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  1. #81
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    im so horny reading this haha jokes. i do want more indepth details tho

  2. #82
    PuzzyFalker is offline Banned
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    I hope it wasnt one of those fat bitches with the pink stained leatards.

  3. #83
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Only in America cmon deuce make it happen

    Btw ... No video , it didn't happen

  4. #84
    Abominator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Yesterday I went to the Gym, my second day back in 8 weeks.. after my knee surgery. I am getting back into the swing of things.. and I am having a kick ass chest work out.. going nice a slow, making sure I made every rep count. Not going to heavy on the weight.. everything I was supposed to when doing a workout after coming back from an injury and not being at the gym for awhile...

    Anyways, I am doing DB Flye's on a flat bench and in the down position during the stretch a girl walks by and trips and FALLS directly on my arm with the DB in it at it's maximum stretched position...

    Blew my rotator cuff or torn my bicep tendon.. I am in the most excruciating pain I have ever been in.. EVER. I am DEVASTATED.. completely and 100% devastated.. for the first time in close to 8 months I cried.. cried like a fvcking baby.. I mean where THE FVCK IS MY LUCK !?!

    I can not believe this is happening to me ... It's the worst NIGHTMARE I could ever imagine..

    GUYS WHAT DO I DO.. WHAT !?!? Someone please tell me what to do...

    Do I rest and see what happens!? Do I go to the ER!? Do I sue this bitch !?

    God I can't even think straight.. I am in a daze...

    FAST FORWARD TO THIS MORNING.......................

    Ok.. next morning.. hurts.. but feels better .. I can move my arm.. still gonna go see my ortho doc.. he handled my last shoulder injury and knee injury.. and if it is messed beyond belief.. he will be the one doing surgery so I trust him.. ugh.. but hey at least it doesn't hurt as much as yesterday.. HOLY HELL WAS THAT PAIN...

    To tell ya the truth I don't know how I didn't force myself to an ER.. Probably because I frggin hate them...
    Please tell me you killed her afterwards.

  5. #85
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Dude, this thread is sooooooooo deadly. I'm proud of you. You're wife isn't jealous heh?

  6. #86
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    This is the only picture of us snapped last night...

    She did end up spending the night.. umm this is turnning weird/cool/wtf all at the same time...

