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Thread: conspiracy????

  1. #41
    MASTER's Avatar
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    I don't believe for a minute that the government carried out the attacks. I suspect they knew about them, but would likely have felt some serious reprecussions had they tried to prevent/stop them. There are groups out there far more powerful than any individual country's government, im not talking about secret societies or any of that paranoid stuff, these groups don't hide their existence, and their aims are clearly stated in their mission statements, eg. maximise profit and control, however possible.

    There is much collusion between top bankers, politicians, corporations, arms manufacturers/dealers and media organisations and they will help each other in order to form mutually beneficial situations and circumstances. This will always be the case in a world obsessed by money and material gain.

    In the end, there is no real difference between 9/11 and the Monsanto gmo scandal in India or the Nestle milk scandal. All resulted in the death of many innocents, for profit gain. The aim of pretty much all commercial organisations, whether they be banks, retail outlets etc is to make as much profit as possible and while that remains the case, innocent people will die either directly through attacks, by being poisoned/infected with diseases/radiation or scammed into poverty. This is the world we live in and we have the money changers to thank for it, especially the Rothschilds and the men that helped put the current system into action Paul M. Warburg, Nelson Aldrich, J.P Morgan and J.D Rockefeller.

    The monetary system we use is the problem, it creates an involuntary caste system and virtually enslaves the vast majority of people, as there is an endless requirement for money.

  2. #42
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTER View Post
    I don't believe for a minute that the government carried out the attacks. I suspect they knew about them, but would likely have felt some serious reprecussions had they tried to prevent/stop them. There are groups out there far more powerful than any individual country's government, im not talking about secret societies or any of that paranoid stuff, these groups don't hide their existence, and their aims are clearly stated in their mission statements, eg. maximise profit and control, however possible.

    There is much collusion between top bankers, politicians, corporations, arms manufacturers/dealers and media organisations and they will help each other in order to form mutually beneficial situations and circumstances. This will always be the case in a world obsessed by money and material gain.

    In the end, there is no real difference between 9/11 and the Monsanto gmo scandal in India or the Nestle milk scandal. All resulted in the death of many innocents, for profit gain. The aim of pretty much all commercial organisations, whether they be banks, retail outlets etc is to make as much profit as possible and while that remains the case, innocent people will die either directly through attacks, by being poisoned/infected with diseases/radiation or scammed into poverty. This is the world we live in and we have the money changers to thank for it, especially the Rothschilds and the men that helped put the current system into action Paul M. Warburg, Nelson Aldrich, J.P Morgan and J.D Rockefeller.

    The monetary system we use is the problem, it creates an involuntary caste system and virtually enslaves the vast majority of people, as there is an endless requirement for money.

    I think that they still needed the governments permission to carry out such a deed.

    And a knowing government, although not carrying out it directly, is, by default, sanctioning it.

    They needed a non-intervention government, to pull off such a plan.
    Last edited by TITANIUM; 08-18-2009 at 10:39 AM.

  3. #43
    ray0414's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I'd be interested to know if some of you dispute things like the Apollo Moon Landings, Global Warming, Roswell Incident and the Kennedy Assassination as conspiracy and that we never landed on the Moon, the Government DID retrieve materials from a UFO craft, that the planet isn't warming and that Kennedy was assassinated by his own government. How much of this do you believe to be true because I know the planet is warming up and I know we landed on the Moon..the other two I cant speak for. All im saying is the Government cannot be THAT clandestine about everything simply because of the vast amount of information to supress. Before anyone calls me naive, I just think the truth would have been unearthed long, long ago if even half this stuff were true.

    There is even a theory that Wikipedia has been deliberately created so certain individuals can play down their criticisms because the public can alter the information on there.

    Do I think 911 was orchestrated in light of all this....yes I do. Why did it take the death of 3000 people and the destruction of the WTC to do something about Saddam Huseins evil regime in Iraq. A country that was supposed to be housing WMD and weren' had absolutely nothing to do with seizing all of Iraqs oilfields did it...
    did u know that 2008 was the coolest year in about 10 years? funny cause there was record setting amounts of snow all over the entire world. and i believe that this year, new york went thru may, june and july WITHOUT A DAY OVER 90!!!!!!! there was an article about this on foxnews a few weeks ago. People love to say how glaciers are melting, well have u personally seen these melt? ive seen many articles online that show that some of the glaciers are actually GROWING. Heres the thing, sometimes in some areas, it FEELS warmer than it actually is becuase of all the cement/concrete which warms up the ground around us. Ice ages have come and gone all thru-out history and we currently are still probably in a melting point anyways but alot of scientists even insist another mini ice age is coming. weather is based on the sun/sunspots/sun cycles.

