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Thread: conspiracy????

  1. #1
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    I think the Government executed this to push the "Patriot Act through" congress.

    It basically abolishes our constitutional rights.

    I think it was a inside job.

    Always did.

    My military background leads me to believe this.

    What is a mere 3000 people to get sacrificed for complete control of the people of the United States?

    Small price to pay for such control!!!!!

  2. #2
    ray0414's Avatar
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    i agree. whats your military background and do your other military buddies agree? is there anything that you know from the inside that we dont?

  3. #3
    gunslinger2's Avatar
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    Been saying this for years bro.

  4. #4
    fitluv09 is offline Female Member
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    yes, definitely agree. it's so sickening.

  5. #5
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    am i reading this wrong..

    so all of u think our govt. caused 911 to past the patriot act?
    u think we are the ones behind it?

  6. #6
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    The United States Government had nothing to do with this .

    They found a passport of one of the hijackers in the ruble of the twin towers !

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dont wanna be old View Post
    the united states government had nothing to do with this .

    They found a passport of one of the hijackers in the ruble of the twin towers !

  8. #8
    monkeyman33's Avatar
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    **** you people who believe this was an inside job that is damn insulting and disrespectful. I hope you guys come up with more "evidence" before spouting off about an inside job again.

  9. #9
    Epic1's Avatar
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    i always believe that if it can be thought up as a conspiracy and pretty easy to attain and get the same goals.. Why COULDNT it be true? i think it would be harder to prove its not true then it is true.

  10. #10
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    You guys will be saying you never went to the moon next...

  11. #11
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Anybody with critical thinking knows good goddamn well that was an inside job.

    NORAD out on missions way out of the way, the mightiest military in the world cannot scramble any fighter jets. Building collapses exactly like a planned demolition, plane lands in open field yet there is no wreckage.

    Give me a ****ing break. Don't insult my intellegience!
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  12. #12
    gunslinger2's Avatar
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    Yeah there is just way too much s**t missing to not think that way. Come on people , learn to think for yourselves and not let the gov do your thinking for you.

  13. #13
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    I think it was Elvis that did it...

  14. #14
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    Come on DSM and jbm with the pics....

  15. #15
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    i agree. whats your military background and do your other military buddies agree? is there anything that you know from the inside that we dont?

  16. #16
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman33 View Post
    **** you people who believe this was an inside job that is damn insulting and disrespectful. I hope you guys come up with more "evidence" before spouting off about an inside job again.
    Bro, no disrespect meant.

    I know people that were lost that day.

    Nobody is spouting off about anything.

    I know this was known by our government.

    They let it happen.......

    It's not really a theory, just more a realization of what the government will and is capable of.

    What do you know about war????

    58,000 people got sent to there death in Vietnam!

    Is that a F*CKING theory?????

  17. #17
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Anybody with critical thinking knows good goddamn well that was an inside job.

    NORAD out on missions way out of the way, the mightiest military in the world cannot scramble any fighter jets. Building collapses exactly like a planned demolition, plane lands in open field yet there is no wreckage.

    Give me a ****ing break. Don't insult my intellegience!
    Yourself, Prone, and Duece, are usually the most vocal about such issues.

    Glad to see you don't live in a shoe box.

    But others do.

    It's there safety zone of some false reality, where they might think it, but are afraid to say it.

    Then write it off as some random occurrence.

    We would have blown those planes out of the air, passengers and all.


    There are contingency plans for most things civilians don't ever want to here or believe.

    This is just the way it is......

    And I'm not sorry for the people that think that the government is some supreme religion or something.

    I can't get into specifics of what I did or where I went in the military.

    It is somewhat irrelevant to this thread.

    I think that you are are either X-military yourself, or worked for some government entity, somewhere in the world.

    You see things to clearly and know so much about these matters.

    Keep impressing me, I like it!!!!

  18. #18
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    Everybody knows it was Hulk.

  21. #21
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monkeyman33 View Post
    **** you people who believe this was an inside job that is damn insulting and disrespectful. I hope you guys come up with more "evidence" before spouting off about an inside job again.

