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  1. #41
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    kiss and make up the lot of you.

  2. #42
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    did u even read what u posted. we are talking about being outside in a public place, we are talking about someone walking by smokers..

    u post shit about indoors....indoors....dammit man we arent talking about that..

    and the snapper head who started this thread called me the "board pot head"
    dont hold your hits so long man...this thread IS about indoors/outdoors/etc/etc....

    and your ignorance shows when you continue to use name calling rather than making your point....oh yeh you lost respect already so its all you got...

    heres a perfect good bye for YOU..


  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    dont hold your hits so long man...this thread IS about indoors/outdoors/etc/etc....

    and your ignorance shows when you continue to use name calling rather than making your point....oh yeh you lost respect already so its all you got...

    heres a perfect good bye for YOU..

    the thread was about indoors, no shit.

    the other guy was talking about outdoor malls and beaches and smokers staying in desiginated areas...then posted shit about indoors.
    hellen keller could figure out he was lost.....
    the difference between you and i is that im real about shit, u pretend and blame others...i insult, u insult, its in different ways but u think ur way is above mine....thats ignorant..

    heres is a perfect goodbye to you

  4. #44
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    the thread was about indoors, no shit.

    the other guy was talking about outdoor malls and beaches and smokers staying in desiginated areas...then posted shit about indoors.
    hellen keller could figure out he was lost.....
    the difference between you and i is that im real about shit, u pretend and blame others...i insult, u insult, its in different ways but u think ur way is above mine....thats ignorant..

    heres is a perfect goodbye to you
    LOL...i laughed at yours...did you laugh at PEACE

  5. #45
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    im "the board pot head" im always laughing......

  6. #46
    JasonT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    did u even read what u posted. we are talking about being outside in a public place, we are talking about someone walking by smokers..

    u post shit about indoors....indoors....dammit man we arent talking about that..

    and the snapper head who started this thread called me the "board pot head"
    Fair main point was that there is no safe level of second hand smoke. If you want an outdoor secondhand smoke study, here's one...

    "Our main finding is that air pollution from outdoor tobacco smoke can be quite high near active smokers. The average levels can be comparable to those measured _indoors_ when people smoke. When one is within a few feet of an outdoor smoker and downwind, the levels are highest. An important finding was that a person near an outdoor smoker could breathe in wisps of smoke that could be 10s or 100s of times more concentrated than normal background air pollution levels."

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Dude!!!! LOL stop believing all the media hype already. LOL God if you believe all those studies and what you read instead of using common sense and opening your eyes and looking around you then you had better stay away from AAS also. I can find you some horrendous studies that show it's 1000x worse than smoking or most any drug for that matter. LOL
    some of it might be hype bro, but a lot of it is true. you can't believe that there is zero harm. there is harm, the question is how much and is that level of harm acceptable for yourself.

    I used to smoke myself (pot/cigs), I quit after having kids for fear of their health and to be a better role model. Even if you don't smoke around them, the particles that stay on your clothes can get in their lungs when you hold them.

    I have no problem exposing myself to harm (i.e. smoke or AAS), but I definitely wouldn't want that for one of my loved ones.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    Fair main point was that there is no safe level of second hand smoke. If you want an outdoor secondhand smoke study, here's one...

    "Our main finding is that air pollution from outdoor tobacco smoke can be quite high near active smokers. The average levels can be comparable to those measured _indoors_ when people smoke. When one is within a few feet of an outdoor smoker and downwind, the levels are highest. An important finding was that a person near an outdoor smoker could breathe in wisps of smoke that could be 10s or 100s of times more concentrated than normal background air pollution levels."

    some of it might be hype bro, but a lot of it is true. you can't believe that there is zero harm. there is harm, the question is how much and is that level of harm acceptable for yourself.

    I used to smoke myself (pot/cigs), I quit after having kids for fear of their health and to be a better role model. Even if you don't smoke around them, the particles that stay on your clothes can get in their lungs when you hold them.