  4. #44
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    did u know that 2008 was the coolest year in about 10 years? funny cause there was record setting amounts of snow all over the entire world. and i believe that this year, new york went thru may, june and july WITHOUT A DAY OVER 90!!!!!!! there was an article about this on foxnews a few weeks ago. People love to say how glaciers are melting, well have u personally seen these melt? ive seen many articles online that show that some of the glaciers are actually GROWING. Heres the thing, sometimes in some areas, it FEELS warmer than it actually is becuase of all the cement/concrete which warms up the ground around us. Ice ages have come and gone all thru-out history and we currently are still probably in a melting point anyways but alot of scientists even insist another mini ice age is coming. weather is based on the sun/sunspots/sun cycles.
    I read that a piece of glacier, roughfly the size of Rhode Island broke away.

    Not sure what year though.

  5. #45
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTER View Post
    I don't believe for a minute that the government carried out the attacks. I suspect they knew about them, but would likely have felt some serious reprecussions had they tried to prevent/stop them. There are groups out there far more powerful than any individual country's government, im not talking about secret societies or any of that paranoid stuff, these groups don't hide their existence, and their aims are clearly stated in their mission statements, eg. maximise profit and control, however possible.

    There is much collusion between top bankers, politicians, corporations, arms manufacturers/dealers and media organisations and they will help each other in order to form mutually beneficial situations and circumstances. This will always be the case in a world obsessed by money and material gain.

    In the end, there is no real difference between 9/11 and the Monsanto gmo scandal in India or the Nestle milk scandal. All resulted in the death of many innocents, for profit gain. The aim of pretty much all commercial organisations, whether they be banks, retail outlets etc is to make as much profit as possible and while that remains the case, innocent people will die either directly through attacks, by being poisoned/infected with diseases/radiation or scammed into poverty. This is the world we live in and we have the money changers to thank for it, especially the Rothschilds and the men that helped put the current system into action Paul M. Warburg, Nelson Aldrich, J.P Morgan and J.D Rockefeller.

    The monetary system we use is the problem, it creates an involuntary caste system and virtually enslaves the vast majority of people, as there is an endless requirement for money.

    This is the root of the problem, it is such a vast subject that to scratch the surface would take a long time. Known as the "Elite" to many, the Rothchild's, Rockefeller families have been around for hundreds of years with one goal in mind. Power and manipulation of the masses, to turn the world into a one world system, monetarily and governmentally.

    Please do not get caught up in the "it's all about money" line. Do you really think these Elite care about money? They own the printing presses, why would they care about money?

    Some of the greatest quotes from these Elite are

    "Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws"
    Quotes from our own leaders and relatives regarding these Elitists

    The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. — Curtis Dall (Franklin D. Roosevelt’s son-in-law), My Exploited Father-in-Law
    Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. — President Woodrow Wilson, 1913
    This Federal Reserve Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Wilson) signs this bill the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized. — Hon. Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., Dec. 23, 1913
    Shortly after signing the Federal Reserve Act

    We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominate men. I have unwittingly betrayed my country. — President Woodrow Wilson, 1916
    We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. — Professor Arnold Toynbee, l931 Institute for the Study of International Affairs.
    For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But, he didn’t. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared "ammunition" in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support...

    The UN is but a long range, international banking apparatus nearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World Revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power... The depression was the calculated ’shearing’ of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market... The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. — Curtis Dall, from My Exploited Father-in-Law
    The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. — letter to Colonel House by Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 21st, l933
    We shall have world government whether or not you like it by conquest or consent. — James Warburg member Council on Foreign Relations speaking before Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950
    Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government a bureaucratic elite. — Senator William Jenner, 1954

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert B. Reich, former Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration, made these statements as reported in USA Today, January 7, 1999
    The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become increasingly irrelevant... In case you hadn’t noticed, America’s domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. Their decisions about interest rates are determining how many of us have jobs and how many of us get a raise.

    When the Fed’s Open Market Committee decides to lower the rates, unemployment drops and wages rise. When they raise rates, it’s just the opposite. When they decide to hold rates steady, as they did last week, the economy continues to move in whatever direction it was already going...

    Congress is out of the loop...

    America’s foreign policy, mean while, is now being run by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), with some coaching from the Treasury Department...

    Here, too, Congress has become irrelevant. Some senators and House members fussed a bit when the administration asked for tens of billions of additional dollars for the IMF. But in the end, the elected representatives came through...

    And when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress. He just calls up a few generals, phones Tony Blair in Britain and sends in the bombers.

    Have you seen a single congressional hearing or congressional debate on the U.S.-Iraqi war?

    Notice how far back these quotes go, they even go back further but these are in the last 100yrs. The families have been around for centuries and are in no rush to meet their goal, each generation is taught and bred to look at the world as their playground to manipulate and control. They truly feel they are a different species than the rest of us.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 08-18-2009 at 12:06 PM.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  6. #46
    Flagg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    did u know that 2008 was the coolest year in about 10 years? funny cause there was record setting amounts of snow all over the entire world. and i believe that this year, new york went thru may, june and july WITHOUT A DAY OVER 90!!!!!!! there was an article about this on foxnews a few weeks ago. People love to say how glaciers are melting, well have u personally seen these melt? ive seen many articles online that show that some of the glaciers are actually GROWING. Heres the thing, sometimes in some areas, it FEELS warmer than it actually is becuase of all the cement/concrete which warms up the ground around us. Ice ages have come and gone all thru-out history and we currently are still probably in a melting point anyways but alot of scientists even insist another mini ice age is coming. weather is based on the sun/sunspots/sun cycles.

