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  1. #121
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    The Hollyweird and media schmucks have for years been on a campaign to denigrate Whites. But here are some facts:

    Black IQ USA 85 (this has been tested, retested, and tested again)

    Mestizo IQ 85 (mestizo referes to those mixed race type flooding American. DNA 80% South American Indian, 10% White, 10% Black.

    African Blacks IQ 75, Congo Bushman IQ 70.

    White in America IQ 100

    Of course there are exceptions but in the real world the numbers count.

    Sidebar: I saw the stats a few years back and noted that according to that
    study Whites from the lowest socioeconomic stratus, family income 30K or less, score 50 points higher, each half, on the SAT tests then Blacks from the highest income grouping, 125K per year income. These realities are reflected in the effort to sustain Negro colleges. If it were not for government employment the
    Negroes would really be in dire straits. Forty years ago IQ 85 types could find
    decent paying jobs in shipbuilding, steel, etc. Those jobs are gone and will never
    be replaced.
    Wow, we have a new resident bigot!!! WELCOME!!! Please provide the basis for these absurd numbers.

  2. #122
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Where the hell is Kratos?

  3. #123
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    And how does Jusitin Beiber fit into this?

  4. #124
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Facts are facts. This race/IQ question has been tested to death. There are
    racial differances in intelligence. I suggest that you do serious research.
    Too many Whites have been brow-beaten into "believing" we are all equal.
    It is scientific fact that a number of factors contribute to Blacks being faster
    and quicker. Is it bigotry? Look at professional sports. Google "The Last Taboo". Americans have been hammered with absolute distortions or reality. Quick to mind are movies like "Hunt for Red October". The sub commander is Black. Reality check time! The degenerate "entertainment" field has a continuing agenda to promote multiculturalism. Brain surgeons, subcommanders, chief of detectives,etc. By the way, I have had two Black business partners, heavy construction, Washington, DC. They would be the first to agree that as a group,
    Blacks have problems competing i.e. intelligence. In a hi-tech society this is a
    disaster. And we have exported high paying low skill jobs that offered dignity to
    the slightly subpar.

  5. #125
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  6. #126
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post

    Facts are facts. This race/IQ question has been tested to death. There are
    racial differances in intelligence. I suggest that you do serious research.
    Too many Whites have been brow-beaten into "believing" we are all equal.
    It is scientific fact that a number of factors contribute to Blacks being faster
    and quicker. Is it bigotry? Look at professional sports. Google "The Last Taboo". Americans have been hammered with absolute distortions or reality. Quick to mind are movies like "Hunt for Red October". The sub commander is Black. Reality check time! The degenerate "entertainment" field has a continuing agenda to promote multiculturalism. Brain surgeons, subcommanders, chief of detectives,etc. By the way, I have had two Black business partners, heavy construction, Washington, DC. They would be the first to agree that as a group,
    Blacks have problems competing i.e. intelligence. In a hi-tech society this is a
    disaster. And we have exported high paying low skill jobs that offered dignity to
    the slightly subpar.
    Spare me the "I know black people" comment. Post legitimate sources for your argument. Not some book written by someone trying to prove their superiority. Should I list the number of black commanders in the military to disprove your points. Should I post a listing of prominent black business people? Your argument is full of racist rhetoric. We can also discuss the methods of IQ testing (according to your previous posts).

  7. #127
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    Never did understand these topics, i mean who gives a flying fvck....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #128
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    Somehow I knew when I saw this thread had resurfaced Clemont51 would be here.

  9. #129
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    I was going to defend the white people but I just cant escape the thought of those idiots on Jerry Springer.......

  10. #130
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein; May 27, 1923) His Viacom owns MTV and BET. Mr. Rothstein and his fellow Tribesman, Jerry Springer, are the lowest forms of culture distorters.