    Ok let's analyze this... I am working out.. in a small private gym. Been going there for 2 years.. never seen this girl before.. then somehow she manages to trip oveer her own two feet while i have a db in the downstretch position of the DB FLYE...lands on my arm and hurts my shoulder... we exchange numbers just in case she needed to vouch that this happened.. next morning she calls to see how i am doing, repeatedly says she's sorry and says she'd like to take me out to dinner... i say NO it's ok.. she insists... i drop the IM MARRIED CARD.. she doesn't care.. still insists.. so i agree.. 12 hours after this she calls and says she would like to formally apologize to both my wife and I at our home.. I ask the wife, she says ok... (mind you she wanted to beat the shit out of this chick 24 hours prior) .. she comes over and brings a 6 pack of twisted teas and her and my wife talk and get acquainted .. *I am lucky enough to have married a woman that like to eat what I like to eat.. FEMALE* So few drinks later and they are getting loose.. and meanwhile when I was in the bathroom.. aka informing you guys of "THE SITUATION" they must have discussed the fact that they are both into females and MORE IMPORTANTLY Into each other.. So I re-join them.. and they are all giggles and smiling and I say " What?" And that's when My wife grabs her by the back of the neck and just starts making out with her, rubbing her, of course i am BLOWN AWAY by this.. after a couple of minutes of that they both stop look at each other than at me and say one word in Unison.. BEDROOM.. They jump up grab my arms and drag me to the bedroom (although there wasn't much dragging going on at this point.. WILLING PARTICIPANT !!) So it turns into a ORAL PLEASURE-FEST.. Night ends and plans are made for DINNER at Our place Last night... So she shows up again last night with LIVE LOBSTERS and Mussels.. So we eat, and apparently they had decided **Thee two had been texting each other all day** that we were going to go out ... So blah blah blah.. they get ready (No action takes place.. in fact the previous nights escapades aren't even brought up) Since I don't drink I become DD.. and they planned on getting shitfaced... So we go out HAVE A GREAT TIME.. They are drinking and dancing.. I'm of course conversating w/ the bouncers because well.. I used to be one, and I am letting them do their thing-- LAST CALL .. She says Oh wow I am drunk I am not going to be able to drive home.. is it ok if I crash at your place for the night.. ( WELL DUUUHHH Of course !!) So we get back to our place.. (Mind you while I was driving this is where they were talking about how they were gonna make my shoulder feel so much better 1 orgasm after another...) Basically driving me insane... So my wife thinks it a good Idea to get me primed and give me road head -- Im used to it.. it's quite a frequent occurance .. she does it so when we get home I am "More apt to last longer" Hey it works.. Ok.. didn't take long.. it was over in like 30 seconds.. YAH YOU GUYS WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO CONTAIN YOURSELVES EITHER W/ ALL THIS HAPPENING EITHER.. Ok fast forward.. We get Home.. and they run ahead of me because they have to Pee.. and I have to take the Dog out.. So i DO All of this.. and I walk in and immediately trip over a pile of clothes (apparently we aren't wasting any time) My Wife's in the kitchen getting a bottle of water from the fridge and Elisa is apparently using the bathroom.. and she gives me the usual stipulation.. NO Cumming inside the girl ** Blah blah already knew that but she repeats it everytime we have a Female fun-time partner ** So everything is situated.. house is locked up tight.. lights are off.. and I enter the bedroom and of course. they are wasting no time whatsoever on each other.. so I join the mix ** Enter in all sorts of sexual stuff, + positions + use your imagination ** Anyways... here's the part I have to add.. I have Elisa ON ME, Riding me and My wife straddling my head so I can please her via the tongue.. and I feel myself coming to that point.. and Elisa is straight pounding it.. I notify her.. hey I'm gonna blow.. I'm trying to hold it back and I'm screaming it at this point.. and she's like Do it baby.. do it.. do it.. and out of nowhere My wife says the One thing I have never heard her says "Go ahead hunny come all up in her p*ssy" Second she said that "BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE!!" And I mean C-4 style.. **Thank you Test + Proviron + Caber + Superman(Cialis + Viagra)** and Elisa is really working it to get every drop out of me and in her...

    So there was THAT.. You guys wanted DETAILS .. well there they are...

    So we crash and they pass out and I am just lying there thinking.. WTF !?! This is awesome and all.. BUT WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON HERE.. Why is this happening.. and WHY did my WIFE break our 1 cardinal rule... NO EJACULATION into the other woman... My head is spinning... still is.. Elisa woke up this morning and kissed us both before leaving.. Now, my wife and I usually NEVER conversate about our prior nights escapades.. FVCK EM and LEAVE EM style... but today she just won't shut up about her.. "Wasn't that amazing!?" "OMFG I can't wait til she comes over again"

    I DON'T WANT HER TO COME OVER AGAIN.. I'm DONE with it.. I did what I NEEDED to..

    Now what am I supposed to do .. what is my wife going to say if we get a call in 30 days with .. hey guys IM PREGNANT !!!

    At first I thought this was going to be a fun thing, but now I am more stressed than ever.. I hope this chick is on some form of BC..

    So I don't know.. I personally hope I don't have to see her again but odds are I WILL HAVE TO.. Ahhh..

    And just so YOU GUYS can get a full spectrum of how smoking this chick is, I ripped a few pics off of her Facebook.. haha yah I'm a dink like that...

    This is obviously her at the beach...

    and this is her just looking beautiful... so..

    Yah... i hope i didn't get too graphic.. you guys said you wanted details.. NOW YOU GOT THEM...

    Oh and BTW... The pain in my shoulder is GONE !!!

  7. #87
    CMonkey's Avatar
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    This thread rocks!!!!

  8. #88
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    I just came in my pants.

  9. #89
    (TLF) CHAMPION54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by friend View Post
    i just came in my pants.

  10. #90
    JinNtonic's Avatar
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    I fvkkin hate you lol...

  11. #91
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Thanks Jin.. I fvcking hate you too.. LOL...

    It's not like I asked for this to happen.. well ok.. maybe something of this nature has been in my prayers since I got my 1st Erection as a kid.. but..

    I think she wants a relationship... like.. Me, Her, and My Wife... She called tonight ... said she missed us.. and that if we wanted her to come over that she would be here in a second.. we said we were tired and were going to bed., She sounded sad on the phone and said "Ok, well I will be here at home if you need me.."