    In the last 1 million years there have been 10 Ice Ages. Usually a gradual period of cooling, about 90,000 years, followed by rapid warming of 10,000 years and then cooling again. These periods of warming are known as interglacials and the one we are in now is known as the Holocene and has been going on for about 12.5 thousand years. Is the planet warming up? Yes! Is it primarily down to us? No! And by the way saying you learned about the weather on FOX NEWS gains you zero credibility in my opinion and its irrelevant if you believe its anthropogenic in nature or natural, the planet is warming up. Im not surprised they would try and tell you different though being FOX news who believes the NHS is a training ground for terrorism.

    I think in about a thousand to two thousand years time it will start to gradually get cooler again. While Eccentricity, Obliquity and Precession will have an impact on this, there are many, MANY other factors to consider like the strength of the magnetic field, negative and positive feedbacks, landmass formation, airflow and so on. ALL have an impact on climate.

    And have I personally seen Glaciers melting? Well no I dont live at the north or south poles or Greenland for that matter. That's like me asking you if you've ever seen anyone murdered, because then how would you know if people are murdered? Go and google Larsen B Shelf. SATALITE IMAGERY has shown how that broke off into the ocean unless you are trying to refute that as well?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    This country is capable of doing cruel things, but having a hand in killing 3K+ of its own people, that absolutely insane. .
    The Gov gave over 20 minutes for the buildings to be cleared. There was a break down in communications , so protocol had the firemen keep the people in the building which is why so many died. The plane hit part of the building that was empty, at the top so that everyone could escape down. Radios went out so rescuers stayed where they were.

    Did you watch the whole film, listen to the firemen that were interviewed? the secondary explosions. You my friend need to wake up.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  8. #48
    MASTER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    In the last 1 million years there have been 10 Ice Ages. Usually a gradual period of cooling, about 90,000 years, followed by rapid warming of 10,000 years and then cooling again. These periods of warming are known as interglacials and the one we are in now is known as the Holocene and has been going on for about 12.5 thousand years. Is the planet warming up? Yes! Is it primarily down to us? No! And by the way saying you learned about the weather on FOX NEWS gains you zero credibility in my opinion and its irrelevant if you believe its anthropogenic in nature or natural, the planet is warming up. Im not surprised they would try and tell you different though being FOX news who believes the NHS is a training ground for terrorism.

    I think in about a thousand to two thousand years time it will start to gradually get cooler again. While Eccentricity, Obliquity and Precession will have an impact on this, there are many, MANY other factors to consider like the strength of the magnetic field, negative and positive feedbacks, landmass formation, airflow and so on. ALL have an impact on climate.

    And have I personally seen Glaciers melting? Well no I dont live at the north or south poles or Greenland for that matter. That's like me asking you if you've ever seen anyone murdered, because then how would you know if people are murdered? Go and google Larsen B Shelf. SATALITE IMAGERY has shown how that broke off into the ocean unless you are trying to refute that as well?
    Exactly man-made global warming is a myth. The man made global warming scam is also due to the monetary system. Ever increasing taxes are required to pay for interest on loans governments owe to private banks and to cover the shortfalls caused by inflation. It is fairly obvious that people would not accept increases to direct taxation systems in order to cover the massive sums we are talking about here.

    Therefore, this whole global warming rubbish was fabricated. What better way to collect taxes than to claim we are destroying the planet. It is our fault so we must sacrifice now to save ourselves and future generations. It allows for so much revenue to be raised, from fines for not recycling, higher fines for littering, fines for putting bins out on the wrong day, green taxes and so it goes on and on. Not forgetting the whole carbon credit system, another way for bankers to profiteer and get a cut from resources (rainforests and land) owned by poorer countries - to broker selling pieces of paper for a lot of money that have only theoretical value.
    Last edited by MASTER; 08-18-2009 at 12:27 PM.

  9. #49
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Go read a history book. Goddamn man...I mean seriously. I find it hillarious that we can look at history and see gov't killing their own people being a very common trend. However, today we have America, a country that would NEVER do such a thing. No way jose! lol

    Give me a break need a quick read on some history and propoganda.

    This country has had many self inflicted events that gained the support of the people and took the country to war. It's basic propoganda to do so and you better believe it works, it works way too well.

    A few examples in recent History...look them up

    Pearl Harbor - FDR knew that a Japanese attack was imminent, the Japanese had issued a delcaration of war to the White House stating their intent. This incident was used as a propoganda tool to gain mass public support for War in the Pacific and Europe. FDR had stayed true to our Constitution for a long time, we were only involved in the last few years of WWII. Our Consititution allows us to wage war if attacked, so off we went. There naturally more details behind it as well, but thats a good starting point.