  11. #131
    chemicalromance is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein; May 27, 1923) His Viacom owns MTV and BET. Mr. Rothstein and his fellow Tribesman, Jerry Springer, are the lowest forms of culture distorters.
    It's because we as western society are all getting dumber and more compulsive in general, it doesnt matter what color we are. Dumb people have to feel smarter than someone, and the easiest way to accomplish that is to turn on the fvcking tv. Your black business partners probably feel "above" the average black person they meet because they are educated, articulate, whatever you want to call it. They feel the whole black comedy thing makes them look bad because they dont have to act like an idiot to be successful. They probably feel smarter that the average white person they see also because odds are they are actually smarter. I feel the same way with "white" television. It centers around very hot looking white chicks doing everything from reading news, singing(actually trying to sing) or beating down a 250lb criminal on any crime drama. If not white chicks its fat angry rush limbaugh/ed schultz type dudes spewing falsified, spun hate speech. That doesnt accurately depict a cross section of white america.

    My father is a fvckin dirt farmer, mother is a nurse. Both of their parents came to america at the same time to work in coal mines, the lowest of the low. Though between the two of them they have six college educated kids, some have masters degrees. I dont know where that falls in line between the IQ versus real world knowledge test. I guess i agree partly with rockinred, one has to take into consideration a persons ability to have balance. Any worldly success the business tycoon achieved is cancelled out by the dirtbag children he released upon the world, so his net contribution to society is a loss. I think it should be every parents goal to somehow allow their offspring to have a better, not richer, but better world than they had. That sounds communist, but it would insure that each generation would continually improve over the previous.

  12. #132
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    this is a testorone question...

    which also begs the question...

    why do blacks seem so suseptible to HBP and early death?

  13. #133
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Don't worry clemont51 .............. only whites can be racist

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Don't worry clemont51 .............. only whites can be racist
    where is this coming from...

  15. #135
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    If i have one black friend does that disqualify me from being a racist ?

  16. #136
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    A harvard study was done not too many years ago that spoke about implicit racism which more or less means everyone is racist
    to a degree whether they like to think so or not. So people need to stop ganging up on clemont like hes the fvckn anti-christ.

    I even saw many drs/professors in my school take this test and try to finangle the results, none of them were able to get a 0
    score on their implicit racism levels.

    Heres the test for anyone who wants to take it:

  17. #137
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    advertisers are afraid of looking like racist money grubbing basterds, and if they view black people in a bad light reverand Al will be protesting.

  18. #138
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  19. #139
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    "Racism" is a term used to attempt to intimidate people who have dared oppose some
    of the multicultural agenda. Some years back, "Mankind Quarterly", a journal of anthropoloy,
    published an article explaining "preferences" as an important part of the evolutionary process.It is
    a mechanism that protects successful genes in a species or variety.
    All people are racist, some more outspoken. By the way, it generally agreed that the most
    "racist" people are the Chinese. And consider the tribalism of the Jews. With 50% of their
    marriages occuring outside the tribe, the Tribal Elders fret about declining numbers. And they
    talk about it. (I've seen the term Racialist being used to describe a person who treats all
    persons with respect and kindness. However, the Racialist works to secure the positioning and
    interests of his tribe, be it Black, White, Asian. It is totally honest.

  20. #140
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    If i have one black friend does that disqualify me from being a racist ?
    only if his name is Token.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by clemont51 View Post
    "Racism" is a term used to attempt to intimidate people who have dared oppose some
    of the multicultural agenda. Some years back, "Mankind Quarterly", a journal of anthropoloy,
    published an article explaining "preferences" as an important part of the evolutionary process.It is
    a mechanism that protects successful genes in a species or variety.
    All people are racist, some more outspoken. By the way, it generally agreed that the most
    "racist" people are the Chinese. And consider the tribalism of the Jews. With 50% of their
    marriages occuring outside the tribe, the Tribal Elders fret about declining numbers. And they
    talk about it. (I've seen the term Racialist being used to describe a person who treats all
    persons with respect and kindness. However, the Racialist works to secure the positioning and
    interests of his tribe, be it Black, White, Asian. It is totally honest.
    Chinese?! You know even studying psychology they're like the last group of people I would have expected.
    But every single fvckn time I stroll into the asian food center to get some shit to make sushi those mfkrs
    just stare at you like you're the most evil piece of shit in the world.
    Not one time have I ever went through the line and had an asian person say "thank you" or "your welcome".
    And another thing that pisses me off is when they put the change in your hands they drop it into your palm,
    and make sure not to touch your hand like I got coodies or some shit.