    Baaaaaa! Baaaaaa! So which one are you? The cute white one up front?

    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 08-17-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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  22. #22
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Yourself, Prone, and Duece, are usually the most vocal about such issues.

    Glad to see you don't live in a shoe box.

    But others do.

    It's there safety zone of some false reality, where they might think it, but are afraid to say it.

    Then write it off as some random occurrence.

    We would have blown those planes out of the air, passengers and all.


    There are contingency plans for most things civilians don't ever want to here or believe.

    This is just the way it is......

    And I'm not sorry for the people that think that the government is some supreme religion or something.

    I can't get into specifics of what I did or where I went in the military.

    It is somewhat irrelevant to this thread.

    I think that you are are either X-military yourself, or worked for some government entity, somewhere in the world.

    You see things to clearly and know so much about these matters.

    Keep impressing me, I like it!!!!
    Titanium, maybe you're a part of some government conspiracy (considering your apparent clandestine government past), that is trying for some type of regime change...the paranoia you and others expouse on this forum would lead some to believe that. Is that not plausible?

  23. #23
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Titanium, maybe you're a part of some government conspiracy (considering your apparent clandestine government past), that is trying for some type of regime change...the paranoia you and others expouse on this forum would lead some to believe that. Is that not plausible?
    No not plausible.

    No new regime.

    It is not paranoia.

    And I will defend this Country, from all threats, foreign and domestic.

    I would die for this country, make no mistake about it.

    But I will fight to keep her from harms way.

    Swore an oath to do just that.

    May have been 20 years ago, but it still applies.

    And it is spelled expose, not expouse.....

  24. #24
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    FYI, expose (to uncover, unveil). Espouse (that is what I meant, meaning to make one's own, to embrace as in cause).

    With that said, your theories are so far fetched that it makes it look like you are paranoid and dellusional. Your oath to defend this country, while admirable, seems to be taken to defend a country that only exists in your mind. This country is capable of doing cruel things, but having a hand in killing 3K+ of its own people, that absolutely insane. I guess you believe in FEMA camps as well, right? Sometimes when I hear guys like you and Muriloninja talk, with your conspiracy theories, I'm beginning to think that it's people like you who we really need to defend this country against. And I say that with all due respect, because I think both you and Muriloninja are very intelligent people, just your conspiracy theories are nothing short of irrational.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    FYI, expose (to uncover, unveil). Espouse (that is what I meant, meaning to make one's own, to embrace as in cause).

    With that said, your theories are so far fetched that it makes it look like you are paranoid and dellusional. Your oath to defend this country, while admirable, seems to be taken to defend a country that only exists in your mind. This country is capable of doing cruel things, but having a hand in killing 3K+ of its own people, that absolutely insane. I guess you believe in FEMA camps as well, right? Sometimes when I hear guys like you and Muriloninja talk, with your conspiracy theories, I'm beginning to think that it's people like you who we really need to defend this country against. And I say that with all due respect, because I think both you and Muriloninja are very intelligent people, just your conspiracy theories are nothing short of irrational.
    You know bro, I know what it sounds like.

    I wish I was wrong with this shit, I really do.

    I wish that my 2 children can grow up in a better world than I leave it in.

    I could tell you things that would blow you back in your chair.

    It's not delusional or irrational.

    I really wish it were.

    I am not at liberty to disclose such information.

    I can only tell you about what is "DE-SENSITIZED" information.

    In another words, "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE".

    I hate all of this shit, and how it lays at your feet.

    But, the world is not what you are led to believe it is.

    And for that, I am truly sorry for.

    But I did not make it that way.

    I am not what you need to defend this country from.

    It's the government I worked for.

    Sorry if this Shatters the bubble you live in.

    But, I guess that is a safer place for you to live in.

  26. #26
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    Here's the issue Titanium, if I talked about the same shit, but I pointed the finger at 'da man' (ie white man), most, including yourself would tell me that I needed to get over past and that we all have equal opportunity and bullshit like that. But in the world I live in, I know that this is not true. I don't think my government is perfect, but it don't think its capable of some of the shit you say it is.