    ^^^It has become public knowledge that we knew the Japanese were going to attack. Look it up.

    Gulf of Tonkin - Something about Vietnam's Navy sinking an American ship. Only problem was that the Vietnamese had no Navy.

    911 - Most of us were adults by this time, it speaks for itself.


    After studying Propoganda and its various uses in the control of a population. I see many references used today by the American Empire.

    One of the most blatant was the basic Propoganda principal of turning lies into truth, as Dr. Goebbels stated

    Bush was actually extremely adept at this technique, of course he couldn't speak a full sentence without going blank, but he definately should get credit for utilising this most basic of propoganda tools.

    ie: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Terrorists, Al Qaeda

    "Iraq is harboring terrorists"..."Iraq has WMD's"

    He kept it very precise and simple, and in that lies the brilliance of the propoganda tool of repeating a phrase until people begin to believe it. This tool and others were extremely effective and Goebbels knew that by the use of Radio broadcasting that he could reach millions of people.

    Today we have TV, Radio, is overwhelming what one can do with such tools today.

    Honestly, I find it fascinating how easy it truly is to bend, control and manipulate the masses minds and emotions. The American people were so frightened after 911 you couldn't find duck tape on shelves "tape your house up", "prepare for chemical warfare"...we all remember that. Scared people will do irrational things..the gov't played on basic human emotions. Brilliant to say the least.

    However, with that said I find that the American gov't is getting extremely sloppy and no longer go to great lengths to shield their blatant propoganda nonsense. Very sloppy yet these decades of effective mind bending continue to have such a great effect on the people that they can still get away with it.

    People will wise up, more and more people are waking up, asking questions.

    I'm no anti-American but I will question my gov't, you know that gov't "for the people BY the people"? What are a people who do not question their gov't? They are mindless serfs that are only free in their own minds.

    I never said I believed in FEMA camps, however there are many empty prisons and camp like structures all across America. I certainly wouldn't mind knowing what they are for?

    I have said before and I will say again, the American gov't no longer serves the will of the people, that is clear. People standup and question policy, learn civil liberties, learn the Constitution. Afterall, alot of our forefathers stood up and died for the true freedoms we are meant to have. It took alot of courage no doubt and I do know that the American people still have it in them, they only need to be waken from this slumber of ignorance and disinformation.
    1st of all don't insult my intelligence because I don't see things the same way you do. I'm quite well read and know the history of this country. I've indicated my admiration for your intelligence so I would appreciate the same respect in return.

    With that being said, I know this country has done some hateful things to its own people. Hell I'm a member of the group whose people took the brunt of that cruelty (slavery, Jim Crowe, Tuskegee experiments, lynchings, etc.). The point I'm making is you and people like you seem to think that at one time this country was "for the people, by the people". It never has! But if I rail on about how the "white man" has held people down for centuries, you will tell me to get over it and that we all have equal opportunity and everything is great. But now it's happening to white men and it's only now that everyone, of your ilk, is getting pissed off. So you can't have it both ways. Kinda reminds me of the drug game, it doesn't really matter until it affects white america.

    We've got people talking that AIDS was a man made virus for population control and everyone is hoping on that as proof of a greater conspiracy, but when Rev. Wright said it, he was villafied as paranoid even though there is a history of the US government infecting it's minority populations with diseases intentionally (small pox with native americans and syphillis with african americans).

    All this conspiracy theory is way over the top. But you are entitled to your opinion. I think all this paranoia is a greater conspiracy against Obama by the right wing extremist worried about the country being run by a bi-racial man. I think white men are scared that they're grip on this country is slowly coming to an end and now, according to you all, this country is going to hell in a handbasket. This country will be just fine. We aren't headed toward a socialism. We will continue to be the best country for years to come. But I do recognise the fact that there is a cycle to democracy.

    Murilo, we already know how you feel about African Americans (by your previous posts), so my assumptions are too far fetched. Maybe I have my head stuck in the sand, but I am active in my community and I'm not seeing this spiralling downfall that you all are continuing to speak about.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 08-18-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTER View Post
    Exactly man-made global warming is a myth. The man made global warming scam is also due to the monetary system. Ever increasing taxes are required to pay for interest governments owe to private banks and to cover the shortfalls cause by inflation. It is fairly obvious that people would not accept increases to direct taxation systems in order to cover the massive sums we are talking about here.

    Therefore, this whole global warming rubbish was fabricated. What better way to collect taxes than to claim it is to save the planet. It allows for so much revenue to be raised, from fines for not recycling, higher fines for littering, fines for putting bins out on the wrong day, green taxes and so it goes on and on. Not forgetting the whole carbon credit system, another way for bankers to profiteer and get a cut from resources (rainforests and land) owned by poorer countries.