    I have no problem exposing myself to harm (i.e. smoke or AAS), but I definitely wouldn't want that for one of my loved ones.
    the sudy on outdoor smoke was a joke. there is no way u can read that and think it is worthy of anything.
    your reaching with that one...

    now to the particles part and such....
    ur kids cant live in a bubble, what happens if semi-truck or a tar truck is near by, do u hide them from that?
    there are levels my man, and u are taking it to the ridiculous level....

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    Fair main point was that there is no safe level of second hand smoke. If you want an outdoor secondhand smoke study, here's one...

    C'mon man, those are propaganda studies by people on a crusade.
    Yes second hand smoke is bad. I've seen the studies.
    But your kids aren't going up in a house where their parents are smoking. And good for you for quitting, you do your kids a great service, not only in the smoke you aren't exposing them also greatly reduces the chances they will pick up the habit.

    No, I don't have kids, and I understand you love them and would do anything for them. But sometimes people take that to the level of being irrational.

    Yeah, the concentration of pollution might be high when the wind is blowing just right durring a rainbow and after a butterfly flaps it's wings. But for the most part the smoke is pretty diluited and your exposure is not long at all.

    We've moved smokers outside, and I feel that's far enough to take things. Kids shouldn't be in a casino anyway.

    You're going to spend all your effort being pissed at people who are enjoying a cig that likely isn't hurting your kids. Instead of that, focus on the important things. Educate them on the risks of smoking, so they don't make the same choices you did. Make sure they don't grow up to be pot smokers. Teach them how to ride their bike safely so they don't get hit by a car, help them with their homework. Any of those things is a hell of a lot more productive for the health and well being of your kids then thinking about what someone else is doing and how they're fvcking with your universe.

    Someday, I'm sure I'll understand how you feel though if I have kids, emotion and logic are polar opposites.

  9. #49
    ray0414's Avatar
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    a girl in michigan died a few years ago because the 2nd hand smoke sent her into a severe asmtha attack.Dont give me no crap about she shouldnt have been there and what not, why should she have to stay home and not go out and have fun with her friends just because other people smoke? I dont go to casinos for 2 reasons, 1 is i dont like to lose money, 2 is way too much smoke.too many old people lighting up one after one and its pretty nasty in there and my contacts get gross after being in it. if there was no smoking i MAY go once in a while with friends or something. Here in michigan they passed a smoking ban that goes into effect may 1st. no smoking anywhere public excep the casino gaming floors, because detroit is already in financial shambles and they couldnt risk people going to indian casinos and making the detroit casinos lose money.however the casinos across the river in canada are smoke free becuase all of ontario became smoke free a few years back and it is definitely nice walking into a clean bar or restaraunt. those places smell brand new and not all nasty.i currently choose not to go to bars casue of smoke, which for me is a drag cause i want to but it makes me sick. so come may 1st ill start going out more.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    the sudy on outdoor smoke was a joke. there is no way u can read that and think it is worthy of anything.
    your reaching with that one...

    now to the particles part and such....
    ur kids cant live in a bubble, what happens if semi-truck or a tar truck is near by, do u hide them from that?
    there are levels my man, and u are taking it to the ridiculous level....
    I wouldn't call that a ridiculous level. You obviously can't hide them from everything, but you do what's in your power.

  11. #51
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    i smoke when im drinking alchol and never when im sober......i was all up for the smoking ban in my area and so were most of my smoking friends.......the only place you can smoke now is your own thing to happen in my opinion.

  12. #52
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    these threads always end up this way....

    no point really....we are all entitled to our own view.
    and i understand some smokers are jerkoffs and have no respect, the same as some non-smokers are jerkoffs..

    so i guess i will agree to disagree with 99% of u.

    except for tough guy rex, dont smoke around him or he will knock u out....cause he is a internet tough guy....