    My father was a Ranger and spent 30yrs in the Army (retired in '94) and he's 'let me in' in some things that would surprise the average joe, but he would think the country that he proudly served (even during a time when he couldn't vote) would be capable of what you are saying. I believe that your time in service severly traumatized you to the point of paranoia. But I'm not a doctor, nor do I pretend to know what you know.

    My bubble is quite large, and I don't have any misconceptions as to what this world and this country is capable of. But to believe me country is pure evil, is beyond my comprehension.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    The United States Government had nothing to do with this .

    They found a passport of one of the hijackers in the ruble of the twin towers !
    idk if u are being scarcastic or not..but if u are being serious, if u do some research you will see that the passport found on the ground is of a man who is still alive!! u really think that plane smashed into the tower and exploded and everything went up in flames so hot that it melted the steel, yet the passport flew out from the explosion unharmed? lol

  28. #28
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    notice directly after 9/11 we went after sadaam and iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11 whatsoever. Though i do think that sadaam was an evil person, he had nothing to do with 9/11 and i believe its been 9 years and bin laden has never been captured, as a matter of fact i believe on the morning of 9/11 George Bush SR was having breakfast with some family members of bin laden, and thats a fact u can look it up. the coincendences are litterally about 10miles long.

  29. #29
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    FYI, expose (to uncover, unveil). Espouse (that is what I meant, meaning to make one's own, to embrace as in cause).

    With that said, your theories are so far fetched that it makes it look like you are paranoid and dellusional. Your oath to defend this country, while admirable, seems to be taken to defend a country that only exists in your mind. This country is capable of doing cruel things, but having a hand in killing 3K+ of its own people, that absolutely insane. I guess you believe in FEMA camps as well, right? Sometimes when I hear guys like you and Muriloninja talk, with your conspiracy theories, I'm beginning to think that it's people like you who we really need to defend this country against. And I say that with all due respect, because I think both you and Muriloninja are very intelligent people, just your conspiracy theories are nothing short of irrational.

    Go read a history book. Goddamn man...I mean seriously. I find it hillarious that we can look at history and see gov't killing their own people being a very common trend. However, today we have America, a country that would NEVER do such a thing. No way jose! lol

    Give me a break need a quick read on some history and propoganda.

    This country has had many self inflicted events that gained the support of the people and took the country to war. It's basic propoganda to do so and you better believe it works, it works way too well.

    A few examples in recent History...look them up

    Pearl Harbor - FDR knew that a Japanese attack was imminent, the Japanese had issued a delcaration of war to the White House stating their intent. This incident was used as a propoganda tool to gain mass public support for War in the Pacific and Europe. FDR had stayed true to our Constitution for a long time, we were only involved in the last few years of WWII. Our Consititution allows us to wage war if attacked, so off we went. There naturally more details behind it as well, but thats a good starting point.

    ^^^It has become public knowledge that we knew the Japanese were going to attack. Look it up.

    Gulf of Tonkin - Something about Vietnam's Navy sinking an American ship. Only problem was that the Vietnamese had no Navy.

    911 - Most of us were adults by this time, it speaks for itself.


    After studying Propoganda and its various uses in the control of a population. I see many references used today by the American Empire.

    One of the most blatant was the basic Propoganda principal of turning lies into truth, as Dr. Goebbels stated

    "The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over"
    Bush was actually extremely adept at this technique, of course he couldn't speak a full sentence without going blank, but he definately should get credit for utilising this most basic of propoganda tools.

    ie: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Terrorists, Al Qaeda

    "Iraq is harboring terrorists"..."Iraq has WMD's"

    He kept it very precise and simple, and in that lies the brilliance of the propoganda tool of repeating a phrase until people begin to believe it. This tool and others were extremely effective and Goebbels knew that by the use of Radio broadcasting that he could reach millions of people.

    Today we have TV, Radio, is overwhelming what one can do with such tools today.

    Honestly, I find it fascinating how easy it truly is to bend, control and manipulate the masses minds and emotions. The American people were so frightened after 911 you couldn't find duck tape on shelves "tape your house up", "prepare for chemical warfare"...we all remember that. Scared people will do irrational things..the gov't played on basic human emotions. Brilliant to say the least.