    However I do believe we need to invest in preparing for the worst. Why? Because we only have one's not like we can afford to be wrong about this. Sea level rise is what worries me the most. What if it rises and floods all coastal cities around the world? Thats 100,million people displaced. Where do you put them? What do you feed them? What becomes of their role in the economy? Where do you find somewhere to build millions of more homes and with what?

    The way I see it, there is 4 different outcomes to the future with two paths.

    One path is that global warming will not affect sea level rise and the second path is that global warming will affect sea level rise.

    So you invest money into preparing for the worst and nothing happens, and the result is a possible recession because of the massive costs that will be involved...not good for anyone. Or you dont invest in preparing for the worst, nothing does happen, and economists and environmental scientists and generally everyone is happy.
    Now, what if you invest money into preparing for the worst and the sea rises but 30 meters? Well, everyone is out of pocket but feeling secure in the fact that they are no longer living under water. But then what if you dont invest and the worst does happen, 30 meters of sea rises. All of a sudden you have to find homes for 100 million people who are migrating inland, possibly into countries that they dont particularly like because of hundreds of years of fueding. Something like that would cause economic, social and political unpheaval not to mention famine, disease running rife and lots of farm land gone.

    Now tell me what sounds like the better outcome? Its better to be safe than sorry, no matter what your stance on Climate Change is.

  11. #51
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    I think it was the Jews who orchestrated the whole thing to make the Christians fight the Muslims so that they could take over the world again.

    I also think they had help from aliens, I mean no one could have pulled off this without the help of some superior power.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I'd be interested to know if some of you dispute things like the Apollo Moon Landings, Global Warming, Roswell Incident and the Kennedy Assassination as conspiracy and that we never landed on the Moon,
    Not only all of them, I don't believe that Usain bolt can run the 100m in 9.6, I think that is a government conspiracy.

    I don't even believe that the world is spherical. I mean really, seriously think about it. It is just a big government control mechanism. They just teach you as a child it is round and you have globes and the stories of people in space and the pictures of earth from space but all of that is just government made bullshit to trick us into thinking the world is spherical.

    There is nothing out there to categorically prove that the earth is a sphere whereas I can see with my own eyes that the earth is a flat plane.

    You all need to open up your eyes and realize that you are being tricked by the big bad government

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    did u know that 2008 was the coolest year in about 10 years? funny cause there was record setting amounts of snow all over the entire world. and i believe that this year, new york went thru may, june and july WITHOUT A DAY OVER 90!!!!!!! there was an article about this on foxnews a few weeks ago. People love to say how glaciers are melting, well have u personally seen these melt? ive seen many articles online that show that some of the glaciers are actually GROWING. Heres the thing, sometimes in some areas, it FEELS warmer than it actually is becuase of all the cement/concrete which warms up the ground around us. Ice ages have come and gone all thru-out history and we currently are still probably in a melting point anyways but alot of scientists even insist another mini ice age is coming. weather is based on the sun/sunspots/sun cycles.
    oh man, its just like when they said the ozone layer was weakening, california is breaking off and african bees are going to take over the US and kill everyone. give me a break

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    oh man, its just like when they said the ozone layer was weakening, california is breaking off and african bees are going to take over the US and kill everyone. give me a break
    Are you refering to the banning of CFC's in 1987? The Montreal Protocol? Because the Ozone layer WAS weakening. I don't know about you, but my DNA is not UV light proof. And since were bees going to take over the world? I know Bees are on the decline here in the UK which is worrisome from an economic point of view as well as less plants being pollinated.

    I think you need to stop watching FOX news as well.

  15. #55
    goose is offline Banned
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    Look even the swine flu is an inside job...Look into it.

    problem is we are all repeaters.This clip will help explain.

  16. #56
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    Yeh swine flu is def an inside job, one of the more obvious ones if you ask me. SARS was as well.

    Manchester City being bought by Rich arabs is def a government conspriacy aimed at pissing me off, if they win anything then it will definitely be a government job.

  17. #57
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by NS View Post
    Yeh swine flu is def an inside job, one of the more obvious ones if you ask me. SARS was as well.

    Manchester City being bought by Rich arabs is def a government conspriacy aimed at pissing me off, if they win anything then it will definitely be a government job.
    Whatever you do dont ever get the swine flu protection jab that is coming soon in the uK.Ever!!

  18. #58
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    Oh yeh there absolutely loads of government conspiracies that I am pissed off about.

    Blackburn Rovers winning the Premier League in 96.

    The holocaust

    The whole China being a fast growing powerful economy and everything being made there

    I don't believe Michael Jackson is dead, and if he is it was the government

    The Pointer Sisters



    Do the IRA even exist or is that just a UK government set up to control Northern Ireland

    Canada as an independent country


  19. #59
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    I believe we have recovered ufo aircraft from roswell and many other incidents and in some deep circles inside the government knows the truth that we have made contact before and covered up lots of stuff. Kennedy assassination I believe was done by several people and the moon landing I think was fake. A great episode on the theory of the Kennedy assassination was on the x-files episode "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man." Do not hate me because of my beliefs for I just am telling what I think.