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    these threads always end up this way....

    no point really....we are all entitled to our own view.
    and i understand some smokers are jerkoffs and have no respect, the same as some non-smokers are jerkoffs..

    so i guess i will agree to disagree with 99% of u.

    except for tough guy rex, dont smoke around him or he will knock u out....cause he is a internet tough guy....
    I guess the reason I'm sensitive to jerkoffs is because when I smoked, I made it a point to go off to the side or make sure to blow up and out of the way of people's paths. But I notice that 9/10 of my friends wouldn't care. I subconsciously expect others to share the same consideration, but that's asking too much.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by ray0414 View Post
    a girl in michigan died a few years ago because the 2nd hand smoke sent her into a severe asmtha attack..
    the woman had asthma since age 2. Her asthma was poorly controlled. She had made four visits to her doctor in the year before her death for flare-ups, and had been treated in a hospital emergency department two to three times that year.

    Although she had prescriptions for an assortment of drugs to prevent and treat asthma attacks, she was reported to only use them when she was having breathing difficulty.

    On the evening of her death, she had no inhaler with her. When she became sick, she told the bar manager she needed to go to the hospital, then collapsed on the dance floor.

    Unlike most people with asthma, this stupid girl chose to work in a smoky bar. Genius, eh?

    father was quoted as stating she was having difficulty breathing even before arriving at work.

    this scare-mongering “news” item is simply agenda-driven propaganda—plain and simple. And, like you said a smoking ban goes into effect soon...not too long after this horrible smoking related death.

    That being said, cigarettes belong outside unless it's your house or car.
    If people are smoking outside and you feel the need to complain about it, that's just going too damn far.
    Last edited by Kratos; 03-23-2010 at 10:55 AM.

  15. #55
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    for some it is asking to much, which is sad...
    i always stay off to the side, and if kids are there, forget about it....

    but even staying to the side ,jerkoffs make their anti smoking comments...
    sounds like ur friends are jerkoffs.....

  16. #56
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    I believe the laws will continue to pass that will further make any and all public indoor or outdoor venue smoke free

  17. #57
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    i believe and hope you are regards to outdoor...
    im in favor of indoor.....

  18. #58
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    Nothing like having a grown up conversation huh guys? haha.

    This thread is being pulled in so many different directions.

    To the OP - your fine... 10 hours is nothing. My problem with second hand smoke is not with the hazard of smoking, but how destructive cigarette smoke is to property. When I was younger and I had my bike and $500 helmet in my parents garage my mother would smoke there. The amount of tar caked on my helmet and bike body was horrendous after 4 or 5 days. Whether or not second hand smoke is bad for you, I believe that it should take place outside just to save peoples personal belongings. My .02

  19. #59
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Nothing like having a grown up conversation huh guys? haha.

    This thread is being pulled in so many different directions.

    To the OP - your fine... 10 hours is nothing. My problem with second hand smoke is not with the hazard of smoking, but how destructive cigarette smoke is to property. When I was younger and I had my bike and $500 helmet in my parents garage my mother would smoke there. The amount of tar caked on my helmet and bike body was horrendous after 4 or 5 days. Whether or not second hand smoke is bad for you, I believe that it should take place outside just to save peoples personal belongings. My .02
    interesting post...
    and definately NOW in a diff
    i sure value my health and organs way more than any personal property DO have a point

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    interesting post...
    and definately NOW in a diff
    i sure value my health and organs way more than any personal property DO have a point
    I do as well but it would have to be chronic for you to experience anything. But smoking indoors really hurts the aesthetics of the environment. Walls are dingy, the place smells, and its overall less appealing compared to a smoke free establishment.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    it would have to be chronic for you to experience anything.
    nothing but the chronic

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    nothing but the chronic
    That definitely caught me off guard. I actually laughed out loud.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I do as well but it would have to be chronic for you to experience anything. But smoking indoors really hurts the aesthetics of the environment. Walls are dingy, the place smells, and its overall less appealing compared to a smoke free establishment.
    interesting...are you going by opinion or have you read studies that infrequent but fairly heavy exposure is harmless...cuz I felt God awful

  24. #64
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    ur still crying............

    j/k man, relax a bit......