    However, with that said I find that the American gov't is getting extremely sloppy and no longer go to great lengths to shield their blatant propoganda nonsense. Very sloppy yet these decades of effective mind bending continue to have such a great effect on the people that they can still get away with it.

    People will wise up, more and more people are waking up, asking questions.

    "When a people fear their gov't there is tyranny, when the gov't fears the people there is freedom".

    I'm no anti-American but I will question my gov't, you know that gov't "for the people BY the people"? What are a people who do not question their gov't? They are mindless serfs that are only free in their own minds.

    I never said I believed in FEMA camps, however there are many empty prisons and camp like structures all across America. I certainly wouldn't mind knowing what they are for?

    I have said before and I will say again, the American gov't no longer serves the will of the people, that is clear. People standup and question policy, learn civil liberties, learn the Constitution. Afterall, alot of our forefathers stood up and died for the true freedoms we are meant to have. It took alot of courage no doubt and I do know that the American people still have it in them, they only need to be waken from this slumber of ignorance and disinformation.
    Last edited by Panzerfaust; 08-17-2009 at 09:47 PM.
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  30. #30
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    and lets not forget that if there is a massive swine flu outbreak in the fall/winter the white house is fully aware that using martial law is an option. of course where do u think swine flu came from? it came from a lab somewhere of course.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    and lets not forget that if there is a massive swine flu outbreak in the fall/winter the white house is fully aware that using martial law is an option. of course where do u think swine flu came from? it came from a lab somewhere of course.

    Many believe AIDS to be a man made virus as well. Hmmm...interesting notion. It is a very effective form of population control however it is extremely slow so not the most ideal solution. Who knows, I will stick to the study of propoganda and it's various uses, that for certain is much more effective.
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Many believe AIDS to be a man made virus as well. Hmmm...interesting notion. It is a very effective form of population control however it is extremely slow so not the most ideal solution. Who knows, I will stick to the study of propoganda and it's various uses, that for certain is much more effective.
    well.. with the exception of the man made idioticities that we've inflicted on ourself.. cancer is the main form of population control that mother nature has given us....

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Many believe AIDS to be a man made virus as well. Hmmm...interesting notion. It is a very effective form of population control however it is extremely slow so not the most ideal solution. Who knows, I will stick to the study of propoganda and it's various uses, that for certain is much more effective.
    only slow becuase it is summer, in the winter it is expected to explode. theres doing to be dead people everywhere.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Here's the issue Titanium, if I talked about the same shit, but I pointed the finger at 'da man' (ie white man), most, including yourself would tell me that I needed to get over past and that we all have equal opportunity and bullshit like that. But in the world I live in, I know that this is not true. I don't think my government is perfect, but it don't think its capable of some of the shit you say it is.

    My father was a Ranger and spent 30yrs in the Army (retired in '94) and he's 'let me in' in some things that would surprise the average joe, but he would think the country that he proudly served (even during a time when he couldn't vote) would be capable of what you are saying. I believe that your time in service severly traumatized you to the point of paranoia. But I'm not a doctor, nor do I pretend to know what you know.

    My bubble is quite large, and I don't have any misconceptions as to what this world and this country is capable of. But to believe me country is pure evil, is beyond my comprehension.
    It's not pure evil.

    It's the way it goes about doing things.

    I am not traumatized because we don't agree with each other.

    I'm proud of your father's service to this country.

    30 years is a true dedication to itself.

    I hear you bro. It's not paranoia.

    It's more of a re-action to a action.

    If you knew, that what I said was the truth, and showed you that it was, what then?

    It doesn't make myself or your father, regret doing what we did for this country.

    I think that you feel that, in some way, that if I write something down, it somehow disgraces or dishonors your father.

    That's not what it is about.

    Myself, marines in the eighties.
    Sister, air force in the late seventies.
    Father,Korea and Nam. (Army).
    Great grandfather, WW1

    Bro it goes on and on.

    My compass is not screwed up.

    You seem really intelligent to me.This is why I am conversing with you.