  20. #60
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    swine flu an inside job = crazy

  21. #61
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    I'm an elitist, I know some stuff.

  22. #62
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    This thread is retarded....people need to get a life and stop sitting around coming up with bullshit ideas.

    America is run by the rich elite? OMG NO WAI! Tell me something I don't know Sherlock Holmes, everyone knows that America is run by the grandsons of the ancestors of rich colonial America.

    This whole "one money one nation" bullshit all comes down to theory of New World Order and the free masons.

    I can't believe people believe this shit, yet when scientific evidence is shown that there almost definetely is intelligent life throughout the universe, that there are parallel universes, and that there are MANY universes, people say "OMG THAT IS BULLSHIT" yet sit here and support these conspiarcy theories and denounce anyone who doesn't believe in them as moronic. Oh the irony
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 08-18-2009 at 04:33 PM.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    This thread is retarded....people need to get a life and stop sitting around coming up with bullshit ideas.

    America is run by the rich elite? OMG NO WAI! Tell me something I don't know Sherlock Holmes, everyone knows that America is run by the grandsons of the ancestors of rich colonial America.

    This whole "one money one nation" bullshit all comes down to theory of New World Order and the free masons.

    I can't believe people believe this shit, yet when scientific evidence is shown that there almost definetely is intelligent life throughout the universe, that there are parallel universes, and that there are MANY universes, people say "OMG THAT IS BULLSHIT" yet sit here and support these conspiarcy theories and denounce anyone who doesn't believe in them as moronic. Oh the irony
    Bro, it's the lounge! What do you expect???

    And by you yourself posting to it, are you one of the people that need to get a life???

    I think not.

    Some of the posts in the AR lounge are ridiculous.

    I agree.

    But, when it gets into politics, one thing is a given,

    It all goes to shit in a hand bag!!!

    I love the irony also!!!!

    (even if I contributed to it).

  24. #64
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    1st of all don't insult my intelligence because I don't see things the same way you do. I'm quite well read and know the history of this country. I've indicated my admiration for your intelligence so I would appreciate the same respect in return.

    With that being said, I know this country has done some hateful things to its own people. Hell I'm a member of the group whose people took the brunt of that cruelty (slavery, Jim Crowe, Tuskegee experiments, lynchings, etc.). The point I'm making is you and people like you seem to think that at one time this country was "for the people, by the people". It never has! But if I rail on about how the "white man" has held people down for centuries, you will tell me to get over it and that we all have equal opportunity and everything is great. But now it's happening to white men and it's only now that everyone, of your ilk, is getting pissed off. So you can't have it both ways. Kinda reminds me of the drug game, it doesn't really matter until it affects white america.

    We've got people talking that AIDS was a man made virus for population control and everyone is hoping on that as proof of a greater conspiracy, but when Rev. Wright said it, he was villafied as paranoid even though there is a history of the US government infecting it's minority populations with diseases intentionally (small pox with native americans and syphillis with african americans).

    All this conspiracy theory is way over the top. But you are entitled to your opinion. I think all this paranoia is a greater conspiracy against Obama by the right wing extremist worried about the country being run by a bi-racial man. I think white men are scared that they're grip on this country is slowly coming to an end and now, according to you all, this country is going to hell in a handbasket. This country will be just fine. We aren't headed toward a socialism. We will continue to be the best country for years to come. But I do recognise the fact that there is a cycle to democracy.

    Murilo, we already know how you feel about African Americans (by your previous posts), so my assumptions are too far fetched. Maybe I have my head stuck in the sand, but I am active in my community and I'm not seeing this spiralling downfall that you all are continuing to speak about.

    I most certainly apologise and do not mean to demean you. I wrote a massive response to this but I it is nothing that I have not said before or can be read about. Why should I do all the work?

    You can just as easily read on these Elitist families that have been around for hundreds of years. The root of the problem has been and will remain the monetary system and the International bankers (Elite).

    It is quite sensible to understand that he who creates and issues the currency dictates policy. They create money out of thin air and tell us it has value because they say it does. That power was handed over in 1913 and has escalated and was defaintely a great accomplishment for these people.
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  25. #65
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Fear is a sellable commodity...

    -Frank Luntz, republican commentator and strategist

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Hell I'm a member of the group whose people took the brunt of that cruelty (slavery, Jim Crowe, Tuskegee experiments, lynchings, etc.).

    Leave the race card out of your comments, it makes you lose all credibility for intellectual conversation and it holds no water.

    There is not one person alive today that cannot pull the same card of "enslavement" etc...Blacks are not the first or last people to be slaves so that is irrelevant.

    Since my mother is Native American, I think I have a better case than you when it comes to mass murder and starvation, land snatching claims. To this day the natives have no real voice in anything but no one seems to care, apparently they were savages that deserved it?