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    interesting...are you going by opinion or have you read studies that infrequent but fairly heavy exposure is harmless...cuz I felt God awful
    Studies - You can check out and look around. Permanent damage from second hand smoke would take years. Now being intoxicated from it is another story. You can get sick from concentrated second hand smoke. One of the more popular propaganda pieces a decade or 2 ago against second hand smoke was the attribution of bronchitis to younger and non smoking family members in the house hold.

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    these threads always end up this way....

    no point really....we are all entitled to our own view.
    and i understand some smokers are jerkoffs and have no respect, the same as some non-smokers are jerkoffs..

    so i guess i will agree to disagree with 99% of u.

    except for tough guy rex, dont smoke around him or he will knock u out....cause he is a internet tough guy....
    Don't blow your smoke at me intentionally cause yeah, I'll make sure you ain't a disrespectful smoker to anybody else.

    Where I'm from, I'm not the only one who would do that to you. You're just lucky you haven't blown your smoke on purpose to the wrong guy's face yet.

  27. #67
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    enough with ur tough guy shit.....

    where im from, we take little girls like u and put ur ass on craigslist and have u earning for us.....

    what is wrong with you, i cleary said im respectfu with my smoke this whole thread, i said if someone cries about it, then i blow it in their face...
    Point, cry like a bitch, and us boys down south will treat u like a bitch....

    now can we move on man, ur tough, im tough we just dont agree.....
    Last edited by Mooseman33; 03-23-2010 at 03:23 PM.

  28. #68
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    Snoop Dogg spends half his day in second hand smoke and he seems ok

  29. #69
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    fo shizzle

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    That definitely caught me off guard. I actually laughed out loud.

  31. #71
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    A lot of internet tough guys in here it would seem.

    Regardless here in the Washington DC metropolitan area they've passed laws banning smoking from inside bars / restaurants unless there is a designated area with its own separate ventilation system (not very common).

    And I will say its awesome.

  32. #72
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    i agree, here in florida u cant smoke anywhere inside..and i like it.
    but when u cant smoke on a beach or in the street, thats an issue i have...
    it comes down to respect, some have it and they are not the problem.
    the bad apples make all of us smokers look bad.

    and it goes the same for non smokers...

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i agree, here in florida u cant smoke anywhere inside..and i like it.
    but when u cant smoke on a beach or in the street, thats an issue i have...
    it comes down to respect, some have it and they are not the problem.
    the bad apples make all of us smokers look bad.

    and it goes the same for non smokers...
    but smoking is bad for you mooseman

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Don't blow your smoke at me intentionally cause yeah, I'll make sure you ain't a disrespectful smoker to anybody else.

    Where I'm from, I'm not the only one who would do that to you. You're just lucky you haven't blown your smoke on purpose to the wrong guy's face yet.
    I smoked for years and stopped but I have never seeing our meet a smoker that would blow smoke intentionally in to your face I have never seen so many guys flex there pecs at the same time theres to much test in this thread you could get some great muscle gains in here

  35. #75
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33;511***0
    ur still crying............

    j/k man, relax a bit......
    LOL...i was wondering wut you would be thinking when i wrote that...

    am relaxed smoke in my home

    later midnite toker

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    but smoking is bad for you mooseman
    so are steroids ....

    and dont forget, im "the board pot head".....

    these threads always get stated, way to much ego/test in here, you guys need to relax.....
    j/k, i know im part to blame as well....

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    so are steroids ....

    and dont forget, im "the board pot head".....

    these threads always get stated, way to much ego/test in here, you guys need to relax.....
    j/k, i know im part to blame as well....
    how long you been blazing?