    It's kind of like a double edged knife.You get cut on either side of it.

    I really love this forum.

    There are really knowledgeable individuals on here.

    Kind of one of my mental outlets.

    And there are alot of x-military and current military that share these beliefs.

    I know it seems incomprehensible to you.

    It was for me, when I enlisted.

    But it has really spiraled down in the last 12 years.

    I would do it all over again.

    If I had to, but this is about differences we don't agree with each other on.

    I'm not disrespecting you or anyone you know.

    But, see what happens when I say something that people don't want to believe?

    I'm going to bed.Have to get up in a short while.

    But I have enjoyed our conversations.

    Check out this link someone PM'd me.

    Have a good night bro, and peace.......
    Last edited by TITANIUM; 08-17-2009 at 10:05 PM.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Go read a history book. Goddamn man...I mean seriously. I find it hillarious that we can look at history and see gov't killing their own people being a very common trend. However, today we have America, a country that would NEVER do such a thing. No way jose! lol

    Give me a break need a quick read on some history and propoganda.

    This country has had many self inflicted events that gained the support of the people and took the country to war. It's basic propoganda to do so and you better believe it works, it works way too well.

    A few examples in recent History...look them up

    Pearl Harbor - FDR knew that a Japanese attack was imminent, the Japanese had issued a delcaration of war to the White House stating their intent. This incident was used as a propoganda tool to gain mass public support for War in the Pacific and Europe. FDR had stayed true to our Constitution for a long time, we were only involved in the last few years of WWII. Our Consititution allows us to wage war if attacked, so off we went. There naturally more details behind it as well, but thats a good starting point.

    ^^^It has become public knowledge that we knew the Japanese were going to attack. Look it up.

    Gulf of Tonkin - Something about Vietnam's Navy sinking an American ship. Only problem was that the Vietnamese had no Navy.

    911 - Most of us were adults by this time, it speaks for itself.


    After studying Propoganda and its various uses in the control of a population. I see many references used today by the American Empire.

    One of the most blatant was the basic Propoganda principal of turning lies into truth, as Dr. Goebbels stated

    Bush was actually extremely adept at this technique, of course he couldn't speak a full sentence without going blank, but he definately should get credit for utilising this most basic of propoganda tools.

    ie: Weapons of Mass Destruction, Terrorists, Al Qaeda

    "Iraq is harboring terrorists"..."Iraq has WMD's"

    He kept it very precise and simple, and in that lies the brilliance of the propoganda tool of repeating a phrase until people begin to believe it. This tool and others were extremely effective and Goebbels knew that by the use of Radio broadcasting that he could reach millions of people.

    Today we have TV, Radio, is overwhelming what one can do with such tools today.

    Honestly, I find it fascinating how easy it truly is to bend, control and manipulate the masses minds and emotions. The American people were so frightened after 911 you couldn't find duck tape on shelves "tape your house up", "prepare for chemical warfare"...we all remember that. Scared people will do irrational things..the gov't played on basic human emotions. Brilliant to say the least.

    However, with that said I find that the American gov't is getting extremely sloppy and no longer go to great lengths to shield their blatant propoganda nonsense. Very sloppy yet these decades of effective mind bending continue to have such a great effect on the people that they can still get away with it.

    People will wise up, more and more people are waking up, asking questions.

    I'm no anti-American but I will question my gov't, you know that gov't "for the people BY the people"? What are a people who do not question their gov't? They are mindless serfs that are only free in their own minds.

    I never said I believed in FEMA camps, however there are many empty prisons and camp like structures all across America. I certainly wouldn't mind knowing what they are for?

    I have said before and I will say again, the American gov't no longer serves the will of the people, that is clear. People standup and question policy, learn civil liberties, learn the Constitution. Afterall, alot of our forefathers stood up and died for the true freedoms we are meant to have. It took alot of courage no doubt and I do know that the American people still have it in them, they only need to be waken from this slumber of ignorance and disinformation.

    Bro, you are def not afraid to speak your mind.

    I'm really impressed by what you know.

    I find it absolutely re-freshing!!