    Anyway, lets carry on shall we?
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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    You guys will be saying you never went to the moon next...
    I went to the moon last night ****ing hung over now

  28. #68
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    Murilo, I disagree, it was actually used to make a credibility is still high, thank you very much. The fact that you continue to diminish the significance of the race, IMO, diminishes your credibility as well, but you are entitled to your opinion as am I. Plus, did I not make mention of the treatment of Native Americans in my post?

    You have continued to categorize African Americans as a subspecies (referred to us as animals in another thread). My point in that post was obvious.

    On that note, I agree we should continue this discussion...
    Last edited by BgMc31; 08-19-2009 at 11:56 AM.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post

    Leave the race card out of your comments, it makes you lose all credibility for intellectual conversation and it holds no water.

    There is not one person alive today that cannot pull the same card of "enslavement" etc...Blacks are not the first or last people to be slaves so that is irrelevant.

    Since my mother is Native American, I think I have a better case than you when it comes to mass murder and starvation, land snatching claims. To this day the natives have no real voice in anything but no one seems to care, apparently they were savages that deserved it?

    Anyway, lets carry on shall we?

    I said what I needed to say.

    It seems this is between BgMc31 and muriloninja.

    This should be very interesting to watch!!!!

  30. #70
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    ^^^I vow to keep it civil...

  31. #71
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    They declassified yeas ago a communication from the Russian's that japan was going to attack pearl harbor. The communication was sent to Winston Churchill from Stalin. The US stance was we will set this war out, Britain was putting up a good fight but they knew they could not go it alone and so did the Russian's. They needed the US in the war so to sell this to the people they Churchill,Stalin and Roosevelt kept it a secret And pearl harbor was attacked. So do you ask me if our government was in this hard to say.

  32. #72
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    this has to be one of my all time favorite threads. I love the fact that this debate has gone this deep and stayed civil. I don't have the knowledge on these subjects to join in but I am enjoying reading....

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Murilo, I disagree, it was actually used to make a credibility is still high, thank you very much. The fact that you continue to diminish the significance of the race, IMO, diminishes your credibility as well, but you are entitled to your opinion as am I. Plus, did I not make mention of the treatment of Native Americans in my post?

    You have continued to categorize African Americans as a subspecies (referred to us as animals in another thread). My point in that post was obvious.

    On that note, I agree we should continue this discussion...

    [QUOTEPlus, did I not make mention of the treatment of Native Americans in my post?[/QUOTE]

    No you did not mention any race specifically besides Blacks. You however did say "people".

    You have continued to categorize African Americans as a subspecies (referred to us as animals in another thread). My point in that post was obvious.

    Not true, but certainly I have categorized animalistic behaviour with animals.
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  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    [QUOTEPlus, did I not make mention of the treatment of Native Americans in my post?
    No you did not mention any race specifically besides Blacks. You however did say "people".

    Not true, but certainly I have categorized animalistic behaviour with animals.[/QUOTE]

    You might want to re-read my post and notice that I made reference to small pox and native americans.

    That being said, my point with bringing up the race issue is to point out that the country you are looking for has never existed. You seem to think that this country had it's golden years where everyone had equal rights and no one was trounced upon. But those golden years were only golden years for white men. That is my point, not necessarily trying to point to the injustices done to blacks, but that is what I know (by no means am I trying to speak for all blacks or bi-racials), but that is an area I am most familiar. It seems that people are only complaining now because the since of white priviledge is going away, now everyone is getting screwed by the government, the difference is minorities are used to it and we've learned how to live with it. Welcome to the party brotha!!!!LOL!!!!

  35. #75
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    How many of you think kennedy was killed by the Government or by the MOB

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    No you did not mention any race specifically besides Blacks. You however did say "people".

    Not true, but certainly I have categorized animalistic behaviour with animals.
    You might want to re-read my post and notice that I made reference to small pox and native americans.

    That being said, my point with bringing up the race issue is to point out that the country you are looking for has never existed. You seem to think that this country had it's golden years where everyone had equal rights and no one was trounced upon. But those golden years were only golden years for white men. That is my point, not necessarily trying to point to the injustices done to blacks, but that is what I know (by no means am I trying to speak for all blacks or bi-racials), but that is an area I am most familiar. It seems that people are only complaining now because the since of white priviledge is going away, now everyone is getting screwed by the government, the difference is minorities are used to it and we've learned how to live with it. Welcome to the party brotha!!!!LOL!!!![/QUOTE]

    Yeah, seeing civil liberty after civil liberty being trampled upon has everything to do with that. /sarcasm

    You are not ready for the truth! Once you go beyond Black vs White, Rep vs will then see what many are talking about. It's not about a "perfect" gov't, it is about our freedoms and yes this country has seen such freedoms at one point but they are being chipped away at an alarming rate.