  38. #78
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    my internet cock is the size of a horse...beat that!!!

  39. #79
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    Where I am from you can smoke in a bar but not in a restaurant. I am a non smoker and hate smoking with a passion mainly because of the smell. I understand people worrying about there kids health but your kid probably shouldn't be in a casino or bar to began with. Outside I see no problem with a smoker being able to smoke you can A)walk around it with your family if you're that worried, or B) Walk through it with no harm done besides a foul smell.

    I would think people would worry about other more pertinent health concerns like child hood obesity, sti's, etc. Not that brief few seconds your child is exposed to second hand smoke.

  40. #80
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    I don't understand what this threads about.

    All I see is a select few bitches whining like little babies about second hand smoke being "dangerous".

    Second hand smoke is not dangerous (for the avg citizen with a brain).
    If you're gonna go to a club/bar that allows it first, then complain later, you are a fvckn retard pure and simple.
    Thats like going to a strip bar and complaining about the nudity.

    So the topic of indoor smoking seems pretty simple to me. Some places allow it, other places dont, if you don't like it don't go to places that allow it, if you like it, go to places that allow it. That simple.
    The ONLY situation that would ever concern me is parents smoking in the house around their children, children can't choose so thats the ONLY situation you could ever get me to agree on.

    As far as ANY TYPE of outdoor second hand smoke, if you think thats "dangerous", you are the BIGGEST PVSSY in the world.
    I can't believe how tough the OP was trying to sound at 1 point.. yet he's bitching about how "dangerous" second hand smoke is... uh.. wtf.

    It is the LEAST DANGEROUS thing in the whole entire fvcking world.

    What URKS ME the most about this worthless thread is this:

    How often do you drive? About 200,000 times more dangerous
    Go to work? About 40 thousand times more dangerous
    Work out? About 5 million times more dangerous
    Swim in the ocean? About 1000 times more dangerous
    Eat your food fast? About 10,000 times more dangerous
    Speed? About 100 million times more dangerous
    Not wear a seat belt? About 4 million times more dangerous
    Drink ALCOHOL? OMG alcohol is about 5 trillion times more dangerous
    BBQ? About 5 thousand times more dangerous
    Take acetamophen? 500 thousand times more dangerous
    Swim in a pool? about 5 billion times more dangerous
    Fish? Most dangerous sport in the world believe it or not, about 3 catrillion times more dangerous.
    Steroids ? About 600 thousand times more dangerous

    It is undeniable that the original poster, and everyone who agreed with him, does a fair majority of the crap above and much much more. What is sad about this thread, realistically speaking, is the fact that there about about 1 million things that are SO MUCH more worthy of being scared of. But the OP seems to have picked one of the least dangerous things he could have possibly thought of.
    And what is truely truely pathetic is the obvious reason he picked cigarettes to blame, its the ONLY THING he doesn't voluntarily do already. Of course he's not gonna make a thread about the dangers of talking on a cell phone while driving, or fishing, all he wants to do is cry about something, so he picks second hand smoke, something less dangerous than masturbation.

    IMHO moose was more than justified taking the stance he did.
    For godssake this idiot is complaining about a place he voluntarily chose to STAY FOR 10 HOURS!!! He could have left after 5mins if it REALLY bothered him, which he obviously fvckn didn't.
    He is an effiminized dramaqueen with nothing better to do with his time. They are trying to ban smoking on beaches cause of little sissified babies like this. Its fvckn ridiculous and I don't even smoke.
    I have no idea what faulty ass science was able to even hint at danger in an outside setting, but if you are dumb enough to believe that you are dumb enough to believe scientology is a real religion, and you are dumb enough to believe in santa claus.

    Second hand smoke is not worth complaining about unless you are retarded, I'm sorry, but thats the most relevant fact in this entire thread.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-24-2010 at 01:35 AM.

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