    I've also noticed right after I'd leave the line and an asian person was behind me, first thing they'd do was
    great the asian person and smile. But I honestly can't remember a single cashier in that store ever smiling
    in my presence. I'm an easy going/good looking guy too so no reason to act like that.

    When I think about it it definitely doesn't suprise me.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Chinese?! You know even studying psychology they're like the last group of people I would have expected.
    But every single fvckn time I stroll into the asian food center to get some shit to make sushi those mfkrs
    just stare at you like you're the most evil piece of shit in the world.
    Not one time have I ever went through the line and had an asian person say "thank you" or "your welcome".
    And another thing that pisses me off is when they put the change in your hands they drop it into your palm,
    and make sure not to touch your hand like I got coodies or some shit.

    I've also noticed right after I'd leave the line and an asian person was behind me, first thing they'd do was
    great the asian person and smile. But I honestly can't remember a single cashier in that store ever smiling
    in my presence. I'm an easy going/good looking guy too so no reason to act like that.

    When I think about it it definitely doesn't suprise me.
    I bet they refer to you as "Godzilla" once you leave.. In all honesty i bet they are scared of you and not necessarilly hate you.. i get that here in Ireland too, but it is because they don't see many big people. I remmber when i was in Hawaii we were walking down the street and some chinese girls started stroking my mom's friends hair because it was blonde and they have never seen blonde hair before..

  23. #143
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    Everyone isn't racist, but everyone is prejudice. Racism implies a since of superiority and using bogus info to try to justify your superiority. All I wanted is some definitive proof, some empirical evidence of these finding the Clement tried to post. That is all. Bojangles you've raved on in the past about blacks and others so we know where you lie on the issues. I could care less about whether he's a racist or not, doesn't bother me at all. What I take issue with is him making sh*t up to try to prove that his race is superior to others.

    And BTW, its not the chinese who are the most racist. I think you're referring to xenophobia. Again, racism implies superiority. But anyway, its the Koreans who are the most xenophobic. But I know to some of you all there is no difference.

    Machine, where in the hell where you in Hawaii that people haven't seen blonde haired people. My wife is a native Hawaiian (no not asian, but one of the 250000 remaining people of more than 50% Hawaiian blood). And we spend quite a lot of time in the state (about 3-5 months a year), we've been to every island and I know of no one who hasn't seen white people as they are quite common on every island.

    Maybe you guys can help me out with this...but I'm continually hearing on forums like this that the "white man is oppressed, the white man isn't respected, the white man is the most hated on, blah, blah, blah...", but this thread was started by a white guy, the ads you are complaining about are produced by whites, I've yet to see in society how whites are effected more (in a negative way). If they are, please post numbers/research/etc. Even during this recession and the so called mass influx of illegal aliens, whites have the lowest unemployment rate than anyone, they are represented in every industry more than any other race (as they should because of sheer numbers). There is never a thread started by a minority complaining about negative stereotypes. Like Chris Rock said, "Really, what are y'all complaining about...YOU'RE WHITE!!!" LOL!!!!!
    Last edited by BgMc31; 01-31-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  24. #144
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    I'm as white as white gets. Unless I see sunlight. Then I am lobster red.

    If only I were more evolved....
    Last edited by Ernst; 01-31-2011 at 09:26 PM.

  25. #145
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31 View Post
    Machine, where in the hell where you in Hawaii that people haven't seen blonde haired people. My wife is a native Hawaiian (no not asian, but one of the 250000 remaining people of more than 50% Hawaiian blood). And we spend quite a lot of time in the state (about 3-5 months a year), we've been to every island and I know of no one who hasn't seen white people as they are quite common on every island.!
    orry.. forgot to mention they were the Japanese tourists that did that, not the locals haha, the local are great.. it was in Wakiki Honolulu back maybe 14 years ago.

  26. #146
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