    This is either a Dream come true.. Or my worst Fvcking Nightmare...

    Guess we shall find out shortly...

  12. #92
    Solomon's Avatar
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    Mate what you have sounds awesome, but I agree, be very cautious about how things play out. Sounds pretty weird to me.

  13. #93
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Its like polygamy, there is nothing wrong with it - it is simply a lifestyle you either accept or not.
    It sounds like fun, which it is, but it also sounds like a certain degree of logic wasn't working in your head. You pull the fvck out regardless of what they are screaming, you are rolling the baby dice is that a game you wanna really play?
    Whatever you do its still a lifestyle, think about it though, don't feel like you don't have a choice just cause you got a dick.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 01-10-2010 at 03:19 AM.

  14. #94
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    this si ****ing awesome. man ur living my dream, your so lucky. get them to cum swap next time. and this thread is worthless without naked pics

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Its like polygamy, there is nothing wrong with it - it is simply a lifestyle you either accept or not.
    It sounds like fun, which it is, but it also sounds like a certain degree of logic wasn't working in your head. You pull the fvck out regardless of what they are screaming, you are rolling the baby dice is that a game you wanna really play?
    Whatever you do its still a lifestyle, think about it though, don't feel like you don't have a choice just cause you got a dick.
    Now, Rules of Polygamy (other than it being legal) isn't standard that the MAN, just has many partners and the women involved in the polygamous relationship stick solely to the man who has like 4-5 different women??

    I will agree it is fun.. logic wasn't there bro.. but come on give me some credit here. I really wasn't able to do that much thinking in those split seconds.. It just fels so damn good !! I am pretty sure I can't get anyone knocked up.. my sperm is down 2million (from 22million/ml) before I start AAS. And it's so low they have sent us to ferility doc's to try and get prego.. so I think I am safe on that aspect.. if I haave been blowing it in my wife damn near every night for the past 18 monts and NO BABY.. I think I am good to go on that aspect.. Yes.. YOU NEVER EVER KNOW... But I am trying to not freak out about it.

    SAD AS IT IS TO SAY.. THIS CHICK HAS A BETTER FEELING ***** TO ME, No I would NEVER tell my wife that .. but I enjoy having my dick in her so much more than my wife.. YES I LOVE MY WIFE DEARLY and would NEVER leave her for any other Woman on this planet (w/ the exception of Jaime Eason, Jodie Minear, and Oliya Michaela -- all 3 are Ifbb female figure BB-er's) but I mean how do I ever tell her that Elisa's ***** is better than hers? Cuz BY GOD IT IS.. I am dreaming about it now.. bouncin' up and down on me again.. Yah.. she's coming over again tonight... but not staying long **HAHA WE SHALL SEE ABOUT THAT !!**

    But I think I am going too ride this out for awhile.. see what happens... I don't mind having an extra chick around the house.. and if Polygamy is in my wife's head and that means when she is gone doing something and I need to be serviced and Elisa wants to be the mechanic .. well then by all means, if I GOT PERMISSION Thats not cheating.. lol... right???

    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    this si ****ing awesome. man ur living my dream, your so lucky. get them to cum swap next time. and this thread is worthless without naked pics

    Working on the Pic angle.. NO THERE AREN'T ANY GOING UP OF MY WIFE.. Sorry bro's.. tthat's MINE.. but if you happen to see this lovely lady.. by all means just absolutely destoy her.. TRUST ME.. She can take ONE HELL OF A POUNDING.. I pulled out all stops.. I literally Hate Fcked her for what she did to my arm.. and she kept saying "HARDER HARDER HARDER COME ON YOU BIG MAN, STOP BEING A PANSY AND BEAT MY ***** UP .. FVCK ME LIKE YOU HATE ME !!!"

    So anyways I am goinna try to get her to either A) POSE NAKED... or B) Hide it somehow and snap pictures .. snap snap snap..

    I'm working on it guys.. don't give up hope yet.. and when I do get them.. i will edit them to make appropriate SITE material.

  16. #96
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    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  17. #97
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    LOL.. Thanks Haz... that last one isn't so funny though.. HAHAHAHAHAHA... Praying for a negative on that one..

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