    Keep it coming, you should be a military history professor.

    I'm serious.

    It's like you are the product of a Think tank or something.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one that sees with open eyes.

    Others think they see, but with eyes wide shut!!!!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Come on DSM and jbm with the pics....
    No it was Michael.

  37. #37
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    There is a difference between saying "The US government knew Al-Queda was going to attack the World Trade Center" and saying "The US government used Arabian agents to attack the World Trade Center and orchestrated the whole thing".

    The former is quite plausible if not a definite fact, the latter is kind of delusional conspiracy. Everyone knew that Bush needed a "cause" to attack the middle east. Maybe letting 9/11 happen was it.

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    Jan 2006
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    I'd be interested to know if some of you dispute things like the Apollo Moon Landings, Global Warming, Roswell Incident and the Kennedy Assassination as conspiracy and that we never landed on the Moon, the Government DID retrieve materials from a UFO craft, that the planet isn't warming and that Kennedy was assassinated by his own government. How much of this do you believe to be true because I know the planet is warming up and I know we landed on the Moon..the other two I cant speak for. All im saying is the Government cannot be THAT clandestine about everything simply because of the vast amount of information to supress. Before anyone calls me naive, I just think the truth would have been unearthed long, long ago if even half this stuff were true.

    There is even a theory that Wikipedia has been deliberately created so certain individuals can play down their criticisms because the public can alter the information on there.

    Do I think 911 was orchestrated in light of all this....yes I do. Why did it take the death of 3000 people and the destruction of the WTC to do something about Saddam Huseins evil regime in Iraq. A country that was supposed to be housing WMD and weren' had absolutely nothing to do with seizing all of Iraqs oilfields did it...

  39. #39
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    I'd be interested to know if some of you dispute things like the Apollo Moon Landings, Global Warming, Roswell Incident and the Kennedy Assassination as conspiracy and that we never landed on the Moon, the Government DID retrieve materials from a UFO craft, that the planet isn't warming and that Kennedy was assassinated by his own government. How much of this do you believe to be true because I know the planet is warming up and I know we landed on the Moon..the other two I cant speak for. All im saying is the Government cannot be THAT clandestine about everything simply because of the vast amount of information to supress. Before anyone calls me naive, I just think the truth would have been unearthed long, long ago if even half this stuff were true.

    There is even a theory that Wikipedia has been deliberately created so certain individuals can play down their criticisms because the public can alter the information on there.

    Do I think 911 was orchestrated in light of all this....yes I do. Why did it take the death of 3000 people and the destruction of the WTC to do something about Saddam Huseins evil regime in Iraq. A country that was supposed to be housing WMD and weren' had absolutely nothing to do with seizing all of Iraqs oilfields did it...

    There are many reports that man never landed on the moon. Recently NASA said they lost their original footage of the event. I have not looked into it enough to comment further.

    Global warminh huh? That thing that has been going on for millions of years? Gore is a moron making millions of that crap. *golf clap*

    Roswell incident, another one I do not have a great deal of interest in so I don't know much about it other than general knowledge.

    Thereis no doubt 9/11 was a catalyst for waging aggressive war on Iraq. This event gained public support for Bush and his people to assasinate Hussein and install a puppet "Democratic" gov't in the middle east. All the while the man that was supposedly behind the attacks (Bin Laden) was hiding in caves in Afghanistan.

    Naturally even the American people woke up to this but the wheels were already set in motion and Bush stood behind more propoganda lines "We must finish what we started" bla bla bla
    ***No source checks!!!***

  40. #40
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    There is a difference between saying "The US government knew Al-Queda was going to attack the World Trade Center" and saying "The US government used Arabian agents to attack the World Trade Center and orchestrated the whole thing".

    The former is quite plausible if not a definite fact, the latter is kind of delusional conspiracy. Everyone knew that Bush needed a "cause" to attack the middle east. Maybe letting 9/11 happen was it.
    Bro, the end result was the same.

    Knowing about it , and doing nothing, is the same as orchestrating it yourself, and carring it out.

    Both are the same.Very "thin" line in the sand to differentiate either of the two.

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