the bathroom, shut the water off to the toilet.

    Flush the toilet, this will in return empty the tank.

    Take the sodium metal, and tie a piece of thread to it.

    Open up the toilet's tank, and tie the string to the flushing handle.

    So, it's hanging in mid air now, not touching anything.

    Your boss will come in, and take a dump in the toilet.

    When he goes to flush the toilet, nothing happens.

    Then he will turn the water back on, filling the tank up.

    Be somewhere else when this happens,it's reaction is violent.

    Good times!!!

    I'm just screwing around with you on this, So don't take it to this level. Or am I ???LOL

  9. #89
    ray0414's Avatar
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    put staples in his coffee/drink when hes not looking. if he finds out it was you just say u were just joking, this should clear up any animosity there might be.

  10. #90
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Another fun one...Call up your doctor and tell him that you have a urinary tract infection, ask him to call you in a script for Phenazopyridine (Brand name: Pyridium). Crush a 200mg tablet and dissolve it into his drink. It will turn his urine a bright orange color, and he will probably freak out...
    nice. I remember way back in about 7nth grade, I had a tract infection. the Phenazopyridine is some crazy shit. My piss was beyond orange. It was strong enough to leave like the entire urinal orange after flushing.

  11. #91
    quarry206's Avatar
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    this one takes alittle effort.. but welll well worth it

    get a can of shaving cream put it in the freezer, let it sit in there for about 48hrs, then take it to work cut the bottom off and put it in his desk.. as the shaving cream becomes un-frozen it will expand.. and it will grow and cover a desk or cover the front seat of a car easily

  12. #92
    Cloe85's Avatar
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    well, yes he is that much of an ass. take my word on that one...anyone who knows what went on will vouch for that.

    and yes, i am looking for another job. im outta here asap!

    actually loosinig his computer would destroy his little world of numbers...

    am thinking something like this...
    1. a fish taped under his car - this is the only tricky one... in bus. casual attire, will have to bring a towel to lay on and try not to get oil/dirt on me lol
    2. gay and animal porn
    3. wipe his computer
    4. on my last day, escorts for both
    5. Phate and husband doing a project

    yep /nods head, sounds like a beeeuuuuutiful plan.

  13. #93
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    im still open to additional annoyances, not limmited to the above will see how much i can string in before im gone. everyday just keeps getting better lol

    unfortunately he only drinks Starbucks coffee, and never lets it outta his site.

  14. #94
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    The problem is that his entire computer is backed up i am sure so using a magnet will just delay him a few hours... as far as the porn sites etc. etc.. all he has to do is check the time stamp and the log ins on his account and finger is pointed at you or another and he has an alibi!! You need to do something that will actually get him in trouble by a higher up in the company!! Like some forged paperwork or making it look like he is trying to imbezil money! Find something along those lones that will really cream him! I mean if you re going to screw him then do it right not half assed!! there is always the sexual harasment suit! might cost you some money to start with but have someone go to where ever he is and send you messages from that are cose and leave tesxt messages from a loca phone in that area with sexual inuendos it will look like he got drunk out of town and called you to try and get you to hook up with him! you would need to reaaly commit but you could end up with him fired and a nice settlement check and job security!! I know it is harsh but as I said if you are going to do it, do it right!

  15. #95
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    burn his house down, then burn his neighbors house down......

    he should get the point....

  16. #96
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    slit his throat

    my boss never got on my case again

  17. #97
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    This is what you do, don't take a shower for a few days; get some nice head cheese going down between your legs, then go out and buy the guy a coffee and stir it with your Ranch. Now make sure the coffee is not hot but just warm, it will feel good too. Trust me.

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