    I don't give two shits if the President is Black, Purple or ****ing Green. If he stands up for the Constitution and Civil liberties; I am with him...however we now realise that the President is nothing more than a talking puppet. He doesn't call any shots.
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  37. #77
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    Not that I want to intrude on this debate between Murillo and BgMc, but there was something BgMc put in another thread recently about the shelf life of democracy. About Selfishness turning to Apathy and Apathy turning to Dependancy. It's clear to see that we are at this stage now so prehaps we are just the unfortunate generations that are seeing the end and there isn't much anyone can do about it.

    Democracy in the West has failed...prehaps it's time to let someone else have a crack of the whip now.

    There are many conspiracies in this thread that are debatable but it all comes down to personal beliefs. I think it's ridiculous to think the Moon Landings were fake. Lets see, America was in direct competition with dont think Russia wouldnt have been monitoring America mission as well?? As for the Kennedy assassination or anything else, well I wasn't there and I havent read the background scoop on it. But again, its all opinion..

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    You might want to re-read my post and notice that I made reference to small pox and native americans.

    That being said, my point with bringing up the race issue is to point out that the country you are looking for has never existed. You seem to think that this country had it's golden years where everyone had equal rights and no one was trounced upon. But those golden years were only golden years for white men. That is my point, not necessarily trying to point to the injustices done to blacks, but that is what I know (by no means am I trying to speak for all blacks or bi-racials), but that is an area I am most familiar. It seems that people are only complaining now because the since of white priviledge is going away, now everyone is getting screwed by the government, the difference is minorities are used to it and we've learned how to live with it. Welcome to the party brotha!!!!LOL!!!!

    Yeah, seeing civil liberty after civil liberty being trampled upon has everything to do with that. /sarcasm

    You are not ready for the truth! Once you go beyond Black vs White, Rep vs will then see what many are talking about. It's not about a "perfect" gov't, it is about our freedoms and yes this country has seen such freedoms at one point but they are being chipped away at an alarming rate.

    I don't give two shits if the President is Black, Purple or ****ing Green. If he stands up for the Constitution and Civil liberties; I am with him...however we now realise that the President is nothing more than a talking puppet. He doesn't call any shots.[/QUOTE]

    I'm ready for the truth, Murilo, it seems as though you are not. I'm a realist and at no time did this country have all such freedoms for everybody. If so please tell me at what time did this occur? Enlighten me...better yet, EDUCATE ME!!!

    Trust me I would love to get beyond black and white, dem v rep, but that isn't reality. We agree that this country has always been run by the elite, but we have never had a president that lived up to the Constitution and Civil Liberties FOR ALL ITS CITIZENS!!

    You argue that Democracy is failing, I will counter with it's never been a success. So how do we determine success of a democracy? Is it considered a success when only a handful of it's population can enjoy the fruits of it? That seems to be what you're arguing.
    Last edited by BgMc31; 08-19-2009 at 05:48 PM.

  39. #79
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    I don't mean to interject , but we can agree to disagree .

    First the country is not run by any political party but corporations . Why is that ? Where do you get your information ? Corporations control the news = control the information .

    You believe your right to vote is your greatest freedom ? Then why do politicians spend more of there own money to get elected , than the salary of the position ? Could it be lobbyists who donate or contribute to a campaign fund , For the said politician to make decisions on there behalf ( once again lobbyist paid by corporations ) . Would you give someone 10,000.00 to give you a job at Mc Donalds ?

    screw it ! I could go on for hours .

    Good night guys and play nice !

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Not that I want to intrude on this debate between Murillo and BgMc, but there was something BgMc put in another thread recently about the shelf life of democracy. About Selfishness turning to Apathy and Apathy turning to Dependancy. It's clear to see that we are at this stage now so prehaps we are just the unfortunate generations that are seeing the end and there isn't much anyone can do about it.

    Democracy in the West has failed...prehaps it's time to let someone else have a crack of the whip now.

    There are many conspiracies in this thread that are debatable but it all comes down to personal beliefs. I think it's ridiculous to think the Moon Landings were fake. Lets see, America was in direct competition with dont think Russia wouldnt have been monitoring America mission as well?? As for the Kennedy assassination or anything else, well I wasn't there and I havent read the background scoop on it. But again, its all opinion..

    Where does this word come from? It certainly isn't the form of government that established the United States of America. Democracy is the worst form of government, Democracy = Slavery!

    Majority rules, 51% get to tell 49% of the people what to do. This poll says this, this poll says that. These people want this, these people want that. I don't care what anyone else wants, I choose to live my life as I see fit and should be free to do so as long as I don't harm anyone, steal etc.

    Personally, I prefer a Constitutional Republic myself. I can't speak for anyone else. Ask 10 people on the street what form of gov't the United States is, I would not be shocked at this point for 10/10 to say 'Democracy". We certainly have been brainwashed to believe the farce that is Democracy.

    I need to read more on it..I would be interested to know when they began spouting such nonsense. 1913? 1916?

    Must be why nobody say's the pledge of allegiance anymore since it gets confusing when the "and to the Republic for which it stands" part comes up.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 08-19-2009 at 08:30 PM.
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